Hearts and Bruises (Hearts Series Book 1)

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Hearts and Bruises (Hearts Series Book 1) Page 17

by A. M. Brooks

  “You going to be okay?” he asked, leaning closer to me, keeping his voice quiet. I nod even though I’m not really sure. “Okay,” he said uncertainly, still looking at me.

  “Thanks for walking with me,” I told him as I try to give him my best smile. Without a word, he smiled back then walked off to his class. I took a deep breath, before finding my seat and quickly pulling out my phone to shoot a text back to Lily. She hadn’t shown up for class yet.

  Me: It’s fixed isn’t it?

  I type even though I know the answer. No pranks, no name calling, I remembered now there was no graffiti on my locker, no videos were plastered on social media even though phones had been tracking my every move the minute I walked out of that locker room. Darrian had shown up at my house after school and kissed me. I should have known then he did something. From the look in his eyes today, he had waited for me to approach him, but I had used Trent as a buffer. My stomach fluttered again. I felt my phone vibrate in my hand just as the bell rang. Before the teacher started roll call, I quickly looked down to see what Lily had replied.

  Darrian: We need to talk.

  Shutting my phone off, I quickly shoved it into the pocket of my hoodie as if it burned me. Heat crept up my neck to my face. I know what he wanted, and I didn’t know if I could go down that path again. Darrian’s push and pull was exhausting and emotionally draining. My traitorous heart hammered in my chest wanting to know so badly what he had to say. The kiss from yesterday was seared into my brain. Regardless of how we got there, it had been hot. Despite the fact I didn’t ask for it, my lips burned just thinking about it.

  The rest of the day I did the best thing I could think of and left my phone off. I moved from class to class, kept my head down and eyes averted. By lunch, I felt panicked knowing Darrian would be there. The goal was to grab some food and wedge myself between Olivia and Trent where no one would approach me. As I entered the sitting area my stomach dropped. Our table was empty. I was the first one there. I ignored the back corner where Darrian and the crew normally sat. After grabbing as little food as possible, I rushed to my table and sat down, peeled my orange, and prayed everyone else showed up soon. The tingles started again, I heard a chair as it scraped backward, and the noise around me quieted to a low murmur. Before I looked up to confirm what I knew was happening, I was being plucked off my seat. My chest collided with Darrian’s solid one as a small squeak fell from my mouth at the contact. Without a word, Darrian carried me bridal style across the lunchroom. Everyone watched, my face started to hurt from blushing so hard. Instead of sitting me down in my own chair, Darrian sat down with me on his lap, my legs draped over his.

  “Right this way.” Ethan appeared as he ushered Olivia, Shea, and Trent over to the table as well. One look at Olivia’s face and I could tell she felt this was like being in an episode of the Twilight Zone. Shea was oblivious and totally star struck by Ethan’s smile. Trent and I locked eyes as they sat down. His were questioning. My own were probably just as confused. His attention was at least partially averted when one of Mikayla’s usual friends sat down next to him and started flirting with him.

  “Babe,” Darrian whispered to get my attention, I leaned my head back to look at him. Again, his eyes were clear as they studied mine. Curious, I started to ask him if he was clean but was stopped when his hands cupped my face, bringing our lips together in front of the entire room. There was a difference in the way his mouth moved against mine today than there had been yesterday. Yesterday he was asking for forgiveness, today he was reclaiming me and making it known to everyone he was the only one in control of me. When he pulled away, I knew my face would be flushed and my lips swollen. His eyes flashed with something close to remorse as we just stared at each other. I couldn’t take the way he looked through me. Instead, I turned to the others at the table catching onto the conversation about tonight’s championship game.

  “I’ll probably go,” Olivia said before looking at me.

  “Are you going, Nora?” Hannah turned the attention to me again. I felt Darrian’s hand tighten at my waist.

  “Going to try to,” I answered, keeping it vague. Truthfully, I hadn’t wanted to go. I had planned to avoid the gym and anywhere else Darrian was going to be today until this lunch incident happened. We still hadn’t talked, but his possessive grip on my waist told me he wanted me at the game.

  “That would be awesome if you are,” Hannah replied, giving me one of her sweetest smiles. I bit back the retort that was on the tip of my tongue. True, Hannah was in a tough spot with her parents, and I understood not wanting to be at the bottom of the barrel, but I couldn’t forget the times I had seen her touching Darrian and knowing that she had been making plays for him. I forced myself to smile not answering her.

  Neither Darrian or I said anything the rest of the lunch period, he kept one hand on my waist anchoring me to him, the other lazily drew circles on my leg trying to calm me. It didn’t work. I was very aware of the glances my friends kept sneaking at me. Despite the chatter around us, I knew people were waiting for a showdown. I was anxious to get out of there, I even contemplated skipping the rest of the day right after lunch. The only thing stopping me was knowing I was presenting my project in History today and after last semester I didn’t want to disappoint Mr. Brusk again.

  When the bell finally rang, Darrian and I stood up at once. Before I could bolt, he looped his fingers with mine and pulled me to his side. I watched fascinated as he picked up my lunch tray to throw away for me. Again, I caught Olivia’s gaze, her brow raised, as Darrian pulled me out of the cafeteria. My heart beat faster as we headed toward the gym. My feet dragged, and I pulled back.

  “You okay?” Darrian stopped and turned me to face him. My anxiety was suddenly back as the familiar nauseous feeling rolled through me.

  “I just...” I looked at the locker room door feeling panicked.

  “Come with me,” Darrian said, giving my arm a tug.

  “Don’t you have class?” I asked.

  “Just shop. Believe me, Mr. Anderson won’t care if I’m there or not,” he replied.

  I looked down studying my shoes. The urge to skip gym was winning. “I have to be back for last hour though,” my voice sounded like a whisper as people passed around us in the hall.

  “You will be,” he said. I followed Darrian as we cut out the side door and across campus to the music hall. The wing was practically deserted, a few students practiced in rooms, their music echoed off the walls. At the end of the hall, Darrian held the door open for me, I squeezed past him into the empty space. Rows of empty chairs greeted me, music stands were pushed off to the side. Ready to get the next part over with, I turned to face Darrian to find he was already watching me with a predatory gleam in his eye. Slowly he pushed himself away from the door and stalked toward me. Even being mad at him I couldn’t help but appreciate how beautiful he was. I knew I looked like shit after tossing and turning all night, but he looked impressive in his home jersey and relaxed jeans. I hated that I was still attracted to him. When we finally stood toe-to-toe, the room felt too small. He stood there just watching me, waiting for me to speak.

  “How did you do it?” I asked the question I had been dying to know all day.

  He smiled. “I threatened everyone if they didn’t delete it, I’d find out. If it was posted anywhere, I’d find that person and make them pay.”

  I took in a shaky breath. “Why?”

  He shrugged. “Lots of reasons.”

  I waited for him to continue. “That’s not good enough,” I said, shaking my head ready to sidestep around him. He stepped with me, keeping me caged where I was.

  “I hadn’t used all week. Things were feeling clearer in my head. I knew I fucked up with you again at the dance and I wasn’t going to just let it go. I was going to stop all of them anyway, but then all this shit happened. Nora, when I saw you and saw what was happening, I reacted.” For the first time since we walked into the room Darrian couldn’t look at me. Hi
s head lowered, his hand rubbing the back of his neck like always when he’s uncomfortable. “I don’t mean for everyone to follow my lead all the time. Sometimes I never even notice because I’m so caught up in my own head. I never wanted you to be hurt in that way or to be on display so...” His voice trails off, his hand motioning up and down.

  “Naked,” I supplied for him.

  “Yeah,” he answered, looking down again.

  I shook my head. His explanation only gave me half of what I want and what I really need. “You may not intend for everyone to follow your lead Darrian, but that’s what happens. I’m always the one hurt from our interactions. This time was just the icing on the cake of all the other times.”

  He stepped toward me again and I couldn’t help but step back. If he touched me, I’d give up and everything would be over. A small smirk formed on his lips like he could read my thoughts. Darrian stepped closer again before I could react, both hands wrapped around my lower back.

  “I can’t change what happened, but I can make sure it stops. That was too far and believe me they’ve been dealt with.”

  “Who?” I asked, curious as to who had thought up that plan.

  He shakes his head. “Let me handle it. It won’t happen again, I promise.”

  “Why should I believe you?” I wanted to laugh in his face.

  “I won’t lie to you, remember?” he reminded me, pulling my body a little closer to his. I tried to shuffle back a little to put space between us, but his arms are locked tight.

  “I can’t do the drug thing anymore,” I told him quietly. His body tensed at my words.

  Three heartbeats pass before I hear an, “Okay,” from his lips.

  I laid my head against his chest and squeezed my eyes shut letting him hold me together. He may be sober now, but he didn’t say he wouldn’t do drugs anymore. The longer he holds me, the easier I breathe again. I can feel my muscles getting gooey and the tension leaves them. He’s so wrong for me, as proved time and time again, but everything feels right when we’re like this. Just the two of us with our truths.

  “Will you go to the game tonight?” he asked, pulling back to look down at me.

  I studied his face, looking for signs of trouble but all I see is the real Darrian. Grey eyes clear against his dark skin, his lip rolling that ring while he waits for my answer. I nodded and watch a small smile tug at the corner of his lips as he dropped one hand from my waist to reach into his back pocket.

  “Will you wear this?” He pulled his white alternate jersey from behind him. I hadn’t even noticed he was carrying it. My voice catches as I take in the implication of wearing his jersey to the game. Clear ownership. A sign of ‘don’t fuck with her’ would be plastered on my back. It would also cause quite a few sneers from the girls who are still hopeful. Carefully I took the material from him, my vision blurred a little, despite having promised myself I wouldn’t cry.

  “Nora,” I heard him say at the same time a small sob escaped my lips. He cupped my face with his hands and turned me to face him. His face is swimming in front of me, before sweeping his thumbs across my cheeks taking the tears away with them. “Everything is okay,” he whispered to me before placing soft kisses against my lips. I can only nod as my body shuddered. He pulled me in, holding me tight. “It won’t happen again,” his voice repeated over and over again until I start to believe him.

  We stayed that way until the bell rang. As promised, Darrian walked me to my history class after stopping at my locker. In the hall, we passed Hannah who waved and smiled at me. I gave her a small wave back before I heard Darrian practically growl next to me.

  “What?” I asked, watching him closely.

  “Nothing.” He shook his head. “You have shitty taste in people sometimes.”

  “Really?” I asked, looking at him pointedly.

  “Forget I said anything.” He shrugged.

  “Trust me I know how Hannah works,” I told him. He nods but doesn’t say anything. After giving me a kiss on the cheek at the door to my classroom, he leaves before I head in. It’s then I noticed I’m still carrying his jersey. Feeling weird about it I tucked it underneath my desk across my lap before fishing out my phone to text Lily quick.

  Lily: (8:58am) I’m sick, won’t be in. ☹

  Lily: (10:00am) OMG! I heard he threatened the entire school about what happened. Taylor was freaking out!!!

  Lily: (10:01am) Girl he’s coming for you.

  Lily: (12:30pm) You better text me about lunch! I had to hear about it from Olivia. Did he really carry you over to their table and kiss you in front of everyone???

  Lily: (1:00pm) I hate you. I’m sick and you’re depriving me of your drama. I need the drama.

  Lily: (1:15pm) That’s it. I’m going straight to your house when you get home. I’m going to lick your face and you’ll be as sick as me.

  Smiling I quickly shot her a text back.

  Me: Sorry, I had my phone off. Too much has happened to text. Call you later? Feel better. PS I’m going to the game tonight...

  I powered off the phone again before she could respond. After the final bell, I didn’t see Darrian or any of the guys in the hallways and assumed they were getting ready for the game. Feeling better than I had in weeks I made it to the bus on time and headed for home. I needed some time alone to mentally prepare for the evening. As promised, I called Lily to fill her in.

  I felt the stares and caught a few of the whispers the minute I walked into the gym. Olivia and Trent flanked me, but that didn’t stop the blush in my cheeks because I knew what everyone was thinking...Darrian King gave his jersey to Nora Sutton?

  “I feel like a model on the catwalk,” Trent laughed, causing me to do the same. I slapped him playfully in the side.

  “You would,” Olivia said laughing as well. After talking to Lily, I decided I needed my friends tonight if I was going to go through with this. Trent had absolutely no questions about attending the game or about my status with Darrian. Like always, Trent was a go with the flow guy and great friend. Olivia, on the other hand, needed a rundown of everything that happened, but still agreed to go tonight. She even volunteered to drive since my dad was still at the office.

  Ignoring everyone else, we somehow found three seats together at the back of the bleachers. According to Trent, the place was packed, even more full than the game last night. Since we were students, we had been able to bypass the line out front that was curved down to the parking lot. The whole town was here for the game.

  “Look,” Olivia said, pointing to the couple behind the bench. “That’s Darrian’s parents.”

  I finally caught a glimpse of the couple after raising up on my tiptoes. The man was close shaven like Darrian, tall and well built in his suit still from his work day. The profile of his face was much like Darrian’s except the man’s eyes appeared to be dark brown almost black in color. I slid my gaze over to the woman who was talking to another lady next to her. His mom’s shoulder-length hair was black, her face pale, and eyes blue. Both of them radiated power and wealth. Two other men next to Mr. King caught my attention as well, both were wearing polos with college logos on the front. Scouts.

  “Yikes.” I pointed them out to Olivia who agreed. I crossed my fingers and silently said a little prayer for Darrian. By the time the teams finished warm-ups the crowd was deafening. No one could hear the announcer except for the players as they took their starting positions. Only once did Darrian make eye contact with me. He smiled and shook his jersey at me, clearly he approved that I wore the one he gave me. I smiled like a fool because I made him happy.

  The winning shot happens three hours later ending the most exciting game in Araminta history, according to Trent. Ravens won the state championship. The crowd rushed the floor around the players, lifting them, congratulating them. By the time we get down as far as we can, my hands have started to hurt from clapping and I’m sure my voice will be hoarse from all the cheering. Olivia and I had shouted every chant and cheer, feeding o
ff the energy from the crowd. I could tell the players had felt the same way. I saw Darrian as he shook hands with his father and hugged his mother. He held the state trophy in his other hand while someone took a picture. I smiled again, happy for him, knowing how much this had meant to him and how good it was for his dream to play professional ball. He handed the trophy off to another player before his gaze found mine. Another grin broke across his face as he made his way up the bleachers to us. People he passed slapped his back and called their congratulations, but he never took his eyes off me.

  “We’ll see you at the car,” Olivia said, pushing Trent down the stairs with the exiting crowd.

  “Okay,” I answered, still watching Darrian approach.

  When he finally reached me, I was swept up in his arms, locking my legs at his waist. I could feel his hands fisting the jersey material at my back as his mouth attacked mine. A few whistles had him pulling back laughing. His grin was infectious.

  “That was awesome,” I told him, leaning my forehead against his, not caring about the sweat beaded on his hairline.

  “I can’t tell you how much having you here meant to me,” he said low enough so that only I could hear.

  “I’m so proud of you, Darr,” I told him while running my hand down his face. His eyes shined mischievously. He wanted to kiss me, but there was definitely an audience. Slowly he let me back down to the ground before grabbing my hand and pulling me after him down the bleachers.

  “Son,” a deep voice greeted us before we could make a beeline for the doors. His father and mother approached, Mr. King looked only at Darrian, but I noticed Mrs. King stared at our entwined hands.

  “Don’t forget dinner when you get home,” his father reminded him. He still had not acknowledged my presence.

  “Who’s your friend dear?” his mother asked while leaning in to kiss his cheek.


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