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The Halo Series Boxed Set

Page 32

by Kimberly Knight

  He threw his pants in our pile of clothes and we stood there naked, looking at each other for a few seconds before we both took a step forward and connected our lips again. Avery’s erection poked me in my center before he picked me up, my legs wrapping around his waist.

  He stepped forward, carrying me to the foot of one of the twin beds. “I had an idea to push the beds together, but I don’t think we have time.”

  “That’s okay,” I said, kissing along his neck as he placed me down.

  He returned his mouth to mine, his fingers running along my smooth skin from my chest to my pussy. I spread my legs a little, giving him room to insert a finger, moaning into his mouth at the contact. Avery pumped his finger in and out, then added another as he sucked on my nipple. I loved the feel of Avery’s fingers in me and when his palm brushed my clit, my back arched and I moaned again.

  “You like that?” he whispered and I shivered as his hot breath tickled my skin.

  “Yeah,” I panted.

  He worked his way down my chest, licking a path and not stopping until his mouth was on my pussy. I’d thought his lips were made for me to kiss, but I was wrong. His mouth was made to lick me. He knew exactly where to go and what to do. I didn’t have to tell him left, right, stop, harder, use your fingers and your tongue. He knew. Before I realized it, my body was clenching while I moaned again, but louder.

  “Again?” he asked.

  Again? Yeah, I could go again, but if he was as good with his cock as he was with his tongue, then I was in for a real ride.

  “No,” I shook my head. “I want to feel you.”

  He kissed me again before lifting himself off the bed to go to his pants. I watched as he pulled a condom out of the pocket of his jeans and covered himself with the latex.

  “You’re really beautiful. You know that?” Avery asked. I felt my face warm. “I’m serious and not just because you’re laying naked in front me.”

  “Thank you,” I said, biting my lip in embarrassment.

  “You’re going to have to stop doing that.”

  “Stop what?”

  “Biting your lip.”

  “You don’t like when I do that?” Every guy liked when I did it.

  “No,” he said shaking his head. “I love it and it makes my dick hard. I’ve had a hard time controlling myself these last few hours.”

  “Maybe that’s why I do it.” I smirked as he walked towards me on the bed.

  “Then you’re a naughty girl,” he said, nudging my legs further apart with his knees.

  I bit my lip again, the anticipation killing me.

  I would swear to God that my dick had been hard ever since I saw Nicole bite her lip for the first time. It was like a sign asking me to look at it, and when I did all I thought about was her pretty mouth wrapped around my cock. I wanted her mouth around my shaft, but that damn clock was ticking. I should have told Easton to wait a few hours. No, I should have put a fucking sock on the door.

  New business idea: Design Halo socks and sponsor a singles cruise. That way, roommates know when the other is getting lucky and then they’ll visit our bar when they’re in NYC.

  I spread Nicole’s legs wider to allow my body to fit between her thighs and I looked into her eyes, thinking about how fast this all came about. I came on the cruise to meet someone, but I never expected it to be this fast. Nicole told me she was worried about being a slut, but what did that make me? I was doing the same thing.

  I kissed her again, slowly inching my dick inside her.

  Once I was all the way in, I began moving my hips. It had been years since I’d had to fuck on a twin size bed and it wasn’t working that well. Nicole could be on top, but I had the urge to fuck her hard.

  “Hold on.” I pulled out and planted both feet on the side of the bed. “Turn and face me, then wrap your legs around my waist.”

  Nicole scooted down the bed a little until she was level with my hips and then turned, her body rotating so she could wrap her legs around my waist. I lifted her up by her ass, holding her up while I slid into her again, my feet planted on the floor.



  Thrusting in and out, I held Nicole’s firm ass in my hands and tried to mentally talk myself into holding out until she was on the brink of coming. The afternoon had made me ready to explode and I’d almost come all over the comforter of the bed just from licking her sweet pussy. My balls were aching, my dick was pulsing, and at any moment I was going to come harder than I had in a really long time.

  We stared at each other while I pounded into her. She was biting her lip again, which was not helping my urge to come. I groaned with frustration. I should have jerked it in the shower before going to the mixer, but instead, I was on the verge of being known as the two minute man.

  I pumped my hips faster, groaning as Nicole braced herself with her arms so her head didn’t hit the wall. I’d warned her that this was going to be hard and fast, and really, there was no other way.

  Why didn’t I think of the sock sooner?

  Sweat started to pool on my forehead, my hips still pounding. Nicole moaned, breaking eye contact and I looked down, watching my dick slide into her pussy.

  “Don’t stop,” she moaned.

  “I won’t,” I said, clenching my teeth.

  She needed to get there again and fast. I moved my right hand from her ass to rub her clit hard as I pumped. I thrust and rubbed, Nicole still bracing herself with her arms, and then she finally said the words that were music to my ears.

  “I’m coming.”

  I groaned, my hips still rocking. “Me, too, Baby.”

  My ass clenched and my arm burned from holding her up as my hot cum spilled into the condom. I set Nicole down, leaned over her, kissing her again.


  “Yeah…” I smirked. Every guy wanted to hear that word after sex.

  We stayed like that for a few minutes, our breathing coming down. Slowing I began to pull out of her and looked down.

  “Oh shit. The condom broke.”

  “What?” she screeched, sitting up on her elbows.

  “The…” I paused, looking up to meet her gaze.

  “I’m clean,” she said with panic in her voice.

  “I’m clean, too, but what about you getting pregnant?”

  She sighed. “I’m on the pill. We’ll be okay.”

  I breathed a sigh of relief. I always wanted a child, but not like this. Not with someone who might be a one-night stand. I didn’t know what tomorrow would bring, but I knew I didn’t want it to be just a one-time thing. I was really into Nicole, but I didn’t know if what she was feeling was anything more than horny.

  I went into the tiny bathroom and cleaned up. When I returned into the room, Nicole was dressed in pajama bottoms and a tank top on top of the bed, her eyes closed and probably on the verge of passing out. I knew I was. I was tired from the long day of travel followed by the vigorous sex session.

  Without saying anything, I slipped into my boxers and tossed on my undershirt then slid in behind Nicole on the bed.

  “You don’t have to cuddle,” she said, looking over her shoulder at me.

  I paused for a moment. “But I want to.”

  We lay on the twin bed, our bodies spooning, and before long I could no longer fight the sleep that overtook me.

  I awoke with Nicole still in my arms and light coming through the tiny window. Glancing over my shoulder, I saw that the other twin bed hadn’t been slept in and a smile broke across my face. Easton got lucky too.

  Nicole stirred. “What time is it?”

  “I don’t know, but it’s light out.”

  Her eyes widened. “Brooke didn’t come back?”

  “Nope.” I smiled.


  “You seem surprised,” I said as I kissed her bare shoulder.

  “She has a boyfriend and she was pretty adamant about not cheating on him.”

  “I’m not surprised.
Easton has a way of getting whatever he wants.”

  “I’m not sure if that’s supposed to make this situation better or worse.” She chuckled.

  “I’m not sure either. Let’s get them and go to breakfast. I’m starving.”

  I left Nicole in her room so she could get dressed and went to my room. I hesitated before slipping my key into the door, not wanting to see Easton naked, but then shrugged and opened it. Easton was in his bed and Brooke was in my bed under the covers. I wondered if they’d fucked too. I knew Easton wasn’t much of a cuddler.

  They both looked up at me as I walked farther into the room, the door shutting behind me.

  “Morning!” I said with a huge smile.

  Easton groaned and Brooke’s eyes became huge. “Morning?” she asked.

  “Yep, looks like half of us didn’t sleep in the right room last night,” I said with a wink. “But you two need to get up and get dressed. We’re going to breakfast.” As soon as Brooke was out the door, I started in on my best friend, wanting to confirm that we both had a good night. “So, you and Brooke, too?” I asked.

  He groaned again and rolled over so he wasn’t facing me. “No.”

  I chuckled, not believing my ears. “Easton Crawford couldn’t seal the deal, but I was able to?”

  “I wasn’t trying to seal any deal. She has a boyfriend, remember?”

  “You’re still acting like that has ever stopped you before,” I said, rummaging through my luggage for clean clothes.

  “It’s too early to get the third degree from you. Why aren’t you still shacked up with Nicole instead of bothering me?”

  “It’s not that early, and if we want to go to breakfast, we have to get ready now.”

  We arrived at the restaurant before the girls and once again two women approached us.

  “We saw you both last night at the mixer, and we were going to approach you, but then two other chicks did, and then two more, and before we’d knew it, we’d lost our chance,” girl number one said. She had brown hair with a strip of purple and was wearing way too much perfume.

  “So we saw you sitting here and wanted to come over and ask if you two would like to join us for a swim after breakfast?” girl number two chimed in. She had blonde hair with a pink strip. It was like they’d planned their hair so they could be twins.

  “I’m sorry, but we’re waiting on two women that we have plans with all day,” Easton said.

  Girl number one reached over and slid her hand up his arm. My eyes darted to the doors, waiting for Nicole to walk in at any minute. “You know we have seven days, right? I’m sure you can work us in—together.” She bit her lip and looked at her friend.

  She bit her lip, but it did nothing to my dick. Nicole however…

  “Sorry ladies, but we aren’t interested,” Easton said bluntly.

  “You two don’t need to be such assholes. You’re on a singles cruise where all people do is hook-up. No one takes this thing seriously—especially guys!” girl number two snapped.

  “Well, I do and I’m already taken,” I snapped back. I liked Nicole a lot and I didn’t need Thing One and Thing Two to fuck anything up.

  Girl number one turned and looked at Easton. “Yeah, I’m taken too,” he said, holding up his hands.

  “Whatever,” girl number one huffed. They both stood and walked away.

  “Dude, these girls are relentless,” I said to Easton.

  “I know, and we’re probably the only ones taking it seriously.”

  “You are?” I asked, surprised.

  “I’m trying. I really like Brooke.”

  “See, I told you that there’s always a princess for every asshole.”

  “Yeah—maybe,” he said finally cracking a smile.

  I didn’t know how to act as I walked into the restaurant for breakfast.

  When Avery was leaving to go back to his room, we kissed and everything seemed normal and not awkward at all. But the closer I got to the restaurant, the more nervous I became. What if it was a one-time thing and he wanted to look for other girls now?

  If that was the case, I was going to leave a lasting impression on him.

  When Brooke and I approached our table (the table that no matter what happened we’d have to share our meals at for the rest of the trip because of the assigned seating), I kissed Avery like I hadn’t spent the night with him. Like I hadn’t just seen him an hour before. Like I hadn’t seen him in years. I was relieved when he returned the kiss. We spent the next few minutes wrapped in each other until Brooke threatened to tie us up in separate rooms until the cruise was over.

  I felt bad for leaving Brooke the night before. I hadn’t expected to fall asleep in Avery’s arms, but she hadn’t come back to our room either. She told me she’d slept in Avery’s bed and I believed her. I was bummed, though. If Easton was anything like Avery, then Brooke needed to forget about her boyfriend and explore things with Easton. Boston wasn’t far from New York City, and if things kept going the way they were, then I was already planning on visiting the Big Apple.

  “Don’t do that,” Avery whispered.

  “Don’t do what?” I asked, but I already knew what he was talking about.

  “Don’t bite your lip. How am I supposed to eat my breakfast?”

  “What if I want you to eat something else?” I whispered into his ear and giggled.

  Avery started to choke a little on his orange juice. “Then you better hurry and eat your eggs because you’ll need your stamina.”

  After breakfast, Avery and I ditched Brooke and Easton. We didn’t beat around the bush. We flat out told them that we wanted to be alone again and they knew what we meant.

  When we arrived at my room, Avery and I pushed the beds together to give us more room.

  “I hope we don’t fall through the crack,” Avery said.

  I laughed, imaging the beds splitting apart and us falling to the ground. “Yeah, let’s hope not.”

  “I—” Avery began to speak, but then stopped himself.

  “You what?”


  “Tell me,” I prodded.

  “I just want you to know that this means more to me than just my next fuck, but if you—”

  “Me, too.” I nodded.

  Avery’s eyes lit up and he smiled, making me smile back at him. “Good. Now that we’ve got that out of the way, get over here.”

  Avery grabbed my arm and pulled me to him, causing me to squeal. Our lips met and I melted. He knew how to work his tongue and was the best kisser I’d ever had. I moaned, not wanting him to stop, and he started to pull my shirt over my head. I followed his lead, reaching for his shirt. We broke our mouths apart and tore our shirts the rest of the way off, tossing them on the floor.

  “I could get used to this,” Avery said against my neck.

  “Me too,” I panted.

  I felt him smile as he trailed kisses down my neck. Cupping my breast roughly with his palm, he kneaded it over my bra until his mouth met his hand. He pulled my bra down to free my breast, licking the tip of my nipple. My hands wrapped around his neck, my pelvis pressed against his hard erection and I moaned again as I felt moisture on my panties.

  Avery led me back towards the beds, and when my knees hit one of the mattresses I sat, but Avery pulled away from me. Before I could protest, he started to undo his shorts and I suddenly didn’t mind that he’d stopped. I watched him undo the button of his shorts as I unclasped my bra.

  “Yep, definitely can get used to this.” He smiled.

  I bit my lip.

  “Nic,” he groaned.

  “Sorry, it’s a habit. But at least I’m doing it now when we can actually do something about that,” I said, nodding my head to his hard cock as the tip peaked out of the slit.

  “You’re going to be the death of me.”

  “Who? Me?” I asked, pointing to myself.

  “Yeah, you,” he said, kneeling in front of me. “Let’s take these off so I can take my time tasting y
ou,” he said, unbuttoning my shorts.

  “I do like that we don’t have to rush this time, but I did like it hard.”

  His eyes darted up to mine. “You did, huh?” He smirked.

  “Yep,” I said, lifting my butt so he could pull my shorts and panties down.

  “I’ll remember that,” he said with a wink.

  Once I was naked, I scooted back so I could plant my feet on the edge and spread my thighs apart, the crease of the two beds only an inch from me, but it was enough to give us more room. I wasn’t nervous with Avery. Everything felt right, especially when he moved my thighs wider, both his hands spreading my pussy as his warm, wet tongue met my clit.

  He took his time licking and tasting me, bringing me closer with each swipe. It was like he was savoring his favorite meal and I wasn’t going to hurry anything. I wanted to be his favorite meal. I didn’t know much about him, but I knew he was a genuine guy. He had a charm about him, one that was real, and when he told me that I wasn’t just another fuck, I believed him.

  I moaned, on the verge of coming apart on Avery’s tongue. The moment he stuck two fingers in me, my body bucked, and he pressed his free hand and arm on my hip, stilling me. I wanted to explode.

  He removed his mouth from my clit, angling his hand so his fingertips were over the nub, rubbing hard. His fingers from his other hand pumped into me at the same pace as his fingers on my clit. My pussy had never been worked so hard or so fluidly.

  So perfect.

  Just when I thought my body couldn’t take anymore, that it wouldn’t find release, I screamed as it washed over me. I had never been a very vocal person in bed, but I’d lost all control.

  Avery picked me up, placing me in the middle of the bed, then pulled his boxers off and sheathed himself with a condom. After the mishap from the night before, and our discussion that we were both clean, I’d expected him not to want to use a condom anymore. For some reason, it made me like him that much more…like reassurance that he always used a condom.


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