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Fate Heals (Twist of Fate Book 2)

Page 25

by Tina Saxon

  “My mom would have loved you,” I say.

  “Why is that?”

  “Well, you’re gorgeous for one.” He shakes his head, dropping it. “And you’re intelligent, you’re passionate, you challenge me, you entertain my stubbornness, and you love me. Scars and all.”

  “Do you know what I think?” he asks. I shake my head. “I think fate led us to each other. But falling in love … that was our mothers’ doing. They’re probably together, looking down on us, celebrating.”

  Tears well in my eyes as my smile widens. A laugh escapes my lips, imagining them dancing around and high-fiving each other.

  “Thank you for that,” I hiccup. My voice hitches with emotions. He climbs on top of me, kissing me passionately. I bite his lip, ending the kiss. “So, I wonder what your mom was thinking when I shot you?”

  He barks out a deep and sexy laugh. “She was probably you’re biggest cheerleader, saying I deserved it.”

  It’s been two weeks since I’ve seen Lexi, and it feels like it’s been forever. Aiden and I have connected more and more each day, but hearing Lexi’s voice completes my day. We have video chatted almost daily and for those five minutes, just seeing her light up when she talks to me, makes everything right in my world.

  I started my application to be Lexi’s foster parent the other day. Aiden and I went together to the agency. When I think about the support Aiden has given me through all of this, I can’t think of a better man to spend the rest of my life with.

  I lean over and kiss his cheek. We’re on Max’s plane going to Texas to see Lexi.

  He squeezes my hand that is intertwined with his. “What was that for?” He flashes a half-sexy smile.

  I kiss his dimple, and he turns his face to mine. Our lips brush. “I love you,” I whisper.

  “Sweetheart,” he breathes out on my lips. He pauses like he’s going to say something. Instead, he slams his lips onto mine in a passionate kiss. A kiss that tells me everything he wanted to say.

  “I’d tell you to get a room, but then you’ll go back to the bedroom, and I don’t need to hear you fucking. On my plane,” Max grates out.

  I laugh against Aiden’s mouth. When I pull back, I stick my tongue out at Max. Aiden chuckles and mumbles “cock blocker” under his breath. Max shakes his head at our less-than-adult responses. We start our descent and my leg starts shaking in excitement. We’re almost there.

  After throwing our bags in the back of the SUV, I hold out my hand to Aiden. He tilts his head in question.

  “Keys,” I say, wiggling my fingers.

  His head jerks as he straightens. “Woman, you are not driving.”

  “Yes, I am.” He shakes his head like I’m crazy.

  Max barks out a laugh, hopping into the backseat.

  “I miss driving and I want to drive,” I say forcefully and stomp my foot, not backing down.

  “I’m a little scared right now,” he admits but hands the keys over slowly. I jump up and down, skipping to the driver’s door.

  Aiden is staring at me in wonderment as I adjust my seat. When I start the engine, it snaps him out of it, and he dramatically puts on his seat belt.

  I glance at him out of the corner of my eye. “Jerk, I have been driving since I was sixteen. Actually as long as I’ve shot a gun and look how good I can do that.” I turn and stare at him, raising both my brows.

  He looks at me stunned. Well, shit.

  “Too soon?” I wince. Aiden is still worried about how I’m dealing with the Marco incident. I’m still meeting with my therapist three times a week. I’m dealing with it. But just now, I wasn’t even thinking about Marco. I was thinking about him. God, that makes me sound like a gun-toting lunatic. Oh, which shooting were you talking about, Addison? You’ve been involved with so many.

  “Addison …” He pulls me from my self-deprecating rant. Reaching his arm over the console, he rubs my head. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to take you there.”

  “I’m fine,” I say, putting the SUV in drive. “I’m thinking maybe I need to stay away from guns.”

  “It was self-defense,” he says firmly. “Both times.”

  I laugh out bitterly. “I was not in danger with you.”

  “You were very well in a dangerous situation, Addison,” Max says, scooting up between our seats. “You shot Aiden for a reason. You escaped from being held prisoner without causing a lot of harm to Aiden.”

  “So, why didn’t I just immobilize Marco and wait for the police to get there?”

  “I think we all know that answer without needing to say it,” Max says, sitting back.

  I nod because I know. The bullet placement shows my intent, but there is no way they can prove that.

  I hate that he tried to rape me: shot to the groin.

  I hate that he killed because of me: shot to the heart.

  I hate him for making me kill him: shot to the head.

  And he was never going to touch Lexi again. She can grow up without having to look over her shoulder like I did my whole life. No more worrying that someone will be coming back for her one day. I was going to make sure of that.

  Silence fills the air the remainder of the car ride. My thoughts make enough noise that I don’t even notice. When we pull into the driveway, Max hops outs first.

  Before I’m able to open my door, Aiden stops me and grabs my hand. “Don’t second-guess yourself. Nobody has ever questioned why you did what you did. He killed twelve people, Addison. He would’ve killed you, too,” he says in a serious tone.

  I blow out a harsh breath. “I know.”

  He leans over and kisses me. “Now, let’s go see our girl.”

  Those words, coming from his mouth, erase all my doubts. I flash a smile as my heart beats faster. Our girl.

  Max is waiting for us on the porch. I knock on the door and walk in.

  “Hello?” I say loudly.

  Giggles and screams come from the kitchen. Then a streak of caramel comes running straight for me. “Addie,” Lexi yells, jumping into my arms. I pull her up, taking in a deep breath through my nose.

  God, I’ve missed her smell.

  I hold her tight as she wraps her legs around me. “I missed you, Addie.”

  “I missed you, too, sweet girl.” Aunt Amy comes in from the kitchen. She smiles brightly as affection glows in her eyes. She leans against the doorjamb, placing a hand over her heart. I tear up, watching her.

  Lexi pulls back and then a million words spill from her mouth. I laugh because I caught maybe a third of them. She wiggles to get down and then runs to Max. He throws her up in the air. I immediately feel a little bad for Aiden. When I look at him he winks at me. He’s trying to reassure me that he’s okay.

  “Max, did you fly on your plane?” Lexi asks excitedly.

  “We did, Lulu.”

  “You haven’t gone to Disneyland without me, have you?” She puckers her lips and stares him down. Her expressions are priceless.

  “No. I would never go without you,” he says, touching her on her nose. She scrunches up her nose then gives him a hug and wiggles to get down.

  Aiden’s her next stop. I take a silent breath of relief. He’s being so supportive of me taking in Lexi, I would hate it if Lexi didn’t like him. I shake my head. That’s ridiculous. Lexi loves Aiden, too.

  “Aiden, guess what?” Her eyes go round and her little face beams.

  “What?” he asks, squatting down to her level.

  “I got my own horse. And he’s red. Guess what I named him?” she asks so excited. She got her own horse?

  “Um … Mr. Ed?” he says, smiling.

  She pulls her head back, looking at him like he’s got two of them. “No, silly.” She huffs adorably and rolls her eyes.

  He laughs because she has no clue who Mr. Ed is. “What did you name him?”


  He twists his lips trying to figure out the meaning. “Why did you name your horse Ketchup?”

  “Because, ketchup always goe
s with tater tots,” she says, throwing her arms out wide.

  The smile on Aiden’s face is probably the biggest I’ve ever seen. My heart beats faster looking at them together. Together they make my heart whole.

  “I want to show you him,” she says, pointing out the door.

  “Amy?” Aiden looks toward my aunt. She nods her head. Lexi pulls him to the door, jumping up and down the whole way.

  “Come on, Aiden. You’re too slow,” she whines. Once they’re out the door, I see him throw her on his shoulders and start running. Her giggles fill the air.

  Max stays inside with me. Amy comes up and gives me a huge hug and then Max.

  “It’s so good to see you,” she says, grabbing my hand. “Can I say that you’ve aged me far too fast?” she laughs, bringing our joined hands to her heart. “You’re going to give me a heart attack soon.”

  “I’m sorry,” I say, looking away from her tears. “I really don’t mean to.”

  “I know. And really, I should be used to it by now.” She jokes to lighten the mood. I laugh and give her another hug.

  “So what’s this about Lexi having her own horse? She’s five.”

  Amy flashes a knowing smile. “She doesn’t have her own horse, Addison. She just renamed another one.”

  “Rusty?” I whisper. Amy nods her head, smiling softy. I’m not surprised at all. I think Rusty is an angel of healing. Memories of all the time I spent with him after I was rescued surface. Riding him allowed me to stop thinking about the past and made me feel free. Made me want to move forward.

  And now he’s helping heal Lexi.

  My hand goes to my heart. I feel Max’s arm wrap around my shoulders as he pulls me into his side. I lay my head against his shoulder. Max knows how important Rusty is to me.

  “He’s so gentle with her,” Amy says, pulling me from my thoughts. “The therapist wants to use him for more of her patients.”

  “I love it. He’s meant for that, he’s perfect.”

  Aiden and Lexi walk into the house hand in hand. She bounces on her toes, running to the bathroom. Aiden walks over and removes Max’s arm from me.

  “I leave for five minutes and you move in on my woman,” he jokes, pulling me back into his chest. He wraps his arms around my waist, and I weave our fingers together, leaning back into him. Max laughs, shaking his head.

  “Did you see Rus— Ketchup?” I ask.

  Before Aiden can answer, Lexi’s back and runs up to us. “Can you watch me ride him later?” I release one of Aiden’s hands and brush through Lexi’s long, caramel locks.

  “I wouldn’t miss that for anything, sweet girl.”

  Her smile brightens, and she wraps her arms around my legs. “I missed you, Addie.”

  I lean down and pick her up. “Oh, my gosh. I missed you so much.” I squeeze her.

  “Dr. Frank says that I’m going to go to a new family,” she says, sticking out her bottom lip. “I don’t want a new family. I want to stay in this family.” Her big eyes water as her lip quivers.

  My chest tightens. Aiden’s hand squeezes my hip. I want to tell her that she’s going to live with me, but I just filled out the application so it’s not a sure thing. The last thing I want is to give her false hope. Ugh! Why did the doctor have to tell her that?

  “Lexi, don’t cry,” I say, wiping away a tear. “We’re working with the agency in New York to find the best home for you. I promise you that I will always be a part of your life. We’ll still see each other. Okay?” She sniffs and nods her head fast, sucking on her bottom lip. “But you still have two weeks here on the ranch. With Amy and Ted.”

  “And Ketchup!” Her eyes light up.

  “And Ketchup,” I repeat, brushing my nose against hers.

  “Lexi, I need to go out and get the eggs for today. Do you want to help me?” Amy asks, holding a basket. Lexi’s eyes get large. She claps and wiggles to be put down.

  “Yes!” she squeals, running to Amy. “I promise I won’t hide any in my pocket this time,” she says, looking down. You’d think she was sorry for doing it, but the huge smile she has says otherwise.

  Amy laughs, looking at me. “So, Lexi tried to hatch an egg herself. But as soon as she sat on it …”

  We all bust out laughing. Lexi blushes but then shrugs. “It didn’t work,” she says in a serious tone. Aiden laughs harder. She puts her hand on her hip, showing her sassy side. “You try and sit on an egg without breaking it. It’s not easy,” she says to Aiden. I slap my hand over my mouth trying to contain my laughter. Aiden’s head leans on my shoulder as he silently laughs.

  “Come on, Lulu, show me how you collect eggs,” Max says. She jumps up and down in excitement. I’m quickly learning that little girl’s emotions are bipolar.

  As soon as she leaves, Aiden straightens. “Are you sure you’re ready for that?” His voice is laced with humor.

  I elbow him in the stomach, “Are you?”

  He spins me around and pulls me in tight. “I want ten of those.” He flashes a megawatt smile and winks. I shake my head.

  “Ten? We’ve talked about this.” My voice cracks. I can’t even imagine.

  “Let’s just say we’ll never stop trying.”

  “I’ll agree to that,” I say, standing on my toes and kissing him. “Ten, not so much.” I pull away and tickle him in the stomach. There is one spot where Aiden is ticklish.

  He laughs, grabbing both my hands and throwing me over his shoulder. I squeal in surprise. His hand smacks me on the ass. Hard.

  “Aiden,” I warn. He barks out a laugh, slapping me again. Okay, asshat. You’re going down. He walks out the door, heading toward the barn.

  When we get to the field of grass in front of the barn, I push up so I’m straight and throw Aiden off balance. He lets go of my legs just in time for me to push against him. He tumbles back into the grass, and I land in a squatted position. He stands quickly in a defensive position. I mimic his stance.

  “I told you what would happen.” He flashes a wicked smile, hunger in his eyes. My body starts to hum. His strength, confidence, and sexiness ignite sparks of desire. He’s playing dirty as he takes off his shirt, throwing it to the side. His perfectly sculpted chest and abs flex, and I can’t help myself from gazing.

  I bite my lip. “You don’t play fair, Agent Roberts,” I say, dragging my eyes up to his. He lifts his brow in challenge. I quickly look around to see if anyone is nearby. The chicken coop is on the other side of the house and it seems to be just us out here. The barn is on higher ground and with the tall grass growing around, it’d be hard to see us unless you were headed this way.

  I hear Rusty neigh. Don’t worry, buddy, I’ll come see you next. I have to take down this ass-slapping, gorgeous man first.

  “Am I too distracting?” he teases, circling me. I spin in place, keeping my eyes on him. He knows how I react to his body. So yes, distracting is an understatement. My body is ready to lie down and say “take me now.” My head, though, wants to take Aiden down to prove a point.

  Two can play this game. I grab the bottom of my shirt, lifting it slowly. Aiden stops abruptly. I innocently smile. When I meet his eyes after slipping my shirt off, they blaze with heat. I hold his stare, talking a step toward him. The desire radiating off of him slowly unravels me. Knowing how I affect him is a potent feeling. I’m drenched and throbbing already.

  Another step forward. He stays rooted, not moving an inch. I reach behind me and unfasten my bra. I can see the dilation of his pupils, his chest moving up and down a little bit quicker. I drop the bra on the ground and his eyes drag their way down to my breasts. They’re already hard and yearning for his touch. When I step up to him, I take his hands and put them on my breasts.

  A deep, low growl erupts from the back of his throat as he grips them. His thumb grazes a nipple, causing me to moan.

  Addison, you better hurry the hell up, my inner voice yells at me. Obviously that voice is on my head’s side. As I gain a little semblance of control, I reac
h out and grab his balls—hard. He jumps at my invasion.

  He laughs nervously. “Sweetheart?”

  “I told you not to slap my ass,” I say, putting a little more pressure on my grip. His hand is on top of mine as fear flashes in his eyes now.

  He hunches over a little and winces. “Okay.”

  I look at him with a raised brow. “Okay, what?”

  “I’ll stop slapping you on the ass,” he says, smirking, “unless you ask for it.”

  I narrow my eyes. His tongue darts out to lick his bottom lip. My resolve weakens. He flashes a knowing smile. Well, I think I got my point across.

  His hand starts massaging my breast again. It’s not until he leans down and takes my hardened nipple in his mouth, sucking, do I release his balls. I look up to the sun, closing my eyes, letting my body succumb to his touch. Warmth spreads through me. His hand that is currently on top of mine moves up to his hard shaft. He guides my hand up and down his hardened member. When we get back to the top, I take control of my hand and slide my fingers between his underwear and warm skin. I graze the head with my fingertips. The slight twitch at my touch sends a surge of need through me.

  My fingers work at lightning speed, freeing his glorious cock. He groans when my hand wraps around him.

  “You better hope no one comes out here,” he says, lifting me up and carrying me into the barn.

  “It’s just you, me, and Rusty … and some of his friends,” I giggle. He looks at me confused, looking around the barn. “Horses,” I say, biting my lip.

  He takes me to an empty stall and lays me down on a bed of hay. His hands are in my pants within seconds, sliding through my wetness. His fingers plunge inside me, and I arch my back, moaning out in pleasure. He slams his lips to mine. I gasp when he pulls his finger out and starts assaulting my clit. He makes it a game to get me on the verge of nirvana before pulling out and starting over.

  Frustration builds after the third time. I think he’s trying to get revenge. “If you don’t finish, I will,” I whisper the threat into his ear and then bite his earlobe.

  He chuckles, which makes me bite down a little harder. He sits up on his knees and watches as his fingers slide back into me. I look down at my body, watching his glistening fingers work me. His hard cock strains against his boxer briefs.


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