Vampire's Mate

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Vampire's Mate Page 4

by Valerie Twombly

  Marcus flung open a window, allowing the warm lake breeze to flow through. Summer had always been his favorite time here, and this particular place was favored as well. The large log home was situated on Keuka Lake, in Upstate New York. The guardians had managed to buy up several acres, so this house sat in a cove with its nearest neighbor miles away.

  “Daniel.” Where the hell is that boy? He spun on his heel and headed toward the kitchen.

  Daniel came flying around a corner and ran right into him, nearly knocking him off his feet. “Dude, long time, no see. How the hell are you?”

  He pressed his lips together. “How many times have I told you not to call me dude?”

  Daniel flipped him off. “Tell it to someone who gives a shit.”

  Marcus raised a brow. “Well, I’m glad to see I’m still number one.” He loved Daniel like family, but one day he was going to throttle the boy. He fought the urge to smile. The boy reminded Marcus of himself at a young age. “Have Seth or Garin arrived yet?”

  “Nope, haven’t seen them. You here about the dragon?” Daniel asked, hopping on a kitchen stool.


  “Man, Marcus, I’m sorry to hear about Queen Daria. She was a lovely woman. I suppose that makes Aidyn king now, huh?”

  Marcus crossed the expansive kitchen and opened the refrigerator. Usual college fare: pizza and beer. Closing the door, he turned to face Daniel. “You should eat more nutritious food. That stuff will kill you.”

  Daniel’s eyes rolled up into his head. “That’s what I got you for, to keep me in excellent health. Besides, you drink blood,” he gagged. “How good can that be?”

  Marcus rubbed his hands up and down his chest as he flexed his muscles. “Looks like I’m in much better shape than your skinny ass.” Taking a couple steps closer, he grabbed Daniel by the shirt and lifted him off the stool. “And, by the way, Aidyn is now our king, so when you see him, you will not call him dude or flip him off. Do I make myself clear?”

  Daniel swallowed and looked down at his swinging feet. “Uh okay, noted. You can put me down now.” Once back on the ground, he clapped his hands together. “So, I have something that might be of interest you.”

  “And that is?” Right then Garin and Seth arrived, tossing their bags on the floor as they entered the kitchen. “Ah, just in time. Daniel was about to fill me in on Odage.”

  Everyone moved to the oak table in front of the picture window that overlooked the lake. Morning sun filtered in and cast shadows across the wood surface. Daniel grabbed a stack of folders and laid one in front of each warrior then took a seat. Everyone flipped open their folder to reveal the picture of a golden-haired beauty.

  “Her name is Veronica, and as you’ve already heard, she was seen with Odage, leaving Roxie’s,” Daniel stated.

  Garin’s jaw flexed as he ran a hand across the stubble on his head. “Her family reported her disappearance?”

  “Yes, five days ago,” Daniel answered.

  Marcus lifted the photo and stared directly into the girl’s sapphire eyes. “That would have been right after he killed the queen. I don’t know what he’s up to, but no doubt, she’s in serious trouble.” The situation didn’t sit well with him. Not so much the fact the Draki Overlord had abducted a human. No, there was much more to this. He flipped to the next page, and something caught his eye. “The witness was human?”

  Daniel nodded. “It seems none of the other immortals there that night are talking. Afraid to get involved?”

  Garin pushed his chair back and moved toward the fridge. “No one in their right mind wants to piss off a dragon.” He opened the door. “Pizza! Oh hell yeah.” He pulled the box from the fridge. “Beer anyone?”

  Everyone shouted a yes so, Garin grabbed four beers and kicked the door closed. Stacking the cans on the box, he walked back to the table. Opening the pizza box, he wrinkled his nose. “What? Where’s the pepperoni?” He shot a glance at Daniel. “Dude, I need to teach you how to eat pizza.”

  Daniel glared across the table at Marcus who had previously reamed him a new ass. “I’d love for you to teach me how to eat pizza and call people dude.”

  Marcus cleared his throat. “Christ, can we get back to work?”

  Seth, who had remained quiet since his arrival, finally spoke up. “I will seek the human and scan his memories to see if he has any more information.”

  “You sure you want to do that?” Marcus knew ever since the curse of Malsvir, Seth’s gift had turned into hell on earth. While all the guardians could procure memories from those they fed on. Seth was unique. He could probe deeper than any other. Unfortunately, the curse now left him unable to purge those memories. Each time he took them, he grew closer to insanity.

  “I will perform my job until the day you either cure me or kill me.”

  I hope to never have to kill you, my friend, he thought. “All right, we leave tonight for New Orleans. We’ll meet at the Coffee Grind cafe at five. Until then, make sure you’re at your peak.” Meaning find a human and feed if necessary.

  Garin pushed back his chair and flashed his fangs at Daniel. The boy threw his hands around his neck and pulled his shoulders to his ears. “No way, I’m not donating.”

  The warriors roared with laughter. “You’re not my type anyway. I’m off to find a lusty woman,” Garin said.

  After Seth and Garin left, Marcus turned to Daniel. “When you have time, I want you to pull up all the unmarried daughters of the Chosen ones from the database.” Daniel opened his mouth as if to say something then thought better of it. Instead, he simply walked away, returning several minutes later with the requested information.

  Marcus took the thumb drive Daniel gave him and inserted it into his laptop. The mattress sagged beneath his weight as he sat down. Shit, forgot to close the door. With a flick of his wrist and a mental push, the door slammed shut. He was alone.

  The first girl crossed his screen, a striking redhead who lived in California, but she was eighteen. He didn’t think Zarek would join him with one so young. Certainly, he’d scare the poor girl to death. He scrolled to the next, a blonde in Michigan whose ancestors had been with the guardians since medieval times. She was older, twenty-two. He moved on, flipping through several more.

  “Fuck, I feel like I’m surfing a damn dating site.” He shoved the laptop across the bed, and his head dropped into his hands. Fuck it! I don’t have time to find her. Odage was the number one priority. Then the slave traders who kept him busy trying to find their location and stop operations. Not to mention the feral demons who broke loose and tortured the humans.

  Visions of silky legs wrapped around his waist. Hands fisting glossy locks while his tongue tasted her lips. He shook his head. “No, not going there. She’ll just break my heart.” Perhaps he needed to follow Garin and find a woman to satisfy his needs. A knock on the door interrupted his thoughts.

  “It’s open.”

  Garin pushed the door and entered the room. “Ready to leave?”

  Marcus blinked. “Shit, guess I lost track of time. Yeah, I’m ready.” He evaluated Garin with a critical eye. “You look...well fed.”

  “And well fucked too,” Garin replied.

  He shook his head, happy at least one of them got laid.

  “What? I followed your orders. You should try it yourself sometime.”

  He laughed. “Maybe New Orleans will be my ticket to relaxation.” Both men flashed from the room.

  Marcus and Garin appeared in the alley behind the Coffee Grind cafe and proceeded through the back door. Sam, the owner, was at the counter and nodded as the men moved toward a table in the corner.

  “I’ll get these guys,” Sam called out to the waitress while pouring two cups of coffee. He walked to the table and set the cups down on a red checkered cloth. “Just the two of ya?”

  “No, Seth will meet us here,” Marcus said.

  Sam nodded and took a seat between the men. “I got the message from Daniel, that y’all were coming. Let
me know if ya be needing anything while you’re here.”

  “We’re grateful for your service, Sam. How’s business?” Sam’s ancestors had been helping the vampires since the early eighteen hundreds and Sam was now grooming his twelve-year-old son Nathan to take over the family business, so to speak. When Sam had asked to move to New Orleans, Marcus jumped at the opportunity to assist him. This man meant a great deal to him.

  “Good. Ya picked a prime location for the shop.”

  “I’m happy to hear that. How are Dottie and Nathan?”

  Sam grinned. “The wife has gone to visit her sister for a spell, and Nathan...well, he’s becoming quite the computer whiz.”

  “I heard rumors about that. I’m anxious to learn what he’s doing.” Marcus touched Sam on the shoulder, sending energy through him for a quick scan. “How’s your health?” Sam had been diagnosed with terminal cancer four years ago. Marcus killed the cancer and repaired the damage the vile disease had wrought. Many of the Chosen often ribbed him how they had the best medical plan any employer could offer. Marcus didn’t mind as his top priority was to make sure they remained healthy. Not even a sniffle dared show up in his presence. But when their bodies began to wear from old age, he helped ease them into the next world without fear or pain. It was never easy losing friends, and he had lost plenty in his lifetime.

  A tear glistened in Sam’s eye. “Never better. My family and I owe ya a debt we can never repay.” He chuckled. “Shit, the doctors are still dumbfounded, claiming a miracle. They’re right, ya know, it being the work of God. You are God’s true angels.”

  Garin leaned back in his chair and laughed. “There are those who would question Marcus being anything but the devil himself.”

  Marcus flashed a smile. “True. But I’m glad you’re well. You will let me know if you need anything.”

  Sam nodded and stood. “Well, best be getting back. I’ll bring over a pot and another cup for ya.”

  The men waited until Sam came back with coffee and an extra cup before discussing their plans.

  “I’ll go to the club where Veronica was last seen. You take Seth and find the witness so Seth can swipe his memories,” Marcus said.

  “You’re in charge, but should we ask him to do this? I mean with the curse?” Garin asked.

  Marcus ran his fingers through his hair. “I know he runs a risk every time he feeds, but he insisted on coming.”

  “Damn it, we’re going to have to kill him one of these days, unless we find a cure for this curse.”

  “I know.” Marcus sighed. “I’ll do it. I’d never ask any of you to bear the burden.” He fisted his hands, hating the fact he might have to kill one of his brethren.

  Garin’s brows creased. “I sense demons.”

  “Yeah, and not the friendly kind either. Fuck, you go look for the demons. I’ll have Seth search for the witness.” As if he didn’t have enough on his plate. Now he had to worry about the demons and their illegal activities. “I’ll see if I can contact Baal, maybe he’s close.”

  “I’ll smoke ‘em out if I have to,” Garin stated.

  “No doubt, but try not to burn down the neighborhood.” He understood how much Garin enjoyed fire. Hell, the vampire shot sparks from his fucking fingertips. “I’ll wait here for Seth and give him his orders.”

  It’d been ages since Cassie and her sister had gone out for a night on the town. With her nursing career and Jill’s messy divorce, life always seemed to get in the way. Tonight, they were sitting at a bar called Roxie’s.

  “Jill, I still can’t believe you let that bastard take the Lexus.” Cassie despised her ex brother-in-law. Jill had caught him sleeping with her best friend, and in her bed no less. To Cassie, that was grounds for a slow and painful castration.

  Jill took a sip of beer. “Well, I hated that damn car anyway. Besides, I got the house and half his money. He can keep that bitch and her plastic boobs.”

  Cassie raised her glass. “Here’s to her poking a fucking hole in them.” They clinked their glasses in a fit of laughter.

  “Seriously, what about you, Cass? When was the last time you were on a date?”

  She lifted her shoulders. “I forget it’s been so long.” A sigh escaped. “It’s hard to meet a nice guy.” Seemed the only nice guy she could meet kept showing up in her dreams.

  “What about all those doctors you work with?”

  “Meh, they are all so fake. Kinda like Kelly’s boobs.” Another fit of laughter overtook the girls.

  “Shit, I gotta pee.” Jill stood. “Be right back.”

  “I’ll be here.” Cassie played with the straw in her drink and pondered her love life. I wonder if I still remember how to have sex. Hopefully, it’s like riding a bike. Bumps suddenly formed on her spine and her breathing increased. Had she not known better, she would swear she was having a panic attack. A sudden urge to look toward the door overcame her. She sucked in a breath. Oh my God!

  The lighting wasn’t the best, but the man who stood at the door looked like... No. Not possible. Certainly, her mind was playing tricks. Dark hair fell to his shoulders in disheveled waves, giving the appearance he just crawled out of bed. The tee he wore clung to a broad chest and biceps that would make most men cry with envy. When she managed to pull her gaze from his chest and move upward, she found him staring at her.

  A hard swallow of the lump that formed in her throat was useless and when she realized he was heading her way, panic struck. She frantically averted her gaze, fearful to look at him again. Maybe he would simply vanish like he did nightly after he did sinful things to her body in her dreams.

  “Hello.” A masculine voice full of sin and sex prickled her skin.

  She lifted her gaze, first to study the scruff on his jaw. The tips of her fingers ached to brush across it. Next, she focused on his mouth. Moist, fleshy lips that begged to be nibbled. Recollection of the wicked things his tongue did to her caused a shiver. When she finally made it to his eyes, she witnessed springtime storms. Dark gray with flecks of silver, that held a hint of danger. Swallowing, she wanted to pinch herself to awaken from this dream. Then again, she wasn’t sure she wanted to wake up. There was no way in hell the man who brought her so much pleasure in her sleep stood here in front of her. She pulled on her mental rubber band. Snap! Come on, girl. Reality check! No doubt he had women lined up for the next decade. The man was built like a Greek god and she a mere peasant. What she wouldn’t give to know his caress.

  Oh but I already do.

  Jolted from her thoughts, she realized he had spoken. God, what a complete idiot I am. “I’m sorry, what did you say?” I was busy reminiscing about our nights together.

  He stared at her, his eyes shifting to a smoky gray. “I asked your name.”

  “Oh...Uh, it’s Cassandra, but everyone calls me Cassie.”

  He tipped his head. “Nice to meet you, Cassie, my name is Marcus. May I buy you a drink?”

  Holy hell, what do I say? “Thanks, but I’ll have to pass.” She realized Jill had stepped in beside her. Thank goodness. She jumped from her stool so fast it spun on two legs. “My sister and I need to be going. We have another engagement to attend.” She gave Jill a pleading look. “It was nice meeting you, Marcus. Maybe we’ll run into each other again.” She turned and sped toward the door, not even giving him a chance to respond. Once outside, she dragged in a ragged breath before Jill smacked her on the arm. “What the hell is wrong with you? It was obvious that guy was interested.”

  “I know, but I don’t want to get tangled up with someone like him.”

  Jill rolled her eyes. “Like what? Drop-dead gorgeous? My god, Cass, I have half a mind to throw myself at him.”

  Oh no, you don’t. He’s mine! She shook her head. “You know a guy that good-looking has no shortage of women.”

  “For crying out loud. You need to get laid, you know that?” Jill waggled her brows. “I bet he’s one helluva fuck.”

  Cassie groaned. Her sister had no idea, but she
wanted a man to love her. One who would be devoted to her. One who wouldn’t leave her for her best friend. She grabbed her mental rubber band and snapped it again. Right, one white picket fence coming up. “I need an aspirin.” She stormed down the sidewalk with Jill following behind her.

  “Wait.” Jill grabbed her arm and swung her back around. “Something more is going on here.”

  Cassie shook her head. “Nothing’s going on.”

  Jill’s brows drew together. “I can tell you’re lying. Spill.”

  She let out a deep sigh and got ready to board the crazy train. “I’m insane, but that man has been showing up in my dreams now for several weeks.” She looked at the ground. “Erotic dreams.”

  “Where did you meet him?”

  She lifted her gaze and looked back at her sister. “I’ve never seen him before in my life.”

  Jill’s mouth shaped into a silent ‘Oh’. “Maybe you saw him somewhere and don’t remember.”

  Again, she shook her head. “How could any woman forget that?”

  “You do have a point.” Jill wrapped an arm around Cassie’s shoulder, and they continued to walk down the sidewalk. A wicked grin curled on her lips. “Is he good in bed?”

  She gave her sister a sideways glance. “You’ve no idea.”

  Chapter Five

  Marcus entered Roxie’s intending to do a little investigative work on Veronica. When he stepped inside, his eyes focused on the surroundings. The scent of demons wafted from the crowd, but nothing to worry about. In fact, the owner, Roxie, was a Kothar demon and she’d been running this establishment for the last ten years.


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