Vampire's Mate

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Vampire's Mate Page 12

by Valerie Twombly

  “Damn it, Cassie, wake the hell up,” the voice shouted. She felt a sudden pinch on her arm.

  “Ouch,” she yelped and finally opened her eyes. Jill stood staring down at her. Those blue eyes that had looked so lifeless earlier were bright with irritation. She shot up and drew her sister into her arms. “Oh Jill, I was so worried about you.”

  “I’m fine, but what the hell happened? Last thing I remember was some man sinking his teeth into me, and then I blacked out.”

  Cassie motioned toward the kitchen. “Let’s go make some tea. This is going to be one of the longest, strangest stories you’ve ever heard.” She placed the kettle on to boil while Jill pulled up a chair at the table. Starting from the beginning, she explained everything she had seen and learned including the trip to another place. She explained what she knew about being Marcus’s mate and only left out the mind-blowing sex and blood-sucking. When finished, she raised her cup and took a sip of tea, waiting for Jill to laugh hysterically.

  It never happened.

  The corners of her sisters mouth twisted upward. “So, you’re the mate of a vampire. When do you get your fangs?”

  Cassie nearly spit out her tea. “What? Do you truly believe all of this?”

  Jill’s gaze narrowed. “You were not on the receiving end of that bite. Yes, I believe every word of it. You and I both know there are things that exist, which we simply cannot explain away.”

  “Well, I must say I’m surprised. I’m not sure I believe it, and I was awake for the entire show. At least, I think I was awake.” She shuddered. “And by the way, I have no intention of getting fangs. I...” Her sentence was interrupted by the doorbell. “I wonder who that is.” Her voice lowered as she shot Jill a fearful glance then moved toward the door. Pressing her eye to the peep hole, she got a good look then jumped back with a gasp.

  “Who is it?” Jill asked, worry etching lines across her face.

  “It’s Marcus,” she whispered.

  Jill’s eyes widened. “Well, let him in.”

  “No, I don’t want to see him.”

  “Oh hell, Cassie, he’s a vampire. It’s not like you can hide from him. Let’s find out what he wants,” Jill said, her hand reaching for the doorknob.

  She slapped her sister’s hand away. “Since when did you become the vampire expert? Who says I can’t hide?”

  “Ladies, stop your arguing and open the damn door,” Marcus yelled from the other side.

  Jill smacked Cassie on the arm. “See, dumb shit, he knows you’re here.”

  Cassie pursed her lips. “It doesn’t mean I have to open the door. Besides, he can’t come in unless invited,” she stated, crossing her arms over her chest and giving a nod of satisfaction.

  “Really, love, you need to stop watching those damn Dracula movies,” Marcus replied.

  Both women spun around, mouths gaping open, to find him sitting on the couch. Relaxed, with both arms draped along the back, a sly grin painted across his lips. Shit. Cassie’s heart skipped a couple of beats. Handsome as ever, wearing dark jeans and a black T-shirt that showed every bulge in his chest. His stormy eyes looked deep into her soul and she knew she was in big trouble.

  “Marcus,” Jill shouted as she ran to the couch and planted a big kiss on his cheek. “I can never thank you enough for saving my life. I owe you big time.”

  He brushed his hand over her face. “I am glad to see you are well and you do not owe me anything. I would do it again without hesitation.”

  Jill smiled. “Thanks again. So, Cassie tells me you’re a vampire. I was wondering if...”

  “What are you doing here?” Cassie let out a huff.

  Marcus’s eyes softened as he looked at her. “I needed to see you.”

  “Well, you saw me. Now you can leave.” Hurt flashed in his eyes. God, it broke her heart, but it had to be this way. She needed time to think.

  His shoulders sagged. “I’m sorry you feel that way. Will you at least give us a chance?”

  Her eyes watered. “I need time away from you. Maybe... Maybe you will be given another mate who is more suitable.”

  He stood and headed for the door. Grasping the knob, he opened it to leave, but turned back to face her. “No, I was already given a second chance with you. There will be no other.” He stepped through and closed the door behind him.

  “What the hell, Cassie?” Jill shot back as she ran to the door and flung it open. “Shit, he’s gone, just vanished.”

  “It’s better this way.”

  “Why do I get the feeling you’ve already made up your mind?”

  “I just don’t know. This is all too weird, don’t you think?” Cassie sighed. “He will break my heart and I just can’t go through that again.”

  “You forget who you’re talking to. I know you, and this is a decision you’ll soon regret.”

  Cassie crossed the room and kissed her sister on the cheek. “I need to go shower. You’re welcome to stay.” She headed for the bathroom, stripped and stepped into the steaming mist. Tears blurred her vision as she leaned against the wall and cried. Her heart shattered. She would never give it to another. She tried to convince herself it was better this way. They were too different.

  “Roman,” Odage shouted, tapping his fingers impatiently on his throne. Where the hell was that pain in the ass? “Roman!” he roared, agitation growing with every second he waited. Finally, his lieutenant scurried into the room and dropped to his knees before Odage.

  “Yes, my liege?” His voice quivered as he stared at the floor.

  Odage bared his fangs and snarled. Already shifting partially into his dragon form, something that happened to him when angry. “Where the hell have you been?”

  “I-I am sorry, my liege. We are having a problem. One of the females refuses to eat.”

  Odage stood, and two strides brought him to the bottom of his dais where he stood with legs apart, hands on his hips and a look of disgust swathed his face. “Get up, you imbecile.” He paused, waiting for Roman to stumble to his feet. “I will deal with her. Now, I have a very important task for you.”

  Roman lifted his eyes to meet with Odage’s. “Yes, my liege?”

  “You will go to the Vutha Mountains in Vandeldor and seek Caleb. Give him this message.” He held out a small envelope showing a dragon crest on one side. “I will send you through a gateway to the other realm.” The gateway materialized to his left. Cerise light spun with golden hues, forming a sphere large enough for a man to walk through. Roman looked backward at Odage before entering.

  “How will I get back, my liege?”

  “Do not fret my miulkar, minion. Caleb will send you back. Now go.” He watched Roman enter the sphere and disappear. The gateway snapped shut with a sizzle, sending electrical pulses throughout the room. Odage absorbed the energy, his body returning to its full human form. He inhaled then turned and left the throne room, maneuvering down the narrow passages of the cavern system until he reached the holding cells. He scanned for the demon who cared for the women. Spotting her coming out of one of the cages, he called out, “Lileta.”

  Her hips swayed as she sashayed toward him. Raven hair fell in silky strands down to her plump, round buttocks. She wore black pants that clung to her hips like a second skin, and full breasts strained against a flimsy red and gold lace demi-top. Golden cat-like eyes gazed into his.

  “Yes, my liege?”

  His blood boiled then shot right to his groin. Lileta was a Kothar demon whose beauty demanded attention. Men wanted to possess her. He, however, couldn’t touch her. Kothar body fluids were poisonous to dragons. Intimacy with her would prove fatal. With that in mind, he would admire her from a distance. Instead, he focused on the engraved silver bands wrapped around her wrists. They, along with the black magic laced in the metal, were the only thing keeping her from killing him. As long as she wore them, she was weak as a mortal.

  “Where is the one that refuses to eat?”

  “This way, my liege.” She stepped to
ward the cell where Veronica was housed.

  No longer alone, there were ten abducted, impregnated women to keep her company. Veronica still had several months before she gave birth to his first child and he couldn’t afford to have her miscarry. Entering the cell, he touched her stomach, the boy healthy and growing normal caused his chest to swell with pride. Soon he would have a nest of young.

  “Why do you refuse to eat?”

  Veronica looked at him with fiery eyes. “A monster grows inside me.”

  Since she remained lucid enough to realize what was going on, he would need to give her more of his blood to calm her. “You dare to call my child a monster?” If it hadn’t been for the fact she carried his child, he would have eaten her heart right there.

  She lifted her chin. “Yes, and I can’t stand the thought of gazing upon it when it’s born. I thought I might starve it to death.”

  Fucking bitch. He had become too complacent with her. Clawed fingers grabbed her face and squeezed, digging nails into flesh.

  “Do you know how a dragon is born? No? Let me explain. He will claw his way from your womb, his talon’s shredding your insides. If you’re lucky, you will be dead before he rips open your belly completely and enters the world.” He paused, enjoying the terror reflected in her eyes. “I would have spared you the pain by putting you to sleep but not now. You will feel my son’s escape from your pitiful body. I would suggest you reconsider starving him, or he will begin eating your flesh from the inside.” He tossed her onto the bed and stormed from the cell.

  “Lileta, double her dose of blood wine, and if she still refuses to eat, force-feed her.”

  “Yes, my liege.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  Marcus left Cassie’s home with his heart in his hand. Her emotions confused him. She wanted him yet struggled, afraid of the unknown, and still convinced she was unworthy of his affection. No doubt these were remnants of her ex, the bastard. She also feared losing her identity and becoming captive in a world she didn’t understand. His heart ached, wanted desperately to comfort her, but realized she needed time. Perhaps if he gave this one thing, he could win her back. He would wait, give her time to become accustomed to the idea then come back for her. He would also have to try not to be so overbearing. It would be difficult because he only wanted to protect her, but he would work at it. With nothing left to do, and his mate being guarded, he set out to find Odage and stop the dragon’s reign of terror. He flashed back to where they were attacked, hoping to find some kind of clue left behind. The sun would be setting in a few hours. Maybe he’d get lucky, and the bastard would show up himself.

  When he arrived at the warehouse, he flared out his senses. Someone watched him. I’ll ignore them, make them think I’m unaware of their presence. Whoever it was lurked inside, that much he knew, but their identity remained a mystery, their signature cloaked. He searched the grounds where the minions attacked, but found nothing. Next, he moved toward the abandoned warehouse, a dagger in his palm and a Glock tucked into the waistband of his jeans. His grip tightened on the dagger. Odage, you motherfucker, show your face.

  Marcus, where the hell are you? Aidyn shot into his mind.

  He certainly didn’t want to talk to Aidyn but realized he couldn’t ignore his king either. I’m searching the area where the fight occurred. Someone is watching me, and I aim to find out who.

  I sense by your mood things didn’t go well with Cassie?

  No. Great, the last fucking thing he wanted to discuss. He entered the abandoned warehouse that years ago had been a hub of activity, but now stood a skeleton of its former self. There were two stories and the presence who was watching him hid on the upper floor. The sun moved across the horizon, and Marcus slipped into the shadows, remaining out of sight yet cautious since most immortals were adept at hiding.

  Marcus, I am sorry about Cassie, give her time. Is someone still watching you?


  Let me send you some backup.

  No! I do this alone. He reached the other side of the warehouse. Since the stairs were still intact, he didn’t dare flash to the upper level because he had no idea what surprise awaited.

  Fine, but keep in touch with me. I want to know the minute you find something. And Marcus?


  That’s an order.

  He furrowed a brow. Yes, my lord. Then pulled the Glock from its resting place and sheathed the dagger. The bullet would slow down any immortal long enough for him to take their head. He set his foot on the first step, testing to make sure it remained sturdy. Once assured it would hold his weight, he moved in stealth mode taking two steps at a time until he reached the top floor. The last of the remaining sunlight filtered through broken windows and cast dancing shadows on the wall. Sensing someone on the other side of the room, he raised the gun.

  “Come out where I can see you.”

  Slowly, the shadows moved, and a figure emerged from the darkness. “Step closer,” he demanded.

  A hooded figure stepped out of the shadows into the last of the flickering sunlight. He blinked, but the vision remained. “Holy Christ,” he whispered. Aidyn!

  The figure turned and moved back toward the shadows. He quickly followed, even though his head spun and his mind played tricks on him. There was simply no way. “Wait.” He heard a whimper then moved to stand in front of the dark stranger, grabbing both shoulders, he pulled the person into the last of the sunlight. “What kind of fucking game is this?”

  Tears streaked down a dirty face. Tattered clothing covered in blood hung loose over a delicate frame. Golden locks matted to her head. “No game, I swear.” The reply came as a mere whisper.

  He looked closer. Frail and thin, chocolate eyes once filled with life were now dull and filled with pain. “It’s impossible.” Now convinced the curse had overtaken him. The darkness on his soul showed his past sins and had sent him to hell. He looked around half expecting the prince of darkness to make some flashy entrance. “How is it you’re here?”

  The figure before him gazed at the floor. “I... I’m not sure.”

  “Wrong answer,” he snarled. “There’s no fucking way in hell.” The vision played out in his mind. Blinding pain stabbed at his brain. “What kind of illusion is this, and who’s behind it?”

  The woman’s head snapped up to look at him. Her face twisted with pain, but eyes blazed with anger. Her fists clenched. “Of course, you watched me die. It was your blade that killed me!” Her body trembled as she ran toward him, fists pummeled his chest as the rage seeped from her voice. “I loved you, but you took my life from me. Look at me! Three hundred years I have wandered not knowing what to do, barely existing because of you!”

  He grabbed her wrists to stop the assault. She no longer looked at him but sobbed. Her body convulsed with every tear that spilled. “If you are indeed who you claim, then why not contact me or your brother? What about your mother?”

  Her gaze lifted to meet his, long lashes moist with tears. “How could I when I knew you didn’t love me.”

  Gods, her scent. It was true, but how he had no idea. He fell to his knees, unable to stand it any longer. “Eliza, please forgive me. I never meant to hurt you. I thought you were lost to me.”

  She knelt in front of him. “Tell me, mate. Do you love her?”

  She spoke of Cassie. Gods, how fucked up his life had become in a matter of seconds. Did he love Cassie? The answer was buried deep. He hardly knew her, yet their connection was strong. He could love her easily if given a chance. “No.”

  Eliza peered at him through slits. “I think you’re lying. Perhaps I will take her head just as you did mine.” The cold metal snapped. He looked down in disbelief at the silver bands shining on each wrist. How the hell had he allowed this to happen? His strength ebbed and weakness surrounded him. Only seconds remained before he'd become as fragile as a mortal. Aidyn! Watch over Cassie. The connection broke. “What are you doing?”

  Eliza stood and beckoned someone from the c
orner. Demons appeared and dragged him to his feet, now too weak to fight. “Why, Marcus darling, I am repaying you for all those years of love and kindness you showered on me.” She flashed from the room.

  A week had gone by since Cassie last saw Marcus. One long, lonely week. On several occasions, she stopped herself from calling out for him, knew he would respond and come back. She tried to go on with life, but that had proved easier said than done. Her mind wandered, which wasn't such a good thing since she worked in a hospital. People counted on her, their lives put at risk by her inability to concentrate so she requested a temporary leave of absence, stating personal reasons. Mental problems would have been more accurate.

  A knock sounded at the door. It was five in the afternoon, and she wasn’t expecting any visitors. Cautious, she approached and looked out the peep hole. Damn. The vampire Cassie had seen earlier when they were attacked by demons lurked outside. Knowing she couldn’t avoid him, she slowly opened the door.

  “What do you want?” she asked.

  “I only wish to speak with you.”

  She stepped back to let him in. “I don’t suppose I have much choice anyway. If I refuse, you’ll just poof your way in.” Her voice was filled with sarcasm.

  Aidyn threw his head back and laughed. “Poof? I don’t poof.”

  A delicate brow raised, and she pushed a stray strand of hair from her face. “Excuse me. I’m afraid I’m not up on the current vampire lingo.”

  He chuckled as he sat down on the couch and patted the cushion next to him. “Cassie, come sit next to me so we may talk.”

  Deciding it might be better to keep her distance, she chose the chair directly across from him. “I think I’ll sit here.”

  He let out a breath as if annoyed. Maybe she shouldn’t push him. After all, a vampire could pretty much do whatever he wanted. Still, she couldn’t help it. She'd woken up in a foul mood earlier in the day, and nothing she did seemed to help. Actually, not true, she had been in a foul mood since Marcus had brought her home and she had told him to go away.


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