Vampire's Mate

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Vampire's Mate Page 22

by Valerie Twombly

  “Who are you?”

  Baal snorted. “I actually signed up for this shit? Marcus, my friend... you, I understand, but angel boy here should not be susceptible to demon magic.”

  “When did this black mist show up?” Marcus asked.

  Gabriel narrowed his eyes, his hands balled into fists. “How stupid I’ve been. The demon is right, I should have known this would happen and prepared us.”

  “What? Tell me, I feel like someone’s life is on the line, and it’s pissing me off I can’t remember.”

  Gabriel nodded to the mist. “It’s the mist. Demon magic has messed with our memories, caused us to fight. Someone wants us to forget our mission.”

  He grabbed the angel’s shoulders and shook him. “Gods damn it! What do we do?”

  “Give me a minute to work here.”

  Gabriel brought his palms together as if in prayer, and he chanted under his breath. The angel touched Marcus on the arm, sending heat through his body. A white mist swirled around them. When the mist dissipated, Marcus recognized his surroundings. They were in the other world, on the other side stood the temple of the gods. A place where sacrifices were made and punishments meted out.

  “How long will this take?” Marcus asked.

  “As long as it takes.”

  “Maybe we should just go to the temple and ask for help.” Before I rip every feather from your wings.

  “I am your help.”

  He was getting really tired of this angel and his attitude. Marcus wondered if the god would kill him for beating the shit out of Zarek’s personal warrior right on the god’s door step. Temptation pushed him in that direction when the fog in his brain began to lift. Cassie.

  “I remember! Wait, where’s the demon?”

  “Still in hell, we will find Baal when we return. This time we must keep our minds blocked. We cannot use any telepathy or the magic will overtake us again. We only have eight hours left,” Gabriel said.

  “Shit, let’s go.” Not waiting for the angel, he touched Gabriel’s arm. “Go!”

  In the next instant, they were back in the underworld. Marcus pointed. “Baal went that way."

  “Good, I’ll fly overhead, so I have a better view.”

  He nodded in agreement then propelled into a sprint. Being a vampire gave him speed, desperation for his mate increased it tenfold. He was done fucking around. The only thought in his head—protect his mate and daughter. She owned him, heart, body and soul. If anything happened to either of them...well, he hoped Gabriel would kill him before he went on a rampage. There would be no innocents, no one would survive his wrath.

  Gabriel dropped from the sky. “Up ahead is a palace. I suspect it belongs to Lord Lowan. We’ll need to approach with caution.”

  Marcus nodded in understanding. “Cassie is number one priority. You must get her out.”

  “I understand, vampire. I will leave you behind.” His blue eyes leveled on Marcus. “Your daughter must not fall into demon hands.”

  Lowan offered his arm to Cassie. “Come, let me show you your new home.”

  She chewed her lip. How the hell am I going to get out of this? She had no weapons and no way back to the surface. All she had were the warriors Argathos had said were on their way. But when? She did have her wits and so she would use them to hopefully buy her time.

  She reached out and placed a hand on his arm. “I would love to see how you live down here.”

  His lips curled into a smile. “I think we shall get along fine.”

  He led her across the marble floor, pointing out the various paintings and murals. Next was the vast library. The room was lined with books from floor to ceiling on three sides. He explained how every book ever written was in this collection. The fourth wall was covered with a stone fireplace, the hearth so vast she could actually stand in it. Several black leather chairs were situated in front of it, offering a refuge to curl up and read. That is if one wanted to spend eternity in hell.

  Upon exiting the library, he led her to the ballroom. Seriously? Why did she have a hard time imagining an orchestra playing while demons in ball gowns and tuxedos glided gracefully across the dance floor? Did he actually entertain? He certainly had the finest of everything. If she didn’t know better, she could imagine herself in some posh estate somewhere hobnobbing with the upper class. All she had to do was look at his black eyes to remind her of where she was.

  “So tell me, why am I here?”

  He brushed a lock of her hair from her cheek, and she pushed down bile, trying to place happy thoughts in her mind to help her remain calm.

  “My lovely human, you are the key to releasing me from this world.”

  Her mouth fell open. “I don’t understand.”

  “Of course, let me explain. You see, your blood on the amulet of Tobor will open a gateway for me to enter the human realm.”

  Her palms began to sweat, afraid of what he meant by her blood.

  He patted her hand. “Do not worry, a drop of your blood is all I need.”

  “Why me? I mean I’m no one special, and what is this amulet?”

  He sighed. “So many questions. We will talk more about this later.”

  No, she wanted to talk now but dared not press the issue.

  After the ballroom, they moved to the upper floor. Lowan stopped in front of one of the oak doors. “This will be your room, for now.” He pushed open the door.

  Cassie stepped across cream carpet and tried not to blanch when her gaze caught the black four-poster bed that took up nearly one entire wall. Instead, she focused on the sitting area to the right. Lowan opened another door to reveal a walk-in closet almost as large as the bedroom. Women’s clothing from jeans and T-shirts to elegant gowns hung from the rods. Shoes, more than at all the stores at which Cassie shopped combined, lined the floor.

  He waved a hand at the racks of clothes. “I wanted to make sure your wardrobe was complete. You should need for nothing.”

  “Seems you’ve thought of everything.”

  “Indeed, only the best for my queen. The women who come after you will merely be my memamosals.”

  Her brows together. “Memamosals?”

  “Wives.” His lips curled. “You see, my dear, if you were to bind with your mate, you would most likely become a healer like him. I can’t afford to have any more guardians running around. It ruins my plans.”

  “What are your plans exactly?” She wanted to gather as much information on this sick bastard as possible. Anything to aid the guardians.

  He slid up next to her and placed his arm around her shoulder. She had to stop herself from backing away in disgust. “Once everything is in place, I will leave here and enter the human realm. Your people will follow me or die.” He reached down and placed his hand on her belly. “Your daughter will grow up to hate the vampires. She may even one day kill her own father.”

  She bit her lip. Hell would freeze over before she would allow him to have her daughter. She had to find a way to escape, better to take her chances out there than in here. She focused on what Argathos had said, fight for what you want. Fight she would, to her death if necessary.

  Throwing on a fake smile, she said. “You do realize that I will die in childbirth as a human. Already my body weakens.”

  “Of course. You will bind with me. I will perform the ceremony tomorrow eve then you and your daughter will become demon.” He grabbed her chin and pinched it between his strong fingers. “Do not think to deceive me, you will not like my method of punishment.”

  “I wouldn’t dream of it. But I’m curious. How do the Draki fit into your plans?” She suspected they were involved. After all, Odage had been the one to kidnap her. He'd threatened she would become a slave, a whore for those willing to pay. Had Lowan been the highest bidder?

  He tossed back his head and laughed. “Yes, Odage my puppet. How easy it’s been bringing the dragons into my war. They will serve us well. Now, enough of this. It is late, and you need your rest. Tomorrow will be
a big day for us both.” Once he was gone, she waited several minutes before tip-toeing to the door. Trying to steady her trembling hands, she reached for the knob, grasped and turned.


  Not surprised, she'd expected as much but still held out hope for escape. Resigned to the fact that this room was for now her sanctuary, she decided a hot shower and some clean clothes would help refresh her. Lowan had told her dinner would be sent up in an hour, so she headed into the bathroom and started the water flowing into the glass shower. Quickly stripping down, she stepped in and went to work on washing away the sweat and grime as well as Lowan’s touch. Not wanting to linger least he catch her naked, she hurried and rinsed then shut off the water. In record time, she was dry and dressed in yoga pants and a tank top and combing her hair when Lowan entered, pushing a cart with several dishes into the room.

  “Ah, I am happy to see you have freshened up. Now for some nourishment.” He lifted the lids off of several silver trays. Fruits, cheeses, meats and a large loaf of French bread made her stomach growl. A silver ice bucket with several bottles of water accompanied the food. He moved the trays to the table and motioned for her to sit. “Eat your fill then rest. I will be back in the morning.”

  She was busy stuffing a chunk of bread into her mouth when he bent down and kissed her cheek. Nearly choking, she resisted the urge to recoil in disgust. “Thank you for the food.” When he turned to leave the room, she exhaled the breath that had been caught in her lungs, then shoved a piece of ham into her mouth. She would keep her strength up and figure a way out of this place. Once he was gone, she moved the trays around, looking for anything that could be used as a weapon. He’d been smart enough to leave no utensils, but perhaps she could use one of the trays and hit him in the head. Tossing the napkin onto the table, she leaned back in the chair. “Boy, am I stuffed.” She patted her belly. “Baby girl, I hope you got enough. Who knows when we’ll get to eat again.” Standing, she gave a stretch and headed for the bed, not wanting to fall asleep but knowing that rest was the best thing for her and the baby. She would take a quick nap to regain her strength then plot her way out of this mess.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Even though her back was to the door, Cassie sensed someone in her room. She lay perfectly still, afraid to move or even breathe. Was it that bastard Lowan, or had he sent one of his demons to fetch her? She tried to think as the shadows closed in on her. He was at the edge of the bed now, his hot breath tickling her neck. She wanted to scream, but a hand came over her mouth.

  “Shhh, love, I’m here.”

  She rolled to face him. Marcus was real. Tears of joy flowed down her cheeks as she threw her arms around him and sobbed into his chest. She breathed in deep, taking in the salty sea breeze fragrance. It was the best thing she had smelled in days.

  “You came for me,” she choked out between sobs.

  He kissed the top of her head. “Of course, I came for you.” He pushed her back, looked into her eyes. “I’m sorry I had to hurt you before, it was the only way. I will beg your forgiveness later.”

  “I... Eliza said you loved her and...” Her gaze dropped to her lap. “That you two had sex.”

  He lifted her chin with his finger. “The bitch lies. I never touched her. Except for that one kiss you witnessed.” He brushed his lips across hers. “I love you.” He spoke against her lips. “I belong to you. Always.”

  This time his lips pressed harder, his tongue demanding entry. Cassie parted her own and glided her tongue across his, a moan escaped from both of them, but too soon he broke away.

  “Are you hurt? Did he...”

  She pressed a finger to his lips. “No, he didn’t touch me.” She watched relief slide across his face. Her heart broke. He looked so fragile right then. What had he been through to get to her? He truly did love her, and she would never doubt him again.

  He scooped her off the bed and pressed her to his chest. “We must hurry. I left Gabriel and Baal on watch.”

  “Baal is safe?” She wrapped her arms around his neck. “Who is Gabriel?”

  Marcus opened the door and stepped into the hall.

  “Well, it’s about damn time. I was beginning to think you two were going to do the ball slappin’ dance in there,” Baal said.

  Marcus swung around, and Cassie squealed, demanding he put her down. “Baal!” She ran and threw her arms around him. “You’re safe.”

  The demon patted her on the back. “Doll, I’m sure glad to see you safe and sound.”

  Marcus emitted a low growl from deep in his throat. “Demon, hands off!”

  Baal quickly put his hands in his jeans pocket. “Vampire, put a cork on your fangs. You know I mean no harm.”

  “I’m sorry, old friend.” Marcus entwined his fingers in Cassie’s.

  “We have company coming,” Gabriel said as he flashed next to Marcus. All three men drew their swords, then created a triangle around Cassie.

  “Sweetheart, stay between us.”

  “Can’t you just flash us out of here?” She saw the demons, dozens of them coming from both ends of the hall. The men hacked off heads but not before a few of the demons drew blood of their own.

  “Cassie, I can’t flash from hell. Gabriel will take you then come back for me.” Marcus swung his sword, lopping off another head.

  “No, I’m not leaving without you.” She was franticly trying to avoid contact with the angel. If he touched her, she would be gone and Marcus would be left here to fight Lowan. If they were to die, they would die together.

  Lowan’s large figure stormed down the hall. His palms out in front of him. Sparks leapt from his fingertips, arcing across the room, and knocked Marcus to the ground.

  Cassie screamed just as Gabriel flashed her from the room.

  “Son of a bitch, that stung.” Marcus jumped to his feet. It was now up to him and Baal to get out of this mess alive. Gabriel had kept his word. Cassie was out of danger, at least for the moment. He hoped the angel had taken her somewhere far away.

  “We’re in big trouble, my friend,” Baal said.

  “No shit, got any ideas?”


  Baal chanted. “Si relgr acht wer relgimi ekess troth udoka, adon vi daguam ekess surround udoka.” His hands formed a circle over his head, then moved down to his waist. Wind rushed past them and swirled, following the contours of the room. Marcus recognized the demon magic. Baal had summoned the elements to erect a force field around them.

  “Good going, but couldn’t you have kept all the demons on the other side?” Marcus sliced through muscle and bone, sending a demon head to bounce off the invisible wall.

  “Ungrateful vampire.” Baal whacked off two heads. “At least I kept the bitch and her baby demon on the outside.”

  “I’m more grateful than you can imagine.” He just wanted to get the hell out of there. Claws ripped into his arm and back, and blood dripped to the floor, blending with the red marble.

  “Can you flash us out of here?”

  “As soon as we kill the last demon.”

  Marcus understood, knew when they flashed there was that split second when they were vulnerable. Enough time for a demon to take off their heads. A crackling noise hung in the air. Lowan’s palms touched the side of the force field, and hairline cracks began to form.

  “He’s going to break through any minute,” Baal yelled.

  Marcus fought two demons that clung to him. Fangs sank into his shoulder, their poison pumped into his blood, causing his vision to blur. I cannot fail! He sucked in a deep breath and threw the demons off. In a quick motion, he swiveled and removed both demons' heads. Baal’s rough hands grabbed him before he hit the floor.

  Cassie chewed her lip while pacing the floor. It had only been a few minutes since Gabriel flashed her from Lowan’s, but it felt like an eternity.

  “Cassie, I’m sure he is fine,” Aidyn said.

  She stopped and glared. “If he’s injured, I hold that angel responsible.”r />
  “You couldn’t have helped him. Your presence would have only hindered him. He would have worried for your safety.”

  Aidyn was right. She knew that, but it didn’t make the wait any easier. Gabriel had gone back to help while she and the others waited at the lake house. Cassie wondered how the rest remained so calm. She placed a hand on her belly. Soon, pumpkin your father will be back with us.

  Stopping at the expanse of windows, she stared out over the lake. In the darkness, she saw tiny dots of light along the shoreline. Everyone was tucked in their homes, away from the September rain that had started to pelt the windows. She rubbed her arms against the invisible chill. It wasn’t the cold that bothered her, it was something she couldn’t grasp or explain.

  “Cassie!” The voice she wanted to hear most called from behind her. She spun to find Baal and Gabriel helping Marcus to the couch. She ran and wrapped her arms around him. This was it, this was what she’d longed for, her soul wrapping around his, making her whole once again. She leaned back to get a look at him.

  “Marcus, you're injured.” He was covered in blood, gouges and bite marks. Some were healing, but many were still red and angry. His face was bruised, and his hair matted with dried blood. She brushed a gentle finger along his cheek as tears spilled down hers. “What have they done to you?”

  “Marcus needs blood so he can heal.” Lucan stepped in front of them and offered his wrist. Cassie knew that the warrior’s blood would help, but he required human blood. Even more powerful was the blood of his mate, her blood.

  “No, I will take care of his needs.”

  Marcus looked at her. “No, Cassie, you don’t have to do this.”

  She took his hand in hers and brought it to her lips, planting a soft kiss. “I want to do this, please let me help you.”

  “I shall take my leave. I’ll post more guards on the premises.” Lucan turned into a black mist and rolled from the room. Cassie’s jaw dropped, she had never seen him make an exit like that.


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