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Titus Andronicus & Timon of Athens

Page 30

by William Shakespeare

  Vickers, Brian. Shakespeare, Co-Author: A Historical Study of Five Collaborative Plays (2002). Full account of the collaboration between Shakespeare and Middleton on the play.

  Walker, John Lewis, "Fortune and Friendship in Timon of Athens." Originally published in Texas Studies in Literature and Language 18, no. 4 (Winter 1977), pp. 577-600. Available in Shakespearean Criticism 67, pp. 253-63. Reviews the influence of the goddess Fortune on the characters and relationships in the play.

  The Play in Performance

  Smallwood, Robert, ed., Players of Shakespeare 5 (2003), Michael Pennington discusses playing Timon, pp. 131-44.

  See Soellner in "Critical Approaches" above.

  Available on DVD

  Timon of Athens, directed by Jonathan Miller for the BBC Shakespeare series (1981, DVD 2005). Admirable Jacobean-styled version starring Jonathan Pryce as Timon, Norman Rodway as Apemantus, John Shrapnel as Alcibiades, and John Bird and John Fortune as the Painter and Poet.





  1. Karl Marx, Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts, no. 3 "Money" (1844).

  2. William Hazlitt, Characters of Shakespeare's Plays (1817).


  3. R. A. Foakes (ed.), Henslowe's Diary (2002).

  4. Jonathan Bate (ed.), The Arden Shakespeare: Titus Andronicus (2003), p. 41; the illustration is discussed in detail on pp. 38-43.

  5. The Era, 26 April 1857.

  6. Charles Durang, History of the Philadelphia Stage Between the Years 1749 and 1855 (1868).

  7. Gordon Crosse, in Fifty Years of Shakespearean Playgoing, called it "thoroughly enjoyable" (1941).

  8. C. F. Tucker Brooke, The Tudor Drama (1911).

  9. Harold Hobson, Sunday Times (London), 11 November 1951.

  10. T. C. Worsley, "Grand Guignol," New Statesman & Nation 1, No. 1277, 27 August 1955, p. 240.

  11. Jan Kott, "Shakespeare--Cruel and True," in Shakespeare, Our Contemporary (1966), pp. 345-53.

  12. Kenneth Tynan, "Chamber of Horrors," Observer, 21 August 1955, p. 11.

  13. Mildred C. Kuner, "The New York Shakespeare Festival, 1967," Shakespeare Quarterly XVIII, No. 4, Autumn 1967, pp. 411-15.

  14. Ralph Berry, review of Titus Andronicus, Shakespeare Quarterly 30, No. 2, Spring, 1979, pp. 171-73.

  15. Peter Marks, review of Titus Andronicus, New York Times, 18 August 1999.

  16. Normand Berlin, Massachusetts Review 44, No. 3, Fall 2003, p. 531.

  17. The experience of creating this production is described in detail in Sher and Doran's Woza Shakespeare! (1996) (see "Further Reading and Viewing").

  18. Peter Brown, London Theatre Guide, 30 May 2006.

  19. Maria de Luca and Mary Lindroth, "Mayhem, Madness, Method: An Interview with Julie Taymor," Cineaste 25, No. 3, 2000, pp. 28-31.

  20. Jim Welsh and John Tibbets, " 'To Sup with Horrors': Julie Taymor's Senecan Feast," Literature/Film Quarterly 28, No. 2, April 2000, pp. 155-6.

  21. Paul Taylor, Independent, 22 June 2006.

  22. Wes Craven's Last House on the Left (1972) and Sam Peckinpah's Straw Dogs (1971) are two of the most striking examples of the 1970s use of the revenge drama as a formula for a horror film.

  23. Antonin Artaud, The Theatre and Its Double, trans. Mary Caroline Richards (1958), p. 99.

  24. John Peter, Sunday Times, 17 May 1987.

  25. Brian Cox, "Titus Andronicus," in Players of Shakespeare 3, ed. Russell Jackson and Robert Smallwood (1993).

  26. Pascale Aebischer, Shakespeare's Violated Bodies (2003).

  27. Stanley Wells, Shakespeare Survey 41, 1989.

  28. Mel Gussow, New York Times, 16 August 1987.

  29. Marianne Novy, ed., Cross-Cultural Performances: Differences in Women's ReVisions of Shakespeare (1993).

  30. Novy, Cross-Cultural Performances.

  31. Robin Wood, "Introduction," in American Nightmare: Essays on the Horror Film, ed. Richard Lippe and Robin Wood (1979).

  32. Michael Ratcliffe, Observer, 10 July 1988.

  33. Pascale Aebischer, Shakespeare's Violated Bodies (2003).

  34. Luc Borot, F. Laroque, and J. M. Maguin, Cahiers Elisabethains, No. 32, October 1987.

  35. Pascale Aebischer, Shakespeare's Violated Bodies (2003).

  36. Jonathan Bate, ed., Titus Andronicus, The Arden Shakespeare (1995).

  37. Novy, Cross-Cultural Performances.

  38. Stanley Wells, Shakespeare Survey 179, 1988.

  39. Cox, "Titus Andronicus."

  40. Taylor, Independent, 22 June 2006.

  41. Benedict Nightingale, The Times (London), 22 June 2006.

  42. Patrick Carnegy, Spectator, 1 July 2006.

  43. Alastair Macaulay, Financial Times, 23 June 2006.

  44. Novy, Cross-Cultural Performances.

  45. Rebecca Tyrrel, Sunday Telegraph, 25 June 2006.

  46. Nightingale, The Times (London), 22 June 2006.

  47. Kate Bassett, Independent on Sunday, 25 June 2006.

  48. Nicholas de Jongh, Evening Standard, 22 June 2006.

  49. Paul Taylor, Independent, 22 June 2006.

  50. Bill Alexander, Titus Andronicus, 2003, RSC Online Playguide.

  51. John Barber, Daily Telegraph, 4 September 1981.

  52. Ned Chaillet, The Times (London), 4 September 1981.

  53. PW, Rugby Advertiser, 11 September 1981.

  54. ALE, Stratford-upon-Avon Herald, 11 September 1981.

  55. Stanley Wells, Shakespeare Survey 41, 1989.

  56. Wells, Shakespeare Survey 41, 1989.

  57. Cox, "Titus Andronicus."

  58. Novy, Cross-Cultural Performances.

  59. H. R. Woudhuysen, Times Literary Supplement, No. 4390, 22 May 1987.

  60. Alan Dessen, Shakespeare Quarterly 39, No. 2, Summer 1988.

  61. David Bradley, Titus Andronicus, 2003, RSC Online Playguide.

  62. Benedict Nightingale, The Times (London), 25 September 2003.

  63. Michael Billington, Guardian, 22 June 2006.

  64. Paul Taylor, Independent, 29 September 2003.

  65. Michael Billington, Guardian, 25 September 2003.

  66. Cox, "Titus Andronicus."

  67. Alan Dessen, "Titus Andronicus [at the RSC, Stratford-on-Avon, 1988]," in Titus Andronicus: Critical Essays, ed. Philip C. Kolin (1995).


  68. Francelia Butler, The Strange Critical Fortunes of Shakespeare's "Timon of Athens" (1966), p. 188.

  69. University of Oxford, The Archive of performances of Greek and Roman drama, at

  70. Stanley T. Williams, "Some Versions of 'Timon of Athens' on the Stage," Modern Philology 18, No. 5, September 1920, pp. 269-85.

  71. Williams, "Some Versions of 'Timon of Athens' on the Stage."

  72. Williams, "Some Versions of 'Timon of Athens' on the Stage."

  73. Leigh Hunt, "Timon of Athens," in Leigh Hunt's Dramatic Criticism: 1808-1831, ed. Lawrence Huston Houtchens and Carolyn Washburn Houtchens (1949), pp. 134-39.

  74. New Monthly Magazine, Vol. VI, No. 35, 1 December 1816.

  75. George C. D. Odell, "The Plays: The Activities of Kemble," in From Betterton to Irving, Vol. II (1920), reprinted 1963, pp. 45-80.

  76. Gary Jay Williams, "Stage History, 1816-1978," in Timon of Athens: Shakespeare's Pessimistic Tragedy, ed. Rolf Soellner (1979), pp. 161-85.

  77. Henry Morley, The Journal of a London Playgoer (1891), reprinted 1974, pp. 129-32.

  78. From an eyewitness account published in Poet Love and quoted in Williams, "Some Versions of 'Timon of Athens' on the Stage."

  79. The Times (London), 19 May 1904.

  80. Williams, "Some Versions of 'Timon of Athens' on the Stage."

  81. Williams, "Some Versions of 'Timon of Athens' on the Stage."

  82. H. S. Bennet and George Rylands, "Stratford Productions," Shakespeare Survey I (1948).

83. Williams, "Stage History, 1816-1978."

  84. Williams, "Stage History, 1816-1978."

  85. Williams, "Stage History, 1816-1978."

  86. Williams, "Stage History, 1816-1978."

  87. Caryl Brahms, "Son of Lear," Plays and Players 4, No. 1, October 1956, p. 9.

  88. "Whispers from the Wings," Theatre World LII, No. 382, November 1956, p. 23.

  89. Kenneth Tynan, Observer, 9 September 1956.

  90. "The Duke in Athens," Newsweek LXII, No. 7, 12 August 1963, p. 52.

  91. Howard Taubman, " 'Timon' in a Dinner Jacket," New York Times, 31 July 1963, p. 19.

  92. Mel Gussow, "Peter Brook takes on 'Timon of Athens,' " New York Times, 10 August 1975, Section 2, pp. 1, 5.

  93. Henry Popkin, The Nation, New York, Vol. 221, No. 6, 6 September 1975, p. 189.

  94. Eric Shorter, "Timon of Paris," Drama, London, No. 115, Winter 1974, pp. 21-27.

  95. Shorter, "Timon of Paris."

  96. Gussow, "Peter Brook takes on 'Timon of Athens.' "

  97. Ralph Berry, in an appendix to On Directing Shakespeare: Interviews with Contemporary Directors (1977), pp. 131-33.

  98. Anthony Masters, The Times (London), 16 April 1981.

  99. G. M. Pearce, Cahiers Elisabethains, No. 20, October 1981, pp. 102-4.

  100. Pearce, Cahiers Elisabethains.

  101. Anthony Masters, The Times (London), 16 April 1981.

  102. Stanley Wells, "Living Both Ends," Times Literary Supplement, No. 4073, 24 April 1981, p. 461.

  103. Wells, "Living Both Ends."

  104. Pearce, Cahiers Elisabethains.

  105. Lois Potter, "A Dream of Friendship," Times Literary Supplement, No. 4430, 26 February 1988, p. 220.

  106. James Torrens, "The Bard Still Pleases," America 170, 15-22 January 1994, p. 15.

  107. Torrens, "The Bard Still Pleases."

  108. Ben Brantley, "Shakespeare Serves Up a Savoury Course of Rage," New York Times 145, 26 August 1996.

  109. Brantley, "Shakespeare Serves Up a Savoury Course of Rage."

  110. Alan Armstrong, "The 1997 Oregon Shakespeare Festival," Shakespeare Bulletin 16, No. 2, spring 1998, pp. 33-37.

  111. Paul Taylor, Independent, 13 August 2008.

  112. Lucy Bailey in an interview with Laura Macdonald, Independent, 23 July 2008.

  113. Taylor, Independent, 13 August 2008.

  114. Michael Billington, Guardian, 8 August 2008.

  115. Benedict Nightingale, The Times (London), 7 August 2008.

  116. Timon RSC program, 1999.

  117. Bernard Levin, Daily Mail, 2 July 1965.

  118. Michael Pennington, Players of Shakespeare 5, ed. Robert Smallwood (2003), p. 139.

  119. Gareth Lloyd Evans, Guardian, 2 July 1965.

  120. Pennington, Players of Shakespeare 5.

  121. John Schlesinger, RSC program note for 1965 production.

  122. Milton Shulman, Evening Standard 2 July 1965.

  123. Mervyn Jones, Tribune, 9 July 1965.

  124. John Russell Brown, "The Royal Shakespeare Company 1965," Shakespeare Survey 19, 1966, p. 116.

  125. Alan Brien, Sunday Telegraph, 4 July 1965.

  126. B. A. Young, Financial Times, 2 July 1965.

  127. Evans, Guardian, 2 July 1965.

  128. Levin, Daily Mail, 2 July 1965.

  129. Herbert Kretzmer, Daily Express, 2 July 1965.

  130. Penelope Gilliatt, Observer, 4 July 1965.

  131. Mervyn Jones, Tribune, 9 July 1965.

  132. Jones, Tribune, 9 July 1965.

  133. Gilliatt, Observer, 4 July 1965.

  134. J. C. Trewin, Birmingham Post, 2 July 1965.

  135. Charles Graves, Scotsman, 2 July 1965.

  136. Leamington Spa Courier, 9 July 1965.

  137. The Times (London), 2 July 1965.

  138. Evans, Guardian, 2 July 1965.

  139. Evans, Guardian, 2 July 1965.

  140. Muriel Bradbrook (1968) quoted in RSC theater program for the canceled production 1971.

  141. Desmond Pratt, Yorkshire Post, 9 September 1980.

  142. Michael Billington, Guardian, 12 September 1980.

  143. B. A. Young, Financial Times, 12 September 1980.

  144. Michael Coveney, Financial Times, 10 November 1981.

  145. Geoffrey Wheatcroft, Sunday Telegraph, 15 November 1981.

  146. Irving Wardle, The Times (London), 12 September 1980.

  147. Desmond Pratt, Yorkshire Post, 11 September 1980.

  148. Young, Financial Times, 12 September 1980.

  149. Michael Coveney, Financial Times, 10 November 1981.

  150. John Barber, Daily Telegraph, 11 September 1980.

  151. Coveney, Financial Times, 10 November 1981.

  152. Ned Chaillet, The Times (London), 10 November 1981.

  153. Coveney, Financial Times, 10 November 1981.

  154. Roger Warren, Shakespeare Survey 34, 1981, p. 153.

  155. Robert Cushman, Observer, 14 September 1980.

  156. Warren, Shakespeare Survey 34, p. 153.

  157. John Barber, Daily Telegraph, 11 September 1980.

  158. Wheatcroft, Sunday Telegraph, 15 November 1981.

  159. Billington, Guardian, 12 September 1980.

  160. Warren, Shakespeare Survey 34, p. 154.

  161. Gilbert Phelps, BBC World Service, 11 September 1980.

  162. Billington, Guardian, 12 September 1980.

  163. Young, Financial Times, 12 September 1980.

  164. Billington, Guardian, 12 September 1980.

  165. Coveney, Financial Times, 10 November 1981.

  166. Billington, Guardian, 12 September 1980.

  167. Richard Edmonds, Birmingham Post, 18 August 1999.

  168. Billington, Guardian, 12 September 1980.

  169. Nicholas de Jongh, Evening Standard, 2 March 2000.

  170. John Peter, Sunday Times (London), 12 September 1999.

  171. Alastair Macaulay, Financial Times, 3 March 2000.

  172. De Jongh, Evening Standard, 2 March 2000.

  173. Billington, Guardian, 12 September 1980.

  174. David Blewitt, Stage, 9 March 2000.

  175. Macaulay, Financial Times, 3 March 2000.

  176. Paul Taylor, Independent, 25 August 1999.

  177. Sheridan Morley, International Herald Tribune, 8 March 2000.

  178. Taylor, Independent, 25 August 1999.

  179. Nigel Cliff, The Times (London), 4 September 1999.

  180. Nick Curtis, Evening Standard, 25 August 1999.

  181. De Jongh, Evening Standard, 2 March 2000.

  182. John Jowett (ed.), Timon of Athens (2004), p. 113.

  183. Michael Pennington, Players of Shakespeare 5, p. 138.

  184. John Jowett (ed.), Timon of Athens (2004), p. 118.

  185. Blewitt, Stage, 9 March 2000.

  186. Morley, International Herald Tribune, 8 March 2000.

  187. John Thaxter, Stage, 2 September 1999.

  188. Macaulay, Financial Times, 3 March 2000.

  189. Taylor, Independent, 25 August 1999.

  190. Pennington, Players of Shakespeare 5, pp. 133, 144.

  191. Graves, Scotsman, 2 July 1965.

  192. James Fenton, Sunday Times (London), 14 September 1980.



  Preparation of "Titus Andronicus in Performance" and "Timon of Athens in Performance" was assisted by a generous grant from the CAPITAL Centre (Creativity and Performance in Teaching and Learning) of the University of Warwick for research in the RSC archive at the Shakespeare Birthplace Trust.

  Thanks as always to our indefatigable and eagle-eyed copy editor Tracey Day and to Ray Addicott for overseeing the production process with rigor and calmness.

  Picture research by Michelle Morton. Grateful acknowledgment is made to the Shakespeare Birthplace Trust for assistance with picture research (special thanks to Helen Hargest) and reproduction fees.

  Images of RSC productions are
supplied by the Shakespeare Centre Library and Archive, Stratford-upon-Avon. This library, maintained by the Shakespeare Birthplace Trust, holds the most important collection of Shakespeare material in the UK, including the Royal Shakespeare Company's official archive. It is open to the public free of charge.

  For more information see

  1. Illustration by Henry Peacham (c.1604-15) Reproduced by permission of the Marquess of Bath, Longleat House, Warminster, Wiltshire.

  2. Directed by Peter Brook (1955) Angus McBean (c) Royal Shakespeare Company

  3. Directed by Deborah Warner (1987) Joe Cocks Studio Collection (c) Shakespeare Birthplace Trust 4. Directed by Trevor Nunn (1972) Reg Wilson (c) Royal Shakespeare Company

  5. Directed by John Barton (1981) Joe Cocks Studio Collection (c) Shakespeare Birthplace Trust 6. Directed by Bill Alexander (2003) John Haynes (c) Royal Shakespeare Company 7. Directed by Gregory Doran (1995) (c) Donald Cooper/

  8. Directed by Yukio Ninagawa (2006) Ellie Kurttz (c) Royal Shakespeare Company 9. John Philip Kemble as Timon (1815) Reproduced by permission of the Royal Shakespeare Company 10. Directed by John Schlesinger (1965) Tom Holte (c) Shakespeare Birthplace Trust 11. Directed by Ron Daniels (1980) Joe Cocks Studio Collection (c) Shakespeare Birthplace Trust 12. Directed by Gregory Doran (1999) Malcolm Davies (c) Shakespeare Birthplace Trust 13. Reconstructed Elizabethan playhouse (c) Charcoalblue


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