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Bucked Page 4

by Tara Sue Me

“Good job,” he said. “I’m going to look over every inch your hot little body, explore and taste it. Your hands are to stay right there the entire time. Understand?”

  “Yes, sir,” she said in a voice that would let him know that even though she understood, she didn’t like it.

  He didn’t reprimand her, but gave her a devilish grin. “I know what you’re thinking.”

  “That you’re a mean Dom for not allowing me touch you?” She sucked in a breath at the slap he gave her inner thigh.

  “Don’t make me gag you.” He scooted down her body and licked the spot he’d slapped.

  She watched his mouth move. Damn, but his mouth was fast becoming one of her favorite things. If she didn’t do something to counteract the sensations he was creating in her body, she knew she’d come before he even really started.

  “Please, sir,” she said,

  He propped himself up on his good elbow. “Yes?”

  “If I can’t touch you with my hands, please let me taste you.”

  He waited so long, she expected him to reach for a gag.

  “It probably would be a good idea to keep your mouth occupied.” He rose to his knees and lowered his jeans. “Not to mention, I’ve fantasized about sinking into that warm mouth of yours for months.”

  Just as she’d fantasized about taking him in her mouth for months. “Likewise.”

  His cock came into view and, holy shit.

  She stared at it. “You’re sort of big.”

  “There’s no sort of about it,” he said with a chuckle.

  “I don’t know if I can -”

  “Then go back to your room.”

  She shook her head. “No, sir.

  “In that case,” he said and, not giving her a chance to reply, pushed past her lips. “Oh, yes….fuck, so good.”

  He held onto the headboard with one hand and moved in and out of her mouth. “That’s it. Keep that mind of yours focused on my dick. How it feels. How hard it is for you. Where it’s going next. Fuck.”

  He wouldn’t stay in her mouth long; she didn’t think he could hold his release back that long. Already his breathing came in short pants, and a faint sheen of sweat glistened on his forehead.

  “Got to stop,” he ground out and pulled away. She allowed herself a moment of victory. He was holding onto his control by a thread, and she made him that way.

  “Are you ready for me, Kiara?” He trailed a hand down her side and lightly brushed between her legs.

  She was so wet it was almost embarrassing, and she wanted his cock inside her like three months ago. “Yes, sir.”

  He didn’t rush anything like she thought he would. Instead, he looked her exactly like he’d promised. Looked and touched. He kissed his way across her stomach, licked the underside of her knee, and caressed her body with such soft and sure strokes, she was almost ready to say fuck it to his command that she keep her hands on the headboard and jump him instead.

  Fortunately, he pulled himself up and situated himself between her knees. She spread them further apart.

  He gave her a smug grin. “Impatient, girl?”

  “Just a little, sir.”

  He raised an eyebrow.

  Damn him. “Yes, sir. Very much, sir.”

  “Thank you,” he said. “I appreciate your honesty, and just so you know, I’m impatient as well.” He didn’t finish speaking before thrusting into her with one solid stroke.

  “Ohhhh, yes,” she groaned.

  He filled her completely, and started a slow and steady rhythm that had her writhing under him. More. More. More. But he held back, drawing out every ounce of pleasure possible with his retreat before pushing back into her so damn slow she felt each inch of him.

  She lifted her legs to wrap around his waist. If she couldn't pull him toward her with her arms, she’d use her legs. He gave a grunt of satisfaction as her heels pressed him deeper inside. His head dipped low and she bit his ear.

  It must have been the signal he wanted, because he roared back and started pounding into her with an almost punishing tempo. Her eyes widened at just how deep and just how hard and oh my God yes. No one had ever made her feel this way. She’d never known it could be this good.

  He lifted her hips, and the angle allowed him to hit a new spot on his next thrust. That was all it took. Her climax rushed up on her, it was all she could do to hold it back.

  “Please, sir. May I?”

  He nodded. “Come.”

  Her climax took over her entire body, leaving her shaking in the aftermath.

  He let out a sigh and with a final surge into her, released into the condom and dropped to her side on the bed. He pulled her to him with his good arm. “You can move your hands now.”

  She didn’t have to be told twice. She wrapped her arms around him, and held him close.

  Chapter 8


  Orson woke slowly, following what had to be the best sleep he’d had in a long time. No doubt because of the incredible sexual release preceding said sleep. He turned his head. Kiara slept at his side, curled into in him, her hair a tumbled and tangled mess.

  Though it had not been his intention to take her to bed, he couldn’t deny he was grateful she’d taken control of the situation so thoroughly. He appreciated and respected a woman who knew what she wanted and went after it, not caring what anyone thought.

  He wasn’t sure how things would go when he saw Evan next. More than likely, Kelly had already set him straight. He chuckled. There was no question Evan had his hands full with her. Although Orson knew his partner wouldn’t have it any other way.

  Still, he needed to sit down with Evan and have a conversation.

  “What are you frowning about so early in the morning?”

  He looked down and saw that Kiara was awake. “Was I frowning?”


  He ran his fingers through his hair. “More than likely because I was thinking about the conversation Evan and I should have later today.”

  “I don’t see why you have to talk with him at all about the two of us. It’s none of his damn business.”

  “Normally, I’d agree with you,” Orson said. “But this time I believe a conversation is in order because he implicitly stated that I was to keep my distance and that you were a no-go zone.”

  “If you insist on talking with him, please tell him to keep his opinions on what he thinks is best for me to himself.” She stretched and got out of bed. “I’m going to make some coffee and see what I can round up for breakfast. You coming?”

  “Give me about ten minutes.”

  Ten minutes later, he made his way to the kitchen and found her at the oven wearing one of his t-shirts. She was tall, and even though he was taller, the hem of the shirt hit high. She had it paired with a tiny thong. If her intent was to get him hard as a rock as soon as he laid eyes on her, it’d worked.

  He walked up behind her and slid his good arm around her. “You look so damn sexy in that outfit. It makes me want to forget breakfast and show you my playroom instead.” When shot him a questioning glance, he continued, “The house has a ton of bedrooms and I’m single. I thought I’d put one of them to better use than another guest room.”

  “I take it you don’t get very many guests.” She was scrabbling eggs and had her attention focused on the pan she held. “No siblings?”

  He did not want to talk about his family. Not now, probably never. “I’m an only,” is all he said.

  “I can’t imagine not having Kelly around,” she said, transferring the cooked eggs to a nearby platter. “Even when she lived in Delaware and we’d go weeks without talking, I still knew she was there, and if I really needed her, she’d be by my side in a heartbeat.”

  He remembered the first weekend Kiara and Kelly had stayed at the ranch over the summer. Two of his employees had kidnapped Kiara in an attempt to get money from Kiara’s ex. Kelly had set up a command post in his office and hadn’t stopped until Kiara was safe. That Kelly seemed to approve
of Kiara being with him spoke volumes to him. Especially since she considered Orson a suspect when Kiara had disappeared.

  Funny how Evan had stood up for him then, and now he wanted him to keep his distance. Orson wondered if it had anything to do with his family situation. Evan knew more about his past than most people since they had been roommates in college. But he didn’t think Evan would be like that. He’d probably been thinking of the exploits Orson had unabashedly told him all about when he’d been in Vegas.

  How was he to know those wild days he’d told his friend about would come back to bite his ass? Hell, at that time, Evan lived on the other side of the country.


  He looked up to see that Kiara had a platter of eggs in her hand. “Yes?”

  “I asked if you were ready for coffee, and you were just sitting there.” She scrutinized his expression. “Are you okay?”

  He took the platter from her to take it to the table. “I’m fine. Just deep in thought. I’d love some coffee.”

  She still looked wary when she handed him his coffee and sat at the table. Eager to get her mind on something other than the melancholy way he’d been acting before breakfast, he turned their conversation in a different way.

  “Tell me a few things you’ve always wanted to experience as a submissive but haven’t had the chance, for whatever reason,” he started with.

  The way her fork stopped halfway up to her mouth and stopped, confirmed he had been successful in changing the direction as wanted.

  “And since we’re on the subject, I’ll have you fill out a new checklist after breakfast,” he said.

  She put her fork down without taking a bite. “I filled one out before I started this summer.”

  “True,” he said. “But that was months ago and generalized in that it applied to any Dom at the ranch, but this will be specific to me.”

  She swallowed, but couldn’t hide the flush creeping up her neck that showed her arousal. “What was the question again?”

  “Is there anything you’ve wanted to do or experience as a submissive that you haven’t had the chance to try?”

  The pink hue of her cheeks deepened. Oh, yes. She’d thought of something. Something she wanted but was either too embarrassed or fearful to admit. Neither of those reasons were strong enough to keep him from pushing to know what she wanted.

  She must have sensed his determination because she didn’t evade the question. “I’ve always wondered what it would be like to submit to two men.”

  He remained silent as he tried to process her words.

  Obviously misreading his silence, she rushed to add. “I don’t want to be fucked by two men. That would be too much for me to handle emotionally, I think. I just want to experience being commanded by two alpha males. Maybe have one directing me as I suck the other one’s cock? Something like that.”

  He wasn’t one who enjoyed sharing his submissives, but he thought he could handle what she wanted. There was only one way to find out.

  “In that case, after breakfast, I’ll have you complete two checklists. One for me and only me, and one for me with another Dom.”

  Her mouth dropped in shock. “Really? Just like that? You’ll do it?”

  “I’ll certainly try to make it happen if it’s what you want.”

  “It’s just….” She looked down at her plate. “I’ve brought it up before to other Doms. Well, two anyway, and neither of them wanted anything to do with it.”

  If it was Randy she was referring to, Orson wasn’t surprised by his reaction. He didn’t know much about the man, other than he was an asshole. Making Kiara feel bad because of a fantasy? Orson could see that happening.

  “In that case, I suppose now is as good a time as any to inform you I’m not other Doms.” He followed his words with a small smile that would make them softer than they may have sounded to her, but also conveyed he meant every syllable of them.

  “I’m beginning to get that impression,” she said.

  He pushed back from the table. “Good. I’ll place the checklists in your room. Bring them to the playroom when you finish filling them out. It’s the last door on the left past yours.”

  Chapter 9


  Orson’s reaction to her breakfast confession left her shaken and shocked. She’d brought up her fantasy of serving two men to two previous Doms. Randy had slapped her as soon as she’d said it and told her she was a filthy slut for even thinking about two men. Further, he said, the very fact she had such thoughts told him she didn’t think he was enough for her, and that was a form of disrespect. Disrespect was always punishable.

  After that disastrous attempt to convey her desires, she was shocked the double alpha fantasy flowed out of her when Orson asked. She smiled as she remembered his response. No, he definitely wasn’t like other Doms.

  Because she didn’t want to keep him waiting, and because she was excited to see the inside of his playroom, she quickly filled out the checklist she’d found in her room. One, because it was the same as the one she’d filled out prior to working at the ranch in the summer, and two, she’d already filled it out in her mind so many times in relation to both Orson and two alpha males.

  Once finished, she contemplated whether she should strip before walking to the playroom. She settled on staying clothed. Orson hadn’t told her to show up naked, and she felt he would have if that’s what he’d wanted. With the papers clutched tightly in her hand, she left her room and walked the short distance to the room he’d indicated.

  She’d remembered walking by this room before, but every time before, the door had been closed. It was wide open now, and Orson stood inside with his back toward her. Fully clothed, either he hadn’t heard her approach or else he was waiting for her to say something to get his attention.

  “Sir?” she called, using the title because it seemed appropriate since he was standing in the playroom, and he was a Dom, and she was a sub.

  “Kiara?” he replied, turning around. “Have you finished the checklists or did you have a question?”

  What was it about him standing in a playroom that made him appear so much more Dom-like? Even the cast on his arm didn’t lessen the overall vibe of confidence and strength surrounding him. She held the papers out. “I finished them, sir.”

  “That was quick. Bring them in.” He must have sensed her hesitation at entering the playroom. “I promise I won’t bite.”

  She took a step forward.

  “Yet,” he finished.

  But she was already inside and his big grin told her he was mostly joking. Feeling foolish for her nervousness to approach him earlier, she walked to stand before him and handed him the papers.

  “Thank you,” he said. “While I look these over, I want you to strip, and then go kneel in the middle of the room.”

  She’d like to take a few minutes to look around this area in his home. This private room she hadn’t known had existed until recently, even though she’d been living in his house for over a week. But he hadn’t given her leave to explore his space, and she’d fantasied about playing with Orson too many times to jeopardize her chance now by disobedience.

  She took her time undressing. Her reasoning being that it would take him time to read through both lists. Why get naked so fast only to have to wait for him to pay her attention?

  But as it turned out, he didn’t so much as look at the papers in his hand. He watched her. Finally realizing he wasn’t going to look at them until she’d done as he asked, she moved faster. Only when she was completely nude and on her knees did his head drop and he read what she’d written.

  As expected, he took his time, and though it felt like hours, surly it hadn’t been longer than five or ten minutes before she heard him move. First to put the papers down and then to walk to where she knelt.

  “Look at me, Kiara,” Orson said. His voice was commanding, but not in the way he talked to his employees. The tone he used with her was stronger, yet more intimate, and it made t
he submissive in her long to serve him.

  She looked up and soft music played.

  Orson held out his hand, and she couldn’t help noticing his normal jovial and friendly eyes had darkened with desire. “Dance with me.”

  Somehow she covered up her utter and complete shock, took his hand, and scrambled to her feet.

  “Do you enjoy dancing?” he asked, slipping his uninjured arm to her waist. He pulled her to him and lowered his head. Her hair was up, per his request, and she bit back a moan when he nibbled her earlobe. “Tell me.”

  “I do, sir,” she said, still dazed at the realization she was dancing in the playroom with Orson. “I rarely get the opportunity to do it, though.”

  He was, as she would have guessed, a fabulous dancer. His movements were controlled and sure and there was no doubt in her mind he knew exactly what he was doing.

  “I don’t either,” he said.

  She wanted to ask if he often danced in playrooms, but he hadn’t given her the freedom to talk in the playroom, so the question would have to wait. Which was fine since that meant she could focus on how being in his arms felt.

  “When was the last time you danced?” he asked.

  At the moment, her mind was too occupied with the knowledge she was with Orson in his playroom, to want to recall something as mundane as the last time she danced. But he’d asked her and because of where they were and what they were doing, she tried.

  “Probably at a wedding about a year ago.”

  “And how many times have you danced in a playroom?” he asked.

  “This is the first, sir.”

  “Same for me.”

  She tripped over his feet at that comment.

  “Careful,” he said, tightening his arms around her to help her keep her balance. “Are you okay?”

  “Yes, sir. Just surprised by your comment.”

  “I see,” he said, but didn’t elaborate further. They continued moving slowly around the playroom in silence. It wasn’t until a new song came on that he once more spoke.


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