First Nations Version

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First Nations Version Page 5

by Terry M. Wildman

  28The blind men, with the help of others, followed him into a house. Creator Sets Free (Jesus) asked them, “Do you believe I can make your eyes see?”

  “Yes, Wisdomkeeper,” was their answer.

  29He reached out, touched their eyes, and said to them, “Your trust in me will make it so.”

  They staggered back and rubbed their eyes.

  30He had healed them! They could see! Creator Sets Free (Jesus) gave them a stern warning and said, “Tell no one about this.”

  31But in their excitement, they did not listen, and they told the news far and wide about what Creator Sets Free (Jesus) had done for them.


  32As they went from there, someone brought a man to Creator Sets Free (Jesus) who could not speak because of an evil spirit. 33When the spirit was forced out of him, the man began to speak. All the people were amazed and said, “In all the history of the tribes of Wrestles with Creator (Israel) no one has ever seen this kind of powerful medicine.”

  34But the spiritual leaders from the Separated Ones (Pharisees) said, “It is the ruler of evil spirits who gives him the power to force out spirits.”


  35Creator Sets Free (Jesus) continued to walk about and visit the villages. He taught in their gathering houses, helped people to understand about Creator’s good road, and healed people from every kind of sickness and disease.

  36When he saw the great number of people needing help, he was moved in his spirit with great compassion for them. He knew they were pushed down with no one to help and scattered about like sheep without a shepherd to watch over them.

  37So he said to the ones who walked the road with him, “There is a great harvest in front of us, but only a few to gather it in. 38Pray to the Great Spirit Chief of the harvest, so he will send out more helpers into the fields.”


  1Creator Sets Free (Jesus) then gathered his twelve message bearers together to prepare them for this great harvest. He gave them authority over evil and unclean spirits, to force them out of people, and to heal all kinds of sickness and disease.

  There were originally twelve tribes of Wrestles with Creator (Israel). This may be why he chose twelve message bearers.

  2Here are the names of the twelve that he chose to be his special message bearers:

  First there was One Who Hears (Simon), who was also called Stands on the Rock (Peter), and his brother Stands with Courage (Andrew). Then he chose He Takes Over (James) and his brother He Shows Goodwill (John), who are the sons of Gift of Creator (Zebedee).

  3He also chose Friend of Horses (Philip) and Son of Ground Digger (Bartholomew) and Looks Like His Brother (Thomas) along with Gift from Creator (Matthew), the tribal tax collector.

  Then he chose He Takes Charge (James), the son of First to Change (Alphaeus), along with Strong of Heart (Thaddaeus) and 4One Who Listens (Simon) the Firebrand (Zealot). And last of all, Speaks Well Of (Judas), also known as Village Man (Iscariot), who later betrayed him.


  5Before Creator Sets Free (Jesus) sent out his twelve message bearers to represent him, he gave them these instructions:

  “It is not the time to go to the Outside Nations or to the villages of the people of High Place (Samaria). 6Instead, go to your own people—the lost sheep of the tribes of Wrestles with Creator (Israel).

  7“This is what I want you to say to them: ‘Creator’s good road from above is close. Reach out and take hold of it!’ 8Heal all who are sick, cleanse the ones with skin diseases, raise the dead, and force evil spirits out of people. Give away the things I have given to you and ask no price for your service.

  9“Take no trading goods with you or coins for your money pouches. 10Take no traveling bundle, moccasins, or extra clothes to wear, not even a walking stick, because the ones who work hard in the harvest fields deserve to be fed and cared for.

  11“Whenever you enter a camp or village, find an honorable person who will give you lodging. 12When you come to their dwelling, greet the family with respect. 13If they are people of honor, your greeting of peace will rest on them. 14But if no one in that village welcomes you or listens to your message, then go from there and shake the dust from your moccasins. 15The truth is, on the day when the fate of that village is decided, it will be worse for them than it was for Village of Bad Spirits (Sodom) and Village of Deep Fear (Gomorrah).


  16“Look and listen! I am sending you out like sheep into a pack of wolves, so be as crafty as snakes but as harmless and gentle as doves. 17Look out for men with bad hearts, for they will bring you before their councils and whip you with leather straps in their gathering houses. 18You will also be dragged before government rulers and leaders—all because you are representing me—and in this way through you both the tribes of Wrestles with Creator (Israel) and the People of Iron (Romans)29 will hear my message.

  19“When this happens, do not be afraid or worry about what you will say or how you will say it. 20When that time comes, you will be given the words to say. For it is not you who will speak, but the Spirit of your Father will speak through you.


  21“Brother will betray brother and parents will betray their children, even putting them to death. Children will turn against their parents and have them killed. 22The time will come when all will hate you because you represent me and carry my name. But remember, it is the ones who never give up and make it to the end of the road who will be rescued and made whole.

  23“If they hunt you down in one village, leave there and go to the next one. I speak from my heart, the True Human Being will come before you finish going through all the villages in the land of the tribes of Wrestles with Creator (Israel).

  24“Followers are not greater than the one they follow. You who are my followers will be treated in the same bad ways they treat me. 25So consider it an honor that you will be treated the same as your Wisdomkeeper. If they have called the chief of the council house Worthless Ruler (Beelzebul),30 how much worse will they speak of the members of his council?

  26“Do not fear their threats. For their evil ways will be found out. Even what they say and do in secret will be made clear for all to see.

  27“The things I have told you in secret at night, make them known when the sun rises! What I have whispered in your ears, stand on the rooftops and shout out loud for all to hear!


  28“Have no fear of your opponents, for they can only kill the body, but not your inner being. Instead, fear the one who can bring an end to your entire being31 in the Valley of Smoldering Fire.

  29“Two small winged ones could be traded for two poorly beaded earrings, but not one can fall to the ground unless your Father, the Creator, knows it. 30-31Are you not worth more to him than many small winged ones? He knows the number of hairs on your head, so do not fear the ones who stand against you.

  32“All who represent me before others I will represent before my Father from above. 33But the ones who disown me will be disowned before my Father above.


  34“Do you look for me to bring peace to this troubled land? 35The message I bring will pierce like the blade of a long knife. It will turn a son against his father, a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law. 36In their own homes they will fight like enemies—all because of me.

  37“The ones who choose their father or mother, son or daughter, over me dishonor me. 38The ones who fail to pick up their cross and walk the road with me do not know my worth. 39The ones who care only for their own life will fail to find life, but the ones who will lay down their life for me will find true life.

  40“The ones who welcome you welcome me, and the ones who welcome me welcome the one who sent me. 41If you welcome a prophet for who he is, you will receive the honor he brings. If you welcome a goodhearted person, you will receive the good tha
t he brings. 42I speak from my heart, even a drink of water given to a small one who follows me will bring great honor to the one who has given it.”

  1After instructing his twelve followers, Creator Sets Free (Jesus) left there to teach and announce his message in the surrounding villages.


  2From prison Gift of Goodwill (John) heard about the things the Chosen One was doing. So he sent two of his followers to ask Creator Sets Free (Jesus), 3“Are you the one we are waiting for, or should we look for someone else?”

  4Creator Sets Free (Jesus) told them, “Go back to Gift of Goodwill (John) and tell him about the things you have seen with your own eyes and heard with your own ears. 5The blind can see again, the lame can walk, the ones with skin disease have been cleansed! Ears that cannot hear have been opened, the dead have come back to life again, and the poor are being told the good story! 6Creator’s blessing and goodwill rest on the one who does not stumble and leave the path because of me.”


  7When the messengers left, Creator Sets Free (Jesus) spoke to the people about Gift of Goodwill (John):

  “What were you looking for in the desert wilderness? A frail reed blowing in the wind? 8Did you see a man in soft clothes? Behold, the ones who wear soft clothes live soft lives. 9Were you looking for a true prophet? Yes! He is a true prophet but also much more! 10He is the one spoken of in the Sacred Teachings, ‘Look! I am sending my messenger ahead of you. He will clear the path before you.’32

  11“I speak from my heart, Gift of Goodwill (John) who performed the purification ceremony33 is a true human being. No one born of a woman has ever been greater, but now the smallest one who walks Creator’s good road from above is greater than he.

  12“From the time of Gift of Goodwill (John) until now, Creator’s good road from above has been under attack, and the violent ones are trying to force their way upon it. 13The Law and the Prophets spoke until he came. 14If you can accept it, he is Great Spirit Is Creator (Elijah), the one the prophets said would come.34 15If you have ears to hear, you will understand.

  16“This generation, what can I compare them to? They are like children at a trading post, teasing each other, saying, 17‘You did not dance when we played the drum! You did not cry when we played a sad flute song.’

  18“Gift of Goodwill (John) did not feast or drink wine, but they say, ‘He has an evil spirit.’ 19The True Human Being comes feasting and drinking and they say, ‘He eats too much and is a drunk, a friend of tribal tax collectors and outcasts!’ But wisdom is like a mother who knows what her children are doing and can see right through them.”


  20Then Creator Sets Free (Jesus) began to warn about what would happen to the villages that saw his greatest signs and wonders but did not receive his message.

  21“Sorrow and trouble will come to you, Village of Secrets (Chorazin), and the same for you, House of Fishing (Bethsaida). If the ancient villages of Rock Land (Tyre) and Hunting Grounds (Sidon) had seen the powerful signs you have seen, they would have humbled themselves long ago and with great sorrow turned their hearts back to Creator’s ways. 22So then, it will be worse for you in the day when you face your end.

  23“As for you, Village of Comfort (Capernaum), do you think you will be lifted up to the spirit-world above? No! You will be brought down low, to the Dark Underworld of Death (Hades). If Village of Bad Spirits (Sodom) had seen the powerful signs you have seen, that village would have remained to this day. 24But the day of their end will be better than yours.”


  Creator Sets Free (Jesus) turned his eyes to the sky and sent his voice to the Great Spirit.

  25“I honor you, O Great Father, Maker of earth and sky,” he prayed, “for you have hidden these things from the ones who are wise in their own eyes but have shown them to the humble of heart. 26Yes, my Father, it has made your heart glad to see this day come.”

  Then he turned to the ones who walked the road with him.

  27“My Father has put everything into my hands,” he said with a solemn voice. “Only the Father knows the Son and only the Son knows the Father. No one can know the Father in his fullness unless the Son makes him known.”

  Then he lifted his eyes to the horizon as if he were speaking to all the world.

  28“Come close to my side, you whose hearts are on the ground, you who are pushed down and worn out, and I will refresh you. 29Follow my teachings and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble of heart, and you will find rest from your troubled thoughts. 30Walk side by side with me and I will share in your heavy load and make it light.”


  1During that time on a Day of Resting, Creator Sets Free (Jesus) and his followers were walking through a field of grain. The men were hungry, so they plucked some grain, rubbed the husks off in their hands, and began to eat.

  2When the Separated Ones (Pharisees) saw what they were doing, they said to him, “Why do your followers do what is not permitted on the Day of Resting?”

  3He answered them, “Have you not heard about the time long ago when the great chief Much Loved One (David) was hungry? 4How he and his followers went into the sacred lodge and ate the ceremonial bread? Tribal law says that only the holy men are permitted to eat this bread.

  5“Have you not read in tribal law that the holy men who perform the ceremonies in the sacred lodge are permitted to ignore the sacredness of the Day of Resting—without blame?

  6“Listen to me! The one standing before you is greater than the sacred lodge! 7If you understood this saying, ‘I want kindness and compassion, not ceremonial sacrifices,’35 you would not have blamed the innocent ones. 8For the True Human Being is Chief over the Day of Resting!”


  9Creator Sets Free (Jesus) left there and went to their gathering house. 10There he saw a man with a shriveled and useless hand.

  The Separated Ones (Pharisees) had been keeping a close eye on him. Then they saw him looking at the man with the useless hand.

  Trying to find a reason to accuse him, they asked, “Is it permitted to heal on the Day of Resting?”

  Creator Sets Free (Jesus) knew what they were scheming.

  11“Is there anyone here who would not help his sheep out of a ditch it fell into, even on the Day of Resting?” he challenged them. 12“A human being has more value than a sheep! That is why it is permitted to do good on the Day of Resting!”

  13Then he turned to the man and said, “Stretch out your hand.”

  He stretched it out, and it was the same as his good hand!

  14The Separated Ones (Pharisees) stormed out of there and began to scheme together about how to have Creator Sets Free (Jesus) killed. 15But he knew what they were doing, so he left that place. A large number of people went with him, and he healed all who were sick, 16but he warned them not to tell others who or where he was.


  17Another ancient prophecy of Creator Will Help Us (Isaiah) had now found its full meaning:

  18“Here is the one I have chosen, who does all I ask and makes my heart glad. I have made my stand with him and love him as a father loves a son. My Sacred Spirit will rest on him and give him a message that will right the wrongs done to all people. 19He will not make loud arguments on the village pathways but will speak with humble dignity. 20He will not break a bruised reed. He will not snuff out a smoldering fire. He will never give up until all wrongs have been made right again! 21All nations will hear of his reputation and put their trust and hope in him.”36


  22They brought a man to Creator Sets Free (Jesus) who, tormented by an evil spirit, could not see or speak. He healed the man, who could then see and speak again. 23The large crowd was amazed and said, “Could this be the promised descendant of chief Much Loved One (David)?”

  24When the Separated Ones (Pharisees) heard what the people w
ere saying, they said, “No! His power over evil spirits comes from the Worthless Ruler (Beelzebul), the one who rules over all evil spirits.”

  25Creator Sets Free (Jesus) knew what they were thinking and said to them, “A nation warring against itself comes to a bad end. Villages or clans warring against each other will not survive. 26If Accuser (Satan) is warring against himself, how will he continue to rule?

  27“If it is by his power that I force out evil spirits, by what power do your children do these things? So then, they are the ones who will decide against you. 28But if I force out evil spirits by Creator’s Spirit, then the good road of the Great Spirit has come close to you.


  29“Who can enter the strongman’s house and take away his goods, unless he first defeats him? He will then tie him up and take what is in his house.

  30“The one who is not fighting with me fights against me. The one who does not help me gather scatters and makes things worse.”

  In this spiritual war there is no unclaimed territory.

  31“That is why I say to you, the wrongdoings and evil speaking that human-kind has done will be forgiven them. 32Anyone who speaks against the True Human Being will be forgiven. But speaking evil of the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven in this present world or in the one that is coming.


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