First Nations Version

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First Nations Version Page 38

by Terry M. Wildman

  1The time for the full meaning of the ancient festival had now arrived.

  The followers of Creator Sets Free (Jesus), numbering about one hundred and twenty, were waiting and praying in the upstairs room where they were lodging. It had now been fifty days since the Passover festival.


  They had all gathered together in one place, 2when suddenly the sound of a great windstorm came from the spirit-world above and could be heard throughout the house where they were sitting. 3They saw flames of fire coming down from above, separating and resting on each of their heads. 4The Holy Spirit had come down upon them and began to fill them with his life and power. New languages began to flow out from their mouths, languages they had never learned, given from the Holy Spirit.

  5The Sacred Village of Peace (Jerusalem) was filled with devoted members of the tribes of Wrestles with Creator (Israel), who had come for the festival from every nation under the sun. 6A crowd began to gather when they heard the loud noise.

  7In wonder and amazement the crowd began to ask, “How is it that these people from Circle of Nations (Galilee) are speaking in our many languages? 8For we all can understand them in the languages of the places we have come from! 9-11There are people here for the festival from nations and places close by and far away who are members of the tribes of Wrestles with Creator (Israel), and those from Outside Nations who have been taken into the tribes.

  “They come from Land of Victory (Parthia), Land in the Middle (Media), and Land of the Ancient Ones (Elam). Many come from Land Between Rivers (Mesopotamia), Land of Promise (Judea), Land of Handsome Horses (Cappadocia), Land of Black Waters (Pontus), and Land of the Rising Sun (Asia). Some come from Dry Wood (Phrygia) and Many Tribes (Pamphylia), and the territory of Land of Tears (Lybia) near the village of Strong Wall (Cyrene). There are travelers from Village of Iron (Rome), both Tribal Members and Outsiders who have become Tribal Members, along with those who come from Flesh Eater Island (Crete) and Land of Wanderers (Arabia).

  “We can hear them, in the languages of these nations, telling about the great and powerful things done by the Great Spirit!” 12Many were amazed and confused and began to ask each other, “What can this mean?” 13But others in the crowd just laughed and said, “They are drunk on new wine!”


  14Stands on the Rock (Peter), along with the other eleven message bearers, stood up to the crowd, and with a loud voice said, “Tribal members from far away and all who live in Village of Peace (Jerusalem), listen closely to me. I will tell you what this means!”

  The crowd became quiet and turned to hear Stands on the Rock (Peter).

  15“No one among us is drunk on wine, for it is still the middle of the morning. This is not what you think it is. 16This is what the prophet Creator Is the Great Spirit (Joel) spoke of long ago when he said, 17‘“In the last days,” says Creator, “I will rain down my Spirit upon all human beings from every nation. Your sons and daughters will prophesy. Young warriors will see visions and elders will have dreams. 18When that time comes, my Spirit will rain down on all who serve me, both men and women, and they will boldly speak my words. 19There will be powerful signs and omens in the spirit-world above and on the earth below—blood and fire with clouds of smoke. 20The sun will grow dark and the moon will be red like blood, as the great and dreadful day of Creator shines like the sun. 21Then the ones who cry out to the Great Spirit will be made whole and set free.”’”8

  22Stands on the Rock (Peter) cried out, “Listen to me, you men of the tribes of Wrestles with Creator (Israel)! You already know about Creator Sets Free (Jesus) from Seed Planter Village (Nazareth) and about the powerful signs and the wonders he performed among the people that proved Creator was with him. 23-24Creator knew, before it happened, that the tribes would use the power of the People of Iron (Romans)9 to have him violently killed by nailing him to a tree-pole—the cross. But the Maker of Life let you have your way with him, because he had made a plan, long ago, to bring him back to life. Creator Sets Free (Jesus) was released from the painful grip of death, for even death itself could not hold him captive.


  25“When the great chief Much Loved One (David) spoke these words long ago, he was telling us about Creator Sets Free (Jesus). Listen to what he said, ‘The Great Spirit will never leave me. I will not tremble with fear, for he is close by my side, and guides me on the pathways of life. 26My heart is glad and my mouth sings! I have hope that 27even after my body is dead, I will not be left alone in the ground to return to dust. You will not leave your Holy One in the Dark Underworld of Death (Hades). 28For you have given me a clear path to your life of beauty and harmony. When I stand before you face to face, my heart will leap for joy!’”10

  Stands on the Rock (Peter) waited while the crowd thought about his words.

  29Then he said, “My fellow Tribal Members, there is no doubt that our ancestor, Much Loved One (David), died and was buried long ago. His burial cave is with us to this very day. 30-31The Great Spirit gave him a sacred promise that one of his descendants would be a Great Chief to rule over all the tribes. Much Loved One (David) was a prophet and saw, ahead of time, that the Chosen One would rise from the dead and that he would not be left alone in the Dark Underworld of Death (Hades), nor would his body return to the dust of the earth.

  32“Creator Sets Free (Jesus) is this Chosen One who has been raised to life from death! We have seen him with our own eyes. 33He has now returned to his seat of honor at the right hand of the Great Spirit. The Father above has gifted him with the Holy Spirit whom he promised to send. This Spirit has now been poured out upon us like the rain. This is the meaning of what you now see and hear.

  34“Much Loved One (David) did not go up into the spirit-world above, so when he says, ‘The Great Chief said to my Great Chief, “Sit down beside me at my right hand, my place of greatest honor, 35until I defeat and humble all your enemies,”’11 he was not talking about himself. He was talking about the Chosen One.

  36“So let all the tribes of Wrestles with Creator (Israel) have no doubt about what the Great Spirit has done. He has made Creator Sets Free (Jesus), the one you put to death on a tree-pole—the cross—to be both Chief of all the tribes and the Chosen One, the one he promised to send long ago.”


  37When they heard this, the words pierced their hearts like a long knife. With troubled hearts they lifted their voices to Stands on the Rock (Peter) and all the message bearers.

  “Fellow Tribal Members,” they said, “tell us what we must do.”

  38“Change your thinking,” Stands on the Rock (Peter) instructed them, “and participate in the purification ceremony12 that is done in the name of Creator Sets Free (Jesus), the Chosen One, representing him and initiating you into his right ways. You will then be healed from your bad hearts, released from your broken ways, and gifted with the Holy Spirit, who will give you the strength to walk the good road with him. 39He has promised this to all generations of the tribes of Wrestles with Creator (Israel), and to all the Nations who live far away. For the Great Spirit, our Creator, is calling out to all who will, to share in this life of beauty and harmony.”

  40Stands on the Rock (Peter) said many more things to the ones who were listening. With strong words he kept telling them, “This is how you will be set free and rescued from the bent and twisted ways of this generation.”

  41The ones who believed the words of Stands on the Rock (Peter) became a part of Creator’s new sacred family and participated in the purification ceremony.c About three thousand people were added to the family on that day!


  42This newly formed family continued daily to learn from the twelve message bearers. They lived together in harmony, ate ceremonial meals, and prayed with one another. 43Great respect and awe came down upon all, and the message bearers performed many powerful signs. 44As these new followers lived together
in peace, their harmony grew stronger, and they shared all things. 45Many of them had a giveaway to provide for all who were in need.

  46Each day they gathered at the sacred lodge. With good and pure hearts they feasted together in their homes and shared the ceremonial meal of frybread and wine given to them by Creator Sets Free (Jesus). 47They gave honor and thanks to the Great Spirit and were respected by the people. Each day Creator sent more people who were being set free to join with them.


  1In the middle of the afternoon the people would gather at the sacred lodge for a time of prayer. Stands on the Rock (Peter) and He Shows Goodwill (John) were walking together on their way to the lodge. 2Some people were carrying a man who had been unable to walk from his birth. Each day they would lay him down by the entrance to the lodge called the Beautiful Gate, so he could ask for handouts from the ones who were going into the lodge.

  3When the man saw Stands on the Rock (Peter) and He Shows Goodwill (John) passing by, he asked them for a handout. 4They stopped right in front of the man, looked straight at him, and said, “Look at us!”

  5The man did as they said, hoping they would give him something.

  6-7Stands on the Rock (Peter) said to him, “I have no silver or gold to give to you, but I have a gift for you that is worth much more.”

  He reached his hand out to the man and said, “I represent the Chosen One, Creator Sets Free (Jesus) from Seed Planter Village (Nazareth). In his name I tell you now—stand up and walk!”

  Stands on the Rock (Peter) took hold of his hand and began to pull him up. 8The man felt strength returning to his legs and feet and pushed himself up on his own feet and began to walk! He danced through the Beautiful Gate and went into the lodge, walking and leaping and giving praise to the Great Spirit.

  9All the people looked at the man 10and saw that he was the same one who sat and asked for handouts at the gate. Wonder and amazement swept through the crowd like a wildfire when they saw him healed and strong.

  11The man threw his arms around Stands on the Rock (Peter) and He Shows Goodwill (John) and would not let go of them. A great crowd of people ran up and began to circle around them under the covered walkway named after the great chief Stands in Peace (Solomon). They looked at Stands on the Rock (Peter) and He Shows Goodwill (John) with wonder and amazement on their faces.


  12When Stands on the Rock (Peter) saw all the people, he lifted up his voice to give the people an answer for the healing of the crippled man.

  “Fellow Tribal Members,” he said to them, “you should not be amazed at us, or think that we are holy enough to make a crippled man walk. 13It was the one who walked with Father of Many Nations (Abraham), He Made Us Laugh (Isaac), and Heel Grabber (Jacob)—the Great Spirit of our ancestors, who has done this.

  “The Giver of Life has honored Creator Sets Free (Jesus), the one who served him and did all he asked. The same one you turned over to Spear of the Great Waters (Pilate), the governor from the People of Iron (Romans), to be put on trial for his life. The same one you turned your back on, in front of Spear of the Great Waters (Pilate), when he wanted to release him.

  14“But you turned your back on the Holy and Upright One and then asked for a violent murderer to be set free. 15In doing so you killed the Maker of Life! But the Giver of Breath brought him back to life from the dead! This we have seen with our own eyes.

  16“It is only because of Creator Sets Free (Jesus), and all that his name represents, that this man stands before you healed and strong now. You can see for yourselves what trusting in Creator Sets Free (Jesus) has done for him.”


  Stands on the Rock (Peter) continued to speak boldly.

  17“Fellow Tribal Members,” he said, “I understand that neither you nor your leaders knew what they were doing when they had Creator Sets Free (Jesus) killed. 18But this is how the Great Spirit fulfilled all that the prophets foretold when they spoke of the suffering of the Chosen One.

  19“You must think in a new way and return to the Great Spirit to walk this new path he has chosen for us all. Then you will be healed of your broken ways, 20and Creator will shine his face on you and give you cool, fresh water to drink from his river of life. He will then give to you the one he selected to be his Chosen One—Creator Sets Free (Jesus). 21He has gone up into the spirit-world above to remain there until the time comes when Creator will restore all things.

  “Creator spoke of these things long ago through his holy prophets. 22Listen to the words of Drawn from the Water (Moses), when he said, ‘The Great Spirit Chief will raise up a prophet from among the tribes, in the same manner he raised me up. You must listen to this prophet and do all he says, 23for any among the tribes who fail to follow his ways will come to a bad end.’13

  24“All the prophets, from Creator Hears Him (Samuel) and all who spoke in the generations that followed, told about these very days we are living in. 25Every Tribal Member is a descendant of those prophets and of the peace treaty Creator made with our ancestors. Did not the Great Spirit promise our ancestor Father of Many Nations (Abraham) that through his descendants he would bless all the families who dwell on earth?

  26“That day has come! The Great Spirit has raised up his servant, Creator Sets Free (Jesus), and sent him first to the tribes of Wrestles with Creator (Israel) to bless you and turn you back from your worthless, evil ways.”


  1While Stands on the Rock (Peter) and He Shows Goodwill (John) were speaking to the people, the head lodge soldier, along with the Upright Ones (Sadducees) and some holy men, came up to them. 2They were offended because the message bearers were telling the people that the rising from the dead had begun with Creator Sets Free (Jesus). 3They took hold of Stands on the Rock (Peter) and He Shows Goodwill (John) to bring them to the council, but because it was late in the day, they held them in prison until the next day. 4But a large number of over five thousand men who heard Stands on the Rock (Peter) speak believed the message!


  5On the following day the headmen, elders, and scroll keepers held a council in Village of Peace (Jerusalem). 6Both Walks Humbly (Annas) the chief holy man and Hollow in the Rock (Caiaphas) sat in the council along with He Shows Goodwill (John), Man Fighter (Alexander), and other members of the family of the chief holy man. 7They brought Stands on the Rock (Peter) and He Shows Goodwill (John) to sit before them and give an answer to the council.

  “Where did the power to heal this man come from? What is the name of the one you represent? Tell us!” they demanded.

  8The Holy Spirit rose up inside Stands on the Rock (Peter).

  “Headmen and elders among the people,” he said with boldness, 9“if we are being questioned today before this council about the kindness we showed to a man who could not walk, by healing him, 10then let all the tribes of Wrestles with Creator (Israel) know the truth. It is because of the name of Creator Sets Free (Jesus) the Chosen One, and all he represents, that this man stands before you healed and whole! Yes! The same Creator Sets Free (Jesus) from Seed Planter Village (Nazareth) whom you killed on a tree-pole—the cross. The Maker of Life has brought him back to life from the world of the dead. 11He is ‘the log you builders threw away, which has become the Chief Lodgepole.’14 12No one else can restore us. No other human being can represent the Great Spirit and carry in his name the kind of power needed to rescue us and set us free.”


  13When the council saw the courage of Stands on the Rock (Peter) and He Shows Goodwill (John), they were amazed to find that they were common and unschooled men. They also took notice that they had walked the road with Creator Sets Free (Jesus). 14But what could they say? The man who had been healed was standing right there with them! 15They ordered them to wait outside of the council house while they decided what to do with them.

  As the men were taken outside, the
council lowered their voices and looked around at each other with troubled faces.

  16“What should we do with these men?” they asked. “Anyone living in Village of Peace (Jerusalem) can see that a powerful sign has been done by them. We cannot deny this. 17But to keep this from spreading to more people, we must warn them to no longer represent Creator Sets Free (Jesus) or to speak to anyone in his name.”

  18The council agreed and summoned the message bearers to face their decision. They warned them, “You must never again say anything representing Creator Sets Free (Jesus) or instruct others in his teachings.”

  19Stands on the Rock (Peter) and He Shows Goodwill (John) disagreed with the council’s decision.

  “We will let you decide for yourselves whether we should follow the Great Spirit or weak human beings like yourselves,” they said with boldness. 20“But we cannot stop speaking about what we have seen with our own eyes and heard with our own ears!”

  The council could not believe their ears! How could these backward people from Circle of Nations (Galilee) stand up to them?

  21So the council warned and threatened them again, but released them and let them go on their way. The council dared not do anything to punish them, because the people were giving thanks to Creator for this powerful sign. 22For the man who had been healed was over forty winters old.


  23Stands on the Rock (Peter) and He Shows Goodwill (John) went back to their newly formed family and told them what had happened to them and what the council had decided. 24When the sacred family members heard this, they formed a circle around the message bearers, joined their hearts together, and sent their voices to the Great Spirit.


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