First Nations Version

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First Nations Version Page 55

by Terry M. Wildman

  22But the parts of the body that are thought to be of little use are needed just as much as the other parts. 23The parts we see as lowly we honor by wrapping them in beauty. We respectfully cover those parts of the body that should not be seen. 24But the more publicly respectable parts of the body do not need this kind of treatment. So the Great Spirit has put the body together in a way that gives more honor to the parts that need it the most. 25This makes it clear that Creator’s purpose is to keep the body of the Chosen One from division. It shows each of us how much we need each other.

  26If one part of the body hurts, the whole body hurts. If one part of the body is honored, the whole body celebrates. 27So then, together you all form the body of the Chosen One, and each one of you has a place in that body.

  28The Great Spirit has set in place those members of his body that he has gifted to care for his sacred family.35 He set in place first message bearers, second prophets, and third wisdomkeepers who teach. After that comes some with miraculous powers, some with healing gifts, some who help and serve, some who bring guidance, and some who have the gift of speaking in other languages.

  29Can you see that not all are message bearers, or prophets, or wisdomkeepers? That not all have miraculous powers, 30or healing gifts, or the gift of speaking in other languages, or interpreting those languages?

  31I want you to set your hearts on the chief gifts, the ones that will bring the greatest blessing to the sacred family.

  Now I will show you the most beautiful path of all.


  1I may have the gift of speaking in both the languages of human beings and of spirit-messengers, but if I fail to love, my words become like the screech of a cat or the yelping of a wild dog.36

  2I may have prophetic powers and the ability to see into sacred mysteries and understand all things. I might even have faith strong enough to make mountains move. But if I fail to love, I am nothing.

  3I may give all my possessions to the poor and give my body to be burned as a sacrifice, but if I fail to love, I have gained no honor.

  4Love is patient and kind. Love is never jealous. It does not brag or boast. It is not puffed up or big-headed. 5Love does not act in shameful ways, nor does it care only about itself. It is not hot-headed, nor does it keep track of wrongs done to it. 6Love is not happy with lies and injustice, but truth makes its heart glad. 7Love keeps walking even when carrying a heavy load. Love keeps trusting, never loses hope, and stands firm in hard times. 8The road of love has no end.

  The time will come when prophets are no longer needed, when people will stop speaking in unknown languages, and when the need for knowledge will fade away. 9For we only know some of the story and can only prophesy small parts of it, 10but the time is coming when we will know the whole story from beginning to end.

  11When I was a child, I spoke like a child, I thought like a child, and I saw through the eyes of a child. But when I became fully grown, I put my childish ways behind me. 12For now, it is as if we are looking at a poor reflection in muddy water, but then we will see face to face. For now, my knowledge is full of holes, but when that time comes, I will know the Great Spirit as well as I am known by him.

  13But until then, these three remain—faith, hope, and love—and love is the greatest!


  1Above all other things, make love your aim. Keep the desire for spiritual gifts burning in your hearts, but most of all for the gift of prophecy. 2Prophesying is better than speaking in unknown languages, because the ones who speak in unknown languages do not speak to human beings, but to the Great Spirit. No one understands them, for they speak mysteries in the Spirit.

  3On the other hand, the ones who prophesy speak to human beings in a language they understand. They speak words that give strength, courage, and comfort. 4The ones who speak in unknown languages give strength only to themselves, but those who prophesy give strength to the whole sacred family gathering.

  5It is my desire that all of you would speak in unknown languages, and even more that you would prophesy. Now, the ones who prophesy do a greater thing than the ones who speak in unknown languages, unless someone explains the meaning of what is said. Then the sacred family would be strengthened.

  6So then, my sacred family members, what if I came to you speaking only in unknown languages? What good would it do you? For unless my words reveal something new, or give deeper understanding, or speak a prophecy, or bring forth a teaching, you will learn nothing.

  7Some things such as drums or flutes, even though they have no human life, must make sounds that have the right beats or tones, or no one will know what they are hearing. 8If an eagle bone whistle37 is not sounded in the right way, who will prepare for battle? 9In the same manner, if you speak in an unknown language, how will the hearers know what is being said? The sound of your voice will be lost in the wind. 10A great number of languages are spoken throughout this world, and all tribes understand their own language. 11If I do not speak the language of a tribe, they will not know my language and I will not know theirs. Our languages will sound strange to each other.

  12Here is what I am saying to you: since you have such a strong desire for spiritual powers, desire those powers that will help the sacred family grow stronger. 13So the one who speaks in an unknown language should pray for the power to interpret its meaning for others.

  14Now, if I pray in an unknown language, I am praying with my spirit and not in a language my mind understands. 15So what is the right thing to do? I will pray with my spirit and also with my mind. In the same manner, I will sing with my spirit in unknown words and with words I understand. 16So then, if you only give thanks in an unknown language, speaking with your spirit, then how could someone who does not understand say “Aho! May it be so” at your prayer of giving thanks? 17For you may be praying in a good way, but it does not help others to grow spiritually strong.

  18I give thanks to the Great Spirit that I speak in unknown languages more than any of you. 19But at our sacred family gatherings it would be better for me to speak five words of instruction that all can understand than to speak ten thousand words in an unknown language.

  20My sacred family members, do not think in childish ways. In the ways of evil be as innocent as a baby in a cradleboard, but in your understanding of spiritual things be as wise as an elder.

  21It has been written down in our Sacred Teachings, “I will speak to my people through the mouths of people with strange languages,” says our Honored Chief, “but even so my people will not hear me.”

  22This means that unknown languages are a sign for how Creator speaks to the ones who do not want to hear him,38 but prophecy is a sign for those who want to hear what the Great Spirit is saying.39

  23So then, if everyone at a gathering of the sacred family began to speak in unknown languages, and if someone came to the gathering who knew nothing about these things or who did not walk in our ways, would they not think you had lost your minds? 24But on the other hand, if everyone prophesied, the secrets hidden in their hearts would be made known, and they would clearly see how their broken ways will bring them to a bad end. 25They would then humble themselves before Creator and tell everyone that the Great Spirit truly walks among you.


  26So, my sacred family members, what is the path forward? When you gather for ceremony, each one has a gift to share. Some may sing sacred songs, and others might bring a teaching or tell a story. Some might share something new that has been revealed to them, while others may speak in an unknown language and then tell the meaning of it. All these things must be done in a good way to help others grow strong.

  27Only two or three should speak in unknown languages. Let each of them speak, one at a time. Then someone must interpret the meaning of what has been said. 28If no one can interpret, let the speakers of unknown languages remain silent during the sacred gathering and speak quietly in their hearts to the Great Spirit.

In the same manner, only two or three prophets should speak, and the others should weigh what has been said. 30But if anything is revealed by the Spirit to another who is seated in the circle, the first should stop speaking and give way to the other. 31The prophets should speak one at a time, so that all may learn and find comfort in their words. 32Prophets have power over their own spirits, 33for disorder and confusion do not come from Creator, for he is the Great Spirit of peace and harmony. This is the way these things are to be done wherever Creator’s holy people come together at our sacred family gatherings.


  34During our sacred gatherings wives should remain silent, for they are not permitted to speak out of place. They should remain under the guidance of their husbands, as our Sacred Teachings tell us. 35So then, if they have any questions, they should ask their husbands at home, for it is a shameful thing for a married woman to speak out of place during our sacred gatherings.

  36What are you saying to me? Did the message of the Great Spirit come first from you who gather in Village of Pleasure (Corinth)? Are you the only ones whom Creator has entrusted with his message? 37If anyone among you thinks of himself as a prophet, or thinks of himself to be spiritual, he should be the first to see that my instructions come from our Honored Chief. 38Any who set aside what I am saying are only showing how ignorant they are.

  39I say to you once more, my sacred family members, fan into flame your desire to prophesy and do not forbid speaking in unknown languages. 40Let everything be done with respect, in a good and orderly manner.


  1Now, my sacred family members, I want to talk to you about the good story. I was the one who told you the good story, which you took to heart and continue to stand firmly on. 2This good story will set you free and make you whole as long as you hold on tightly to the truth of it. If not, then your faith would have no meaning.

  3This is the first and most important truth I passed on to you: The Chosen One died for our bad hearts and broken ways, just as our Sacred Teachings foretold.40 4The Chosen One was buried, and on the third day his dead body was raised to life, which our Sacred Teachings also foretold.41 5Then he showed himself alive to Stands on the Rock (Cephas) and his twelve message bearers. 6After that he showed himself to more than five hundred of his followers at the same time. Most of them live to this day, while others have fallen into the sleep of death. 7He also showed himself to He Leads the Way (James), then to all the message bearers.

  8Last of all the Chosen One showed himself to me, as if I were a child that was born past its time of birth. Among the message bearers I am the least. 9I have no right even to be called a message bearer, since I hunted down and brought harm to Creator’s sacred family. 10But because of the gift of his great kindness, I am what he has called me to be. His gift was not wasted on me. I worked harder than any of the message bearers. But it was not me. It was the gift of his great kindness at work in me.

  11It matters not whether you first heard the good story from me or from the other message bearers. This is the story we tell, and this is the story in which you have put your trust.


  12So then, if the good story tells us that the Chosen One has risen from the dead, how can any among you say there will be no rising from the dead? 13If there is no rising from the dead, it would mean the Chosen One has not risen. 14If the Chosen One has not risen, then the story we tell means nothing, and your faith is a dried-up spring. 15If it is true that the dead do not rise, this would mean that we falsely represented the Great Spirit when we told everyone that he raised the Chosen One from the dead.

  16If the dead are not raised, then the Great Spirit did not raise up the Chosen One. 17If this were true, your faith would have no meaning, and your broken ways would still rule over you. 18It would also mean that our sacred family members who have fallen asleep in death while trusting in the Chosen One have faded away, never to rise again. 19If our hope in the Chosen One is only for this life, then we should be pitied more than all other human beings.

  20But the truth is the Chosen One has risen from the dead! He is the firstfruits of the harvest to come. He is the first to rise from the dead and the sign that all who have fallen asleep in death will also rise.


  21Since death came through a human being, the victory over death has also come through a human being. 22Everyone dies in Red Clay (Adam), and everyone comes to life in the Chosen One.23But all in their own time. The Chosen One rose first—the firstfruits of the harvest to come. Then, when the Chosen One returns, all who are his will live again.


  24Then, after the Chosen One has brought down all rulers, powers, and authorities, the good road will reach its goal. Then the Chosen One will give the well-traveled good road over to his Father, the Great Spirit. 25But until then, he must continue his chiefly rule until he has defeated and humbled all his enemies.42

  26Then the last enemy—death itself—will come to an end. 27For it says in the book of Sacred Songs43 that the Great Spirit has put all things under the power of the True Human Being. But when it says that “all things” are put under his power, this does not include his Father, the Great Spirit. For he is the one who gave the Chosen One this power in the beginning.

  28And once all things surrender to his power, the Son will then honor his Father, turn all this power over to him, and take his proper place under his loving rule. In this way, the Great Spirit will bring all things into harmony with himself.44


  29If there is no rising from the dead, then what do the ones who perform the purification ceremony45 for the dead hope to accomplish? Why perform this ceremony for them if the dead do not rise? 30If the dead do not rise, why would we message bearers keep putting our lives in danger? 31I stare death in the face every day. I say this not to boast in myself but in what our Honored Chief Creator Sets Free (Jesus), the Chosen One, has done in your lives. 32If the dead do not rise, why would I risk my life fighting with the wild beasts at Village of Desire (Ephesus)?

  If the dead do not rise, some will say, “Let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we die!”46 33But do not let people who think like this fool you, for bad company will bring ruin to good character. 34Return to the right way of thinking and stop walking in broken ways. Some of you have no understanding of the ways of the Great Spirit. It is to your shame that I have to speak in this way. Have you no respect for yourselves?


  35Now someone may ask, “How do the dead rise? What kind of body will they have when they come back to life?”

  36How can one be so foolish? When you plant a seed, it does not come to life unless it first dies. 37The seed that is buried does not look like the full-grown plant that it will become. It is only a seed, perhaps of wheat or something else. 38But the Great Spirit gives it the body he wants it to have. He gives each seed its own kind of body.

  39Two-legged human beings and four-legged animals and winged ones and fish all have bodies of flesh, but each one has its own kind of body. 40There are bodies in the sky above and on the earth below, but each of them has a special kind of beauty. 41The sun shines with its own blinding brightness, the moon reflects the light of the sun with a beauty all its own. The stars have a bright-shining tapestry that has no rival, and each star is beautiful in its own way.

  42This is how it will be when Creator raises the dead to life. Our death-doomed bodies, which have been planted like a seed into the ground, will come to life never to die again. 43When our bodies are planted into the ground, they are plain and weak. When they rise to life, they will be beautiful and strong.

  44Our bodies are unspiritual, made from the earth and planted into the earth when buried. But when our bodies rise from their earth graves, they will be spiritual bodies—made from the spirit-world above. If there
is an earthly body, there must also be a spiritual body.

  45It is written in our Sacred Teachings, “The first man, Red Clay (Adam), became a living being.”47 But the last Red Clay (Adam),48 the Chosen One, became a life-giving spirit. 46But it was not the spiritual body that came first. It was first the earthly body and then the spiritual.

  47The first man came from the ground and was made of dirt. The second man, who is our Honored Chief, came from the spirit-world above. 48The ones born on earth are like the man who was made from the ground. The ones born from the spirit-world above are like the man who came from above.49 49Just as we have worn the image of the man from the earth, we will also wear the image of the man from the spirit-world above.

  50My sacred family members, here is what I am saying to you: human beings, in their death-doomed flesh-and-blood bodies, cannot share in the full blessings of Creator’s good road. Neither can bodies that die share the same blessings of bodies than cannot die.

  51Behold! I am about to show you a mystery. We will not all fall into the sleep of death, but all of us will be changed. 52It will happen faster than the blink of an eye, when the eagle bone whistle50 sounds for the last time. When it sounds, the dead will come to life never to die again, and we will all be changed. 53For these old, worn-out, death-doomed bodies must be taken off, and our new bodies that will never die must be put on.

  54When this happens, the saying that has been written down in our Sacred Teachings will find its full purpose and meaning, “Death has been defeated, let the victory dance begin!”51 55“O Death, where is your victory? O Grave, where is your sting?”52


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