First Nations Version

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First Nations Version Page 65

by Terry M. Wildman


  18Now, He Gives Honor (Timothy) my spiritual son, the instructions I give you are the same ones that were spoken over you as prophecies. Use these as weapons to keep fighting this spiritual battle in a good way. 19Keep your trust in the Chosen One strong and follow what you know deep inside to be true. Some have not listened to this inner voice, and their trust in the Chosen One has fallen to the ground. 20This happened to Sings with a Glad Heart (Hymenaeus) and Man Fighter (Alexander). I had to hand them over to Accuser (Satan) that they might learn not to speak against the Great Spirit.


  1First of all, I call on you to send your voice to the Great Spirit with many kinds of prayer. Give thanks as you ask him to bless all people everywhere with the things they need. 2Send up prayers for rulers and all governing authorities, so we may live our lives in a peaceful and sacred way, walking together with harmony and respect. 3This will make Creator’s heart glad and will be seen as a good thing by the one who sets us free and makes us whole.


  4Our Creator longs to set all people free and guide them into the full understanding of the truth. 5For there is only one Great Spirit, and only one who can bring the Great Spirit and human beings together in peace. That one is Creator Sets Free (Jesus) the Chosen One, who is himself human. 6He gave up his own life to set all people free, so that, when the time was right, this truth would be made clear to all humankind.

  7The reason I was given the sacred task of a truth teller and a message bearer is to tell others this good story. I am not speaking with a forked tongue! Creator has sent me to be a faithful and true wisdomkeeper to the Outside Nations.


  8So in every place you gather as a sacred family, I want the men who pray to lift up their hands in a sacred manner, putting away all anger and disagreement.

  9In the same way, I want the women who pray in the sacred family gathering to wear clothes that represent them well. They should dress in a modest and respectful manner. There is no need to try to look better than others with fancy hair, or with gold, pearls, or clothes that cost too much. 10It is only right that a woman who represents herself as walking in a sacred manner should show her beauty in the good things she does for others.

  11At our sacred family gatherings, a woman should remain quiet while learning from those who teach and humbly follow their instructions. 12I do not permit a woman to teach or take over for a man, but to listen quietly. 13For Red Clay (Adam) was formed first and then Life Bearer (Eve). 14Also, Red Clay (Adam) was not fooled by the evil trickster. It was the woman who was fooled and walked where she should not. 15But women will be kept safe through the pain and labor of childbirth if they keep walking a sacred path of trust, love, and self-control.


  1It is a true saying that anyone who desires the solemn task of watching over the sacred family desires a good thing. 2Elders like this must be free from accusation, faithful in marriage,2 clear-minded, self-controlled, honorable, welcoming to strangers, and able to teach others. 3They must not be heavy drinkers, nor given to violence, but gentle peacemakers who are free from the love of possessions.

  4These elders must guide their own families in a good way, having children who are respectful and well-behaved. 5For if they cannot guide their own families, how will they take care of Creator’s sacred family? 6They also should not be new followers of Creator Sets Free (Jesus), or they might get a big head and give the evil trickster the right to accuse them.

  7And last of all, they must have a good reputation with those who are outside the sacred family, so they will not be shamed and fall into the trap set by the evil trickster.


  8In the same way, those who have the sacred task of helping others must walk in an honorable way, not be double-tongued, nor heavy drinkers, and not greedy for possessions. 9From deep within they must hold firm to the mystery of our spiritual ways.3 10They must first prove themselves. Then if they are found to be free from blame, let them walk true to the sacred task of serving others. 11Their wives4 must walk with dignity, never speak evil of others, and be clear-minded and faithful in every way.

  12These sacred servants must also be faithful in marriage5 and guide their own families in a good way. 13The ones who have served well as helpers gain the respect of others, and their trust in Creator Sets Free (Jesus) the Chosen One will grow strong.

  14I hope to come to you soon. But I am writing this letter to you 15so that, if I am held back, you will know how to live together in Creator’s household. This household is the sacred family of the Living Great Spirit, the family that holds high the truth.


  16The mystery of this great and sacred truth has now been made known. He who appeared as a human being was shown to be in the right by the Spirit. He was seen by spirit-messengers, made known among the nations, trusted in by people in the world, and taken up to be honored in the spirit-world above.


  1The Spirit clearly says that in the last times some will turn away from their trust in Creator Sets Free (Jesus) and listen to lying spirits and their evil teachings. 2It is through people with forked tongues and false faces that these lies will be spoken. The truth inside them has been burned away until they no longer know right from wrong. 3They stop people from getting married and tell people to stay away from eating certain kinds of foods. These foods were created by the Great Spirit to be received with grateful hearts by those who trust in and know the truth. 4For all of his creation is good, and nothing is to be refused if it is received with a grateful heart. 5For it is made holy and good to eat by Creator’s word and prayer.


  6If you make these things clear to the members of the sacred family, you will be a good servant of Creator Sets Free (Jesus) the Chosen One. This shows that the trust you have in the message of our spiritual ways and the good teaching you have been following has helped you to grow spiritually strong.

  7Have nothing to do with made-up stories and worn-out tales that have been passed on from long ago. Instead, learn to walk in a sacred manner. 8Physical discipline is good for the life we now live, but spiritual discipline is good in every way, since it holds promise not only for this life but also for the life of the world to come. 9This saying is honorable and should be fully welcomed by all.


  10This is the reason we struggle and work so hard, for we have put our hope in the Living Great Spirit. He is the one who sets free and makes whole all of humankind, but first and foremost those who put their trust in him.

  11Teach and instruct others in all these things. 12Let no one look down on you because you are young. Lead the way for others in all that you say and do, and also by trusting, loving, and walking with a pure heart. 13Until I come to see you, make sure you read the Sacred Teachings out loud at our sacred family gatherings, and teach with words that lift people’s spirits high.


  14Do not neglect the spiritual gift that is in you. This gift came to you through a word of prophecy that was given when the council of elders laid their hands on you to set you in place as a spiritual leader. 15Meditate on these things. Give all your time and energy to doing them. In this way, everyone will see how far down the good road you have traveled. 16Keep a close watch on yourself and on what you are teaching. Keep doing all that I have told you. In this way, you will set free and make whole not only yourself but all who listen to you.


  1Never speak sharp words to a man who is your elder. Instead, speak respectfully to him as to a father. Speak to the younger men as brothers, 2to the women elders as mothers, and to the young women as sisters, keeping your thoughts pure.


and take care of the women whose husbands have walked on, if they truly need help. 4But if any among them have children or grandchildren, they should take care of her with respect as she once did for them, for this is what Creator wants them to do. 5The sacred family should take care of women who have no one to care for them as long as they are looking to Creator for their help and continue to send up prayers night and day. 6But the ones who live only to please themselves are spiritually dead even while they live.

  7Instruct the sacred family members about these things, so no one will have a reason to accuse or look down on them. 8For all who fail to care for the members of their own family have denied the truth of our spiritual ways6 and are worse than an outsider who does not trust as we do.


  9To be counted as a widow to be taken care of by the sacred family, a woman must be an elder of sixty winters or older who was faithful to her husband.7 10She must also have a reputation for doing good. Has she raised her children in a good way? Has she welcomed travelers into her home? Has she washed the feet of Creator’s holy ones?8 Has she offered help to people during hard times? Has she always been willing to do good for others?


  11Do not include the younger widows for this kind of care. For when their natural human desires draw them away from their devotion to the Chosen One, they will want to get married. 12Then they will be found guilty of breaking the sacred promise they made to remain unmarried. 13They make a habit of going around from home to home doing nothing and helping no one. Not only that, they talk about people behind their backs, stick their noses into places they do not belong, and say things that should not be said.

  14That is why I want the younger widows to get married, have children, and take good care of their own families. Then the enemy will have nothing to say against them. 15For some of the younger widows have already wandered away to follow Accuser (Satan) the evil trickster snake.

  16If sacred family members have a widow in the family, let them take her in and care for her. This will lift the burden from the sacred family so the widows who have no family will be cared for.


  17The elders who are spiritual leaders are to be given double honor—most of all, the ones who work hard at instructing and teaching others. 18For our Sacred Teachings tell us, “When an ox is used to harvest corn, do not cover its mouth and keep it from eating,”9 and “Those who work hard should be given the honor and goods they have worked hard for.”10

  19If someone accuses an elder who is a spiritual leader with wrongdoing, do not listen unless two or three others say the same thing. 20Even so, a spiritual leader who continues in wrongdoing must be brought before all of the council of elders for correction as a warning to others.


  21With the Great Spirit as my witness, along with Creator Sets Free (Jesus) the Chosen One and his chief11 spirit-messengers, I call on you, He Gives Honor (Timothy), to follow my instructions by treating everyone the same and not taking the side of one over another. 22Do not be in a hurry to lay your hands on others to choose them as spiritual leaders. Do not take part in the broken ways of others. Keep yourself pure.

  23No longer drink only water, and from now on use a little wine to purify the water. This will be good medicine for the times you have a bad stomach.

  24Some people’s broken ways are plain to see even before their guilt is decided. The guilt of others becomes clear later on. 25In the same way, the good deeds of some are clearly seen, and even if they are not clear for all to see, they will not be hidden for long.


  1Any sacred family members who are slaves should treat their earthly masters with respect. In this way Creator will not be given a bad reputation, and no one will speak against him or what we teach. 2Those who are slaves to masters who are sacred family members should not for that reason look down on them. Instead, they should serve them all the more, for the ones who benefit from their service are also much-loved sacred family members. Teach and urge others to walk in these ways.


  3There are some who teach things that are not in agreement with the good words spoken by our Honored Chief, Creator Sets Free (Jesus) the Chosen One, and with the teaching that keeps us walking in a sacred way. 4Teachers like this think they know it all, but they really understand nothing. There is a sickness in the way they think. They argue over the meaning of words, which takes people down a path of envy, fighting, name-calling, and evil mistrust of each other.

  5They keep stirring up trouble between people whose minds have wandered away from the truth. They even think that walking in the ways of the Great Spirit is a path to getting more and more possessions. 6It is true that following the ways of the Great Spirit will lead to great possessions, but only when people are at peace with what they have. 7For we came into this world with nothing and can take nothing with us when we leave it. 8So, as long as we have food to eat and a roof over our heads, we should be at peace with what we have.


  9Those who long for more and more possessions stumble into temptation and are trapped by many foolish desires that drag them down and take them to a bad end. 10For the love of possessions is the root of many evil, thorny branches. Some, who have made possessions their aim in life, have walked away from the good road and have been pierced by thorns that bring them much pain and sorrow.


  11But you, O man who follows the Great Spirit, run away from these things and pursue doing what is right, living in a sacred way, trusting, loving, never giving up, and walking softly and in a humble manner. 12Fight the good fight of trusting Creator. Get a firm hold on the life of the world to come that never fades away, full of beauty and harmony. The Great Spirit called you to this life when you said yes to him and made it known before many people that you had chosen to walk the good road with Creator Sets Free (Jesus) the Chosen One.

  13As you stand before the Great Spirit who gives life to all things, and before Creator Sets Free (Jesus) the Chosen One, who told the truth in a good way when he stood before Spear of the Great Waters (Pilate), I call on you 14to follow through with this way of life to which he has called you. Keep walking a path that no one can find fault with until the day comes when our Honored Chief, Creator Sets Free (Jesus) the Chosen One, will appear.


  15That day will be revealed when the time is right by the Blessed One who alone rules above all others, the Grand Chief Above All Chiefs. 16He is the only one over whom death has no power. His life shines so bright no one can even come near him, and no human eye has ever been able to fully see him. To him belongs all honor and power to the time beyond the end of all days. Aho! May it be so!


  17Instruct the ones who have many possessions in this present world not to see themselves as better than others. They must not put their hope in their many possessions, which cannot be depended on, but in the Great Spirit, who, from his great possessions, provides all we need to enjoy life. 18Instruct them to walk in a good way, to possess many good deeds, and to be willing and ready to share with those in need. 19In this way, they will be storing up and preparing themselves for the life of the world to come, the true life of beauty and harmony that never grows old or fades away.12


  20O He Gives Honor (Timothy), keep a close watch over the things that you have been entrusted with. Turn away from foolish and empty talk and arguments about what is falsely called knowledge. 21For there are some who, having held this “knowledge” to be true, have strayed away from the good road in which we trust.

  May the gift of Creator’s great kindness walk with you on the road of life.

  Aho! May it be so!




  1From Small Man (Paul), a message bearer for Creator Sets Free (Jesus) the Chosen One. The Great Spirit chose me to be a message bearer in harmony with the life he has promised through Creator Sets Free (Jesus) our Honored Chief.

  2To He Gives Honor (Timothy), my much-loved spiritual son. I greet you with the gift of Creator’s great kindness, mercy, and peace that comes from our Father the Great Spirit and from Creator Sets Free (Jesus) the Chosen One, our Honored Chief.


  3When I send my voice to the Great Spirit, I speak your name before him as I give thanks to him night and day. I serve Creator with a pure heart, doing what I know deep inside to be good and right, just as my ancestors did. 4Oh how I long to see you! I look back on your tears, which makes me want to see you again so that my heart will dance for joy.


  5I remember how deep your faith truly is. That faith was alive first in your grandmother Woman Who Walks with Kindness (Lois), then in your mother Woman Who Wins (Eunice). I know that this same faith lives in you as well. 6This is why I now remind you to fan into flame the gift Creator gave you when I laid my hands on you as you were set in place as a spiritual leader. 7Creator has not given us a timid spirit but one of power, love, and clear thinking.


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