Next of Kin

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Next of Kin Page 57

by Jae

Every little gesture, every touch, was so full of meaning, so full of feelings, that it made Kade's head spin, adding to that out of control feeling. Pausing to take a deep breath, Kade tried to calm the wild beating of her heart. She lowered her face and kissed the smooth underside of Del's breast, hiding her expression and at the same time taking control. Del's physical reactions to her touches were something over which she had complete control.

  Del's long fingers slid into her hair, directing her up a little until Kade closed her lips around Del's nipple again.

  Giving an experimental little lick, she listened to Del's low moans and watched closely for any indications of what Del liked and didn't like. At the same time, she learned how she liked to touch Del. When she slid up to place lingering kisses on strong shoulders, Del's hands trailed lower and cupped her butt, encouraging Kade.

  "What do you want?" Kade whispered against Del's lips.

  Del leaned up. Her hot breath on Kade's skin made Kade shiver until her lips were claimed in a passionate kiss.

  Both of them were breathing heavily when Del finally broke the kiss. Del lifted Kade's hand to her lips and kissed every finger, the palm, and the sensitive inside of her wrist. Slowly, keeping eye contact with Kade, she directed Kade's hand down her body. When their joined hands reached the edge of her panties, Del stopped and kissed Kade again.

  Kade rolled partially off of Del, lying more on her side. She needed to see what she was doing as she slowly slipped her fingertips under the edge of Del's panties. She directed a questioning gaze up Del's body, taking in the quick rise and fall of her breasts as Del struggled for breath.

  Del gave her a quick nod. She bent one of her legs and wrapped both arms around Kade, holding her loosely.

  Kade slid her fingers lower. She carefully combed through damp curls and started a slow, methodical exploration, savoring every new sensation and closely watching Del's flushed face to see how she reacted to each touch.

  "Jesus!" Del hissed as Kade circled her clit, first clockwise, then, just to be thorough in her exploration, in a counter clockwise movement. "You're killing me!"

  Kade tried a more direct stroke with a little more pressure. Immediately, she felt Del's hips buck under her, lifting her up a little so that their breasts slid against each other again. This time, both of them moaned. "Do you want me to –?" she asked, not sure where Del's boundaries lay and what was expected of her.

  "Whatever you want to do," Del said breathlessly. "As long as you don't stop in the middle of things." She gave her a meaningful glance.

  Kade chuckled and moved her fingers again.

  Del's short nails rasped over her skin, making shivers race up and down her body. She nuzzled Del's breasts but didn't do much more because her concentration was on what her fingers were doing. She made small circular motions, guided by what she knew she liked and by Del's groans of approval.

  Suddenly, touching was not enough. She wanted to see all of Del. Del's protest as she took her hand away quickly died down as Kade dragged the panties down over her hips. Kade moaned as her own center pressed against Del's leg, and she quickly moved back up, not wanting to be distracted. Her hands slid over Del's skin, caressing as much of it as she could. A haze of arousal swept away the last remnants of nervousness and doubts.

  Kade slid two of her fingers through Del's curls and brushed them on either side of Del's clit. She looked back up, watching the play of Del's muscles under glistening skin as she moved restlessly on the bed. Slowly, her fingers dipped lower. She circled Del's entrance, sliding in about half an inch before hesitating. She didn't want to hurt Del in her inexperience.

  Del's groan was not one of pain, though. She clutched Kade's body to her. Her thrusting hips drove Kade's fingers deeper.

  Intoxicated, totally overwhelmed by emotions and sensations, Kade simply followed the rhythm Del set. She could feel the slight tremor in the muscles straining against her. Her own body trembled with excitement. She watched the pulse beat quickly in Del's neck, matching the pulsing she could feel beginning around her fingers.

  Del moved faster against her. A long, shaky groan escaped from her parted lips. "Kade," she gasped, opening eyes that had closed in pleasure. "Can you...?"

  "What?" Kade asked, almost as frantic as Del to bring her pleasure.

  Instead of answering, incapable of speech, Del slid her own hand down. Her fingers brushed against Kade's before they found Del's clit.

  Jesus! A wave of heat shot through Kade at the sight.

  Del tossed her head from side to side. Her thighs clenched around Kade's hand. "Kade," she whispered roughly. Her body froze, then surged up one final time against Kade's fingers before she collapsed back onto the bed.

  Kade protectively covered the heaving, shivering body with her own. Humbled by this powerful experience, not knowing what to say or do, she held still until she felt the contractions around her fingers stop.

  Del wrapped her powerful arms around her, clutching Kade so tightly against her that it almost hurt. Finally, her grip loosened a little, and she opened her eyes. "I have some serious doubts about that toaster oven," she said, her words rumbling through Kade.

  "What?" Kade had half expected the first words from Del's lips to be a declaration of love or undying devotion. Her mention of a toaster oven was a relief but confusing nonetheless.

  "I don't think I deserve a toaster oven for this." Del indicated their naked, sweaty bodies. "You've clearly been with other women before to have mastered the art of lesbian lovemaking like this."

  "Liar." Kade kissed the breast her cheek was resting on, tasting the salty skin under her lips. "We both know I'm a rank amateur. I didn't even understand what you wanted when you..." She gestured at the hand that Del had used to touch herself.

  Del tilted her head. "I hope you don't mind me taking over a little. It just wasn't the best moment for long explanations." She grinned.

  Kade freely shook her head. "It was fun," she said. With other lovers, she would have taken it as a criticism of her skills as a lover, as a slight on her ability to bring her partner pleasure on her own, without any assistance. With Del, she hadn't thought about any of that. It hadn't been important. Her focus had been on Del, not on anything else.

  "Fun?" Del rolled around, covering Kade's body with her own. "Is that the highest word of praise in your vocabulary?"

  "It was hot... and intense," Kade said honestly. She leaned up and kissed Del.

  * * *

  Del brushed a strand of damp hair off Kade's forehead, tenderly sweeping it back behind one cute ear. "Want to try to expand on that description?" she asked with a smile.

  She had gladly relinquished control over their lovemaking to Kade, knowing it would make her more comfortable. Because of Del's natural authority and being older than most of her sexual partners, the women Del had been with tended to expect her to take the lead, and Del had happily taken it. Now she found it was a nice change of pace to relinquish control to Kade. There was something very erotic about giving herself to Kade completely. Still, she wanted Kade to show the same kind of trust in her.

  Kade nodded and bit her lip.

  Del could already feel Kade begin to close herself off, trying to hold back and keep control of her emotions. She was determined to make Kade feel – not just the physical sensations but also their emotional connection. "Any special requests, or am I free to act out some late-night fantasies?" she asked with a wink.

  The sexy smile that appeared on Kade's face made Del's heart beat faster. "Oh, so you fantasized about this? About me?" Kade drawled.

  "Well, yes," Del admitted without embarrassment. "Me and every other cop with an intact libido. The only difference is that I'm lucky enough to get to act on it." She gently kissed the bruise that Tracey Sheldon's attack had left on Kade's cheekbone. Seeing the marks on Kade made her stomach churn with anger and guilt. She had spent a sleepless night, almost driving herself crazy thinking about how close Kade had come to being shot with the gun Del had given
her for protection. Resolutely, Del shoved that thought aside. Anger and guilt weren't what she wanted to feel tonight. Tonight, I just want to be happy and make Kade happy too. She wanted to take away all the pain, hate, and fear in Kade's life and replace it with tenderness and affection. Her lips caressed a scratch on Kade's temple and the dark marks on her throat, then trailed soft kisses over the finger-shaped bruises on Kade's shoulders and upper arms. She kissed the bruises on the fair-skinned inside of Kade's wrists. When she looked up, she met Kade's gaze. "Turn around," Del whispered.

  Kade hesitated. "What...?"

  "Trust me," Del said, never breaking eye contact. She lifted up a little, silently indicating for Kade to turn around and lie down on her belly.

  She knew it meant a lot when Kade slowly turned around and settled her head on her folded arms.

  Del trailed a single fingertip over the elegant line of her spine. "You're beautiful," she said. Never in her life had she meant it more. One of her legs slid between Kade's when she kissed the bruise on Kade's back, where Tracey Sheldon had shoved her against her desk. She could feel goose bumps erupt under her lips.

  Kade's fingers clutched at the sheets as Del tenderly swept Kade's red hair aside and kissed the nape of her neck. Del trailed her tongue across the warm skin to taste its saltiness. Her hands caressed Kade's flanks, teasing the sides of her breasts. She nipped at her shoulder, explored the dips of her shoulder blades, and rained kisses down along her spine.

  Cupping Kade's hips with both hands, Del pressed one openmouthed kiss to the small of her back. The black lace of Kade's panties provided a sudden barrier. Del loosely trailed her hands over the fabric, but then decided to leave the panties in place for now and moved down the bed. With gentle fingers, she kneaded one fair-skinned foot, then the other. She nipped and kissed her way up the smooth, shapely calves she had admired since she had first met Kade.

  Kade squirmed under her as she licked the sensitive skin behind her knees and then let her lips and hands slowly trail higher. When she reached the black panties again, she gently hooked her fingers under the waistband. "These are in the way," she said, giving a little tug.

  "Then take them off," Kade ordered, turning her head to meet Del's eyes. Her voice was smoky and low, tinged with desire.

  The sound alone sent an answering rush of heat down Del's body.

  Kade lifted up on her elbows and knees, and Del pulled the black lace down over her hips. When Kade lay back down, Del slipped the panties down her legs, trailing her hands over Kade's thighs and calves on the way down.

  Gently holding on to two firm thighs to keep her balance, Del leaned down and kissed one smooth ass cheek, then the other. She felt Kade's thighs flex under her touch. Pulling away a little, she put her hands on Kade's hips again, getting ready to turn her over. At the last moment, she stopped. She didn't want to "handle" Kade. All of this meant nothing if Kade didn't trust her – and herself – enough to let go of her tight control and allow herself to experience the full force of her desire and her emotions. "Turn over," she whispered against Kade's skin.

  Kade's fingers slowly let go of the sheets. She turned and looked up at Del, who hovered over her.

  Del stopped all movement and just looked at Kade. Kade's face was flushed, and her ice blue eyes glittered with equal parts desire and anxiety. Del quickly reached for one of the hands that had immediately taken hold of the sheets again. "Hey, everything all right? Do you want me to stop?" she asked.

  She had known this wouldn't be as easy for Kade as Kade had probably thought. Kade was a confident, goal-oriented woman. She was liberal and well-read and had probably thought she knew exactly what making love to a woman would be like.

  She hadn't been clueless about the "mechanics," but Del suspected Kade hadn't been prepared for the emotions it evoked.

  "No," Kade answered roughly. She wrapped her legs around Del and drew her closer against her body.

  Del groaned when she felt Kade's wetness against her stomach. She forgot her concern and desperately sought Kade's lips for a long kiss.

  Kade began to rock against her as their tongues slid against each other.

  Gasping, Del broke the kiss. She sucked at the damp skin of Kade's neck, gently at first, and then, when Kade threw her head back to give her better access, more strongly until she had added a mark of desire and affection to the bruises caused by violence.

  Del moved her lips down Kade's chest in quick, feathery kisses. She cupped one of the full breasts in her hand and studied its beauty for a second before she lowered her head to kiss it. Her tongue drew circles around the nipple, teasing, but never touching it.

  Kade slid her fingers into Del's short hair. Tingles started in Del's scalp and continued down her body. Kade's hands spasmed against the back of Del's head as she lowered her head and drew one hard nipple into her mouth.

  A stifled moan encouraged Del to suck a little harder.

  Kade's hips bucked under her, and Del had to force herself to go slow and savor every second. She lifted a hand to Kade's neglected breast and started to gently stroke and knead it.

  Finally, when Kade thrashed under her and could no longer hold back her moans, Del gave one last kiss to her breast and moved lower. She placed kisses on the flat, yet womanly stomach and ran the tip of her tongue around Kade's belly button.

  "Del!" Kade gasped. "Do you want to kill me on my first night with a woman?"

  Del rested her chin on Kade's hip bone. "I was thinking more along the lines of giving you a 'little death,'" she answered with a grin. Resting both of her hands along the insides of Kade's thighs, she slowly lowered her head, giving Kade every opportunity to stop her.

  Kade's fingers in her hair tightened but didn't hold her back.

  Only inches away from Kade's wetness, Del paused and breathed in her scent. Her hot breath washed over Kade, making her groan in anticipation.

  Del turned her head. She placed a few butterfly kisses on one inner thigh, then gently scraped her teeth over the other.

  Kade writhed under her as she traced the tip of her tongue up the inside of her thigh.

  Del brushed the fingers of one hand over the copper-colored curls and left her hand in place to help hold Kade open. Slowly, carefully, she swept her tongue over the swollen folds. When she heard nothing from Kade, she looked up the flushed body and into her face.

  Kade had covered her eyes with her forearm and caught her lower lip between her teeth, trying to hold back.

  "All right?" Del asked, her lips only an inch from Kade's skin.

  Kade swallowed convulsively. She moved her arm away from her face and looked down at Del. Her eyes had darkened and were now a smoky gray. "Fine," she panted. "Just stop... teasing."

  "Oh, because you didn't tease me at all, huh?" One more glance back up into Kade's flushed face made her take pity. She lowered her head again and moved her tongue back and forth more firmly against the sensitive flesh. Her hands reached up, taking hold of Kade's hips as they began to buck uncontrollably.

  Kade was helpless to hold back her moans. Her legs tightened around Del's head, and her heels dug into the bed, pressing her up and against Del's tongue.

  Del pushed the tip of her tongue into Kade.

  "Oh!" Kade's fingers clawed at the sheets, at Del's shoulders, at anything she could get a hold of, trying to maintain some last semblance of control.

  "Kade..." Del waited until Kade's half-closed eyes opened with difficulty and made contact with hers. "Let go. Don't hold back, Kade. You're safe with me." She closed her lips over Kade's clit and sucked gently.

  Kade's guttural cry was muffled as her thighs clamped around Del's ears.

  Breathing hard, enjoying the aftershocks she could feel rippling through Kade in her intimate position, Del waited until Kade's legs dropped weakly to the bed. Quickly, she crawled up Kade's body, sliding against the damp skin until she could take Kade into her arms.

  Kade lay with her eyes open, staring at Del with an unfathomable ex

  Del kissed her, wanting to evoke some reaction she could figure out.

  Kade's arms that had fallen limply to the bed suddenly wrapped tight around Del. Kade broke the kiss and wiped her lips with a trembling hand. "What a mess," she mumbled, her voice a little hoarse.

  Mess? Del silently repeated as she wiped her mouth and chin too. She wondered if Kade was talking about the damp sheets and the sweat and fluids that were beginning to dry on their bodies, or if she meant the emotions their lovemaking had evoked.

  Del knew that Kade's head, her sharp mind, had always kept control over her heart. In the past, Kade had gotten physically involved, yet had always kept an emotional distance. She had never allowed herself to love with all the consequences and vulnerabilities. For a woman like Kade, the emotions Del hoped she was now feeling were certainly a little messy and perhaps even unwanted. "It's not messy," she said gently, meaning both their lovemaking and the feelings that went with it. "It's beautiful."


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