Outlaw MC: The Complete Boxset

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Outlaw MC: The Complete Boxset Page 10

by Ethan Egorov

  He didn’t know I came in with Spencer, and no one in the club was like a tattle tale or something, so no one said anything. I don’t know what he would have done, honestly. I am convinced that I might be overreacting, but I don’t want to find out anytime soon.

  “I’m going to get some work done in the office.” Dad says to me, after he’s made me talk everyone to death.


  After that, Jack and Al left pretty soon after too. I was glad to finally be somewhat alone with Spencer. The other guys at the bar were old and not even in the club. I was slyly watching Spencer the whole night while he was at the bar. The way he smiled and chatted up the customers, walked around like he owned the place. He was just super-hot, for no reason.

  “Was that strawberry lemonade?” I walk over to the bar and ask him, I couldn’t figure out what to say and that kind of came out.

  But he turned around smiling, so it seemed like it was good enough.

  “Yeah. You want one?” he asks, cocking his brow up.

  I sit down, “Sure.”

  I’m pretty sure I only sat because I knew my dad was in his office. And there aren’t any cameras. I watch him make my drink like a pro, his arms flexing when he shakes the glass.

  “Thanks,” I sip it, sweet and tangy just like I want it.

  “Where are your henchmen?” he asks me.

  “What?” I giggle, blinking at him in shock.

  He leans over the bar and I get distracted by his… his face pretty much.

  “Your follow guards or whatever.”

  “Oh. Jack took some girl home. Al went home to his wife I think.”

  “And your old man?”

  “In the office.” I answer. My phone buzzes and I know that it’s Adriana. I periodically updated her and kept it up.

  When she asked for a pic of Spencer, I figured now was the perfect time, he was currently looking elsewhere, his jaw line all taut and everything. I took out my camera and clicked without even thinking.

  The flash went off and my stomach sunk inside itself.

  “What was that?” he laughs.

  My heart pattered faster than I could keep up with it and I felt my face going hot.

  “Oh my—I was… never mind.” I squeaked.

  He smiled slowly, “You were taking a picture of me.”

  “I wasn’t… I was just—” I couldn’t figure out how to explain a bright light. Saying I was going for a selfie was just uncharacteristic.

  “You’re a crappy liar, angel. But I appreciate the effort. As long as you got my good side.” His deep voice sounded better than ever.

  “What’s that?” I lean back and cross my arms.

  “Every side is my good side.” He steals my drink and sips from the straw, “Wow I’m good at that.”

  “Who’s the picture for?” he asks me, and I try to figure out how to lie to him and come up short.

  “My friend.” I clear my throat. My body still feels cold as ever on the inside, my skin prickles just from being around Spencer, and I’m pretty sure that I’m permanently blushing.

  “Wow, I’m in with your friends now too.” He laughs.

  “I have one friend, it’s not plural.” I roll my eyes at him and he just keeps laughing. This is mortifying.

  “Doesn’t it bother you that everyone around here pretends like you don’t exist?” he asks me after a while. I get half way through my lemonade and have to use the bathroom but there is no way I’m getting up right now.

  I let my face fall though, from hearing the question I try to ignore all the time.

  “Not really. I’m used to it.” I shrug, even though I don’t really mean it. Or want to mean it.


  “Yeah, here. Everywhere mostly. Especially high school. I’m pretty sure college won’t be any different.” I sigh, that’s the unfortunate truth. It was what I planned to do this summer, experience things. But that feels too much like using him and I don’t want to do that. It’s not about that anymore.

  “But… why?”

  “Why?” I ask back.

  “Yeah, I mean you’re sexy as hell. Funny. Why would anyone not see you?”

  The only thing I got out of that was him saying I’m sexy and I stay there for quite a while until I can process.

  “I guess we went to a different kind of high school. And I wasn’t like the other girls that walked around half dressed and threw themselves all over guys. So, I was practically invisible. It was easier that way anyway, no one bothered me.” I half laugh, but it doesn’t feel funny anymore.

  “Hm. Well, I see you. And I’d like to see more of you.” He leans in close and I try to find where the lie is, but there isn’t one.

  “Is that how you ask me for a naked picture?” I can only figure out what to say by joking.

  He laughs his deepy boom of a laugh, “No. How about a real date? Tomorrow.”

  I blink a lot, which I do when I am trying to think. I wonder if he is being serious but figure he won’t be messing with me like that. I stare at him and try to find the tell but he is serious as ever, and it makes me nervous. I keep forgetting this guy actually likes me, but not that I like him a lot too.

  “I suppose that would be okay.” I swallow. I don’t plan on telling him it would be my first real date, that’s too much pressure.


  “Good.” I smile at him.

  His lips twitch, and I notice he does that before he is about to kiss me. But he can’t right now.

  “Do you want to get out of here?” he asks and I’m shocked.

  “I don’t know. I’d have to tell my dad and then I will have to tell him who I am leaving with—”

  “You’re rambling. Just tell him the truth. I’m driving you back to your car.”

  “But—” I swallow hard, thinking of my father doesn’t make me nervous. But telling him about a guy or being anywhere with a guy… yikes.

  “I’d tell him, but that wouldn’t make much sense now would it?”

  I sigh, “Yeah…okay.”

  I take one last sip of my lemonade and then head back there. He is probably just on his computer or pretending to look at tax forms. He hires someone to do it, but I guess he likes to be involved. I use the bathroom by his office first, the one no one is allowed to use, hence why it is so clean.

  “Dad?” I knock on the door and walk in.

  “Hey Jeannie.” He smiles, and he is looking at tax forms. Or pretending to.

  “I gotta get out of here dad, I’m tired.”

  “Well I’ll just finish up—”

  “No, that’s fine.” I stand on the other end of his desk and twiddle my thumbs. “Um, I came with Spencer so I’m just going to leave with him.” I say quickly.

  He drops the papers in a comical way and looks up at me. “Spencer? You came here with him?”

  “Yes, Dad. He gave me a ride. We were at the shop together, you know where you sent me after begging for my help. My car is still there and he’s just gonna drive me back.” I explain. He still looks like a deer caught in headlights.

  “I don’t know about that. Spencer. I don’t know him all that well yet.”

  “If you let him in the club, he must be a stand-up guy.” The way he is looking at me almost makes me spill it all out, but I refrain.

  “Yeah but…”

  “Look dad, he isn’t even my type, okay? If you must know.”

  He cringes and waves me off. He pauses for a while and then sighs.

  “Just call me when you get to the house. I’ll be here late anyway.”

  “Okay.” I walk over and hug him, kiss his cheek goodbye, so he’ll calm down. I see the vein pulsing on his forehead and hope I didn’t just give my dad a heart attack.

  “What took you so long?” Spencer grins at me from the bar, sitting on one of the stools. He has his legs open and as I walk up to him, I force my eyes from his filled-out crotch area.

  I clear my throat, “Uh my dad might have had a hear
t attack.”

  He frowns, “What the fuck?”

  I laugh, “Well I told him I was going to pick up my car with you and that we came in together—”

  “I didn’t ask you to do all that.” He shakes his head.

  “Oh. Well it’s better that he knows everything. If I didn’t tell him that I would have tried to lie about something else and then I would have told him we kissed—” his fingertips press to the inside of my wrist and I stop.

  He smirks, “Rambling. But I get it. Let’s get out of here.”

  I follow him out, sort of watching his ass. “Can we stop for food?” I ask.

  He stops at his bike and gives me a funny look.

  “What?” I ask.

  We are in the closed off part now, where no one can see us.

  He walks up close until every breath I take brushes my chest against his. My whole body comes alive when I’m near him, but when he touches me, I am completely done for.

  “You just ate.”

  “That was hours ago. Don’t judge me—”

  “I’m not,” he raises his hands in defense. “I like a girl that can eat. I know just the place.”

  I don’t even look at the time when I hop on his bike. I slide my body up against his, wrapping my arms tight around his middle. His abs feel like rock against my palms, his back feels about the same way. I lay my cheek against it and feel his heartbeat, inhale the leather of his cut as he whips down the road. I don’t know for how long he drives, but he stops soon after at a drive-in kind of place I’ve never seen before, and I grew up here.

  “Best hotdogs in town.” He says.

  I shrug and smile, “Sounds good to me.”

  We order from the outside machine and sit at a black park bench kind of table. His knee hits mine from the other side and I try not to look as nervous as I feel. I shiver once and he looks at me with concern.

  “You cold?”

  “No, I’m fine.” I wrap my arms around myself.

  He laughs and takes his jacket off anyway, “You are. Here.” he hands me his jacket, “Wouldn’t want you freezing to death.”

  I put his jacket on and feel instantly better, it still has his warmth on it.

  “You won’t be cold?” I look at his tee shirt and bare arms.

  “No, I’m warm blooded.” He smirks, purposefully hitting his knee against mine. I let it stay there, his warm leg against mine.

  Our food comes soon, it’s hot and greasy and perfect. I half watch him eat like it’s an erotic show, the way he licks his lips and fingers, bad for my health. His was twice the size of mine because he was right, I did just eat, but I get hungry easily.

  “Good right?”

  “Yeah. Thank you.” He had paid before I got the chance. I drink down my water and feel absolutely full. “You didn’t have to pay.”

  “I’m a chivalrous man. But this isn’t our date, just to be clear. I like to think I have more grandiosity than this.”

  I giggle, “That’s a big word.”

  He chuckles, “I have word of the day toilet paper.” He jokes.

  “English was my favorite subject in school. The days that I went.” He says.

  “I hated English.”

  “What did you like?” he asks me.

  I sigh, “Art.” I reply.

  He raises his brows in shock. “Really? I never would have guessed.”

  “I get that a lot. That’s what I decided to go to college for, graphic design.” I tell him when I haven’t even told anyone yet. Not even my parents or Adriana, which is weird considering she is my only friend but Spencer… he’s something else, and I don’t know what yet.

  “What do you like to design? Anything?” he picks at a fry and I wrap the jacket around myself more. It whips his scent my way and I relax even more, it’s like a drug.

  “Um, abstract designs and stuff. I actually—” I pause, my dad and I don’t even talk about this. “I designed the shirts for the shop. They’ve all been the same, just on different colors.”

  “No shit? I fucking love those shirts. I mean I don’t pay for them, but still.”

  I laugh, “Thanks. But I don’t really tell anyone.”

  “It’s a secret.”

  “Yep. I mean it was Logan’s idea to have the shop but it was going to be just for smokes and stuff, a convenience store. But I told my dad about it and he was all for it. I started off with a couple and then what we have now. But I don’t do it anymore, it’s boring.”

  “Wow. Boring to be a hot shot designer?”

  I nod with a smile, “Pretty much. I get a very small commission but it adds up.”

  “You bought your shirts the other day though.”

  “Yeah for the taxes.” I giggle.

  He chuckles and nods once. “That’s really cool, Jeannine.”

  “Thank you.”

  We sit there for a while before he drives me back to my car. I stand outside my door and try to force myself to get in, but I can’t seem to. I miss him already and I feel dumb for feeling like that.

  “You ever car sit before?” I ask him, when he looks as hesitant as me.

  “What?” he laughs.

  I fiddle with my keys and stare at the gray asphalt. “Um. Just sit in the car and listen to music or whatever.” I realize it sounds like I am asking him to do something else, a little less innocent.

  He smirks, his eyes gleaming. “Sounds fun.” He gets in the other side and I half start the engine so it doesn’t waste gas. His scent fills the car and I watch as he funnily adjusts the seat, I forget how tall he is.

  “This is a nice whip.” He slides his hand over the dash.

  I prop my leg up on the seat and push it back a little from the steering wheel.

  “My uh, my dad bought it for me. As a gift for my high school graduation.”

  “Wow, spoiled.” He jokes.

  “Wh—I’m not spoiled. My dad just feels bad. He sends us money, too much money. My mom tried not to use it at first but I convinced her to at least get stuff for herself.” I explain.

  Spencer nods and gives me a long look. I turn to him sideways and he leans in close.

  “Can I ask you something?”

  “Yeah.” I moisten my lips and cock my head at him.

  He goes off in his head for a second and then looks at me.

  “Why did your mom leave? I mean… I know the guys at the club are pretty scared of him but I wondered if you—” he blinks quickly and scratches at the back of his neck, I crane my neck and don’t get what he’s saying.

  “If I…”

  “If you’re afraid of him too. I mean like—”

  I gasp, “Oh,” I say slowly. Then I start laughing, he looks at me like I’m crazy.

  “Sorry I just… no, I’m not afraid of him. Neither was my mom. I’m laughing because people always assume that. School teachers, counselors, even my best friend. But no. My dad is a total teddy bear. He may have fake claws, but he’s all fuzzy on the inside. With us, at least. He’s different with the club. That’s why my mom left, she didn’t like where things were going.” I sigh, I haven’t really gotten into this in a while. In fact I never even had to.

  “When I was twelve the club started running drugs and that was kind of my mom’s last straw. They argued all the time for about a year and then she took me and left. That was the ultimatum she gave him. For a long time I was really mad that…”

  ‘He chose the club.” He finishes for me and I am grateful for it.

  “Yeah. I don’t think I’ve ever said that out loud before. I felt like that for a long time before I understood. And it’s not like he left us, he didn’t want a custody battle that affected me. He never neglected me so that counts for something.” I sigh. In fact it counts for everything. I know my dad loves me, that he loves us both—and that it’s just a shitty situation. The club is like a second child to him, he would do anything for it. I don’t even know how he must have felt.

  “Yeah, it does. I’m sorry you went thro
ugh that.” He sets his hand on my knee and squeezes.

  “Thanks.” I swallow, “What about your parents? Is it just you and your brother?” I ask.

  He tightens his jaw and squeezes my knee tighter.

  “Uh yeah, it’s just us. And I don’t really remember our parents, I was too young. We grew up in foster care.”

  “Oh…” I trail off, I feel bad for not knowing what to say. Maybe I am spoiled.

  “I’m sorry.” I laugh nervously, paying more attention to the new song on the radio.

  “That’s okay.” He rubs up my leg and the energy changes immediately. I feel that shift in my body, around other areas I forgot existed, that he makes me pulse in.

  I lick my lips and look at him, he looks back at me and my lips, smiling. Then his lips are on mine, and I melt against him. it starts off slow and I reach across to slide my fingers in his hair, holding him close. One of his hands grips my thigh, the other brushes my hair back and cradles my cheek. I inhale sharply when his tongue brushes mine and he deepens the kiss. I turn my head and feel his lips harder against mine. The man kisses like a god, and I can barely keep up.

  He breaks from me for a hot second and I inhale sharply before we go back to kissing like horny teenagers. I was only a teenager four months ago, I have no idea how old he is though. I don’t really care, I just know that he feels so good against me. I slide my hands down his neck, over his taut muscles. They are warm against my hand and I squeeze, sliding my hand across to his chest and down his abs. I truly have no idea what I’m doing or how far I’m going to go, it just feels right. He does the same to me, sliding his hand down my body. He toys with the hem of my shirt and I nod him forward, he lifts it, his palm slides against my skin and I shiver at his warm calloused touch. My hand stops at the hem of his jeans, not going any further, as much as I want to know what’s underneath—

  “We should stop, before I really lose it.” he breaks the kiss, breathing heavily, “You drive me crazy.” He pulls back, exhaling heavily and combing his hair back.

  I sit back on the seat and laugh, “Sorry.”

  “So this is car sitting.”

  I sigh, “Yeah. It is.” I giggle. “Except when everyone in high school was doing it, they were also having sex.” I mutter.


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