Outlaw MC: The Complete Boxset

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Outlaw MC: The Complete Boxset Page 52

by Ethan Egorov

  Her cheeks flush darker and she rubs her thighs together. She grabs my forearm and her nails dig into my skin.

  “Like what?” She says, breathless. Her soft voice goes right down to my cock and I groan under my breath. I’ve been half hard this entire time and my cock doesn’t want to wait any longer.

  “Like…” I run my finger up her thigh and let my hand rest against her, feeling the heat from between her thighs.

  “Chocolate syrup. Maybe caramel. And whip cream. I could very creative with whipped cream.” I bite my lip, my life fluttering closed as I imagine eating off her bare pussy. She whimpers and shifts in the seat, gripping my hand harder.

  “Kit…” She starts.

  I chuckle and lean back. “Let’s get out of here.”

  I break a couple traffic laws on the drive, but I don’t really care. Not when I feel Emily’s body against me. Her full breasts up against my back, shifting with every turn of the bike.

  I get to the club and park the bike out by the garage.

  “What are we doing here?” Emily asks. I take her hand and keep the surprise alive as I walk into the garage, shutting the door behind me so no one interrupts us.

  I cut the lights on and she gasps once she sees it.

  “Oh my god, Kit.” She turns to me, smiling so wide I can barely breathe. She looks so beautiful, her smile gleaming in the shitty lighting but somehow, she still looks amazing.

  “You like it?” I walk over to her Chevy. I worked the past few days and all of today to get it ready once the parts came in. Then I gave it a new coat of paint so its sleek and the chrome is still shiny.

  “I love it. It’s never looked this good.” She walks around it, trailing her fingers across the dips and curves of the car. I stuff my hands in my pockets as I follow her.

  “It needed a new transmission and oil tank, that’s why it couldn’t run for very long. But it should be good to go now for a couple more years, then it might need a new engine.” I tell her.

  “Kit, this is perfect. Thank you.” She skips over to me and hugs me. I hug her back and lift her up, swinging her around and leaning her against the hood.

  “Well I’m glad you like it.” I chuckle, holding her waist. She pulls back to look at me and smiles.

  “I love it. This means so much to me, you have no idea.” She leans in and kisses me. I let her take control as she coaxes my lips apart slowly, trailing her tongue across my bottom lip before her tongue swirls with mine. She tastes like the salt of her dinner and the mint she took after, kissing me deeper and harder with every passing second. I grind my cock against her as it grows harder, no point in keeping it at bay now.

  “How much do I owe you?” She breaks the kiss and leans back. I frown at her and lick my lips, tasting her gloss.


  She shakes her head and slips her hands from around my neck to down my chest.

  “Kit, I can’t let you do this for free.” Her voice softens as her blue eyes grow brighter.

  “I wanted to do something nice for you, Emily. I get the sense that people don’t very often.” I tell her. She purses her lips and leans down on her toes and back against the car.

  She lifts up her legs and straddles me, pulling me in close with her legs around my hips. I trail my hands down her soft bare skin, cupping the side of her ass.

  “Thank you, Kit.” She whispers and her eyes water. She blinks it back and then smiles softly at me.

  “You’re welcome.” I lean in and kiss her cheek, trailing my lips over to hers as I brush them against her.

  Her breath fans across me before I kiss her, slow and deep. I feel her lips syncing with mine with each passing second and I don’t think I will ever know what it is like to not feel her against my lips, even when she isn’t here. I want to know everything about her, everything that keeps her up at night and makes her happy. I want some of that to be me too and I don’t want to mess that up for anything.

  So, I kiss her and wish that I could tell her how much she means to me that way. Instead I kiss her as long as I can before I need air, and then I trail kisses down her jaw until I reach her collar bone. I lift up her shirt and run my hands up her chest to cup her breasts and then she moans aloud.

  “Kit…” She breathes. Her fingers tighten in my hair and then she trails them down over my shoulders, tugging at my shirt.

  “I want you so bad baby. So, fucking bad.” I growl and undo the button of her shorts, tugging them down with her panties at the same time. Her pussy is wet and glistening for me. I trail my fingers up her thigh and rub against her clit, watching her buck against the hood.

  “Oh fuck,” she leans back, her hands beside her as she holds her self up.

  I lick my lips and get down to my knees, opening her thighs to me. I place wet kisses along the inside of her thighs until I get to her, inhaling her sweet scent before I dive in. My tongue runs over her folds and clit as I tease her before I focus on her hard, throbbing nub.

  “Don’t stop. Please, Kit—” She clutches my hair and falls against the hood, claiming my face into her thighs. She tastes so fucking good. I soak all of her up before she comes and then relish feeling her against me as she comes. The way she tastes drives me insane.

  “Your taste, so fucking perfect baby.” I kiss back up her body and take her shirt off, her pale skin shining in the light.

  “I need you, Kit.” She moans, her eyes are hazy and bright, drawing me into her. I separate from her only to take my shirt off and then I lift her up again, moving her to the empty work table.

  “It’s cold.” She giggles when I set her bare ass down. I laugh at her and shake my head.

  “Won’t be for long.” I undo my jeans and grab my cock, finding my condom to open and roll on. She watches as I do that and then I slide myself against her right at the tip. Her body shivers and she gasps, looking into my eyes.

  The connection I feel with her is so deep, so real that I feel it in my chest. It takes my breath away when I can already hardly breathe.

  “Kit, please,” she begs me, bucking her hips toward me.

  I grin and start sliding inside her, feeling her expand around my cock. She’s still so fucking tight it blows my mind.

  Her nipples poke through the thin lace bra she has on and I tug that down to release her full breasts. Rose pink nipples pucker out to me and I lean down to take one in my mouth, pinching the other. She grips my hair so tight it pricks my scalp and I continue until I’m deep inside her.

  “Lean back, baby.” I tell her. She kisses me first and then lays herself against the table, her back arches when I pull out and press into her again. My piercing pinches right at my tip and under the rim, it makes my knees buckle as I go faster.

  But I don’t go too fast because I want this to feel slow and controlled as I memorize her body and the way it feels against me. I watch her breasts bob and skin flush as she grows closer. Her nails grip the end of the counter as she cries out. I take her hand in mine, lacing my fingers with hers as the other grips her thigh to hold her open. Our bodies get slick with sweat and our moans and pants fill the air. I feel myself right on the edge, but I wait for her, drawing deeper inside her each time.

  “I’m coming, Kit. Don’t fucking stop.” She cries out, her voice growing breathless at the end as her body trembles and she grips my cock even tighter.

  It makes me grow harder inside her and I keep going, leaning forward to kiss her as I come. She wraps her arms around me and kisses me as I empty my cock in her, wishing I could feel her with nothing in the way. I thrust into her until the last of me is out and then I collapse against her. She holds me tight and runs her fingertips down my back and over my ass. I start humming against her until I can get up, completely spent but somehow still want more of her.

  “That was fucking hot.” I kiss the corner of her mouth and separate from her. I discard the condom and then pull my pants back up.

  “Uh huh.” Emily says, she looks dazed as hell and I laugh at her
. But help her find the rest of her clothes too.

  We get cleaned up and I open the garage door so the breeze can cool us off. I sit on the hood of the car with her, she sits between my legs with her head against my chest. I lean down and kiss the top of her head sometimes just to inhale her scent even more.

  “My dad wants me to sell the car, but I don’t think I can.” She says after a while.

  “Why?” I ask her. She sighs and runs her nails across my bent knee.

  “He’s sick. He wants me to use the money to help pay for his care. But he loves this car. It would hurt too much to sell it.” She explains.

  I feel for her, and how upset she sounds. If my parents had been sick and then died, it would have hurt a lot more than them dying in that accident. Too much time to imagine them dying before they passed away, thinking about what to do with all their stuff. It’s upsetting.

  “How sick is he?” I ask her.

  “It varies.” She sighs. “He wasn’t that bad at first, but MS is rapidly progressive, and they don’t really have a blanket treatment for it. I had to put him in a center that can handle around the clock care. It’s expensive but I make it work.” She says.

  I kiss the side of her cheek and she takes a deep breath.

  “I’m sorry you have to go through that.” I tell her.

  “Yeah. I’m doing fine but… if I sell the car it’s like I’m starting to get rid of pieces of him. I think he just feels bad for me being the only one there. It’s not like my mom would do much good if she was here.” She half laughs.

  “I know. So, you don’t sell it, keep it for him when he gets better. It’s not like you’re holding onto false hope.” I tell her. I know she may feel like she is holding onto it like she is holding onto the hope of him getting better, but that doesn’t mean she has to sell his stuff. It sounds like she has it figured out, though.

  “Yeah, that wouldn’t do much good. I’m not very good at driving a stick shift but he taught me when I was little. He used to collect cars and sell them.”

  “That’s really cool, must have been nice growing up.”

  “Yeah, my first car was a ’67 Corvette before he sold it off, then I just used whatever he had laying around.” She giggles. I smile and hold her tighter.

  She tells me more stories of some stuff she did growing up but when she turns it back to me, I try to avoid it at all costs.

  “Kit, why don’t you like talking about them?” She turns to me; her lips are still a bit swollen from before and I just stare at her for a hot second before I even register what she said.

  “It’s not that I miss them. I guess I just don’t have that many memories anyway. Amy and I are so close because we were all we had growing up.” I answer.

  She frowns at me and then reaches out to cup my face, sliding her fingers back into my hair.

  “I’m sorry. I thought having two parents was better than one. I guess not.” She half smiles.

  I nod, “Yeah, not necessarily. They were just working all the time.” I had a lot of lonely times growing up. And I guess that when they died, the fact that I never got to tell them that left me angry and unresolved. When I found the club, I found people that all had their own story but looked out for each other anyway. Amy didn’t like it at first but once she saw what it did for me, she backed off.

  “Are you going to take over the company one day?” She asks me. I chuckle and shake my head.

  “I don’t know. Maybe when I’m forty.” I joke.

  “You don’t have to. Not if you don’t want to.”

  “You don’t think it makes me a bad man if I don’t? If I run away from my responsibilities.”

  “It’s not running if it’s what’s good for you.” She tells me. I smile at her because I’ve never had anyone tell me something that actually helps.

  I have felt like I avoid my duty to the family every time I avoid working for the company, but she doesn’t make me feel that way at all.

  “Emily, you’re amazing.” I smile at her and then lean in to kiss her.

  She giggles and wraps her arms around my shoulders to hold herself close to me.

  “So are you, Kit.” She kisses me and I kiss her back.

  For a long time actually, we sit there kissing and talking until the sun is far past down and it feels like we are the only people that exist in the world. It feels scary as hell, but she is starting to become my world.



  A few weeks later

  “He’s doing great, we have walks every day for about thirty minutes and he’s eating well too.”

  I smile at my dad’s nurse like I’ve never heard better words before. When it comes to him, I have not in a long time.

  “That’s great. So, he might still be here for a while though?” I ask. I don’t really want my dad’s last days to be in this place, whenever they might come.

  “It’s hard to say, unfortunately. You know how unpredictable it is. But as long as he keeps responding to the meds, it looks good.”

  “Okay, thanks.” I finish up my meeting with her and then head over to see my dad. Their offices are in the same building but when he has visits and stuff, I like to get a progress update with the doctor and the nurses.

  I tell him about the car getting fixed up and he’s really happy about it. He reminds me to try and sell it again, but I decline. I only take the list of buyers he has because I want him to still feel like I listen to him as my dad. I know he doesn’t like feeling like a patient in front of me. He’s always been really virile and strong, an active father that was always there for me. And now he can only take thirty-minute walks every day. I can’t imagine how that feels.

  But I bite the bullet and tell him about Kit, too. To no surprise he asks a bunch of questions and says he doesn’t know if he’s good enough for me. But it’s not hard to convince him that he is. Apparently, I’m beaming when I talk about him. After dinner, I head over to see Kit, speaking of.

  He told me to come by the club and I have no idea why. We talk every day, over the past few weeks we don’t see each other every day. But he does call, and we text throughout the day, too. It’s been maybe two months since we have actually been together, and it is damn near perfect. I don’t want to jinx it, but it really is.

  Kit is really attentive and sweet, even when he’s a cocky. He is also still a hot as sin man. My feelings for him grow stronger and I wait for the other shoe to drop, but there doesn’t seem to be one. At least not yet. I have even had dinner with him and his sister. She’s nice to me and doesn’t treat me like one of the other girls he has been with, but apparently, they have never met her, so I feel… official. We haven’t made it official yet, but I know that he wants to. I said I wanted to move slowly just so I don’t dive into things too fast. I wasn’t looking for a relationship when I met him so it’s all coming as a surprise.

  But I do like him. A lot.

  I walk inside the club to loud music playing and the pool table balls hitting each other. The lighting is dim, and the place is half full. I haven’t been inside since that first night we got a drink together. I spot him by the bar, his head of blond hair shining under the lights.

  “What’s a girl gotta do to get a drink around here.” I wrap my arms around his muscular frame, he turns and grins at me. It’s actually been two days since I have seen him, since I had to prep for the kid’s exams and then I spent the night with my dad since his doctor’s appointment was so early.

  “Give a guy a kiss.” He grips my waist and leans down to kiss me, swirling his tongue around mine right away. He releases me too soon and I’m dizzy on my feet. It’s gotten a bit cooler outside so I’m in a sweater and jeans most nights. His leather jacket hugs his muscles and offsets the blond of his hair. I hold this handsome man for a while before we separate.

  “I missed you.” He kisses my cheek by my ear, I suppose he likes that spot so much because I spray my perfume near there, which he has already said he really likes.

  “I missed you too.” I tell him. A few moments later the bartender drops off his drink, I recognize him from last time. And the cocktail looking thing for me looks familiar, too. I sip at it and relax for the first time all day.

  “Why did you want me to meet you here?” I ask Kit. He smiles and turns to me, taking a swig of his beer before he answers.

  “So, you could meet my friends.” He says.

  I giggle, “You have friends?” I ask, joking with him. He cocks his head and gives me a funny look.

  “Of course, I do. It’s you that doesn’t like people.” He licks his lips.

  Just then, two guys come over from the other side of the bar and wave at him. One is huge with dark hair and a mean looking face. He honestly looks like he’d bash your head in and then leave you for dead. The other is a regular guy, but also muscular and dark haired.

  “This is Rafe and Beast.” Kit says.

  I giggle, “Are those real names?” They all laugh, and I shake their hands. They sit on the bar stools around our table and greet Kit.

  “Nope. We’re running from the law.” The bigger one, Beast, which is kind of fitting, says to me.

  “Well, don’t tell her that. She already doesn’t believe me when I say we’re not criminals.” Kit laughs.

  “We’re not criminals.” Rafe says.

  “Okay. I sort of believe you.” I say.

  I wish he told me I was meeting his friends. I’d try to look hotter to make them jealous of him. It’s what any good girlfriend would do.

  “I’m Emily by the way.” I say. Remembering Kit didn’t tell them.

  “Oh, we know, we have heard plenty about you.” Beast chuckles. His voice is so deep it sounds like a bomb went off in there.

  I swallow and look at Kit who just shrugs. If I had people to brag to about him, I would have done the same thing. But I never imagined he would do that for me. I guess it is still hard for me to believe that he likes me that way.


  “Good stuff only, promise.” Rafe says. I smile and Kit takes my hand, sitting closer to me.


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