by Ethan Egorov
“I got it.” I volunteer first without thinking. They all look at me funny and I shrug. I don’t really help out like that very often.
“You’ve all got shit to do I bet.” I remind, so I don’t sound that good. Logan has a kid to get back to. Rafe and Spencer have their own shit to deal with. I’m the only one who doesn’t have anything else better to do. It’s kind of laughable.
“Yeah. Thanks man.” Kit taps my shoulder and then Emily tugs him away, stumbling out of the place. Kit and I understand each other like that since we have sisters. Mine is older too, not by much. But after our parents split when I was fourteen, she has raised me ever since then. So, she’s more than just my older sister. Kit was at least a bit older when his died, but he still knows how it feels.
Soon they all leave, and the bar starts clearing out too. Amy is down to two other friends and trying to play table hockey this time. The thing was Spencer’s idea to buy and it seems to be a hit. Also, Amy’s ass against the table as she turns and falls backwards. That’s my cue to swoop in. The place is nearly empty anyway with cake everywhere. I stop by the bar to talk to Spencer.
“I’m going to take Amy home, but I’ll come back and help you clean up.” I tell him. He smirks and nods.
“No problem.”
I frown and lean over the bar. “Don’t get any crazy ideas.” I tell him. He half laughs and shakes his head, wiping a glass down before hanging it up.
“I have none. Except how obvious it was you stared at her all night.”
I jut back in response and make a face.
“Don’t worry, I never said anything. But I know how it is to be looking at something you shouldn’t be.” He says and is referring to Jeannine. She’s Tank’s daughter and was completely off limits, being the pres’ daughter will do that to you. But he went for it anyway. I’m either not that stupid or brave and I’m guessing it’s the latter.
“Whatever. I’ll be back.” I leave him there to think he is right and stride across the room to Amy. She doesn’t notice me since her back is turned, but her two friends with wide eyes and too much makeup do.
“I’m taking you home.” I announce myself. My voice comes out harsher than intended. My voice is always harsh and deep, hence the few years of smoking, but I stopped that years ago and it’s still there.
“Excuse me?” She turns and looks up at me. Her bright green eyes stare up at me and freeze me in place. She’s so damned pretty it doesn’t make sense.
Her eyes are round and big, making her cheeks even rounder and lips look fuller. But they are. Her top lip has a defined Cupid’s bow and bottom lip, a pink pillow that’s probably soft as hell. She doesn’t have a lot of that makeup on, and her lashes are long as she bats her eyes. Her round face and soft skin are like a siren call, especially with the rest of her body. Her dress fits around her pert tits and full hips, with a narrow waist to really set shit off to. I step back from her so I my excitement doesn’t make an entrance. Plenty of women have thrown themselves at me all night, but I’m getting hard from not even touching her at all. I should call her a cab instead of testing myself control but Kit wouldn’t like that. I more or less promised to take care of her in our many talks about being worried about our sisters who did nothing but look after us. That’s what I should be doing. I’d tell myself to treat Amy like she was my own sister but that never worked, and I only end up screwing myself in the process.
“I told Kit I’d take you home.”
“But I’m having fun with my friends. You’re not my dad.” She slurs, gesturing to the giggling girls. I roll my eyes at her and step forward again.
“No, I’m not. He’s dead and you’ve had too much to drink. Now let’s go.” I make my voice tight thinking it will push her into submission but that only seems to make things worse.
“Fuck off,” she shoves my chest, but it doesn’t do much good since my frame is solid. A whole foot and two hundred pounds heavier than hers.
Her friends start laughing and catch her when she stumbles.
“He’s right, you should go. We can have an after party tomorrow.”
“That’s just another party.” I frown at them. They ignore me as much as they are trying to secretly check me out.
“I told Kit I’d take you home. Please don’t make me have to tell him I left his sister to get ruffed in a taxi.” I sigh, tired with the antics. I don’t know why I thought I could just push her out of here and that’d be the end of it. She is a grown woman after all, and with Kit’s complaints, she is stubborn too.
Amy stares up at me and softens her scowl, crossing her arms in mock defiance.
“Fine. But you better hope I don’t fall off that death trap bike of yours.” She grabs her purse and says goodbye to her friends.
I swallow back my next comment as my eyes drift down to her legs. The open toed shoes she has on shows off bright blue nail polish that matches her dress. I don’t know why I have a sudden vision of sucking her toes and then her pussy, but I shove it away just as fast. Just in time for her to look up in my eyes again. It freezes me in place before I shake it away.
I’m hoping I’m not so damn weak that I have to push her off the bike instead, just to save my own conscience.
I thought for a long time about how it would be to finally graduate. College was absolute shit. I only passed because I had nothing else better to do. But med school wasn’t a requirement. It was a choice. And after my parents died, I didn’t think that I would be able to. But a certain overbearing brother, or protective, convinced me to. So, I threw myself back into the work and never looked up until I was on that stage and in my white coat.
It was time to let loose.
I’m glad I didn’t decide to go to some obscure bar in the city. The few friends I made in school knew about the club, and that my brother was in it, but it’s still one of the nicer spots to have a drink. Kit was able to close it out for my party, though, and so only the people I knew were there. But the first thing I asked him was if Darius was coming. I’m glad he didn’t think anything of it, but when he said that he was I changed my whole outfit hours before the ceremony.
I’m used to being the older one in Kit’s circle, and mine if not the same age. But Darius was his only friend that made me feel like jello when he was around. The tattooed bad boy biker thing was all over the club, but when I saw Darius for the first time, it was something else entirely. I forced it down to never come back up. Kit and I agreed we wouldn’t mess around with each other’s friends, and he cares a lot about the club even though he took over the family business now. So even from the first meeting, I knew Darius was off limits in every sense of the word.
“You forget anything?” Darius frowns down at me as he asks. His voice is so rough and deep, like a broken machine or something. The frown is just how his face looks, always has been. He only smiles around the guys when they say something really, really funny. Otherwise, he always looks like he has a headache or doesn’t like something so I don’t take it personally. Not even his rude antics. I know there is no excuse for it but there must be a reason.
“No.” I hug my friends, Tish and Danielle again before we leave. He walks close to me as we walk out of the club.
The place sits on a huge lot of empty land, besides the garage and bikes always parked around it. We enter the back side of the club, where it’s dark and sketchy, and his hand drops onto my waist like it belongs there. I pause and my body goes cold at his touch, but not in a bad way. It’s also cold outside and I had a lot to drink. I can walk straight in front of me, but alcohol makes me woozy. I would have gotten a cab either way with my friends, but Darius didn’t know we already called one. I wasn’t about to tell him either.
I don’t get to spend much time around him since he is always here and I’m not. So, I milk these moments alone. I feel like a teen girl crushing over the high school senior and that’s not me at all. I’m the mature one, the older one, unless I’m with him. S
omething about him has always made me feel like a useless goo. Wanting to be touched by him, looked at. His body is muscled and tattooed, all the way up to his neck even. And his long dark hair and full beard hide everything but his soft brown eyes. They are the only soft thing about him, stories hide in there and I get a glimpse every time I look at him. I shiver again and he stops.
“Cold?” He starts shrugging off his jacket before I respond. He only has a tee shirt on, a tight gray one that accentuates his wide pecs and strong arms. They are the size of my thighs, honestly.
“What about you?” I slide my arms into his jacket and am surrounded by warmth and a smooth scent. It’s more him than the sharp cologne, a piney fragrance like a forest on a warm day, sweet like fruited trees. I inhale and make it look like I am just taking a deep, drunken breath.
“I’ve got fur.” He mumbles and keeps walking. I giggle softly and follow him. But he’s right. His arms are hairy, but not by much because of his tattoos. I bet he has chest hair. The thought arouses me, and I say it is just the alcohol. Thinking of his naked body is dangerous, but I do it every other night in bed anyway. I saw him shirtless once when the guys had a car wash and I wish I never did. I could draw every anatomical line of his body as a doctor and want to rub myself against it like just another one of his conquests. He has plenty of them.
“Why did you park so far?” We get to his bike and I ask him as he searches for the helmet under the seat. I cross my arms around myself and jump in my shoes. The wind is cold, my body is letting the alcohol move through and I’m running out of my buzz. I now have too sound a mind to just out right kiss him, which I have wanted to do the whole night.
“I have my reasons.” He hands me the helmet and I know how to put it on. He straddles the bike still standing as he revs the engine. It’s loud and rumbles in my chest, down to my toes too.
“Don’t drive too fast.” I tell him. I hate these things. Kit rides his around all the fucking time and they scare me, especially the first time he came home with one. But I can’t lecture and tell him what to do all the time.
“I’ll pretend I heard what you said.” He sits on the bike and I climb on after him. I frown but my hands are loving the feel of his muscled chest, of his solid body thrumming under me.
It’s worse when I get on the bike. I have to pull my dress up and push really close to him. My open thighs rub the outside of his and the rest of me… is right on top of him. I wrap my hands around his waist and my breasts mash against his back even harder. I feel him shudder and half smile. I never thought that I would affect him. Little old me. He’s thirty something and has seen his fair share of women. I should be nothing compared to the busty, brown haired and beautiful bimbos on his arm. That’s his type, the huge breasts and dark hair. Sometimes red. But that’s not me at all. I only have blonde hair, no beach bod. He hasn’t moved except to kick the bike into gear and I’m confused. I cinch my arms tighter to tell him I’m ready to go, but it only makes my arms rub against his muscles even more, right at his sides and in the center of his abs.
He roughly kicks the throttle down and takes off, not slow at all.
We peel around the roundabout exit and onto the freeway. My hair whips in the wind and I press myself to his chest even more so I don’t feel like I am going to fly off at any second. He drives so fast I feel weightless against him. The feeling is indescribable, not even like the excitement of gross anatomy class, or being a real doctor. It’s like I never knew what’s actually exciting in life until now. Darius isn’t like other guys, especially not like the ones I have dated. Kit tried to keep me out of the game but that didn’t last very long. My last boyfriend was a nightmare. I met him in med school and am glad he moved away for residency, but it still worries me that he would come back and manipulate me like last time. He was shitty. But I didn’t see it coming, he didn’t have dangerous tendencies or tattoos, he should have been a nice guy. That’s why I never bought that Darius was a bad guy, not on the inside. You can never actually tell by what’s on the outside.
My house isn’t far, so unfortunately, we get there soon. I at least still have an alcohol haze going on. One that makes me loose lipped and fun still. He gets off the bike and walks me up to the door silently. I pretend to stumble, and he catches me. His hand is so big it covers the whole side of my waist. I look up at him, grabbing his forearm. I barely get my hand around him; my fingers feel his light hairs and his warmth.
“You good?” His brows furrow tighter than his usual frown like he is worried about me.
“Yeah. Just gotta make it upstairs.” I giggle and lie. If Kit still lived with me, I’d get rid of him so he can’t accuse me of trying to steal his friends or something. The only time I accidentally entertained the idea, he lost his shit. Said the club is the only thing we don’t share, even though he moved out we still live close lives. They are like his people. Me crushing on Darius is like asking for trouble.
“Right. I’ll help you inside.” He holds out his hand and I drop the keys in them with my shaky hand. He clears his throat and tears his gaze from mine. I watch him slip the key into the lock and my stomach tightens, imagining him slipping his cock into me instead. I swallow hard and blink that visual away. But then he walks into my house and it’s worse. It’s like he is everywhere now.
“Thanks.” I take off my heels and walk through the entrance way.
“You want water or something?” I ask, nervously waiting for a response. He is behind me and I can’t see his face. All I hear are his heavy footsteps behind me.
“You wouldn’t want me choking on my own vomit or something would you?” I try to coax him into it. I stop in the kitchen and lean against the counter. That time I actually do miss and stumble.
His hands reach out for me, but he is too far. I giggle softly and stand myself up. He actually does start spinning a bit in my head and I shake it away.
“I guess not.” He mumbles. Most of his statements are mumbled or hardly spoken in that deep voice of his. It fills the room and I can hear him inside me. It’s unnerving. He is so dangerously hot it hurts.
His beard is close shaven and wraps his jaw that I can tell is still chiseled and pointed. His eyes are soft though, the browns a milky mixture of sadness and misunderstanding. He has so many secrets and they are all right there in his eyes. His arms are relaxed by his side as he looks at me, studying me almost. His tight jeans and shirt do even more for his physique, worse for my libido. It’s stagnant and tired of vibrating toys.
“I thought I was getting water.” His lips part and eyes focus on me.
“Oh. Right.” I jump and go over to the fridge, getting one out. It’s mostly empty now since Kit is gone and I never had time to grocery shop. He still reminded me a lot, though, and maybe I’ll have time to go now.
“Is that your payment?” I giggle and hand him the bottle. He makes a face and doesn’t answer until he opens it and takes a swig. I watch his lips curl around the top and shudder. I still have his jacket on and have no excuse to be cold.
“No.” His eyes bore into mine and the heat spreads over my body.
I’m drunk enough to attack him right here, kissing those hard lips of his. But not enough that I don’t know why I shouldn’t. Why that’s a bad idea. So, I just look at him and hope for a miracle. It takes him finishing his water and giving it to me to throw out before I say anything.
“It’s late. I should go to bed.” I walk up closer to him, enough to feel the heat radiate off his body. I look up at him, leaning up a little. His neck twitches with a hard vein and the thickness of it naturally, before he bends down, and I think he might kiss me. He gets close enough I feel the heat of his breath, and I lose mine. I sound like I am almost wheezing, and my body is so coiled up I might snap. His chest brushes mine; my nipples stretch under the fabric of my bra and I feel like I am already clenching between my legs. I’m dizzy even more from his presence. It’s more intoxicating than alcohol.
“I need my jacket back, Amy.”
It’s the first time he has said my name all night, and having it cloaked in his deep, sexy voice makes my head spin. More than before.
“Oh.” I whisper and start taking it off. He looks satisfied as he takes it from me and puts it back on. I can still feel its weight on me, the scent it carried.
“Thank you.” I murmur. I can’t lie and say I’m not disappointed, but I did hope for more… but of course he doesn’t feel that way. He was only doing my brother a favor.
“No problem. Good night.” He turns and lets himself out. I watch him walk down the parlor, his body taking up more space than it’s ever seen.
“Don’t trip going up the steps.” He shouts over his shoulder before shutting the door.
I scoff with disgust at him saying that like I’m a child. Maybe drinking too much isn’t the way to get his attention. But I never would have talked to him like I did if I didn’t have the courage of alcohol.
I ignore his antics and head upstairs, stripping off my clothes and taking a shower. I feel like I am swimming until I lay down and then can’t fall asleep. My body is still so aroused, my core clenching and my nipples hard against my shirt.
I sigh and slip my hands down. I don’t even need my vibrator, I’m already shuddering when I touch my clit. I imagine I can still feel his hands on me, his muscles, his scent… and then I’m spilling over the edge.
I groan, rolling over to fall asleep. Hoping that this isn’t my life now.
I leave Amy’s house feeling like I lost something. Like I have an unshakeable feeling of forgetting something. It follows me all the way home, a cheap apartment above a coffee shop. I know the owner and he lets me rent it cheaply. It’s not like I need the help, but since I started traveling so much, it made more sense to just downsize. The studio is completely open except the bathroom, but I don’t need the privacy since it’s just me in here.