Mystic Awakening

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Mystic Awakening Page 7

by J L Lawrence

“No shit, Angie. We’re riding dragons. We belong in the looney bin. At this rate it might be the preferable option.” Kate grimaced and opened her mind for communication. Xander transformed into the golden dragon. His scales also glowed and seemed like armor. Kate reached out to touch it, hoping it was as strong as armor. They were slick and strong. Amazing but insane.

  “Trust me Kate,” Xander whispered into her mind. “I won’t let anything happen to you.”

  A twig snapped in the distance. The demons were on top of them. She jumped aboard, circling his neck tightly, and gave a tap with her heels to let him know she was ready. They launched into the sky, she held her breath and prayed.

  Something whizzed by her ear, causing her to lose her grip for a moment. Bullets were flying all around her and bouncing off an invisible shield. She reached for her own gun, strapped to her side, but knew she’d be wasting her time and ammo shooting into the pitch-black forest below. The scales acted like a shield and continued to deflect bullets. They climbed higher and higher. At least she’d found one positive in this whole situation. She’d become bullet proof for the moment.

  The moon reflected off the water, trees, and open land. Breathtaking and serene, as it all passed by in a blur. She began to relax and feel free and peaceful, blending into the scenery itself and becoming one with her surroundings. An echo of energy fizzled through her entire body. She closed her eyes again and focused on her energy, for the first time admitting what was inside her. It was a beautiful moment of awareness.

  They finally landed several hours later in a dense, dark green forest. The landscape was completely covered in browns and greens creating the perfect camouflage. Kate could hear the animals making their sounds in the forest and the slight rustle of leaves from their footsteps. This place would have made a great, secluded, vacation spot, if only…. She sighed and set her bag down.

  “Where are we?” Angie asked as she stretched one way and then the other, trying to work out her sore muscles from the ride.

  “In Kansas. Xavier found this spot of land that is rarely ever disturbed except by animals.” Xander bit down ravenously on a protein bar. Kate figured he was restoring some of his energy.

  “Kansas? Seriously!” Kate couldn’t help but laugh at Angie’s stricken expression, remembering her earlier comment.

  Angie sighed, still looking a little forlorn. “Sure, why not? I would say stranger things have happened, but I’m not too sure on that one. I’m waiting for the tornado to take me over the rainbow and little strange men to burst into song. Or someone in a white lab coat to place me into my white padded room. Whichever.” She sat down on a log, bemused. “So where are we staying this time?”

  * * *

  Xander was trying hard not to laugh at Angie. This went far beyond the usual scope of the human mind. In most circumstances, he would find the humor in this situation. Unfortunately, having to use so much power to stay the dragon drained him far more than he wanted to admit. “We get to stay in tents this time.” He walked over to one of the trees and pulled two tents out of hiding and an additional duffel bag of supplies.

  “Thank the merciful Lord,” Angie muttered, and started rummaging for food. Kate seemed to be trying to familiarize herself with the area.

  After a couple of hours, Xander and Gregory had set up the tents and sorted their supplies. Xander was putting a meal together since the girls had only eaten snacks for the past couple days and needed plenty of nourishment. He had to give Xavier credit; he had thought of everything preparing this site, including a bar of soap. The girls would appreciate that. He glanced up as Kate came stomping out of the woods.

  “For the record,” she grumbled, “outdoor plumbing is not a favorite of mine. I’d kill for a normal bathroom and shower.”

  Angie walked over, put her arm around Kate’s shoulders, and squeezed playfully. “Weenie.”

  “Maybe so, but indoor plumbing is for me.” Kate came to an abrupt stop, causing Angie to run smack dab into her back. “You do have indoor plumbing, right?” she asked Xander.

  He tried to bite back his harsh remark and resisted the urge to momentarily make her squirm, but he went with the truth instead. He needed to keep her on task. “Yes, of course.” He couldn’t completely hide his frustration. “We have every basic thing you have, and then some. We’ve been over this. You think we’d have cell phones and Internet but no bathrooms?”

  “It’s a reasonable question,” Kate fired back. “How do I know your kind even need bathrooms? Many of the books I’ve read mention they don’t have those concerns, so stop assuming I should know everything.” Her mouth twisted. “Besides, I panicked for a second.”

  “No problem. It will take time to adjust.” He was still irritated, but he knew most of his frustration had to do with how little she truly knew about him or his community. It wasn’t fair that fate had screwed with the natural timeline of the Mystic and Guardian. Not her fault, but still frustrating. He walked over to the fire to finish up their dinner.

  Xander closed his eyes and turned toward the trees behind him. Everything got quiet.

  “He’s talking to Xavier,” Kate and Gregory said simultaneously. Angie must have been wondering what in the world he was doing.

  “We’re in luck,” he announced enthusiastically. “And, for once, something went our way. Both of Xavier’s traps worked, and he slowed down the demons tremendously. He said they have dropped back to regroup and probably recruit more. But that means we will have one or two days to rest and begin some proper training. We’re not close enough to the Meadows to risk much magic, but working on weaponry and technique is almost as important.” They had finally caught a break.

  They ate their meal quietly, which was simple, but filling. Xander was using energy funneled from Gregory and Xavier to recharge. After tonight, he was under no illusion that his powers were waning. Toward the end, they began chatting about interesting places they had visited and current events. From the outside, he realized that they probably looked like a group of friends on a regular camping trip. Not that he had ever been allowed anything normal in his own life. Once everyone was finished, Gregory waved his hand, and everything disappeared, including the fire.

  “Thought we weren’t supposed to use magic.” Kate poked Xander’s shoulder gently, as she sat down beside him.

  He wanted to live, so he had a decision to make on how much he trusted her. He wrapped his arm around her shoulders, trying to keep things light for now. “Gregory knows how to shield its presence. A little won’t hurt because we can keep it from detection, but we have to be careful tapping into yours, since we might not be able to completely cloak it. No one is sure exactly how much magic is still inside you.” It would be a heck of a lot easier if they did.

  Kate smiled, making him feel a little guilty. “You sure know how to lay it all out there. I’m not sure I want to know how much is inside me right now anyway. I’m taking baby steps so I can deal with everything.”

  He didn’t have time for baby steps. He needed all out leaps of faith. His best option was to get her to fall for him, so she would willingly follow his lead and trust him. Her biggest weakness was their built-in attraction. Neither of them had much control over its pull, once activated. First, he had to get her alone and find out what made her tick.

  “We’ll have to get a lot of rest tonight.” Xander inhaled deeply, lacing his fingers through hers. “But would you ladies like to take a look around and walk a little bit?”

  Angie stood and stretched. “Actually, I’d like to read for a little bit and soak in the peaceful moment, while giving my brain a break from the overload. We haven’t had many of those moments the last couple days.” She laughed and grabbed her book, then moved to a quiet spot under a nearby tree.

  “I wouldn’t mind taking a walk, so I can clear my head.” Kate had broken their connection. She stood, but surprised him by reaching her hand out to him. Maybe the whole situation wasn’t as hopeless as it seemed.

  “How abo
ut you, Greg?”

  Gregory was checking the tents, separating the supplies, and reinforcing the protective spells. “Go ahead, I’ll stay here and finish all this up. If the bookworm over there wants to go later, we’ll catch up. After all, torture has always been my favorite pastime anyway.” He smirked in Angie’s direction, and she glared at him over her book. Then they went back to their mutual efforts of ignoring each other.

  Xander led Kate through the thick trees and brush, until they came to a small stream. They walked silently, side by side for a few minutes, letting their thoughts gather. He needed some answers and wanted to know what kind of life she’d had. “What do your parents think about your career choice? Will you need to call them?”

  Immediately, he noticed her hesitation. “My dad ran off when I was less than two,” she finally whispered. “My mom tried her best to raise me, but early on I showed signs of my gifts. I think she loves me. But she also fears me. Mostly I was raised by my grandfather. I called him Papa, and he was my stability—my everything—while I was growing up. He passed away several years ago.”

  She paused and dipped her hand in the stream. Xander watched the memories play across her face. It obviously had not been easy growing up in this realm, where her gifts were shunned, not praised. “To answer your question, I haven’t spoken to my mother in a long time. She knows what I do, and I can feel that she worries. A part of her expects this job to kill me, so I don’t keep her in the loop. It would be nice to someday be able to tell her exactly who she raised. If I survive all this, that is. And you?” He could sense she was tired of talking and dredging up old memories.

  “My parents are very different. I have only known them as protectors of our world and of all other creatures and realms. My oldest sister used to tell us stories. How they were before the last war. Full of life and traveling all over the dimensions.

  “My two older brothers died during the last Rising, and then fate chose me as the next Guardian. The odds on a guardian’s life are not all that great. I can’t imagine what they have suffered, and yet they still move forward. If I survive all this, I hope my parents will find some peace.” He hadn’t meant to say all of that. But once the words started, he couldn’t stop them. Time to move on to another topic. One that had been bothering him.

  “What about the guy you mentioned back at the apartment? I mean marriage is a serious thing to throw out there. Are the two of you engaged?” He had to work hard to keep accusation out of his tone.

  “Trey is a great guy, and we probably could have made a comfortable life together. I hate to admit it, Angie was right at least on one account. He would never have accepted this part of my life. I would have spent my entire life in hiding waiting for the day that he walked away.

  “We both wanted simple, but I wasn’t born for that. He doesn’t even know that I returned from my last case. I think I knew after everything that happened in that alley, it was over.” Despite hearing the pain in her voice, at least Xander knew he had been right. It was convenience, not love, between the two of them.

  What she wanted was acceptance for who she really was, and only Angie had given her that so far. It explained why their bond ran so deep, and it also left an opening for him to fit in. If he could show her what they could accomplish together, she would cross over to the Meadows easily. He might even be able to weaken her bond with Angie, so she wouldn’t hesitate when the time came to leave her behind. His life depended on it.

  After witnessing the devastation that Xavier’s wife had caused him when she died, he had no desire to actually fall in love with Kate. But as partners, they could conquer anything. He ignored the niggling at the back of his subconscious that he was already beginning to fall for the brownish blonde, blue-eyed hellion.

  He absolutely refused to feel the kind of pain he felt in his twin every day. Hell, he actually carried some of it. The tightening in his chest when she was near, the fear when she was in danger, and the mark of possession he was desperate to place on her, were all aberrations of his need to survive, and do his duty for his people. Nothing else. Nope. He wasn’t giving in to feelings.

  As they continued walking, he asked her opinion on different cases, college, and other parts of her past. Kate hadn’t had the glamorous life he had pictured. But she had made the most of it and never gave up. He admired the steel in her, while noting the compassion and kindness that were second nature to her.

  The moonlight gave her an ethereal appearance, and her eyes were bright as sapphires. Her steps were soft on the grass, as she continued to gaze in his direction. She was studying him. He wanted to ask what she saw. Could she see the good in him, like he could her? Or was he too damaged to hold that kind of light?

  Part of him wanted to invoke the rights of the guardian and take her right now. The images of her body wrapped around his had haunted his dreams every night. Bound for eternity. The other part knew that even with a predestined fate, there was still a choice. Plus, if he completed the binding process, he would probably seal his fate as a human and die. Would it be worth it?

  He wanted her in every way possible-plain and simple. Having patience was difficult, especially when he had been waiting for nearly thirty years. She was his, and he wanted her to know it. He had the insane desire to rear back his head and yell, Mine! Mine! Mine!

  Xander tugged Kate’s hand until she stood in front of him. His head descended slowly. His mouth captured hers in a deep, slow kiss. He broke contact long enough to place kisses on her forehead, cheeks, nose, and returned to her mouth. He quickly spun her toward the tree and pushed her against it.

  She ran her hands through his hair. She arched toward him, fitting perfectly against his body. She made a purring sound in the back of her throat. Their tongues danced, and desire overcame sanity, as he continued to plunder her succulent mouth.

  His tattoo throbbed, pushing him to complete the bond. He reached the edges of her shirt and began steadily moving it up to unleash the breasts that had mesmerized him. The feel of lace was the only thing separating him from his goal. With a flick of his fingers, he finally had access to the beautiful mounds he had been dreaming about. She moaned as his fingers played across her flesh, and it was all the encouragement he needed. She was his. Time to claim her. Consequences be damned.

  Chapter 6

  “Guys, where are you?” Angie called out.

  Kate connected, to warn her not to come too close.

  They straightened up quickly, like two teenagers caught by their parents. Amazing how easy it had been to lose control.

  “We’re heading back toward camp. See you in a few,” Kate hollered, but didn’t expect a response. She sensed Angie was already gone.

  Kate struggled to get her breathing under control. She kept telling herself that now was the time to stay focused, but her body was demanding a different type of focus. And oh how she wanted to give in to those desires.

  Xander appeared even worse off than her. His angered expression and heaving chest gave away how much he wanted her, too. He still hadn’t completely relinquished his grip on her, and for a moment, she wasn’t sure he would. Then, he leaned down and softly kissed her lips. With a wave of his hand, he returned her clothes to their original position. He muttered an apology and grasped her hand. They started walking to camp.

  Kate wasn’t sure what to feel anymore. She should hate this man. He’d dragged her away from every dream of a normal life. So why didn’t she? He certainly hadn’t been warm and friendly. They fought more than they agreed. But maybe Angie had a point, because Kate had never felt as alive as she did right now. One thing she knew for certain. She’d never go back to her old life.

  She’d called Trey from the hotel. She’d slipped into the bathroom and told him she was accepting an undercover assignment that could take months or years. He hadn’t even seemed too upset. More like he’d been inconvenienced. Her boss had granted the extra time off, but had hinted it would take her out of the running for the promotion. No, she cou
ld never go back. There would be too many questions. She and Angie would have to find a new way of life. You can’t un-see what has been seen.

  Xander was a hunter like her, so where did that leave them? No doubt in her mind, they had plenty of chemistry. If she couldn’t have a normal life, then maybe in this new world she could find someone like Xander, who would accept all of her. Even if they only connected for a moment in time, would it fill her with enough memories for a lifetime? Tempted, she might have to give it a try.

  Gregory and Angie had cleaned up everything and finished setting up camp by the time they returned. Everyone was still a little too pumped up to go to sleep, so they all sat around the fire. Kate wanted to know so much more, but was afraid of the answers. So far, not many had been beneficial to her.

  Silence made the time stand still. Like watching a clock that never moved. It didn’t help she could hear the adrenaline pumping through their veins at what lay ahead. She opted to gain some more information and maybe bring some calm into the atmosphere. “Tell me more about your Ancient Council. When will I meet them?”

  Xander seemed relieved when she finally spoke. “The Ancient Council is the governing body for most magical species. There are a few that have their own leadership structure. It has five members that rotate in and out as a current member steps down or dies. They are chosen by markings that appear on the palm of their hand, once they have proven themselves worthy and beyond corruption. Our current set have been in power for at least four-hundred years, some longer. The battle I mentioned earlier occurs every four to five-hundred years. Depending on casualties, the Council may change at that time.”

  “Who chooses them?”

  “We don’t know for sure. There are many different beliefs based on differing religions, but it comes down to a higher power or fate. Some believe that when the Mystic is born, several of our destinies are rewritten, and that determines the Council members. Some believe it is based on the success of the Mystic, and others believe many different variations. It has never been recorded in our history, despite many searching for the answer. So, it has become an unspoken agreement, to accept that it is done by a higher power and move on.”


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