Mystic Awakening

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Mystic Awakening Page 17

by J L Lawrence

  Xander nodded. “She did and has been a great asset and a wonderful leader in the world of human witchcraft.”

  Angie slipped away into the bathroom. This was becoming more and more complicated. The only way she could help Angie now was by sending her comfort.

  Angie finally stepped back into the room with her shoulders squared. “So I will have to do spells and make potions? Really? I’m going to be in the pointy hat?”

  “Not quite. You would have to have an incredibly strong magical lineage in your DNA to get into all of that stuff. Your focus is to learn basics, and for the immediate future you’ll be focusing on protection and strengthening spells and potions. This will help get you ready for the battle, and hopefully give you a slight power boost. Should you survive the Rising, you will be taught more, if you choose to stay in our world.” Xander was trying hard not to laugh.

  Angie glared. “What the hell do you mean, should I live? I can’t wait to be thrown into your world!”

  Kate giggled, picturing Angie with a witch’s hat, stirring her potions in a cauldron. She couldn’t help it. Angie must have picked up the vision in her mind, because she kicked Kate’s shin, hard.

  “Ouch!” Kate yelled, doubled over, laughing. “You should have paid more attention to all those shows I watched for pointers.”

  Angie continued to glare, but the corners of her mouth started to tilt into a smile. Kate turned back to Xander. “So what will I be doing?”

  “Yours is actually a lot harder. Channeling energy is dangerous, and emotions can greatly affect the control you have on your energy levels. You will learn to pull energy from your surroundings constantly, and then control it mentally to create what you want to happen. It’s a lot less precise than spells and takes a lot more self-control. You have to be careful where you pull the energy from and not deplete the wrong source. Your main weapon will be energy blasts, or what we call lightning, that shoots from your hands or anywhere you direct it.

  “As your Guardian, one of my jobs is to help anchor you and help you channel all your energy. As a Mystic, you will be amped up all on your own, without needing to pull in a lot of energy.” Xander appeared winded, trying to say everything before any interruptions came.

  What do you say to all that? A panic started in her gut as the questions swirled in her head. She was so not ready for any of this.

  * * *

  Kate’s silence concerned Xander. It wasn’t like her not to question everything. He stared into her eyes and used his powers to read her emotions. He felt her panic and mostly her concern that others would get hurt accidentally, because she couldn’t control it properly. Good grief, she runs a federal team with precision and doesn’t think she can control a little energy.

  The truth was that he was feeling much better. When the energy storm had hit Kate, it had completely recharged him through their link. Granted, he couldn’t sustain it himself anymore, but she was unintentionally supplying him power. If they could avoid any major battles, there was a slim chance he might pull this whole charade off and never have to let her down, or cause her to doubt his love for her. Slim, but not impossible.

  Laughing, he pulled her back into his lap. “I will anchor you, and you don’t have enough power right now to hurt anyone. By the time we get to the Meadows, you’ll be a pro. Stop worrying all the time. Let someone else do the worrying for a change.” He kissed her nose, then her mouth. He couldn’t resist, but didn’t want to start another energy war. He pulled back. “Trust me.”

  “Easy for you to say. You’ve been doing this since birth, but the rest of us not so much. You probably popped out with a fireball in your hand.” Even though she spoke warily, Xander kept laughing.

  “I thought I was the normal one,” Angie said, still looking dazed.

  The tension in the room eased. Kate began laughing at the absurdity of it all. Xander realized they would have to take things one day at a time to prevent being totally overwhelmed.

  Kate put her arms around Angie’s shoulders. “You, girl, have never been normal a single day in your life. Don’t start crying now.”

  Angie glared, as Kate continued to poke at her.

  “What will we be working on today specifically and what is our timeline for staying here?” Kate asked, once the laughter had died down.

  Xander stood and walked to the window of the door, watching Gregory finish the training simulations. “Energy will eventually be your greatest weapon. More so than any of the weapons you have used so far. We will be working on calling a weapon and casting a protective shield, like the one you were able to bring up to protect Angie. Xavier told me you were able to freeze the demon’s sword for a few seconds. That was a type of shield.”

  “I meant to ask how I did that.” Xander noticed the fear still weighing heavily inside her.

  “My guess is that your fear for Angie gave you temporary access to your energy. Now you need to learn how to tap into it at will and control it.” Xander rubbed his chin, and then his shoulders, working out some kinks.

  “As for your other question, I know we will be here one or two more nights at least. We’re trying to work on a plan to get us to the portal, while providing a false trail. The demons are still searching pretty hard, and my guess is that Fury will try to launch an attack before we can get to the portal. He is an excellent tracker. We also have to prepare for the likelihood of one more battle if he finds us. We’ve got a lot more details to figure out first, which is why Xavier is coming this afternoon to strategize with Angie.”

  “How long until we get to the Meadows? I thought we would be safe once we arrive.” Kate couldn’t hide the anxiety in her voice.

  “We hope to be there within a few days, give or take, depending on the false trail. Time is of the essence for the awakening, and we need to get you trained as much as we can. We also have to find time to recruit some of the best warriors to fight on the front lines. When the time comes...” Xander drifted off and ran his fingers through his hair. Frustrated, he stood and began to pace. The reality of the time available versus what they had to accomplish made him extremely agitated. It was even worse knowing he might not be there to help her.

  Clamping down on his emotions, he walked over, wrapped his arms around her, and tucked her head underneath his chin. “We’ll get it all figured out. I promise. We’ll find the way.”

  Kate smiled and punched him lightly. “What were you saying about me sounding worried?”

  Squeezing her to him and rubbing his hands slowly down her back, he smiled and whispered in her ear, “I’ll be worried until this is over, and I have you in my arms every night for the rest of our lives, preferably naked.”

  She snorted and raised an eyebrow. “Pretty sure of yourself, aren’t you?”

  “Absolutely.” He gave her a cocky grin, then leaned down and kissed her deeply.

  Angie left the room to give them some privacy.

  Gregory stuck his head in the door. “If you’re through telling tall tales and mauling the Mystic, Angie and I need to get to work, today.”

  “Oh look, my Prince Charming has come to collect me,” Angie said sarcastically, popping her head out. Then, she turned to face Kate. “Actually, I meant to say Grumpy, the annoying little dwarf.” She walked to the door where he was taking up the entire doorframe and placed her hand across her forehead like a lady in distress. “All my dreams have come true. Pain, pain, pain. Yay me!”

  “My lady,” he smirked. “Your castle awaits your inspection.” He bowed and gestured toward the obstacle course he’d concocted.

  Shit. That was going to hurt. Kate felt Angie groan inwardly. Kate broke into her thoughts. “Be careful, Angie, and try to be good.”

  “No way, that’s not my style. Merlin, here, will not get the best of me.” Angie sent the impression of a sly smile and broke the connection.

  Kate sighed. That’s what she was afraid of.

  “Are you worried?” Xander asked.

  Kate gathered a few things
in her backpack and slung it over her shoulder. “In more ways than one.”

  They headed out toward an open field with a big pentagram in the center, accompanied by various other objects, like a book and a feather.

  Xander sat down opposite her and took her hands in his. She badly wanted him to kiss her, but the last time they tried tapping into her powers it became a sexual explosion. Clearing her mind, she focused on Xander’s face.

  “Are you ready to levitate?” he asked.

  “As ready as I am to sprout wings and fly!” she fired back.

  “Flying comes much later. We have to learn the basics first.”

  Kate was about to fire back again, when she froze at the expression on his face. He wasn’t kidding. Seriously? Holy Crap!

  He began teaching her, and she had the fleeting thought that she’d jumped into one of her novels like a cartoon character and was trapped for eternity.

  “Let’s start easy, with the feather. In your mind, focus on the fact that you want it to move up in the air. Then try to move it from side to side. It might help in the beginning to use your hands to direct the flow of your energy. Close your eyes and call energy to you.” Xander spoke softly and continued to hold her hands.

  Her eyes popped open. “How in the world do I call energy? I doubt it has a cell phone.”

  He looked up toward the sky and took a deep breath. “Close your eyes and relax. Remember when we were beside the river meditating. You felt the energy flow into you. Grasp that thought and focus on how it felt. Everything has energy. Think of positive things like the wind blowing through a field, your friends and family, or anything that makes you happy. Use those feelings.”

  He ended softly, as Kate became more aware of her surroundings. She continued to focus on her breathing. In. Out. In. Out. She listened to Xander’s soothing voice, memories popped into her mind. Her grandfather twirling her around the room, laughing with friends, solving her first case. Relaxation encompassed her. A roaring started deep within her belly.

  As the memories spun through her mind, a sort of peace fell over her and with it she could feel how the energy encased her every thought, feeling, and memory.

  It was as if the energy had strings, and she had to mentally reach out and pull them to her. The colors of the world around her changed. She looked around in her trance. The colors were bright and beautiful like a kaleidoscope.

  She reached out to pull more energy and more memories to her. She focused on the feather Xander had shown her. Opening her eyes and staring at it, she lifted her hand and it rose. She moved it to the left, and then to the right. Down. Up. Sideways. The feather followed her every move. Elation coursed through her. She could feel it and control it.

  Xander leaned forward. “Now, try the book,” he whispered. “Keep progressing. You’re doing great.”

  Kate switched her focus to the book and lifted her hand. Once again, the book immediately lifted and moved in any direction she instructed. She felt the energy and paid attention to how it was working inside her. She quickly figured out how to send the energy to a specific spot, but she wanted to see what she was capable of. Setting her sights on something bigger, she refocused.

  Xander startled, as her energy hit him square in the chest, but she kept her focus. “What are you doing?” Then, he lifted off the ground, moving to her will. If she could do this with her powers incomplete, what in the world would she be able to do when they were set free?

  Though careful, she moved Xander in various directions. His expression of dismay and a little fear made her laugh and lose focus. All of a sudden her energy levels depleted, and her concentration broke. He hit the ground with a thud.

  “Oops, sorry. I wanted to test my limits.” She hadn’t meant to drop him, but was proud of what she’d accomplished.

  “Bloody Hell!” He rubbed the side of his hip as he stared at her.

  Her excitement was barely contained. She could move things with the flick of her hand. This was so cool. She couldn’t wait to show Angie later. “What’s next?”

  Xander twisted his lips to cover his smile. Kate knew she looked like a fool jumping up and down on her knees like an excited child unwrapping presents. “How about manifestation? It would be good if you could call a weapon into a fight for yourself and Angie.”

  “Okay, tell me what to do.”

  “The energy process works the same for everything. This time you will focus on the weapon you want and reach for it with your mind.” He pointed to the ground beside him and several weapons appeared. “We’ll start with something you see here, and like you did with levitation, try to expand from there.”

  Taking a good look at the weapons on the ground and committing them to memory, Kate closed her eyes once again. Focusing on her memories, she began to pull the energy to her. She immediately noticed that she didn’t need as many memories this time. The energy came to her at will. She thought about one of the small swords she had seen, and reached for it. It didn’t work. Taking a deep breath, she began to pull in more energy to try again.

  She was determined to succeed and tried to figure out how it all worked. Manifestation was much more complicated, and took more energy to master. Her eyes were closed, and her eyebrows scrunched in concentration. The air rippled around them, as she continued with her efforts. She sure hoped Joseph’s shields would hold up, because she was using a lot of power.

  A small bead of sweat trickled down her neck from the heat of the day and her exertion. She could feel Xander watching her and his sexual energy poured into her. He tracked a bead of sweat descending between her breasts, and groaned in frustration.

  She let a sly smile form on her lips. She met his eyes, letting him know she had the same desires. If they didn’t make love again soon, she might spontaneously combust. Right now that felt like a realistic possibility.

  Kate refocused and used some of the sexual energy pouring off Xander and latched onto it. It felt like a power boost in her inner core. Concentrating once again on the sword, she called it to her. It appeared in her palm. She squealed in delight, not caring if she looked silly. Then she focused on one of the bigger weapons, and it appeared in her hand immediately.

  She remembered what Xander had said. She needed to test her limits, so she observed her surroundings to see what to try next. She saw Angie and Gregory sparring with a variety of weapons. Gregory was about to pin Angie. A smile came across her face, as she focused all her energy. Gregory’s weapon disappeared and popped into her hands.

  Gregory scowled as Angie flipped him and pinned him. “Hey, Blondie, no fair! Stay in your own camp.” Then he smiled and wiped the dirt from his pants. “But it was impressive. Excellent work, Kate. You, however,” he turned to Angie, “will not always have Kate to bail you out. We have a lot of work to do.”

  Angie stuck her tongue out and snarled at him, as Kate turned away.

  There was one more thing Kate wanted to try before taking a break. If they were in a battle, she might need to call a weapon like Xander and Gregory had done in Boston and at her apartment. Kate breathed deeply and pictured the sword that hung on the wall of Joseph and Lucia’s living room. She had seen it when they arrived yesterday, and its intricate beauty enticed her. She saw its gold handle, sophisticated design, and lightweight steel. She opened her eyes, and there it was in her hands.

  She gaped at it. She’d brought it from inside their house. She couldn’t risk anything outside Joseph’s shield, but she intended to try as soon as she could. It was amazing. Laughter washed over her. The enormity of what she was doing overtook her. Meeting Xander’s eyes she flung herself into his arms. She could feel his happiness and hope. “I did it! I did it!”

  Xander grabbed her in a big hug and held her in his lap, “Yes, you did! Congratulations. You can levitate and manifest. How about a break?” If she could learn everything this quickly, she could get ready for the battle. Maybe not for everything, but at least she’d be able to fight using her powers.

�Sounds good. I feel pretty depleted after all that. Will I always feel this tired after a battle or when I have to use a lot of energy?” Kate was a little concerned about running out of juice at this rate.

  “Once you’re the full Mystic, you will have limitless energy. Not that you won’t ever get tired or need to recharge every once in a while, but you’ll pretty much always be amped up.” Xander moved his hand, and their lunch appeared consisting of sandwiches, fruit, and drinks.

  Leaning back onto the grass to feel the sunlight on her face, Kate turned her head toward Xander. “Do you know anything more about Fury or the Omega demon, Braxus? What will I be facing?”

  Xander lay down beside her, lacing his fingers through hers. “The Council will be able to tell you more, I hope, when it comes to Braxus. Everything I know is from stories and seeing others’ memories. We still have time to figure him out. As for Fury, I could tell you his story while he was in our realm, but it wouldn’t do us any good.

  “His damage came from outside our realm. He was a good friend and protected us in several battles, but over time the appeal of dark magic and power took over. He became obsessed with gaining more, until he no longer cared who he killed to obtain it. When the Council ordered us to kill him, it was the most difficult assignment we had ever been given.”

  “Anything else? I know from experience that the smallest detail could change everything.” She didn’t want to push bad memories, but they needed to find his weakness.

  “He wasn’t happy when we banished him. My best guess is that he doesn’t want evil to win. He likes playing both sides. He likes the power of existing between the two. I think he wants to find a way to take your powers and rule both sides. It’s the ultimate high for him. That’s why I think he is probably planning an attack soon. He didn’t even try to fight at our camp and that is not his typical behavior. He has to know that when we cross over, he loses. The question Xavier and I are trying to figure out is how to beat him. We would have to remove the armor that protects his dark powers and his life.”


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