El Norte

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El Norte Page 74

by Carrie Gibson

  Santa Clara de Tupiqui (mission), 56

  Santa Elena (South Carolina), 13–14, 37, 38, 49, 50, 51–52, 54, 84, 89, 94

  Santa Fe (New Mexico), 69, 70, 79

  Santa Fé de Toloca (mission), 96

  Santa Fe Ring, 250, 251, 281, 282

  Santa Inés (mission), 187

  Santa María de Galve (Florida), 94

  Santísimo Nombre de María (mission), 95

  Santo Domingo, 23, 92, 175

  Santo Domingo de Asao (mission), 57

  Santo Domingo de Talaje (mission), 100

  Santo Domingo pueblo, 67, 69, 74

  Saturiwa chiefdom, 51

  Sayles, Joh, 424

  SB 1070 (Arizona), 418

  Scarface (film), 388

  Schuchard, Carl, 221

  Scott, Mary Means, 299

  Scott, Winfield, 212

  Seals, Woodrow, 374

  Second World War, 355, 358, 362

  Secularization Act (1833), 187

  Secure Border Initiative (2005), 415

  Secure Borders, Economic Opportunity and Immigration Reform Act (2007), 408

  Secure Fence Act (2006), 416

  security fence. See United States-Mexico security fence

  Segovia, Josefa, 236


  in baseball, 366–367

  in Florida, 265–266, 310–311, 385

  in Miami, 385

  in Southwest, 360–362

  Seguín, Juan, 198, 202, 219

  Selective Service Act (1917), 279

  Selena (musician), 400–401

  Seloy chiefdom, 51

  Seminole people, 115, 170

  Sepúlveda, Juan Ginés de, 29–30

  Las Sergas de Esplandián (Montalvo), 77

  Seri people, 62

  Serra, Junípero, 135

  Seven Cities of Antilia, 59

  Seven Cities of Cíbola, 59–60

  Seven Years’ War, 107–108, 117

  Sevier, John, 125

  Shafer, Emmy, 393–394

  Shakira (superstar), 401

  Shaler, William, 164, 239

  Shawnee people, 126

  shipwrecks, 40

  siege of the Alamo, 198–200

  Las Siete Partidas, 148–149

  Silencing the Past (Trouillot), 5

  silver, 27, 64, 65, 77, 82, 93, 166

  Siqueiros, David, 349

  situado, 50, 144–145

  “A Sketch of the Contrast Between the Spanish and the English Colonies” (Crèvecoeur), 180

  slave codes, 148

  slave trade, 89–90, 96


  admission of states to U.S. and, 178

  of Amerindians, 76

  in California, 230–231

  definition of, 90

  French Revolution and, 147

  in Georgia, 102, 104

  Jefferson on, 121

  in Louisiana, 147–148

  manumission, 148

  in Mexico, 189, 191

  in New Mexico, 242

  runaway slaves, 100, 102, 103, 115, 121

  slaves buying their freedom, 148

  in South Carolina, 102

  in Spanish empire, 106–107

  in Texas, 189, 190, 193, 194

  slaves, buying their freedom, 148

  Sleep Lagoon case, 356

  Slidell, John, 207

  smallpox, 22, 88, 95

  Smith, Adam, 110–111

  Smith, John, 85, 86, 87

  Sobaipuri people, 62

  social Darwinism, 234

  Social LIfe in Cameron, Starr, and Zapata Counties (González), 312

  Sociedad La Unión Martí-Maceo, 310

  Socorro Peña, Juan, 386

  Socorro pueblo, 67

  Solís de Merás, Gonzalo, 46–47

  Sonoran Desert border crossings, 416, 417

  Sonthonax, Léger-Félicité, 147

  Sorolla y Bastida, Joaquín, 323

  Sotomayor, Sonia, 404

  South America, colonization, 23–24

  South Carolina, 32, 36, 40–43, 51, 53–54, 102, 105, 113

  Southeastern United States, Spanish roots, 318–319

  Southern Tewa pueblos, 75

  Southern Tiwa people, 75


  19th century, 163–164

  challenges to school systems, 371–373

  map of mission sites, xii

  segregation in, 360–362

  statehood, 281–287

  Sunbelt growth, 370

  Southwest Voter Registration Education Project, 403


  19th century, 156–161, 165–167, 175

  after American Revolution, 121

  conflict with English, 86–87, 89, 91–92, 96–97

  Constitución política de la Monarquía Española, 165

  Continental Army and, 116

  Cuban independence, 261–270

  Napoleon and, 156–157

  Peninsular War, 166

  Seven Years’ War, 107–108, 117

  Las Siete Partidas, 148–149

  Spanish American War, 271–272, 283

  Trienio Liberal, 175

  viceroyalties, 158, 158n

  War of Spanish Succession, 95, 103, 104, 108

  Spanish American War, 271–272, 283

  The Spanish Borderlands: A Chronicle of Old FLorida and the Southwest (Bolton), 319–320

  Spanish culture

  baseball, 266–268, 364–368

  Cuban music, 329–332

  in Los Angeles, 347–358

  in New York City, 323–346

  in Southeastern U.S., 318–319

  in Western U.S., 316–317

  Spanish empire

  Bourbon reforms, 109

  California, 134–140

  commerce, 109–111

  dissolution of, 175

  immigration to, 106–107

  Indian women “given” to Spaniards, 47–48

  Russia and, 130

  slavery in, 106–107

  sphere of influence in New World, 3

  trade routes, 40

  trade with Native Americans, 109–110

  Treaty of Paris and, 119–121

  See also Florida; Mexico

  Spanish explorers/exploration

  in Arizona, 79

  Canada, 127–133

  ethnic identity of, 11

  in New Mexico, 61–63

  in Texas, 94–95, 97, 99

  in Virginia, 84

  “Spanish” Harlem, 327

  Spanish language, Hispanic identity and speaking Spanish, 4–5, 6

  The Spanish Pioneers and the California Missions (Lummis), 253

  Spanish Revival architecture, 315

  Spanish-speaking people, in the U.S., 323–329, 393

  The Spirit of the Laws (Montesquieu), 111

  The Squatter and the Don (Ruiz de Burton), 255

  “squatter” migrants, 227–228

  St. Augustine (Florida), 45, 49, 51, 55, 78, 83, 86, 88, 91, 95, 101, 102, 105, 113, 179, 261

  St. Catherines Island, 43–44

  St. Croix (island), 29

  St. John (island), 29

  St. Johns River (Florida), 44, 45, 46, 50, 51, 101, 102–103, 113

  St. Kitts, 87

  St. Lawrence River, 92, 107

  St. Louis (Missouri), 126

  St. Marys River, 119

  St. Patrick’s Battalion, 211

  St. Pierre (island), 108

  St. Simons Island (Georgia), 101, 104

  St. Thomas (island), 279

  St. Vincent (island), 108

  Stamp Act (1765), 115

  stereotypes, ethnicity and, 6

  Sterling, Christine, 347–349

  Strand, Paul, 351

  The Stricken Land (Tugwell), 338

  Stuart Town (Stuart’s Town) (South Carolina), 91

  Sugar Act (1764), 115

  sugar industry, Cuba, 266, 268, 269, 385

  suplentes, 158
r />   Swing, Joseph, 363

  Tacatacuru chiefdom, 55

  Taft, William Howard, 274, 286, 291, 292

  Taino people, 12n

  Tallahassee (Florida), 58

  Tallmadge, James, 178

  Tampa (Florida), 52, 264, 264n, 265, 310, 311, 327

  Tampa Bay (Florida), 36

  Tampa Resolutions, 265

  Tanner, Henry S, 223

  Tanoan people, 61

  Taos (New Mexico), 210

  Taos people, 72, 74, 75

  Tarahumara people, 62

  Taylor, John W., 178

  Taylor, Zachary, 174, 207, 208, 239

  Tejano music, 400–401

  tejanos, 165

  Teller, Henry Moore, 270

  Templo Mayor (Mexico), 23

  Temporary Protected Status (TPS), 412

  Ten Years’ War (Cuba), 261, 265, 266, 268

  Tennessee, 42, 49, 204

  Tenochtitlán (Mexico), 19–21, 22, 23

  Tequesta people, 42, 46, 55

  Tewa people, 61, 74, 75

  Texas, 34, 225, 236

  19th century, 182–186, 195–202

  19th century uprisings, 164–165

  Alamo, 98, 198–200, 313–314

  Anglo settlers in, 189

  Anglos in, 185–186

  annexation to the U.S., 202

  border skirmishes with Mexico (20th century), 302–303

  Canary Islanders, 99

  Chicano activism, 378

  Civil War and, 242, 243

  colonial period, 97–98

  education in, 392–393

  education lawsuits, 373

  independence of, 201–202

  indigenous people, 183

  land claims, 250

  land grants, 232–237

  map of mission sites, xii

  missions in, xii, 98

  origin of name, 95

  population of, 183

  recognition by Mexico, 204–205

  religious conversion of indigenous population, 99

  slavery in, 189, 190, 193, 194

  Spanish settlement of, 94–95, 97, 99

  statehood, 192, 204

  Tejano music, 400–401

  trade with Mexico, 237

  Treaty of Annexation (1844), 205

  Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo (1848), 222, 227, 232, 233, 235, 372, 380

  vigilante justice, 236

  Texas Land Company, 200

  Texas Western Railroad Company, 221

  Texcoco people, 64

  Texians, 187, 193, 196, 201

  textbooks, Texas, 392–393

  Teypana pueblo, 67

  “the Turk” (Indian), 63

  Thoreau, Henry David, 214

  Tiguex War, 63

  Tijuana (Mexico), 306

  Tilden, Samuel, 247

  Timucua pueblo, 90

  Timucua uprising (1656), 89

  Timucuan people, 41, 42, 44, 46, 50, 51, 55, 88, 115

  Tiwa people, 75

  Tiwa pueblos, 63, 65

  Tlaxcala people, 21

  Tlaxcalan people, 64

  Tlaxcalteca people, 19, 20, 21, 22

  tobacco, English exploration and, 86

  Tobago, 108

  Tocobaga people, 33, 35, 42, 48

  Tocqueville, Alexis de, 183

  Tohono O’odham people, 62, 79, 224

  Tompiro people, 74, 75

  Tonyn, Patrick, 114

  Tordesillas, Treaty of (1494), 11

  Torresola, Griselio, 341

  Totonac people, 18, 19

  Totonead (one of the Seven Cities of Zuni), 60

  Towa people, 61

  Townshend Acts (1767), 115

  Toypurina (Native woman), 140

  trade routes, Spanish empire, 40

  A Tramp Across the Continent (Lummis), 253

  Transcontinental Treaty (1819), 174

  Travis, William Barret, 197

  Treviño, Juan Francisco, 73

  Trienio Liberal, 175

  Trist, Nicholas, 216

  Trouillot, Michel-Rolph, 5

  Trujillo Molina, Rafael Leónidas, 329

  Truman, Harry S., 341m, 342

  Trump, Donald, 402–403, 405, 412, 415, 421, 423

  Tucson (Arizona), 370, 392, 435

  Tugwell, Rexford, 338–339

  Tupelo people, 36

  Turnbull, Andrew, 114

  Turner, Frederick Jackson, 258, 319

  Tuscaluza (chief), 36

  Two Treatises of Government (Locke), 86

  Tydings, Millard, 334

  Tyler, John, 205

  Ugly Betty (TV show), 400

  Ulloa, Antonio de, 126, 144, 145, 149

  Ulloa, Francisco de, 77

  “unaccompanied alien children” (immigration), 410

  undocumented migrants, 407–410, 412–413, 418

  Unión de Puerto Rico, 278

  Unisumne language, 137

  United Provinces of Central America, 175

  United Provinces of Río de la Plata, 175

  United States

  American exceptionalism, 2

  anti-imperialists, 273

  being “American,” 6–7

  being “white,” 7

  Border Patrol, 309, 414

  census and ethnicity for Hispanics, 396

  citizenship, 6–7, 233, 236

  Cuban immigration, 390–391

  English as official language, 4–5

  “foreignness” and citizenship, 6–7

  Gadsden Purchase, 224–225

  immigration (20th century), 307–309

  inequalities for Hispanic people, 369–381

  as Latin American country, 3

  Mexican imports, 305–306

  Mexican labor, 362–363, 375–376

  Mexican unrest (early 20th century), 292–296

  Mexican workers, 307–308

  Mexico-U.S. border, 216, 222–223, 249–250, 305–306

  NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement), 405–407

  number of Spanish speakers, 4, 4n

  race in, 5

  Reconstruction, 248

  Spanish American War, 271–272, 283

  Spanish-speaking people, 323–329, 393

  United States-Mexico security fence, 1, 417

  United States of Mexico, 177

  Universalis Cosmographia (map), 12

  Univision (TV network), 397

  Unzaga, Luis, 146

  Upper Creek people, 96, 97

  Upper Louisiana, 125–128, 144

  uprisings and rebellions

  19th century, 249

  Apache Wars, 249

  Baton Route (1810), 162

  Battle of Portobello (1739), 103

  California in the 1700’s, 139

  California in the 1800’s, 187

  California missions, 139, 140

  Chumash rebellion (1824), 187

  Creek civil war (19th century), 167

  First Seminole War (1817–18), 170–171

  Grito de Dolores, 159

  Guale uprising, 56–57

  Haitian Revolution, 147, 148, 150

  Maroon Wars, 150

  Mixtón War (1541–43), 64

  New Mexico in the 1800’s, 210

  Patriot War, 162

  Pueblo Revolt, 73–74

  Red Stick War, 167–168

  sea-based hostilities, 91–92

  Texas 19th century uprisings, 164–165, 193

  Tiguex War, 63

  of Timucua (1656), 89

  War of Jenkins’ Ear, 103

  Westo-English settler wars, 91

  Yamasee War (1715–17), 97

  Upshur, Abel, 205

  urban renewal, 369

  Urban VIII (Pope), 70

  U.S. Border Patrol, 309, 414

  U.S. Capitol building, 257–258, 258n, 436

  U.S. Census, ethnicity for Hispanics, 396

  U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP), 415

  U.S. Department of Homeland
Security, 415

  U.S. Fair Labor Standards Act (1938), 337

  U.S. Immigration and Custom Enforcement (ICE), 415

  U.S.-Mexico border, 424

  maps of, 216, 222–225, 249–250

  militarization, 416

  moral reformers and, 306

  smuggling at, 305–306

  U.S. Virgin Islands, 279

  Utah, 141, 226

  Ute people, 62, 74, 98

  Utrecht, Treaty of (1713), 96, 117

  Uzita people, 36

  Vallafañe, Angel de, 38

  Vallejo, Mariano, 210

  Valverde, Battle of, 243

  Valverde y Cosio, Antonio, 98

  Vancouver, George, 133

  vaquero, 139

  Varela, Félix, 260–261

  Vargas, Aurora, 366

  Vargas, Diego de, 75, 80–81

  Vega, Bernardo, 328

  Velasco, Don Luis de (Paquiquineo), 37, 52–54

  Velázquez de Cuéllar, Diego, 16–17, 19, 21, 26, 30

  Venezuela, 175

  Veracruz (Mexico), 19

  Veramendi, Ùrsula, 185

  Verrazzano, Giovanni da, 37

  Vespucci, Amerigo, 12

  Viamonte, Luis, 428–430

  Victoria, Guadalupe, 182

  Vieques (island), 340

  vigilante justice, 236

  Vilar, Irene, 342

  Villa, Francisco “Pancho,” 291, 295, 296, 298, 299, 300

  Villagrá, Gaspar de Pérez, 66, 69

  Villasur, Pedro de, 98, 99

  Vimeur, Donatien-Marie-Joseph de (Vicomte de Rochambeau), 152

  Vinckeboons, Joan, 134

  Virgin Islands, 279

  Virgin of Guadalupe, 25

  Virginia territory, 52, 53, 84–87, 90

  Vizcaíno, Sebastián, 78, 136

  von Humboldt, Alexander, 153, 180


  discrimination and voting rights, 374–375

  Hispanic voters, 403

  voter registration, 403

  Voting Rights Act (1965), 403

  Waldeseemüller, Martin, 12

  Walker, James, 199

  Walker, William, 240

  Walnut Springs (Texas), 202

  War of 1812, 167–169

  War of Independence (Cuba, 1895), 266, 268

  War of Jenkins’ Ear, 103

  War of Spanish Succession, 95–96, 103, 104, 108

  War of the Quadruple Alliance, 98

  Washington, George, 107

  Watauga Association, 122

  Waterman, Henry S., 357

  Watts, J.H., 235

  Watts, John Sebrie, 235

  Wealth of Nations (Smith), 110–111

  Weiss, Milton, 391

  Welles, Sumner, 355

  West, Charles, 333–334

  West Florida, 112–113, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 150–151, 155, 161, 173, 174

  West Florida Republic, 155

  West Side Story (musical), 369

  Western United States

  Civil War and, 242–243

  Desert Land Act (1877), 250

  early statehood years, 234–238

  environmental recasting (20th century), 303–304

  Homestead Act (1862), 248, 250

  land grants, 250–252

  map of mission sites, xii

  railroads, 248–249


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