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Tempted by Midnight 12.5

Page 6

by Lara Adrian

  again and the blond warrior came in. He

  grinned, his hazel eyes bouncing off

  Jehan for a second before fixing on

  Melena. “I see Prince Jehan is already

  trying to dazzle you with his long, boring


  Melena swung a questioning look

  on the enigmatic warrior. “Prince?”

  Jehan grunted under his breath, but

  didn’t deny it. “What are you doing here,

  Sav? You know damned well Lazaro’s

  orders were that no one enter this room

  or speak to Melena without his


  Melena wanted to be offended by

  the news of that domineering command,

  but her two visitors were a welcome

  distraction from everything else going

  on. Not the least of which being Lazaro

  Archer’s stinging rejection of her in the

  cave. A sting that hurt all the worse for






  her...kissed her.

  “We weren’t properly introduced,”

  Sav said. “Ettore Roberto Selvaggio.”

  His dimples deepened along with

  his heart-stopping smile. His Italian

  accent seemed to deepen as well, the

  kind of accent that probably ensured he

  never wanted for female company.

  “Melena Walsh,” she replied. “I

  thought I heard Lazaro call you Savage.”

  “Lazaro?” he echoed.

  She felt color rise to her cheeks.





  Whatever I should call him,” she

  muttered. The man who saved her life,

  awoke an irresistible desire in her, but

  made her feel as if he might have rather

  left her behind in Anzio a few hours ago.

  “I think he despises me.”






  exchanged a look. Jehan was the first to

  talk. “Don’t let him scare you. It’s just

  his way.”

  “Come on, man,” his comrade said.

  “It goes a bit deeper than that.”

  Melena glanced at them both.

  “What do you mean?”

  “The way I heard it, Archer’s never

  been the same since he lost his family

  back in Boston twenty years ago,” Sav

  said. “He blames himself, I imagine.”

  “Why would he do that?” She

  couldn’t begin to guess how Lazaro

  could hold himself even the least

  responsible for what happened to his

  kin. “The Darkhaven was attacked while

  he wasn’t home. It was razed to the


  “Yes,” Jehan agreed soberly. “And

  now imagine you have the incredible gift

  of walking into even the most extreme





  unscathed. But you’re not there when the

  attack on your own loved ones takes


  “You have the ability to save some

  of them—maybe all of them,” Sav

  added. “Instead, you lose them all in one

  fell swoop.”

  Melena couldn’t speak. She wasn’t

  even sure she was breathing as the

  weight of what she’d just heard settled

  on her.

  She hadn’t known about Lazaro’s

  Breed gift. Now it made sense, of

  course. His ability to search for her for so long in the frozen pond all those years

  ago. The fact that he’d swum across

  nearly half of the Tyrrhenian Sea to save

  her tonight, impervious to the cold,

  unlike her.

  He’d saved her twice, but had been

  unable to save the ones he loved.

  Including his blood-bonded Breedmate.

  “He will not be pleased if he knew

  we told you,” Jehan warned grimly.

  Sav gave a nod. “Probably want to

  stake both of us out in the sun. Or

  worse.” He glanced at Melena. “So, not

  a word, yeah?”

  “Okay,” she murmured woodenly.

  But oh, God, her heart ached for Lazaro


  “Enough about him,” Sav said,

  grinning as if he wanted to lighten the

  grave mood. “You asked about me, if I

  recall. So, to answer your question, yes.

  Most people who know me call me


  She took his bait, needing to put her

  sympathy for Lazaro on a higher shelf.

  He wouldn’t want it anyway. “Why do

  they call you that? You seem nice enough

  to me. Are you usually mean or


  “Or something,” he said, the glint in

  his eye and the playful, seductive hue of

  his aura providing all the correction she


  Jehan snorted. “He’s a legend in his

  own mind. Pay no attention to him.”

  Sav barked a laugh. “Envy isn’t a

  good look for you, Highness.”

  “And you may kiss my royal ass,


  Melena found herself smiling with

  them. She took in their banter and warm,

  welcoming faces, not realizing until then

  how much she needed to feel she was

  among friends.

  She needed her family, which was

  now reduced to just one other person.

  Her Breed brother, Derek, had been

  living in Paris for the past year,

  bouncing between England and France

  on one business venture or another.

  Melena hadn’t seen him since he

  left, hadn’t even spoken to him for

  several long weeks. She couldn’t

  imagine the anguish it would cause him

  to learn their father had been killed.

  Before he heard it anywhere else, she

  wanted to be the one to break the news

  to him. She wanted to spare him the

  unnecessary grief of thinking she had

  died along with everyone else tonight.

  “Do you think it would be possible

  for me to try to reach my brother

  somehow?” she asked the two warriors.

  “He’s traveling and I need to let him


  “Is there a reason half my team is

  not where I expect them to be?” Lazaro’s

  deep, furious growl interrupted the

  conversation without warning. He stood

  in the open doorway, looking every bit

  as ferocious as a Gen One Breed male






  thunderously dark, except for the flashes

  of amber outrage sparking in their

  depths. “Out. Both of you. Now.”







  Leaving Melena to face Lazaro’s

  rage by herself.

  She waited for him to lay into her

  too, but he didn’t. He merely stared at

  her, a tendon ticking hard in his jaw. His

  aura was as stormy a
s his glower, back

  to the gunmetal haze that she found so

  difficult to read.

  His animosity seemed clear enough.

  He didn’t want her in his command

  center any more than he’d wanted her in

  his presence on the yacht or at the cave.

  And she wanted to be somewhere

  safe now, even if that meant returning to

  her father’s empty Darkhaven in the

  States. “I don’t want to be here,” she

  murmured. “I need to get in touch with

  my brother Derek, and I need to go


  “Out of the question.” His answer

  was firm, flat. Unyielding. “I’ve spoken

  to Lucan Thorne. Before you go

  anywhere else, he wants me to bring you






  Washington, D.C. He’ll talk with you

  there, debrief you.”

  “I already told you everything I

  know. What more can I tell him?”

  Lazaro didn’t answer. “We leave

  tomorrow evening, Melena.” He started

  to go, then pivoted back to her. “In the meantime, I won’t have my team

  distracted by the fact we have a

  Breedmate underfoot. I’ll make a place

  for you in the villa. You’ll stay there

  until we depart for D.C.”


  Melena had been moved out of the

  command center’s infirmary to the living

  quarters of the mansion hours ago.

  Lazaro’s team had gone back to their

  business as instructed. The morning

  passed with discussions of Order

  objectives and priorities. Chief among

  those priorities being to ensure that

  reports of the tragic, “accidental”

  explosion on board Paolo Turati’s yacht

  didn’t brush up against the truth that it

  was, in fact, a stealth missile attack.

  And while no one yet had stepped

  forward to publicly claim responsibility,

  there wasn’t a shred of doubt among the

  Order’s entire organization that the

  killings were surely instigated by Opus


  Halfway through the afternoon in

  Rome, the warriors were now dispersed

  to prepare for their patrols that coming

  evening, everyone focused on task and

  ready to carry out their missions.

  And yet the female under their roof

  remained a distraction.

  For Lazaro, that is.

  He made his way through the

  corridors in a foul mood. He didn’t want

  to think about her. He didn’t want to

  think about his irritation over finding

  Sav and Jehan chatting her up earlier,

  making her smile in spite of everything

  she’d been through. He didn’t want to

  think about the anger that had shot

  through him in that moment—the blast of

  pure male possessiveness that he had no

  right to feel.

  And he sure as hell did not want to

  give another moment’s thought to the kiss

  he stole from Melena back in the Anzio

  cave. He’d had no right to take that

  liberty either. But was the kiss truly

  stolen if she didn’t seem to mind that he

  did it?

  She’d told him she enjoyed it, for

  fuck’s sake.

  His blood rushed a bit faster,

  disturbingly hotter, at just the thought.

  And a lot of that blood was making a

  swift run south. It pounded through his

  veins like liquid fire, settling in his groin

  when he recalled how soft and inviting

  her mouth had been under his.

  Melena had more than liked his

  kiss. She’d welcomed it. Wanted more.

  Wanted him.

  Christ, he couldn’t get away from

  her fast enough after that kiss. He still

  couldn’t put enough distance between

  them for his peace of mind. How he was

  going to manage the long hours between

  now and their departure for D.C.

  tomorrow evening, he had no damned


  More than likely, he’d be spending

  that stretch of time with a constant hard-

  on and a fevered hunger that bordered on

  madness. He needed to exorcise that

  hunger, and soon. He was on his way to

  the weapons room to sweat out some of

  his aggression with his blades and

  pistols when one of his men met him in

  the corridor.

  Trygg had been the only one of the

  unit with sense enough to avoid their

  pretty, uninvited guest. The bald,

  menacing looking Breed male carried a

  long, cream-colored box in his arms.

  “Package you ordered this morning just


  Lazaro grunted as he took the box

  from the most intimidating member of his


  “You want me to deliver it to her?”

  Trygg suggested.

  “No.” The reply came out too

  quickly, too forcefully, but there it was.

  Melena had been through enough of a

  scare already; she didn’t need a brutal

  killer like Trygg showing up at her door,

  even if he did it with an unlikely gift in

  his hands.

  Besides, Lazaro had placed the

  order for her as something more than just

  a courtesy. He supposed he’d been

  hoping it would also serve as some kind

  of apology. He’d been a warrior for

  twenty years, but he liked to think there

  was still some sense of decency in him.

  Given the way he’d treated Melena so

  far, she might be hard-pressed to agree.

  “I’ll bring it myself,” he told Trygg.

  The vampire merely stared, his shrewd

  eyes unblinking, far too knowing. Lazaro

  tucked the long box under his arm.

  “There is something you can do. Locate

  Derek Walsh. Melena said her brother’s

  been spending his time between Paris

  and the United Kingdom. When you’ve

  got a bead on him, let me know.”

  Trygg gave a slight nod. “Done.”





  command center to the attached, four-

  story residential quarters. The Roman

  villa had ten bedrooms, but Melena had

  been placed in the largest suite in the

  estate. It was also the one place where

  he knew neither of her newest admirers

  would be tempted to seek her out.

  Paused outside the closed door of

  his private quarters on the top floor,

  Lazaro noted she’d left the tray of food he’d delivered hours earlier untouched.

  It didn’t appear she’d even come out to

  look at it.

  He listened for movement on the

  other side. Hearing nothing, he rapped

  his knuckles on the carved wooden door.

  He waited, feeling both awkward and


  When he knocked again and got no

  response, he started to get concerned.

  He opened the d
oor and peered

  inside. “Melena?”

  His suite spanned the entirety of the

  villa’s fourth floor. He didn’t see her

  anywhere, not even in the spacious

  bedroom. He dropped the box on the end

  of the king-sized bed, then noticed the

  door to the en suite bath was cracked


  Through the thin wedge, he saw her

  slip into a terry robe, apparently having

  just stepped out of the tub. He caught an

  unexpected glimpse of her bare skin—

  delectable curves, lovely breasts peaked

  with dusky peach nipples...the hint of

  dark curls at the V of her creamy thighs.

  Ah, damn, she was gorgeous.

  Everything male in him responded





  everything Breed in him. His pulse

  jackhammered, the drum filling his ears

  with a rush of hot need. The tips of his

  fangs dug into his tongue, and as he

  stared at her, his gaze grew heated as his

  pupils thinned with his hunger and his

  cock thickened with desire.

  Until he spotted the bruises that still

  lingered on her. His own wounds had

  healed, thanks to his



  metabolism, but Melena still carried

  numerous contusions on her ribs and

  delicate belly.

  “Fuck.” Lazaro’s growled reaction

  made her look up sharply. Too late to

  pivot around and leave. Too late to

  pretend he hadn’t just crept into the room

  and stood there ogling her in open lust.

  Or to hope she wouldn’t notice how

  powerfully she affected him.

  Her expression was guarded, wary.

  She opened the door wider, but he

  noticed how tightly she now gripped the

  edges of the robe at her chest. When

  Lazaro took a step toward her, she

  slipped out of the bathroom and into the

  larger space of the bedroom.

  With some effort, he curbed the

  presence of his fangs. His vision was

  still awash in amber, but he could feel

  his pupils resuming a less feral state.

  And as for the state of his arousal, that

  was a more difficult thing to hide, let

  alone suppress. But while his body was

  still thrumming with awareness—and

  want—of her, his primary interest in that

  moment was Melena’s well being.

  “Jehan was supposed to look after

  your injuries when you arrived,” he

  muttered angrily. “He’s skilled with

  ointments and herbs. He should’ve given

  you something to help you heal.”

  “I told Jehan I was fine. And I

  am...or at least, I can try to be, once you

  and the Order allow me to go home.”



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