Tempted by Midnight 12.5

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Tempted by Midnight 12.5 Page 10

by Lara Adrian

  vein. Her blood surged into his body,

  nourishing his cells as it wrapped silken

  bonds around his soul.

  She was his. Even if his mind and

  will were reluctant to accept that fact,

  his body knew it with a ferocity he could

  hardly contain now. And where his

  desire for her had been consuming

  nearly from the moment he first laid eyes

  on her two nights ago, now it was a

  raging inferno that demanded its own


  He wanted her savagely.

  Needed her with a fury that left him


  He realized in that moment that it

  wasn’t only the blood bond that lashed

  her to him. Melena would have owned

  him even if he hadn’t given in to his

  thirst for her tonight.

  As unwelcome as that thought was

  —as unnerving as he found it, to think

  that she had obliterated his long-

  standing, iron resolve—it was a truth

  Lazaro could not deny.

  And right now, he could not get

  enough of her.

  * * * *

  Oh, God, she was lost to this man.

  She’d never known what it would

  be like to have a Breed male drink from

  her. Like so much where he was






  With her head dropped back and

  Lazaro suckling with long, hard tugs at

  her carotid, she dissolved into a state of

  pure, boneless bliss. She held him as he

  drank from her, cushioning his big body

  as he thrust against her where they stood.

  Her veins were on fire. The core of

  her had gone molten as well. Each

  demanding pull at her throat sent arrows

  of pleasure and need shooting through

  every cell of her being.

  When Lazaro suddenly stopped

  suckling her and swept his tongue over

  the wounds he’d made, Melena groaned

  in protest. “I need you naked now,” he

  muttered thickly against her throat. “I

  can’t wait much longer.”

  Neither could she. “Yes,” she

  gasped, her hands still clutching at him

  as he began to sink down before her into

  a crouch. He made quick work of her

  slacks and panties, baring her to him

  with the clothing pooled at her feet. On a

  low growl, he moved in and kissed each

  hipbone, then descended farther, burying

  his face between her thighs. “Oh, God...”

  His tongue cleaved her folds, hot

  and wet and hungry. In long, knee-

  weakening strokes, he lapped and

  suckled, then kissed and nipped,

  wringing a moan from her as he drew

  her clit into his mouth and teased it

  toward a frenzy. She felt his teeth graze

  her sensitive flesh, felt the sharp tips of

  his fangs getting larger as he feasted on

  her with ruthless abandon.

  She was quivering with hard need,

  on the verge of orgasm already, as he

  slowly kissed his way back up her body.

  With a deep, rolling growl, he stripped

  off her sweater and bra, then tossed them

  aside to gaze on her nakedness with

  burning amber eyes. Her blood stained

  his sensual lips a duskier hue, making

  his diamond-white fangs stand out in

  stark contrast.










  preternaturally beautiful.

  “Lazaro,” she sighed, her voice

  feathery, as unsteady as her legs. That

  sigh became a moan as he lavished her

  breasts and nipples with his hands and

  mouth, tongue and teeth.

  He muttered her name in a fevered,

  animal-like rasp that sent her blood

  surging with even greater pleasure and

  arousal. He needed her now, as much as

  she needed him. On a curse he released

  her nipple and drew back to shuck his

  pants and shirt. He stood before her like

  an otherworldly god.

  Magnificent. Terrifying. And hers.

  Melena reached down between

  their bodies to grasp the jutting length of

  his cock. His shaft more than filled her

  hand, thick and warm and pulsing with

  strength. He purred deep in the back of

  his throat as she stroked him, then seized

  her mouth in a wild kiss. She could taste

  herself on his tongue, her blood and

  juices an erotic sweetness that only

  made her burn even more for him. She

  stroked him harder, craved him with a

  desperate ache that demanded to be


  “I can feel your need in your blood,

  Melena,” he rasped against her lips.

  “It’s alive in me now. So fucking


  Everything you feel this

  strongly, I will feel too.” He flexed his

  hips, his shaft surging even more

  powerfully within the tight circle of her fingers. “I need to be inside you. Put me


  She obeyed, guiding him into the

  slick cleft of her body. He drove home

  on a savage groan, the fierce thrust

  making her cry out in pleasure. He gave

  her more, slamming in hard and urgently,

  his lack of restraint sending her own

  control spiraling away. She clawed at

  him as he fucked her against the wall,

  orgasm roaring up on her in a shocking

  wave of sensation.

  She came fast and hard, convulsing

  in tremors that racked her from head to

  toe. As she shattered around him,

  Lazaro’s tempo became a storm. He

  crashed into her with abandon, his

  immense body taut and shaking, so

  deliciously wild. He cursed against the

  side of her neck as his own release

  roared up on him. She felt him go rigid,

  driving deeper with every stroke, until a

  wordless shout tore out of him and he


  Melena registered the hot blast of

  his orgasm, a heat she felt in her core

  and in every tingling particle of her

  being. She was drained and completed

  all at once, awash in a pleasure that

  rocked her to her soul.

  But Lazaro wasn’t finished with her

  yet, apparently.

  Instead of pulling out, he guided her

  legs up around him, lifting her against

  him, their bodies still joined and

  vibrating with the aftershocks of release.

  He brought her into the bedroom, placed

  her beneath him on the big bed.

  Then he began to drive her mad

  with desire and pleasure all over again.

  * * * *

  The temptation to stay with her in

  his bed had been all but irresistible, but

  after hours of making love to Melena,

  Lazaro finally let her sleep. No easy

  thing, for how much he still cra
ved her.

  His desire for her soft curves and

  addicting heat was rivaled only by his

  newer thirst for her.

  He didn’t want to think about how

  strong those urges were, now that he’d

  indulged so recklessly—selfishly—in


  He didn’t want to think about how

  right it felt to lie next to her, inside of

  her, to hear her soft cries of pleasure or

  the quiet puffs of her breath as she slept

  so sweetly—trustingly—in his arms.

  He didn’t want to think about any of

  that when reality waited for them in D.C.

  in just a few short hours.





  Melena’s side to shower and get

  dressed, the predawn morning a prickle

  in his ancient Breed veins as he headed

  down to the command center to meet

  with his team. The warriors were just

  coming in from the night’s patrol.






  approached with the others from the far

  end of the corridor. The brutal warrior

  merely strode into the team’s meeting

  room for the mission review. Jehan and

  Sav both slowed as their path met

  Lazaro’s in the passageway. They

  greeted him with measured nods and

  sober, suspicious gazes.

  “How did it go out there?” Lazaro

  asked them. “Any rumblings on the street

  about the explosion on Turati’s yacht?”

  Jehan answered first. “Nothing that

  we found. It was just a typical night in

  the Eternal City. A couple of club

  brawls to break up before they got too

  bloody and created a bigger problem.

  Handful of Breed youths feeding past

  curfew near the train station.”

  “No unusual activity at all?”

  Sav glanced down, trying to

  suppress a grin. “Seemed like the only

  unusual activity going on last night was

  in here.”

  Lazaro glared, but he couldn’t take

  offense at the truth.





  Commander?” Jehan asked, ever the

  diplomatic professional, despite being

  one of the most dangerous warriors

  Lazaro had ever seen. “The situation

  with Melena seemed...difficult.”

  Now, it was only more difficult.

  Not to mention complicated. If she had

  cause to despise him last night after he’d

  seduced her then fled to find a blood

  Host, she had every reason in the world

  to loathe him for what he did a few

  hours ago.

  And for what he had yet to do, after

  he saw her safely home to the States.

  “Melena Walsh’s welfare is no

  one’s concern here but mine,” he said,

  eager to shut down the topic of

  discussion, even though it weighed

  heavily on him. “The Order has

  difficulties of its own to worry about.

  For instance, does it bother anyone else

  that no one is stepping forward to claim

  responsibility for the assassinations of

  Turati and Byron Walsh the other night?

  The attack smacks of Opus Nostrum, yet

  the group hasn’t formally declared it

  was their doing.”

  “Maybe they’re waiting for the

  right time to own up to it,” Savage


  Jehan grunted, not quite convinced,

  if the shrewd look in his sky-blue eyes

  was any indication. “If it is Opus, maybe

  it wasn’t a sanctioned attack. Maybe it

  was an over-zealous member looking to

  make a name for himself among his

  comrades. Or maybe it was done for

  more personal reasons than that. Turati

  was a high-profile businessman with

  political connections as well. He

  could’ve had any number of enemies.

  The same could be said of Walsh.”

  Lazaro gave a grim nod. The

  warrior could be right about any of those

  scenarios. And the only thing more

  troubling than Opus making such a bold

  move was the thought of a renegade

  agent operating from his own agenda.

  Walking into the meeting room with

  Sav and Jehan, Lazaro couldn’t help but

  relive the shock and horror of the

  rocket’s destruction. And the fact that

  Melena might have been part of the

  carnage? That she had been mere





  obliteration along with the others on that


  Christ. What had shaken him that

  night—what had outraged him as a man

  and as the one entrusted with the security

  of those dead men—now put a cold knot

  of dread in his chest.

  It put real, marrow-chilling fear in

  his bones.

  Now more than ever, he needed to

  ensure she would be kept far out of

  harm’s reach. And as bitter as the taste

  was on his tongue, he knew that anyone

  in the Order’s orbit, or in that of the

  ever-expanding number of enemies

  seeking to incite true war between man

  and Breed, would always be at risk.

  Like Ellie had been.

  Like their sons and the dozen other

  family members living in Lazaro’s

  Darkhaven who were killed on his


  He couldn’t bear to have anything

  happen to Melena. She’d been through

  enough pain and loss already.

  And so had he.

  As Lazaro took his seat at the head

  of the conference table in the room with

  his men, Trygg palmed a slip of paper

  and slid it toward him. “What’s this?”

  Trygg nodded his shaved head at

  the note he’d scrawled. “Located her

  brother, like you asked.” Lazaro glanced

  at the Baltimore, Maryland, address.

  “Derek Walsh is on a plane out of

  London as we speak. Booked the flight

  yesterday, after his father’s death aboard










  would’ve rather Melena’s brother—

  Byron Walsh’s only blood kin—had

  heard the news another way, but there

  was no fixing that now. At least her

  brother would be there for her. She

  would be home again, with family and

  familiar things. God knew, she had

  needed someplace soft to fall these past

  days, Lazaro thought grimly. And she

  hadn’t exactly found that with him.

  No, she’d found tears and anger and


  She’d found a man ill-prepared to

  give her what she needed, what an

  extraordinary, tender-hearted woman

  like Melena deserved i
n life...and in


  Instead of offering her comfort

  during her most vulnerable state, he’d

  growled and snapped at her. When he

  wasn’t busy seducing her, that is.

  When he wasn’t selfishly slaking

  all of his needs on her as if he would

  ever be worthy of her heart or her blood.

  He had no business giving in to

  those urges when war was still brewing

  all around him. So long as there were

  enemies killing innocents, his duty was,

  and always would be, to the Order. How

  could he have let himself slip so

  egregiously when it came to Melena?

  How could he be letting himself fall in

  love when he knew all too well how

  easily it could be ripped from his arms

  at any moment?


  Fuck. Of all the rash impulses he

  had been unable to resist when it came

  to Melena, that would be the most

  foolish of them all.

  Loving her would be even more

  selfish than the blood bond he had no

  right to claim and no intention of



  Lazaro was gone when she woke up

  that morning.

  He had stayed away most of the

  day, vanished to his command center

  until the time came for Melena and him

  to leave for the flight to D.C. that

  afternoon. Even on board the Order’s

  private jet, Lazaro had remained distant,

  his comm unit to his ear most of the time,

  or his attention rooted to his work and

  his computer. She would have called

  him preoccupied, but his smoky aura had

  conveyed a deliberate resistance.

  Hours later and thousands of miles

  away from everything they’d shared in

  Rome, Melena had sat beside him in the

  debriefing with Lucan Thorne and a few

  other members of the Order at the

  Washington, D.C., headquarters, feeling

  almost as though she were seated next to

  a polite, detached stranger. He’d





  formally, giving no one cause to suspect

  she was anything more to him than a

  civilian temporarily placed in his

  safekeeping following the attack on

  Turati’s yacht.

  He was careful not to touch her,

  even though heat crackled between them

  at the slightest brush of contact. He was

  careful not to let his gaze linger too long,

  even though his indigo eyes smoldered

  with awareness every time he glanced

  her way. He was coolly, determinedly


  It had made her want to scream.

  She still felt that swamping urge,


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