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Pussy Whip

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by Lanie Stevens

  “Pussy Whip”

  Proven, Powerful “Secret Technique” Controls Your Man

  By: Lanie Stevens

  Copyright 2013

  No part of this book may be reproduced, reprinted, downloaded on other websites or used in any manner without the expressed written approval and permission by Lanie Stevens and violators will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.


  Thank you for choosing Pussy Whip – Proven, Powerful “Secret Technique” Controls Your Man. You’re going to learn my unique “secret technique” that will change your life!

  As a special LIMITED OFFER I would like to give you a gift that will help you get over the loss of love. Use it before you use my “secret technique” to get even better results!

  Want to manifest even faster? After you read the book go to my website for an exclusive “Pussy Whip” meditation available only on my website. Rev up the power!

  "Pussy Whip" Meditation


  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1 – Introduction

  Chapter 2 – Background on My Secret Technique

  Chapter 3 – Where Did I Find My “Secret Technique”?

  Chapter 4 - Sharing Results of My "Secret Technique'

  Chapter 5 – My Secret Technique “FOR WOMEN ONLY”

  Chapter 6 – Steps To Controlling Your Man

  Chapter 7 – After The Technique

  Chapter 8 – What Else Can You Do?

  Chapter 9 – How and Why Manifesting Works

  Chapter 10 – More Tips!

  Chapter 11 – Questions & Answers

  Contact the Author

  “Pussy Whip”

  Proven, Powerful “Secret Technique” Controls Your Man

  Chapter 1 – Introduction

  You don’t need to read a book that is 200 pages long that you have to memorize to control or keep your man. You don’t need to dress in sexy lingerie, be a femme fatale or force yourself to love and participate in shooting pool or hunting wild animals to win or keep his affection. You don’t need to change who and what you are to attract a man, keep a man or get him to change.

  ALL you need is this short instructional guide with my “secret technique” to have him eating out of the palm of your hand any time you want. Unlike most “self help” books that give you a laundry list of ways YOU can change to attract and keep a man this book will give you a technique that is simple, fast and powerful.

  It is not a “flirting” technique or a kinky “sexual” position -- it is an amazing technique that will literally allow you to control your man’s behavior.

  That’s right you will control his thoughts, actions, emotions and deeds.

  Does this sound too good to be true? I assure you that there is no way you can understand just how powerful this technique is until you try it and then you will be amazed at how fast it works. It is truly magic!

  This “secret technique” is so powerful that I do not want ANY men to ever read this book!

  In fact, if there was a way that I could make people show their government issued IDs to ensure that only women purchased the book I would do it! I will not even allow my significant other to read the book! And, I am not telling my male friends that I have written a book on this subject. They have enough power and as women we need to stick together and not give them any more.

  This book is especially powerful if you feel that you are unable to control your man’s actions, thoughts and behavior. If your man has cheated on you, left you for another woman, or is a scoundrel that you are unable to control, this book is for you. Hey, even if he is a sweetheart but you need a little more cooperation, financial freedom, sex, love, admiration or adoration just read the book. This book will change your life and the way your man behaves, either around you or with you nowhere near him.

  If you are sitting around wondering what to do about your relationship, devising a way to get your man back into your arms, are with a “control freak” and are frustrated, or a cheater you can’t control, a cheap ass who refuses to give you what you need, a man who won’t commit to you -- whatever relationship you are currently in -- you are about to experience a drastic positive change in your man’s behavior. All you need to do is do a simple exercise for 5 minutes a day and he will be at your beck and call.

  I have had women (and some men) use this technique to get their cheating mate back on track, to get him (or her) to do things they had refused to do, to love them, to adore them, to do things for them, to buy them things or to be under their “spell” where every wish is granted. I can literally go on and on but you have to try this technique yourself.

  If this technique sounds magical it is because it is but until now you haven’t had full access to it. You don’t have to believe in magic to try it and have it work! It works and when you see the proof you will be a believer! In fact, it cannot fail if you follow my simple instructions. Is it worth spending 5 minutes of your day to get your man to do what you want, when you want?

  Let’s use the example of your boyfriend taking off with another woman because it is heartbreaking. You have been sitting around secretly wishing he and his new girlfriend would drive off a cliff together but it isn’t working. Neither has visualizing him cheating on her with someone else or her running off with some other woman’s mate. Obviously, they are still alive so wishing them a slow, painful death hasn’t been productive. (I am just joking here so please no nasty emails.)

  The only thing you have been able to do since he left you is to dream about the bastard and envision how happy the two “lovebirds” are, making your misery even worse, if possible. Trust me ladies, when you read this book you will understand how envisioning their happiness is the ABSOLUTE WORST thing you can do.

  You need to do something positive. You need to do something that will get him back in your arms and into your bed. You need to stop feeling sorry for yourself and get off your butt. And, you need to do it NOW. There is hope for you and your relationship. That’s the good news! It is time to take back your power and I am here to help you do it!

  You follow my simple, easy instructions later in this book and you will have him begging you back. Yes, it seems impossible right now but with a proven technique like this one what do you have to lose? This technique allows you to contact him whenever you desire just using the power of your mind. No harassing him with text messages, phone calls or emails. Trust me, you will see how easy it is to get results!

  Once you begin using this secret technique you will find that you can manifest anything and everything you desire in life. Your personal life, business life, self-esteem, friendships will all improve when you begin using the technique. It doesn’t take long to manifest positive things in your life when you follow simple steps. You may not realize that you attract and manifest 24/7 but you do! When will it work?

  I know people where it has worked like magic within a couple of days but I don’t want to get your hopes up. I myself have experienced it working IMMEDIATELY and I know many others that had instant results, too. The important thing is that IT WORKS! Even if your man doesn’t come crawling back immediately you can count on the fact that you are able to control his thoughts. He will be unable to stop thinking about you when you use my technique on him.

  If you have decided that you want your man to jump through hoops to please you then you need this book. If you want him to love you and only you then I suggest you read this book. I view this book as sharing a secret with my closest and dearest girlfriends. I am sharing a technique with you that can change your life and your relationship.

  It doesn’t just work if he left you for another woman, if he is a jerk, a flirt, a player, a grump, a lazy ass or a
tightwad. It is the quintessential training guide for ALL WOMEN who want their men TO DO WHAT THEY WANT THEM TO DO. Even if you are in a wonderful, fabulous and “once in a lifetime” relationship this book will only make it better. Remember it works on everyone else, too!

  I will give you an example: I went into a store and wanted to return something that I had for almost a year. I know, it is ballsy of me to want to take it back to the store but I did anyway. As I was standing there without the receipt the salesgirl told me all the reasons why she could not accept my return. I used my “secret technique” on her without her knowledge while she was talking and what she finally said was,

  “I don’t know why I am doing this but you can return the item for the price listed on the tag, without your receipt. Now would you accept a credit for the purchase or do you want cash?”

  This is a woman that I had never met before and yet controlled with my “secret technique”. My technique is so powerful because it involves the power of my mind! Imagine how well it works when you know the person intimately. The title of the book should have been “How To Get ANYONE To Do What You Want Them To Do And Not Realize The Reason" but my title was catchier.

  I am going to explain to you specifically how and why my “secret technique” works and then you can practice it until it works perfectly -- FOR YOU. I’m not talking about taking hours out of your day to master some difficult technique. I’m going to give you explicit instructions that will change your life and you can follow them quickly, effortlessly, easily, anywhere and any time.

  You can use it on anyone you come into contact with during the day not just your boyfriend, lover, husband or “ex”. This will become something you do every day of your life if you want to create a life that is amazing. Why wouldn’t you continue to spend a few minutes each day directing and creating your life when you see how effective this secret is? Yes, this technique is truly amazing and life altering!

  I guess in truth I shouldn’t even take credit for the “little secret” because it wasn’t me that invented it. I just read about it, studied it, employed it, perfected it and know beyond a shadow of a doubt that it works. To test “the secret technique” I have taught many friends and acquaintances of both sexes to use it and they have reported back the results to me for my book. After sharing it with a certain man, and having him use it against me, I decided to attempt to ban men from reading my book.

  You don’t have to have a Ph.D. to do the technique properly. There aren’t any “pussy exercises” to teach you how to clamp down on his penis until he does what you want in self-defense. It doesn’t require hours and hours of meditation to work effectively. You don’t have to be in the perfect mental or physical state to have it work.

  It works on anyone you want to control in your life, whether it is the person you lost, the person you have, or the person you desire and don’t yet have. Whether you are dealing with friends, family, acquaintances, strangers, mates, children, people you love or people you hate. Anyone you choose to focus on will change and do what you want them to do, and they will do it just the way you want them to.

  With “the secret technique” you will be able to direct the thoughts and actions of others, including but not limited to your man. You don’t have to do anything except a few simple steps. I will explain those steps to you in detail along with stories from my “test audience”. It is so amazingly simple to do it will surprise you and the results will speak for themselves.

  My technique is the “Law of Attraction” philosophy on steroids and it is explained in a manner that you can easily understand and employ. If you have tried manifesting before and didn't succeed I will explain it in a way where you absolutely cannot fail.

  Do you realize that you are attracting things to you every moment of every day? That's right, you have attracted your present circumstances whether you are aware of it or not. Why would you want to attract things that you don’t want? With an average of 60,000 thoughts per day racing through your minds how can you learn to direct and control them? It’s easier than you think!

  I have read “Why Men Love Bitches” and “Why Men Marry Bitches” and they are excellent books. I have also read “The Power of Pussy” and “He’s Just Not That Into You". Some books are better than others but I'm not here to review or bash other books. In fact, I could sit here and name hundreds of books that I have read on relationships. They all have something in common.

  They all tell YOU how to change, play head games, flirt, get him committed to you, be a vixen, or wait two months to have sex, use your sexual appeal or abstain altogether, in other words a lot of advice but little actual success. I can guarantee that most of you can't remember a thing from the many books you have read. You read it and forget it. The books, and notes from the books, are stashed in a drawer someplace doing you absolutely no good.

  Even if the tips are "kick ass" you won't remember them. How can you remember a laundry list of changes YOU have to make when life is so busy it's hard to remember to pick up milk at the market? Most books give you the same tired techniques, written in different ways, to get or keep your man. In order to do that you have to be around your man and play better at their “games” than they do. While other books may offer great advice, and I am not knocking their suggested techniques, why would you want to make your life even harder? Why go through all of the head games when all you need to do is “one thing”?

  What if you are not around your man to play head games? What if you want instant results? What if the prick has already left you and you don’t have time to play hard to get? What if you have already broken the suggested rules that the books recommend? It is never too late!

  Truly ladies, this book will have your man eating out of the palm of your hand without you doing anything at all but “one simple technique”. Use this book as an addition to the other great books about relationships. You don’t have to only rely on the information in my book but I know once you read it you will never stop using my technique. Go ahead, get him “pussy whipped” without lifting a finger!

  I am a woman who wants YOU to win at the game of love and everything else in life. In fact, I do not want any man to read this book. I would rather lose money than have men know a secret that can help them control you. This book is intended FOR WOMEN ONLY so please do not share your knowledge with a man. I am very serious here so I will asked you to “pinky swear” before moving on to the next chapters in the book!!!

  While it is possible to skip to the part where I explain my technique I don’t advise doing it. Read the entire book so you can understand the power you have, why you have it and some basics that are necessary for your success. Read stories of success and know more about the technique than just the steps involved. I hope you enjoy the book because I absolutely love to empower my sisters!

  Chapter 2 – Background on “My Secret Technique”

  In this chapter I am going to tell you how simple and easy it is to get anything and everything you want in your life. Later in the book I will share with you simple steps to get your man to think about you, fall in with love you, bring you gifts, be faithful, do things for you and with you -- in other words, how to “pussy whip” him without him knowing it and without using your body.

  It is going to take me a while to do it because, although it sounds simple, I need to drum it into your head over and over again to get you to realize it. I have given this technique to numerous people but no one takes it very seriously at first because it seems too easy. You need to understand that you don’t have to struggle! Life was designed to be easy! If life is easy then you know that you’re on the right track and manifesting what is in your highest good.

  Sometimes people just don’t want to take the easy way out. Sometimes they just want to constantly swim upstream so they feel they are working hard toward something when the fact is that it takes very little effort to be successful. How will it feel to you when you know beyond a shadow of a doubt that you can “pussy whip” your man any tim
e you want? Wouldn’t you rather it be easy and feel good without much work?

  You don’t have to work on some plan or scheme to get him to do what you want him to do. It may sound silly but the less you “do”, the less you “try” and the more you “see, feel and hear mentally” the more successful you will be. Don’t let me lose you here because this chapter is very, very important. I know unless you live under a rock you have heard about the book The Secret by Rhonda Byrne. It is a book (and movie) that is at the forefront of all the “new age” thinking but it isn’t really new age.

  The Secret says to ASK, BELIEVE and RECEIVE if you want to manifest. Yes, it sounds too good to be true but it isn’t. It’s just that there are specific things you need to do and The Secret doesn’t emphasize the exact steps and how to do them. I will tell you specific steps to ensure that it works for you. My book explains how to get what you want from others by spending just a few minutes each day using the power of your visualization.

  The power of your mind is incredible and it’s amazing how little we exercise it and use it. We go on autopilot and allow thoughts and feelings to enter that we do not want, do not need and do not desire. I realize that only a few readers will resonate with how powerful their mind is because few people know how to use it. It is a hidden treasure that will literally manifest whatever you want in your life just by a very simple exercise.

  I also realize we are talking about how to get your man to do what you want but that is just one of many things you can and should do to have a beautiful life. Visualization is the key to your happiness, security, attraction factor and every other important thing you value. I plan to explain that later in more detail in other books so you understand totally and completely.

  But first, I want to talk about a man named Edgar Cayce who emphasized almost a century ago the fact that “thoughts are things”. Earlier in the book I mentioned that the absolute worst thing you should do is to visualize the jerk “ex” that left you and his new girlfriend living a wonderful life together.


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