Pussy Whip

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by Lanie Stevens

  Maybe you thought it was because it was just too hurtful for you to visualize but it’s much more than that. Believe it or not "your positive thoughts about them will make their relationship even stronger". Yes, it will reinforce whatever bond they have together. Not exactly what you want to have happen, is it?

  Not only will it make their relationship stronger and more likely to succeed but the more emotion you put into your visualization the happier they will be. You will actually be creating that happy relationship with the power of your thoughts and emotions. That really sucks doesn’t it? You can also do the opposite and break up their relationship, too. Learn to use your mind and the benefits are unlimited.

  Ever feel someone across a crowded room was looking at you? Ever know that someone was talking about you even if they weren’t looking in your direction? Ever think of someone and then your phone rings? Ever have someone cross your mind only to find out they were thinking or talking about you at that exact moment? Ever know what someone was thinking or feeling without him or her saying a word?

  You will answer yes to most of the questions because it happens to everyone. Thoughts are things and even when thoughts are not “directed” we can pick up on them intuitively. So imagine the power if you actually direct your thoughts! Imagine the power of directing your thoughts with intention and emotion! It is THE most powerful weapon you have and almost no one knows how to use it. We walk around with our heads up our butts instead of using the power between our ears.

  All of the above questions will resonate with you but you may not realize why the coincidences happened. The reason is because when you are thinking of someone, or they are thinking about you, it is actually FELT by the other person. When they are thinking about you they will immediately “pop” into your mind.

  Depending on the strength of their thought you may suddenly wonder if something is wrong with them or you may feel you need to contact them. Whatever you think it’s because they have accidentally and unintentionally put the thought in your mind. Thoughts are powerful things that can be felt even if you are so out of touch that you don’t have a clue about the physiology of the statement.

  Imagine what would happen if you learned to direct your thoughts intentionally. You don’t have to be a witch or a wizard to direct your thoughts to someone else (your husband, boyfriend, lover, ex, boss, or children) and affect their behavior. All you have to do is follow my simple technique and you will be a master within minutes.

  I am not exaggerating the effect or the speed at which you can make your man “pussy whipped”. For those of you shaking your heads in disbelief you need to open your mind. I am telling you emphatically that this technique can and will change your life if you can be open-minded enough to try it.

  Did you realize that you can physically feel the “good” or “bad” thoughts about you and they can manifest themselves in different ways? Think of how someone feels when they are prayed over compared to what they may feel when someone is “back stabbing” them.

  The thoughts that are directed at you can and do directly affect your well-being. The only reason they may not affect your behavior is because the person sending the thoughts doesn’t know the “secret technique” to control you. They don't have the ability to use their thoughts and direct them with intention.

  Thoughts are real things and the results of thoughts can be truly impressive. They can affect you either positively or negatively but trust me when I say that they can and do affect you. They affect you every minute of every day to some degree.

  When I was learning to snow ski the instructor told me not to look in the direction I didn’t want to go. Just by directing my attention someplace else it had the potential to send me over a cliff. It is sort of like that with your thoughts. If you don’t want something in your life STOP thinking about it, focusing on it and getting your emotions involved in the creation of it. Direct your attention away from the thing that you do not want in your life.

  In the case of the estranged husband or boyfriend it’s hard not to be emotional about your loss but you have to re-direct your thoughts. In the case of your current boyfriend, husband or lover just use your thoughts to influence what they are doing and thinking.

  You cannot keep visualizing the past and expect the future to change. You cannot focus on things or behavior that you don’t like and expect the future to change. Remember Albert Einstein’s definition of insanity is “doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result”.

  If you want to change the future with your man you have to change your thoughts. Changing the way you think will change the way you feel, and changing the way you feel will bring about positive results in your life. All that sounds great and is true the only thing that is missing are the steps to ensure success and I will give them to you!

  First, let’s discuss more scientific information on thoughts and the power of them. Through the 1990′s, Dr. Masaru Emoto performed a series of experiments observing the physical effect of words, thoughts, prayers, music and environment on the crystalline structure of water. Dr. Emoto hired photographers to take pictures of water after it was exposed to different variables and subsequently frozen so that they would form crystalline structures. The results were nothing short of remarkable.

  If you haven’t read his book, or seen the pictures he had taken of the water, you need to immediately go purchase his book. His book The Hidden Messages in Water is one of the most fascinating studies on thoughts I have ever read.

  The photographers took photos of water that was polluted and contaminated before and after prayer. Before prayer the water was muddy, nasty and "looked" like it was polluted. After prayer the droplets resembled snowflakes and each one was different, yet perfect. Thoughts are things and they can and do change the very essence of our being.

  Our bodies are comprised of at least 60-70% water so what do you think thoughts do to our bodies? Thinking that we are fat, old, ugly, useless, unloved, unwanted, etc. will morph us into the “polluted lake”. The negativity involved in bitching, nagging, complaining and thinking negative thoughts affect us physically and emotionally. Focusing on negative things that we don’t want in our lives will cause them to manifest. I will say that again. Focusing on negative things will cause them to manifest in our lives!

  Believing that we are special, unique, cared for, blessed, gifted, smart and beautiful will make the water in our bodies special and holy. We will literally become what we believe we are. Focusing on positive things we want to create in our lives will cause them to manifest. It is a universal law. “So is the fact that we can impact someone else by directing our thoughts to them.”

  Edgar Cayce was a fascinating man with gifts that have not been duplicated by anyone else. He would allow himself to go into a trance while a scribe took dictation about his experiences. He would literally transport his energetic spirit into the room of the person he was “reading”. I suggest if you haven't read any of his books that you immediately go online and get a few on different subjects.

  Edgar Cayce was able to tell what the person he was reading was wearing, diagnose their medical problems and give them a prescription to cure them all while he was in a meditative state. The power of the subconscious mind is powerful and if you learn to CONTROL and DIRECT it through intention there is "NOTHING that cannot be accomplished".

  Sure, this sounds “woo-woo” to those of you who have never studied anything like this. I assure you after reading all of his books and manuscripts that this man was a phenomenon that hasn’t been duplicated. He could go into such detail in his prescriptions that he would tell you exactly which shelf the ingredients were located on, at a pharmacy thousands of miles from where he was living. Are you impressed yet?

  I remember when I read his “thoughts are things” statement and how emphatic he was that you never, ever think or dwell on something that you do not want to have happen to you. I’m sure you think logically that makes sense because just thinking about
something bad may cause it to happen. That’s logical, right?

  Well, it’s more logical than we even know. Just thinking about something draws it to us because we are creating it. We are visualizing it, living it, experiencing it in our minds and CAUSING IT TO HAPPEN in our lives. It didn’t happen to us -- it happened because of us. If our thoughts are directed at something that we can see, feel and experience in our minds we become a magnet for it to manifest. How can it fail?

  Okay, so now you are thinking about all the things that you don’t want to happen and how they happen anyway, right? I have a friend who will argue with me over the fact that she is a positive person but all these bad things happen to her anyway. Now I can’t get into her head and know what she is thinking, but if her conversations are any indication then her thoughts will go kind of like this:

  “I can see that couple over there and I want what they have. I want to have a relationship and I don’t have one. Why can’t I ever have a good relationship? Why do I always end up with the sorry bastards who leave me? What is wrong with me? Why is it that nobody loves me? I hate myself because I just I am unlovable. That’s it, I will never find someone to love me like that couple over there. Oh yes, Lanie said I need to think positive thoughts. So, let me see….I wish I had someone to love me. I really want someone to care for me!”

  If you are making mental notes of all the things that you are lacking in your life then you will block having the things you desire. Noticing what is missing does not attract something that you would like to have in your life. It just enforces what is missing. Saying “I want” will leave you wanting something. It is coming from a place in life where you don’t want to be at the moment and it is certainly not where you want to end up.

  If you aren’t following me please go back and re-read the entire chapter. You need to understand that “wanting” something is not how you get it. Desire, knowing that it is yours and “feeling” it is already manifested will get you what you want whether it is your ex, a new man, a new car, a home, a job -- whatever! Thoughts are things and I want to teach you how to use them to your advantage. I want you to learn how to direct your thoughts and feelings to the man you desire.

  People are not successful in life because they visualize failure. People get what they want in life because they visualize only what they want to materialize. It is not just “thinking positive” thoughts that ensures success rather it is feeling like you are already living your life the way you desire it to be and not as a future event.

  If you want something quickly and effortlessly try incorporating emotions into the feeling of having something. Just allowing emotions like gratitude, love, forgiveness and happiness to overcome you will be the best thing you can do for your body, mind and soul.

  I know a woman who always wins when she plays slot machines. Even at the airport in Las Vegas she will win and the odds there are the worst of all the gambling places in Vegas. The reason she always wins is because she expects to win. It never enters her mind that she may not win! She doesn’t check out the machines, look at how much money the person lost before her, put her hands in front to “feel” the energy -- she just walks over and puts her money in and I swear she wins almost every time.

  There is a person who has won a multi-million dollar lottery drawing twice. What are the odds of that happening? When interviewed he said he wasn’t surprised in the least. These people have the belief and attitude of winners. The man who won the lottery said he expected to win the second time. Unbelievable? Yes, but absolutely true. Winners believe. It’s really as simple as that.

  So, if “thoughts are things” what will you do with your thoughts? Will you sit around and visualize the ex-boyfriend being happy without you? Or, will you visualize him being happy ONLY with you? Will you focus on what you don’t like about your current man? Or, will you focus on what you want him to be like and change him in that manner?

  Yes, now you are sort of getting the idea but this is just the tip of the iceberg. Believing that you can have and be anything you set your mind and “thought” on is important. It is a fact and it is knowledge. Now we need to talk about how to apply the power.

  Chapter 3 - Where Did I Find “My Secret Technique”?

  Besides Edgar Cayce there is another man who has written a lot of books that go mostly unnoticed. His name is Neville Goddard and he is the forefather of books like The Law of Attraction by Esther Hicks. His books are difficult to read, and even understand, because of the way they are written but they are so powerful they can blow everyone else’s away.

  Don’t get me wrong The Law of Attraction is a wonderful book but in my opinion it is mainly a “feel good” book. By that I mean, that while it is true and it works it just doesn’t supply you with the steps that are necessary for success.

  It does open your eyes to the fact that magical things can and will happen if you follow some basic principles. It doesn’t teach you the steps to control someone else’s mind and behavior and that is what my technique will teach you.

  I can be or act a certain way and hope I attract something positive in my life. That’s a great way to live your life in general. If you are kind and loving surely you will attract a mate who is, too. That’s just a good philosophy in life. I do believe in karma so if nothing else I don’t want some bad crap coming back to me. It doesn’t matter if I’m only being good so I have good happening to me -- I will do it.

  But that’s living a life out of fear and not out of creation. Neville Goddard was not only a good man he was a great man. He lived his life as a religious and spiritual person so he had great karma. However, he did one thing that was special and unique to him.

  He was able to create his reality easily and predictably by following his steps. And, he shared how to do it although very few people understood the method because it was so simple. In fact, it was almost too simple. People believe the harder something is the better and that’s just not the case.

  I have never counted how many books Neville published but it was at least a dozen or more. All of his books addressed pretty much the same subject but they just basically said the same thing in different ways. He was hoping that his audience would hear the different ways he wrote the message and resonate to one or more of the messages.

  That is the reason a lot of books, maybe mine included; seem to say some of the same things a little differently. Readers will resonate with some things and not with others so it is a way to reach them on different levels.

  I have read all of his books but only a few of them had messages that I heard loud and clear. His message on “mind control” was so powerful and unique that he wrote about it only once in all of his books and he never wrote about it again. I think he realized that people could use it for either positive or negative things and he didn’t want to be responsible. I believe that it was so effective that the knowledge and power of the technique even scared him.

  I loved all of his books but there was a message in the one book that made me feel like I was thunderstruck. I mean my body and mind literally felt the power of this one passage that changed my life. Amazingly, it was one of the shortest passages in the book and he never repeated it again that I could find. But it was a message that I practiced until I became a master and it was so easy to do I was amazed.

  In this one paragraph I read a technique that was so simple, so powerful and impactful that it literally changed my life forever. In fact, I will never forget the first time I used this technique. The results were so impressive and immediate that my jaw literally almost hit the floor. How the hell can something so easy and simple be so effective? My mind was blown wide open with the power I just received from my mentor Neville Goddard.

  My readers have asked for the exact passage in Neville’s book that changed my life and I have not gone back over the thousands of pages necessary to find it. One of the most powerful passages I have ever, ever read and I cannot locate it.

  It doesn’t matter because I have it memorized and hav
e practiced it thousands of times over a period of many years. Not only have I practiced it but I have also perfected it. If there were only one thing I could take with me from this life I have to tell you that the power of manifesting would be the one thing.

  If you can manifest and control your life you will never have to worry about a mate, your health, money or power. They will come to you easily and effortlessly. You would also have the ability to control your man and imagine how great that would feel!

  However, it will also feel just as wonderful that you have the ability to control your own life. So many women feel like victims and it isn’t necessary and it isn’t productive. Take control of your life by learning a technique that will change your future.

  Chapter 4 - Sharing Results of “My Secret Technique”

  Before I even tell you how to do the visualization and the technique I want to share my very first experience with you. If I don’t tell you about the very first time I tried it and the results I achieved then you may not even read enough of this book to find out how to do it yourself.

  As I mentioned, I have read at least a dozen or more books written by Neville and the passage that was one of the most important and powerful that I’ve ever read was only written about one time.

  I never read anything about the technique again in Neville’s books nor have I read about it anywhere else. If nothing else my book is worth reading because it has literally saved you from reading numerous books to find the “needle in the haystack”.

  I don’t know how many people have read Neville’s books but they aren’t easy to read, comprehend or remember. His writing style is formal, old English and while I love his message it is not what I would call “light” reading material. In fact, I have given his books as gifts and I don’t think any of my friends have read more than the first chapter.


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