Aurora Witch (Paranormal Hunter Academy Book 2)

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Aurora Witch (Paranormal Hunter Academy Book 2) Page 11

by Rae Hendricks

  “Goodnight, Riley.”

  I hang up, knowing that I can go to sleep being confident that some things will stay the same next year. Maybe Kagan won’t be on campus any more while he waits for an opening, but if Dru comes back and Adriel stays with us, then I can keep going like nothing has changed. I need that a little bit longer, before I can accept that something else is coming.

  I can feel it like a cold front coming in from the northwest.

  Chapter Fifteen

  “I still can’t believe you even agreed to this.” We pull up in the black car provided to us by the Magistrate, Ursula whimpering at my side from the claustrophobia of this tight space she has been in for hours. I am going to have to make sure she gets plenty of running time tonight.

  “I wouldn’t thank me yet. There is a bit of a catch, which we will discuss later,” Adriel reveals cryptically as we stop and get out of the back of the car. In front of us is a three or four story apartment complex that backs right up to the mountainside. We are within walking distance of Paranormal Hunter Academy, just like Kagan promised, and while the view is stunning, I can’t help but think it’s a bit pretentious.

  I doubt he had a say in that; it was probably his father’s doing. Julian is a nice man compared to a lot of the members of the Magistrate, but he is still wrapped in his own little corner of the world where privileged is the only thing he knows.

  It may be ironic coming from a Graywood, but my uncle is not a Graywood, so I see how he has to work hard to earn his place. Even if his sister was known for being married to a Graywood and holding her own in the field.

  “So, what’s the catch?”

  All Adriel does is start walking toward one of the apartments, climbing up to the very top. Ugh, just because I am an Aurora witch does not mean I like climbing. It takes far too long to get to the top, and I can’t say it doesn’t make me feel a little dizzy standing so high overlooking the mountains.

  I glance at the apartment number in front of me and see that this is not the right one. “Wait, this isn’t the right apartment.” But Adriel ignores me and pulls a key out of his pocket.

  I narrow my eyes at him in suspicion as he opens the door to a fully furnished luxury apartment – and it's completely empty.

  “I thought since we were here I would show you that your living situation has been upgraded again, courtesy of the Magistrate.” He cocks his head to the side in amusement, but I am not at all amused.

  “You have got to be kidding me! Are they filled with guilt over what they did during Ostara, or is this your doing so I don't have to stay with Kagan this week?”

  He shuts the door and winks at me. I think I am going to faint because an angel winking is just too much. He is even beautiful when he is being a jerk.

  “As much as I would like to say this is all my doing to keep you away from him, it wouldn’t be true. The truth is that I think they want to isolate you and overload you even more now. They want you to feel alone and need to turn to them, not to mention to have a way for you to work for them, at the drop of a hat, which you can’t do from in there.”

  He points in the direction of the academy. I go to the window, seeing for the first time that it is visible from up here.

  While I am looking, he presses up against me from behind, his lips against my ear. Goosebumps prickle my skin all over, and the hair on the back of my neck stands up as if it has been electrocuted.

  “Though, you might be happy to know, my love, my angel, that I will be staying here with you, at least for the next week until I am allowed to share staff housing.”

  I can see the sparkle in his eyes through his reflection in the pristinely clean window.

  “So, all of this is mine?” I ask, turning around and realizing my mistake. An amused expression dances along his lips as he trails his fingers up and around my face and then follows a strand of black waves down to my shoulder.

  “All of it,” he teases with a whisper. I shut my eyes as he wraps his arms around me and kisses down my neck, making it feel hot everywhere his lips touch. My body is on high alert at the thought that, for at least a week, I have the choice to be alone in this apartment with Adriel. No one to watch us and catch us doing something we shouldn’t. No one to stop us from showing each other how we feel in every form possible.

  Am I ready for that with Adriel?

  I already know the answer. What we have has been so intense since the dance, when I caught him looking right at me, the whole time he was talking to the student body.

  I have been curious as to if he is even allowed, an angel, to take part in that kind of act. Though, with how he is with me, he must know what this could lead to. I don't think he is the type to tease me so.

  Giving my body over to an angel would be incredible.

  At least, I imagine so.

  Somehow, we end up on the large and extremely comfortable bed in the master – which happens to be the only bedroom in this place. It’s like they are begging me to have someone over here and sleep with them.

  I know I am blushing as his eyes trail over me in between breathless kisses. My heart swells with the idea that this could really be happening right now.

  If his hope was to keep me from staying the night with Kagan, then he has won me over without even a bit of a fight.

  With trembling hands, I lead him to my bare stomach under my tank top. His hand is warm as it slides over my belly, his pinkie trailing at my pants line. An ache takes over me, and I want this to go further.

  I sigh into his mouth and press into him so that he knows it's okay, that this is what I want, but he quickly pulls away and occupies the other side of the bed.

  He looks at me through hooded eyes, catching his breath before he tells me, “I have already taken your life and so many other things because of what I did to you at that party. As much as I want to, this is the one thing I won’t take.”

  I ache for him, and a surge of emotions I don't understand are raging inside of me. I am crashing down from an epic high and have nothing to slow down the fall or break it.

  “You don't always have to be a gentleman about everything.” It comes out in angry tone I don’t recognize, as I sit up.

  “I am an angel, remember? I may have made some mistakes, but all with the best of intentions. I can’t do that to you, even if you think it's what you want.”

  What, does he think I am going to remain a virgin for the rest of my life, or is he simply giving me permission to lose it elsewhere? I don't know how I feel about that, but the anger boils over and then releases. I can’t be mad at him for trying to do what’s right for me. That’s what love is.

  I lean over and kiss him on the lips gently. “It will be for me and you someday.”

  I leave both him and Ursula there, knowing they will be fine with each other while I go and see Kagan. I need to see him to believe we’ve truly made amends. I don't want to start the year on a bad foot with him, especially since we won’t be sharing any classes anymore.

  Wow, it's just going to be Jake, Dru, and me … if they ever come back.

  No, I can’t think like that.

  My walk turns out to be a long one as Kagan’s apartment is actually almost on the exact opposite side of the apartment complex from mine.

  I knock on the door, putting what happened in my new apartment – which still feels strange to say – behind me. My focus is on Kagan now, and I am glad I am able to compartmentalize it, for the sake of my boys … men. Really, they are all men now.

  Kagan opens the door, a lazy grin on his face. His facial hair has all been shaven off, and I can’t help but reach for his face to feel his smooth skin.

  His hair is just as long, though.

  “Excuse me, but should you really be feeling the face of a strange man like this?” he asks, and I give him a toothy grin.

  “You may be strange, but you are no stranger to me. Besides, life is just more fun when you go around feeling on people.”

  We both break out into laug
hter before he pulls me into his arms and into his apartment. I look around and see that the setup is similar to mine though backward. The patio is bigger since he is on the first floor. The furniture is a little duller, though. Very bachelor pad, but it's cute.

  “So, we’re kind of neighbors,” I tell him when he finally releases me to show me around his place.


  “Yeah, guess your father didn’t tell you, but the Magistrate put me up in an apartment here now instead of in a dorm on campus. Apparently I am moving on up in the world or something.”

  I catch him frowning. “No, he didn’t mention that. It must have slipped his mind. It sounds fantastic, only, I don't know if it’s a good sign for what comes next for you. You may not be making it through all three years at the academy.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Well, this move suggests they might be putting you into the field soon instead of having you finish. Or they might push the school to graduate you early.”

  “Is that a bad thing?” Technically, even though he knows my conflicted feelings about the Magistrate, he is still on their side. Or at least neutral. So, I don't understand what he might be upset about.

  “I just don't like the idea of you going out and fighting demons, especially the ones I am sure they will want you to fight. You are an Aurora Witch, which means you have the potential to take down some of the most powerful enemies we have, but at what possible cost? Look at me, I want to be a teacher for a reason. I may be excellent at training others to be prepared for combat, but that doesn’t mean I like the idea of it,” he admits.

  I wrap my arms around his waist and take to feeling of his baby smooth skin again. “Like you said I am an Aurora Witch. I am more durable than a lot of others out there. And it’s in my blood. I need you to have faith in me or I won’t be able to do this.”

  “You’re right, but it still scares me.”

  I pull out my pearls to show him I still have them. Though I tried so many times to give them back at the end of the last school year. I had just been so sure that we were over.

  “You’ll be with me.” I smile, but then I think about the two people I am worried about for the same reason. They are almost as durable as I am and can hold up against Hellfire. Why then, do I get this awful churning in the pit of my stomach, every time I think about the fact I haven’t heard from them at all, the whole summer.

  “What’s on your mind?” Kagan asks, noticing my sudden change of mood.

  “It’s just, what you were saying got me thinking about Jake. He was sent out in the field over the summer because of his good grades. I haven’t heard anything from him or his family this whole time. I worry he’s not going to come back for the school year.” I bite my lip, hating that I have ruined what should be a happy reunion between us.

  “Oh, I know a little bit about that mission, though not much. My dad has mentioned it once or twice. But it was supposed to be done last week so the few students involved could relax and get ready for the next school year. Have you tried calling him lately? He might just be really busy.”

  Of course, Kagan has just as much of a connection to the Magistrate as Adriel does. I should have thought to ask him for information instead of relying on Adriel to get it. I know there is a reason he isn’t telling me everything he knows.

  “Do you mind if I try really quick?”

  “Sure. Why don't I make us lunch while I wait? We can eat and watch a movie or something.”

  It sounds so normal; I almost jump for joy. I need a little bit of normal here and there.

  I nod before dialing Jake’s number first. If he doesn’t pick up, then I am going to try his stepfather.

  After three rings it goes to voicemail. I leave a message, so he knows just how worried he has me. “Jake, it's me. Kagan says that whatever you were doing was supposed to have ended last week. I haven’t heard anything, and I am just worried. Can you send a text or something, so I know you made it home alright and that you have somewhere to stay?”

  I hang up and debate calling Dru next instead, but I know it’s too risky. There is a connection that can be made between myself, Dru, and Adriel, and I don't want to risk that now that we have finally given into what we feel and let go. I can’t lose him so fast.

  Also, I don't think Dru would tell me anything anyway even if I asked.

  So, I bite the bullet and call Jake’s stepfather, not even knowing if he is still in the country. He picks up on the third ring, and I feel comforted knowing at least I could reach him. He must know something about Jake, even if he did already leave.

  “I am sorry to bother you, but this is Riley Graywood. I think you know Jake got sent out in the field this summer because of good grades, and he was supposed to be done last week. I haven’t heard anything and am just worried. Could you tell me if you know how it is or if he is with you?”

  “Oh, Riley, I have been meaning to give you a call. You know, my family and I have been getting ready to move out of the country as we planned on doing. We received a call from one of the Magistrate’s medical teams after I went up there, worried sick about him. He got injured and got an infection of some kind from it and is pretty sick. They don't know if he will make it to the first week of school or not but are working hard to get him better. If they hadn’t seemed confident he would recover I would have been raising hell.”

  Sick? Injured? Those things would have been nice to know, but I don't even know if he would have been allowed – or been in the shape to tell anyone. But what frightens me is how a Blood Witch got injured and got an infection. It would have to be some kind of dark magic to do that to him.

  “Okay, thank you for telling me, and be safe,” I say, not wanting to keep him any longer than necessary.

  When I hang up, my first instinct is to march all the way back over to my apartment and accost Adriel about this. He has to have known Jake got hurt, and he didn’t tell me.

  We don't have the same agreement as Kagan and me, and for good reason, but this is Jake we are talking about. I should know that something happened to him.

  When I look back over at Kagan and he is sitting expectantly on the couch with lunch all made for us, I know I owe him this. If Jake really is in some Magistrate medical center somewhere, then he won’t be going anywhere anytime soon. I can ask Adriel about it later and make him tell me what happened.

  And if Dru was involved too.

  Chapter Sixteen

  “I am not finishing this training until you tell me something!” I scream at Adriel, unable to focus, though, it’s not the first time this week.

  Tomorrow marks the official first day at Paranormal Hunter Academy, and I still haven’t heard anything from Dru or Jake, and I haven’t gotten anything out of Adriel either.

  He is working me to the quick here, trying to get my synchronization with Ursula to perfection. He has even brought in Kagan to help us twice. It’s like he is trying to distract me from whatever the truth is about what happened out there in the field.

  “I don't think you’re going to like my answer, Riley, and you don't need distractions right now. There will be a time to be angry and a time to help your friend, but right now, you have to be sure you’re ready for those things. You’re just scratching the surface of what you could do. Magical weapons, physical combat, demon poison; there are so many things you still don't know, and I can’t let you get behind. Your life depends on that you don’t.”

  He is so angry and passionate right now, and part of me wants to take him inside and kiss him until I make him take my virginity, even though I know he won’t. Something about a good fight between angels gets me going.

  But I know this is not the time.

  “Just tell me something, anything. Is he going to live?”

  “As far as I know, for now, he is alive, though not well. I don't know as much as you seem to think, about what happened to him. All I know is that they were sent into a vampire lair and found more than they bargained for. T
here were actual demons, which there shouldn’t have been. That is too advanced, even for a group like this. It was just supposed to be to round a few up and get information for the Magistrate. It went all wrong, and several of the hunters were hurt. They are all being tended to, Jake included, but it’s not pretty. Being a Blood Witch doesn’t make him impervious to everything.”

  I cross my arms over my chest, knowing that’s all I am going to get. I should be happy with it. He did what I asked - which was simply to tell me something. He says it’s as much as he knows. I wouldn’t normally believe him, but I can see looking at him, he is telling the truth about that.

  He never outright lies anyway, simple leaves the truth unsaid.

  “Fine, but I don't like it.”

  “I wouldn’t expect you to. Look, why don't you turn in early. You have a long day ahead of you tomorrow. You saw your schedule. It’s not for the faint of heart.”

  Actually, I saw that is was ridiculously crammed but didn’t pay attention to any specifics. I was afraid to know. And truly, how can I care what classes I am in if Jake is in danger and can’t even speak to me or his family?

  I exhale a few times slowly before giving Ursula the okay to hunt. She loves the location here where she can go and roam the mountains. The first night I let her go, she was gone until well after sunrise just exploring.

  “Not tonight, Riley. I need rest too,” she says, slinking into the apartment in front of me.

  I guess training has been tough on her, as well.

  “Are you coming to bed with me tonight?” I ask him as I lean over the bar and look at my schedule in more detail.

  Angelic Magic Field 4 6:00

  History of Magical Species Room 411 7:00

  Light Magic II & III Room 109 8:00

  Magical Weapons 401 9:00

  Advanced Defensive Spells 10:30

  Familiar Combat 11:30

  Lunch Cafeteria 13:00

  Celestial Studies Room 810 14:00

  Demonic Defense II Basement 15:00

  Even my lunch has been cut short this year.


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