Stealing Her Heart: A Billionaire, Small Town Romance (Sweet, Sexy Shorts Book 11)

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Stealing Her Heart: A Billionaire, Small Town Romance (Sweet, Sexy Shorts Book 11) Page 3

by Kaylee Spring

  She doesn’t say much. But she doesn’t have to.

  “It was back in high school. There was this party. I got too drunk. And he….”

  She doesn't have to finish.

  I may barely know this girl. And I may have been planning to ravage her for one night only and then promptly forget her name, but it’s stuck in my brain now.


  And her story is there too. A story that I’m determined to change the ending of.

  “I hope you don’t have plans today, because I could really use your help,” I say in a chipper voice that has a definite edge to it. “I’ll be sure to make it worth your while.”

  Chapter 7


  What Robert needed help with is little more than directions. First to an office building I’d never had a need to visit. I wait in a lounge that hasn’t been updated since the 80s while he talks in an office for half an hour. Then it’s off to a café where he could “make a few calls” as he describes it. Only those calls are made outside while I wait at our table, sipping at a caramel macchiato that’s far too sweet.

  After the café is another trip to a different bank, where this time he isn’t falsely accused of being a bank robber. He says he would have gone back to mine, but he didn’t want me guilted into going back on shift. After another mysterious stop at an empty plot of land just outside the university, Robert asks if I’d be willing to accompany him to the airport.

  “The regional one?”

  “No, the international one. It’s in Birmingham, I think.”

  “That’s quite a drive,” I reply. “I’m happy to help, but I don’t know how I’ll manage to get back after dropping you off.”

  With an actual wink (that somehow doesn’t come off as creepy), he says, “Let me worry about that.”

  Then before I know it, we’re on the highway again.

  “So,” Robert says. “You still live in your hometown.”

  It was a statement, not a question. So all I do is nod. It’s embarrassing to admit this.

  “What’s the farthest you’ve ever gone from home?”

  Another embarrassing question. “I suppose Florida isn’t too far is it?”

  “Where would you go if you could go anywhere?”

  I dream about this very question most every night before I drift off. “I’ve always wanted to see the Pacific Ocean. So Hawaii would be cool. But I’d like to go to another country too. France, I guess, though Sam is always saying I should come meet him in Tokyo. Sam’s my oldest brother. I haven’t actually seen him for, like, three years.”

  Robert is nodding at all this. “So Hawaii. France. Japan. Not bad. A little tame, but not bad.”

  He’s not looking down on me exactly, but from his mock condescending tone, I can tell that he is looking to show off. And after the day I’ve put him through, I can only acquiesce to his unspoken request. “And I suppose you’ve been to some more exotic places?”

  Robert looks over at me with a pleased smile. “Not just some of them.”

  It takes me a second to process what he could mean by this. And when it clicks, I’m sure I must be misunderstanding. “Not just some? You can’t mean you’ve been to every country in the world. There’s just no way.”

  “I can show you my passport if you like. Or passports, actually. I had to get a new one after I filled up all the pages.”

  “How? And why?”

  “How is easy. Just fly and land and fly again. Stop a night here and there. A week sometimes. Eat. Drink. Party. Then fly again. Why? Because I wanted to. I took two years off after university and didn't step foot back in the US until I ticked off the last country on my list.”

  I’m literally leaning forward on my seat, looking over at him, amazed that someone like him can exist. “So you’ve been to Antarctica?”

  “Not technically a country, but yes. Cold. Boring. Researchers are surprisingly fun to drink with though.”

  “And Australia?”

  “Oh, yeah. Stayed there two weeks. Got lost in the Outback for a day. That’s a good story actually.”

  “You’ve been to China? Afghanistan? Peru? Ethiopia? Laos?”

  “Do you really want me to list them all off?”

  I shake my head in amazement. “That’s just crazy. I haven't even been to a dozen states. And here you are flying everywhere on Earth.”

  He looks over at me from the driver’s seat. There’s something wild in his eyes. It automatically sends my thoughts down more sultry lanes as I imagine him looking up at me like that while I ride him in some exotic location on the other side of the globe. I have to physically shake my head to rid it of this thought, but it’s not gone; I’ve only managed to push it down where it will stew and wait for it’s chance to pop back up and make my heartbeat speed up all over again.

  “What is it?” I ask. “Do I have something on my face?” I go to pull down the sun visor to check myself out in the mirror on its backside, but there’s nothing. And Robert is still looking over at me.

  “How about we start crossing some places off your list then?”


  “We’re on the way to an airport anyway. That’s where they keep all the airplanes, you know?” He’s teasing me. Both with words and with the possibilities of where this could lead if I say yes.

  “But go where? I don’t have anything with me. I don’t even own a passport.”

  Robert nods at this, but where I see it as an insurmountable problem, for him it’s just the teensiest of hurdles. “That just makes choosing the destination all the easier. There’s only one place on your list that doesn’t require a passport, after all.”

  I feel dumb as a bag of rocks when I can’t think of the place he’s hinting at. In my mind, every fun place requires a passport.

  “You’re cute when you’re thinking hard. You know that?” Then he leans over and places his lips on mine. It’s so fleeting that when it’s over, I couldn’t swear in a court of law that it had actually happened. It might have just been a figment of my rattled imagination. But when I lick my lips, I can feel where his touched mine seconds before.

  “Figure it out yet?” He raises his eyebrows.

  I’m just about to shake my head when it hits me.

  “We’re going to Hawaii?”

  Chapter 8


  What I wouldn’t give to have recorded the past thirty minutes. Watching Hailey gasp, her eyes widen and jaw fall with shock at every new revelation; it’s something I could watch over and over again. The girls I’ve wooed in the past always expected this sort of first class treatment. For Hailey, it’s something she didn’t even know existed.

  “So we don’t have to go through security?”

  “We already did. It was an express line.”

  “But I never saw any line. All we did was walk through that detector thing. I didn’t even have to take off my shoes or anything.”

  “Why would you have to take off your shoes?” Now I feel like the one learning new things about how the other half lives.

  Then, as if buying a ticket at the counter wasn’t amazing enough for the girl who said that the one time she flew, she spent weeks looking for a discount ticket online, we board before everyone else. When she sees the first class area, Hailey finally explodes.

  “How can you possibly afford this? She’s motioning at our two seats, which are grouped together, but still have plenty of space between them so as to feel spacious. Not only that, but they’re secluded from the other pairs of seats by partitions in the front and back, and a curtain that we can close later.

  “This isn’t even one of the nicer first class sections I’ve been in. On some of the international flights, you get your own bathroom.”

  “Your own bathroom?” Hailey is so startled that she takes the champagne offered to us by a flight attendant without a word, draining half the glass in one gulp. “This has to be a dream. We only met this morning, and now we’re flying to Hawaii. First class

  More champagne flows, and after forty-five minutes of waiting for the other passengers to board, we’re finally racing across the runway. Just before we lift into the air, the nose of the plane tilting upwards, Hailey reaches for my hand. Her fingers squeeze mine as she clenches her eyes shut. Yet another cute mannerism that I wish I could capture and save for a later day.

  Once we’re in the air, she doesn’t let go of my hand. Not until our glasses are filled with champagne for a third time.

  Hailey is definitely a little tipsy. It’s even going to my head a little. We’re both going on rather empty stomachs, a problem that will be remedied soon with in-flight service. Before then, I need to empty my bladder. When I stand, Hailey latches onto my wrist.

  “Where are you going?” She looks down at her own fingers like they’ve betrayed her. “Sorry, I’m not usually so clingy. I guess I’m just a little worried that they’re going to figure out that I’m not supposed to be up here, and they’ll kick me down to economy before you get back.”

  “You’re cute, you know that?” I say for what feels like the millionth time today. “I’ll be right back.”

  She bites her lips as I leave, and I can’t help but look back once before I slide into the bathroom. Her eyes lock onto mine, and I wink. I don’t know why I do it. I didn’t mean it as any signal or anything. But it’s out there now for Hailey to interpret or ignore.

  But just as I finish pissing, as I’m washing my hands, there’s a knock at the door. “I’ll be out in a moment,” I call out, but when I go to push the door open, Hailey shoves past me, her lips locking onto mine as she pulls me back into the bathroom. She locks the door behind us and pulls away only long enough to look around and say, “This place is bigger than my bathroom back home!”

  Then her arms are wrapped around my neck again, our tongues clashing, her breasts squeezing against my chest.

  “God, I just couldn’t wait any longer,” she manages to breathe out.

  “Glad to hear it.”

  My hands are rubbing along her back, and when I dive further south, grabbing her ass, she doesn't resist. Instead, she moans. Her kisses deepen. And she reaches down my pants. When her fingers close around my cock, they’re slightly cold, but there’s no way I’m pulling away from this. I press against her touch, feeling my dick slide through her tight grip. I only pull her away to drag her panties down her legs. A little lift of her skirt, and I have full access to her scrumptious pussy.

  She keeps it tidy down there. Not shaved completely, but definitely trimmed and neat. She has perfect little pink lips that separate as I drag my finger up along her slit and pause at her clit. She groans and reaches for my wrist. “God, don’t stop.”

  I wasn’t planning to.

  I lift her right leg up on the top of the toilet. Then I press the tip of my cock against her pussy, my fingers still swirling around her cute clit. Before I even have a chance to press upwards, she slides down, taking my first few inches inside of her.

  She gasps, and when I press all the way inside of her, I’m certain that she’s completely forgotten how to breathe. But soon enough she’s recovered that ability, for she’s panting as we press against each other.

  Her hands are busy finding something to steady herself. And while I’m holding onto the sink with my left hand, my right never leaves her pussy. I can feel myself pushing in and out of her, her juices building up, her clit slippery under my fingers. When we hit a bit of turbulence, we nearly fall over, but we recover and quickly fall back into our rhythm.

  “Don’ stop,” she begins chanting. “Don’t stop. Don’t stop.”

  And I can tell from the way her body’s tensing that she’s about to cum. And so am I. So, without any reason to hold back anymore, I hammer against her with all the speed I can muster. Keeping up with my cock are my fingers, which swish back and forth over her clit with reckless abandon.

  Hailey cums first, her whole body tensing up as she attempts to push my hand away. But I’m just on the verge of exploding too, so I don’t slow down my pumping in and out of her. Even as her shrieks of pleasure threaten to alert the cabin crew to our current predicament, I unload inside of her, pressing deep in a final thrust.

  Chapter 9


  I can’t stop thinking about how this day has led to me joining the mile-high club. After our fun in the sky, we’re finally landing in Hawaii, where we’re greeted with leis placed over our heads and a car waiting to sweep us over to the most prominent hotel on the island.

  To think, twenty-four hours ago, I was living my less-than-average life. Nothing noteworthy to report. No plans to look forward to. No one to spend time with. Now I’m walking into a suite that includes a Jacuzzi in the bathroom and a living room with not one but three sofas and windows all around.

  “This is all ours?”

  A balcony is straight ahead, the huge windows open wide, the night air filtering inside, carrying with it the smell of the ocean. I can hear it too, rocking back and forth under a crescent moon reflected in the rippling surface. The curtains sway, and I take a big whiff.

  It smells like freedom.

  “Let’s go,” I say excitedly.

  Robert has just wheeled his suitcase over next to the wardrobe. I’ve still got nothing but my handbag. We had planned to stay in tonight, order take-out, and continue where we left off in the airplane, albeit in much more comfortable positions this time. We were going to go out exploring tomorrow, during which time I could buy everything a girl needs on vacation, but I can’t wait.

  “Go where?”

  “To the water.”

  Robert almost hesitates. He’s obviously exhausted, as am I, but I pull him out the door and down the elevator nevertheless. A two-minute walk past the hotel pool leads us to luscious sands illuminated by moonlight and streetlamps lining the boardwalk. The beach is abandoned, save for a few couples strolling further up the sand.

  I run ahead, shedding my shoes without a care as to whether I’ll be able to find them again. When the first wave rolls over my toes, and I sink a fraction of an inch into the sand. The fear of getting my only set of clothes wet is the only thing keeping me from venturing further into the water. I should wait until tomorrow to buy a bathing suit, but a few glances around tells me that we’re pretty well alone. And we’ll remain alone at least long enough to get neck-deep in the water if I hurry.

  If we hurry.

  As I go to undo my skirt, Robert’s eyebrows lift.

  “I said I wanted to go to the water.” That’s the only explanation—and only invitation—I give as I drop my skirt to the sand. Next comes my blouse. In seconds I’m nude. I’ve got my right arm holding up and covering my breasts, but that’s more out of habit than anything else. When I confirm that we’re still alone, I drop my arm so that Robert gets a full frontal view of me in the moonlight. Then I prance into the water, hoping I look more seductive than silly.

  When I’m waist-deep, I turn back and smile at the sight of Robert struggling to get out of his jeans. He drops his clothes and my shoes to the sand and darts out after me, his cock swinging about. I wait for him to catch up, and before I can get out deeper, he lifts me up in his arms.

  Our bodies press against each other. I can just feel his stiff cock pressing against my ass. He lifts me up further so that our lips meet. Wrapping my arms around him, I begin to wonder how we can make ocean sex work (and if I even want to try), when a wave hits us from behind, throwing us forward into the water. Any thoughts I had of keeping my hair dry are gone.

  We wade in the water for ten minutes that feels like an hour. Jumping up with each oncoming wave. Shrieking when I step on something squishy in the sand. Whispering to each other about the people walking by, stopping to look down at our piles of clothes and then out at us. When the coast is clear, we run back onto the sand and throw on the barest necessities, carrying the rest into the lobby. We’re dripping as we wait for the elevator, laughing at our own absurdity.

sp; Once we’re back in the room, we both go for the shower.

  It’s a massive tiled rectangle with a bench at the back. After washing the saltwater off, I waste no time in making use of the bench. I direct Robert wordlessly to sit down and kneel in front of him. The water is washing down my back but not over my face, so it’s no problem to take his full length in my mouth, licking around his shaft as I work it in and out of the back of my throat. I relish in the way Robert’s fingers clench at the edges of the bench. At how his grip soon transfers to the roots of my hair. How he begins to subconsciously direct my motions until I’m a machine and he’s a piston exploding inside my mouth.

  I peel my lips off his tip, savoring the way he shivers at this delicate touch. I’m even thinking that it's the end. That with this, he’ll be so satisfied that he won’t be able to help falling asleep the moment our bodies hit the bed. My suspicions are apparently confirmed when he finishes the shower before me. After drying my hair, I expect to find him conked out already, but he grabs me from behind and carts me over to the bed where he drops me off.

  He looks down at me, his cock erect and proud. My legs are hanging over the side, and I open them wider, ready for him to enter me, but he does something surprising. Something none of my past boyfriends ever did.

  He repays me for earlier.

  Placing both of my thighs over his shoulders, his tongue crawls up my slit and circles around my clit. He paints a wet stripe over it, and I’m already clenching at the sheets. I wasn’t expecting this, nor did I realize how absolutely horny I was. I don't want him to stop doing exactly what he’s doing.

  Which I make sure to tell him again. And again.

  “Don’t stop. Oh, god, don’t stop.”

  The pleasure washes over me like a wave in slow motion. I can see it coming. Hold my breath to prepare for the all-consuming torrent of feel-good chemicals that will flood my entire being. Then it's all light and warmth and my muscles clenching to hold it all in and keep it from escaping. Of course, this also means crushing Robert’s head between my thighs, but I just can’t help myself. And when I finally release him, he stands quickly and places the tip of his cock against my pussy.


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