Playing For Keeps (Romancing The Games Book 1)

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Playing For Keeps (Romancing The Games Book 1) Page 1

by Brittani Rose


  Brittani Rose


  Title Page


  Books by Brittani


































  About the Author


  This book is dedicated to my loving neighbor, friend, and honorary member of my family, Millie.

  Often times in life things happen and push two people together. That’s what happened between Millie and I. Circumstances pushed us closer and we have become close friends because of them. Without them, I wouldn’t have become close to her. Without them, she wouldn’t have been pushing me to follow through with my dreams.

  Millie is an amazing person who helped me realize my love for the show Survivor, after years of not watching it. She helped me realize that my dream was within reach. She helped me work through this book with ideas of her own.

  I couldn’t have done this without her.

  I love her and am grateful for her.

  I hope you enjoy this book, Millie!

  Books by Brittani

  McCoy Siblings Series

  Moving Forward, (Esme & Brooks)

  Letting Go (Madison & Luka) Coming Soon

  Reality TV Romances

  Playing Games (Ari & Ryder)



  What have I done?

  What am I doing here? Sitting in a hard-plastic chair, similar to the ones we sat in as kids. The ones with cutouts in the back and the four metal legs. The uncomfortable ones.

  I am in a room full of people smartly dressed. All of which are here in pairs, just like me. Only they all want to be here, and I don’t. Well not really, anyways.

  I only came here for my brother. You see, Caleb, that’s my younger brother, he has dreamed of being on this show called Survival Instincts. He has raved about how its amazing and how it would be cool if he could just be on the show. He talked about nothing but being on the show, and when they released that they were holding a casting call not far from our hometown, he asked me to come along with him. He said for moral support, but I don’t entirely believe that story.

  Why? Well because Caleb has always had this need to do something outrageous and involve me some way or another. He is always coming up with these hairbrained ideas that always seem to involve me.

  Caleb is beside me, wearing a pair of black jeans and a white button front shirt. He said he wanted to look like he put effort into his outfit, but not too much. He claimed he didn’t want to portray himself as someone he isn’t. Which I can understand.

  Caleb has always wanted to stand out from the crowd. He is an outgoing person who doesn’t care what other people think of him. He does his own thing and if someone doesn’t like that about him, he tells them to go on their way.

  I am different. I like to blend in. I don’t like to stand out. I don’t like to have any attention on me. it makes me nervous and then I make a fool of myself. I either say or do something that draws attention to me.

  For example, I was in the interview for my current job as a kindergarten teacher, when they asked me what I liked to do in my spare time. The question was so unexpected that I froze. I didn’t know what to say and I didn’t know what to think. So, when I spoke, I didn’t know what I was saying. I said I liked to sit in a chair at home in front of the TV and eat cheese. Yes, I said cheese. I was totally mortified, that I ended up walking out of the interview.

  Of course, now, all the teachers and staff make a joke about it. I mean I don’t live it down. Some of the teachers, when they want to be funny, they bring cheese into my classroom and leave it there until I walk in. I can’t even count how many times I have walked into my classroom and found cheese. But it’s nice to know that they accepted me, weird quirks, and all.

  So, when Caleb begged me to come along with him, I didn’t know what to say. I don’t like telling him, or anyone for that matter, no. I hate doing it. I can’t stand letting someone down. The look in their eyes of disappointment bothers me. I always end up giving in.

  Which is why I am sitting in this chair, beside my brother, in a room full of hundreds of people waiting for their chance to get into the interview phase of the day.

  We have been here for at least four hours. First, we were in line to get the application to fill out. Which Caleb asked me to reluctantly fill out. I didn’t want to fill it out because I don’t want to be on TV. I don’t know anything about the show he has me signing up for, but I knew that if I didn’t fill out the application, Caleb would have upset me.

  Second, we were in line waiting to be let into the building. They only let a few people in at a time. Which makes no sense to me? A show as big as Caleb says it is, should have a fast system of casting their show. But wait in line we did, in the heat of the Michigan summer. Ninety degrees and I was wearing a black skirt, heels, and a pale pink blouse. My long brunette hair is thankfully in a bun at the base of my skull, to keep it out of my face and off my neck. My favorite hairstyle.

  Then once we got into the building, we were directed to take a number and sit in a chair and wait. Though, there are so many people in here, that it was hard to even find a seat. I mean, hundreds of people and there were only about fifty chairs or so. I mean, we spent a few hours waiting to even find empty ones.

  I am pulled from my thoughts as I see someone walk up to us. The person approaching us is wearing black slacks and a blue button front dress shirt. He looks like he is someone from the show. He has this air about him that screams important. He stops in front of us and smiles at me.

  Of course, my weird self just sits there staring at him. His hazel eyes seem to be glowing with curiosity as he looks down at me. I am captivated by him. My body reacts by sending a low buzz throughout my body. I don’t know what to think about the feelings, and I can’t seem to make my mouth work.

  “Hello.” He says in a deep timbre of a voice.

  His voice washes over me, and I have to close my eyes. I don’t know why, but something about his voice does something to me. Its mysterious because I have never had anything like this happen to me before. All he did was say one simple word. A greeting, and my body is reacting.

  “H-hi.” I stammer out a greeting.

  “I saw you from across the room and wanted to come up and say hello.” He says, not taking his eyes off of me.

  I feel myself smile, something I don’t normally do with any strange men. I don’t generally smile when I meet strangers, I usually do something stupid, like say something weird, or hurt them somehow. So, knowing that I am smiling, I don’t know what to think about it. I am so awkward with strangers, and even men. Ask Caleb. He will tell you.

  I’ve only been in two serious relationships. Both ended because I wasn’t confident enough. They didn’t like my anxiety in group settings. They didn’t like that I didn’t want to go out with their
friends or on an intimate date. They didn’t like that I was shy and didn’t go out of my way to befriend their friend’s significant others. They wanted me to be someone I am not, and I couldn’t do it. I tried and failed each and every time.

  “Are you auditioning?” He asks, pulling me out of my thoughts.

  I nod, reluctantly. “Yes. My brother,” I point to Caleb beside me, who is chatting up a pretty blonde beside him, “wanted me to apply with him. I don’t know why though.”

  I don’t know why I tell him that. He could be someone who is going to interview me. He could be someone who works with the show. He could be a scout who was sent out to take a look in the waiting area for anyone who was interesting. He could be anyone.

  “I am auditioning as well. My sister,” He points to a blonde woman across the way, sitting in a chair reading a book, “She asked me to apply with her. I hadn’t really thought about applying but I figured why not.”

  I am shocked to hear that he isn’t someone who works for the show. I am also relieved because I didn’t want to screw this up for Caleb. I didn’t want to take his one chance to be on the show away from him. Though he wouldn’t have just one chance, he would have more than one, if he applied more than once.

  Earlier today, I heard someone talking about how they had applied for the show at least four times and all of them ended in them not being cast for the show. At the time that made me feel better about applying. I mean, if they applied four times and weren’t chosen, what were my chances to be chosen to be on the show. But then, the more I thought about it, the more I realized that it would crush Caleb if he didn’t get cast. He thinks he is the package that they want for the show. He thinks he is the perfect player and has talked about how he has this grand idea to play and win the game.

  Caleb has watched all the seasons of the show, so I can assume he knows how the game is run by now.

  I look up at the man in front of me and the buzzing courses through my body again. What is it about him that has my body reacting like this? I have never been like this. Never been one to be affected by a man. Let alone one who is a stranger. I mean I don’t know his name. All I know is that he is auditioning as well.

  But before either of us can say anything, I hear my name called.

  “Ari Harper.” Someone calls.

  “Caleb Harper.” Someone else calls.

  Caleb reaches over and squeezes my hand. I watch as he does a once over of the man in front of me before leading me away from him and up to the two women wearing black pants and white tees. I follow the one who called my name, and she leads me into a room. I sit down and take a deep breath.

  Here goes nothing.



  “Congratulations, Ari. You have been selected to be on this season of Survival instincts.”

  Those words still ring in my head as I drive across town to my parents’ house. I can’t wait to share this exciting news with them. Though I am a bit nervous. What if I was chosen and Caleb wasn’t? Would he hate me? Would he resent me? Would he want me to not go on the show anyways?

  I mean, I have considered calling them back and telling them that I don’t want to be on the show. I don’t really want to make a fool of myself on TV. Let alone on a show that I only know the name of.

  I have to admit that I have never listened to Caleb when he talked about the show. I tuned him out. He was always talking about this show. Who won and the games they played? I ignored it because I didn’t want to hear it. I have never been a reality TV fan. I don’t like watching shows like that.

  Come to think of it, the last show like that I watched was one about bakers who were baking in a competition waiting to be crowned the winner. I didn’t like the show. Why put those people through those things. I mean, if they wanted to bake on TV, I am sure they could have gotten a show or something. Though I am not sure how that works. I mean, why do what you want on TV in front of judges who will tear apart your dish and act like it’s an everyday thing. I just couldn’t watch. One episode was enough for me. I couldn’t watch these people getting ripped apart for a failed dessert or getting sent home for an over cooked cookie. Things happen, why be so mean about it.

  But I have never seen Survival Instincts. I mean, what could the show be about anyways. I mean, from the interview questions I can only assume it’s about surviving in the wilderness. Maybe? I don’t know. But now that I am thinking about it, I really should have watched the show. I should have listened to Caleb when he talked about it. I should have paid more attention to what was on TV on those Thursday nights when I would go to his house for dinner.

  But I can’t do research now. I was asked to not do any research. The production assistant that called me told me that they wanted to portray me as someone who knows nothing. Which will be easy, as I really don’t know anything.

  I am pulled from my thoughts as my phone rings. I put in my Bluetooth earpiece and answer it.

  “Hello.” I say.

  “Ari come to mom and dad’s house. I have something exciting to tell you.” Caleb says in a rush.

  “I am already on my way. I have something to tell you too.” I tell him. “I will be there in a few minutes.”

  I frown as I hang up. What could Caleb need to tell me? Could he have gotten a promotion? I don’t know what he could have to tell me. What if he got cast for the show? That would mean that we will be on the show together. How interesting would that be.

  But what if he didn’t get selected? I will have to crush him by telling him that I was selected to be on the show. If he wasn’t chosen, it would hurt him. Break his heart, even. If that is the case, I will call the production assistant and tell them I can’t be on the show. That would be in my favor anyways.

  I shake off those thoughts as I pull into my parents’ driveway. Caleb is just arriving as I pull in. We get out and hug each other. Caleb has a grin on his face. One that he only wears when he is extremely happy or trying to get a girl’s phone number, and because I am his sister, I can only assume that he is extremely happy. His short brown hair is standing up in different directions. Almost like he just got out of bed. Which is probably true.

  He grabs my hand and pulls me into the house. I have to run to keep up with him, as he is basically running to get into the house. Our parents are sitting in the living room as we enter. They look at us surprised.

  We never show up unannounced. We always call before coming over. That way my mom can prepare food. She thinks we don’t feed ourselves while we live on our own. I don’t know why she thinks that, but she does. When we come over, she always has lunch or dinner made. No matter the time of day she will always cook before we come over.

  “What are you two doing here?” Our father asks.

  “You didn’t call.” Our mother looks at us with a glare.

  She isn’t really upset about that. She is just faking it because she wanted to cook us food or something. I just smile at her and my father and they smile in return. It’s how I know my mother isn’t angry.

  “I have news.” I say.

  “So do I.” Caleb says.

  “Both of you?” Our father asks us. “Why do I feel like I need to be nervous or scared?”

  I chuckle and Caleb laughs. Our father has always been afraid of both of us when we had news. It’s our fault really. Because when we were growing up, we got into a lot of trouble. Often resulting in us telling them all about it and being proud of it. Though that stopped when I was in middle school and realized what friends and the mall was. Though, I only went to the mall for the books and the time from Caleb.

  “My first.” Caleb says.

  I nod at him to continue. It would do no use to tell him I wanted to go first, even though I really don’t want to tell him my news, he would just do it anyways. It’s how he has always been. He speaks first and gets celebrated first. I grew used to it as we were growing up.

  I don’t mind though, because I love my brother and really do want to hear what he has to say. />
  “I got a call from a casting agent for the show Survival Instincts.” He beings. “I was selected to be on this season.”

  My jaw drops. He made it onto the show. I can’t believe it. He will be super excited to know that I am playing with him. At least, that is what I hope he feels. I mean, what if he isn’t happy that I will be playing with him? What if he doesn’t want to play with me?

  Now I am more nervous to tell him. My palms are sweating, and I have to wipe them on my jeans a few times. I close my eyes and take a few deep breaths to try and calm my racing heart. When I open my eyes, all eyes are on me. They are waiting for me to announce my news.

  I take a deep breath and smile weakly, “I also received a call from the show. I was also chosen to be on this season of Survival Instincts.”

  Before I finish speaking, I am being crushed in a bear hug. One of Caleb’s favorite hugs. He is squeezing me. I hug him back. I am a little shocked at his reaction. I mean, I hadn’t expected him to hug me. Is he happy for me?

  “I can’t believe it. I knew that they would love you.” He says. “Didn’t I tell you that they would love you?”

  It’s true, he did say that. But I didn’t believe him. Why would they love shy, introverted, little me? I did the interview and answered the questions as honest as I possibly could. I didn’t lie or do anything weird, thankfully. But what was so outstanding about me that made them choose me.

  But as soon as I think that I know just what it was. They wanted me on the show because I know nothing about it. They chose me because I really don’t know anything about it. Which if I think about it from the show’s perspective, I can understand it. I mean, it would be fun to watch someone be on the show and not know what they are doing or getting into.

  But because I am on the outside and the player in this situation, I don’t think I want to go onto a show and know nothing. But because the casting agent or production assistant, whatever you want to call her, asked me not to research, because it will be in my contract, I can’t find anything out. Which bothers me.


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