Playing For Keeps (Romancing The Games Book 1)

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Playing For Keeps (Romancing The Games Book 1) Page 11

by Brittani Rose

  But Ari moves and yawns, bringing me out of my thoughts. I walk with her to the shelter and get in first. I want her to be on the outside in case she needs to get up in the middle of the night. I want to make sure that she can, with minimal use of her hands. Since I know they hurt, I have had similar injuries and it isn’t fun.

  As I hold her, while she falls asleep, I can’t help but let my mind wander to Ari and the events of today. How she found the clue and hopefully the idol. To how she got injured in the first place.

  After Ari left, I was really worried. I threw myself into making the shelter because work is the best form of stress relief. Well out here with six other people, that is. But I needed to distract myself from wondering if she was hurt. I needed to distract myself because I didn’t know what else to do. I didn’t want to follow the crew out of camp to find her. I didn’t want to sit around watching for her return, which I ended up doing once everyone went to sleep. For me, the work was what kept me sane.

  “Where is Caleb?” She asks after a few minutes.

  “Asleep. He helped me build the shelter. He was tired and told me he trusted me to take care of you.” I lie. I don’t want to tell her the truth because I know it will hurt her feelings.

  Lying to Ari is something I never want to do again. I hate it. I hate that I have to keep the truth from her in this instance. I know that she loves Caleb and that she is super excited to be playing alongside him now, just as I am Rachel, but that doesn’t mean that he feels the same way.

  “I can’t participate in the next two challenges.” She tells me.

  That makes my heart drop. She won’t be fighting for safety in the next elimination. She won’t be fighting for the reward. I just pray that she isn’t eliminated. I may be selfish saying this, but I am not ready for her to be out of this game. I am not ready for her to be gone. I don’t know if I ever could be. I grew used to having her by my side.

  Thirteen days, we spent together in our own camp, fighting in challenges, silently flirting, then kissing. Thirteen days I don’t want to forget.

  I want to spend so much longer in this game with her. I really do. But from the conversations I heard last night, with the four singles, they are gunning for her anyways. Saying that she is too close to me and injured she will be easy pickings. Part of me hopes that she will somehow be able to participate in the elimination challenge. I don’t want to have to say goodbye just yet.

  She yawns and that pulls me out of my thoughts.

  “Get some sleep.” I say.

  I kiss her head and pull her closer to my chest. She snuggles in and gently falls asleep. Me? I can’t sleep. Not now. Now that I know that she can’t participate in the challenges and certainly not now when I know that I will have to work extra hard for both of us.


  The next morning, voices wake me. I don’t know who is talking but I wish to hell they would stop. They are chatting happily about something. I open my eyes and reach look down at the sleeping beauty in front of me. Thankfully, the voices haven’t woken her up yet. I look out of the shelter to see who is talking, and I see the four single people left in the game. Zach, William, Brad, and Sandra are all talking beside the fire. I look around and behind me for Caleb and Rachel, but I don’t see them. I continue to lay there because I want to know what they are talking about.

  “I heard one of the camera men say that she can’t play in the next few challenges.” Sandra says. “It’s just too easy.”

  “Nothing is ever this easy. We need to have a back-up plan. Something that will weaken her.” Zach says.

  “What about Caleb? He is her brother. Her tie in the game.” Sandra says. “It could be easy. Get rid of her brother, get Ryder to flip on her and she will be out next elimination.”

  “I… I don’t know. Caleb said he was with us. That he would vote his sister if he needed to. He is strong and could be an easy buffer to get the others out.” William says.

  “No way man, I don’t think he is really with us. I saw him all buddy-buddy to Rachel last night. I saw him sitting with Ryder at the fire last night, as well. There is no way he is going to flip on them. Our best bet is to get Ryder or Rachel on our side and flip on her. Get her out and both Caleb and Ryder are weakened.” Brad says.

  My blood is boiling at this point. I don’t want to hear anymore. I can’t hear anymore. How dare these people target someone who is injured. How dare they do it with her sleeping just a few feet away. Don’t they realize that they are sealing their fate, with me? Don’t they realize that Ari and I are the only ones with ties still in this game? We will band together with our sibling and take every single one of them out. Starting with the ringleader, Sandra.

  Sandra has been working them about this. Every single time I turned around she is talking about how to get rid of Ari. How Ari would be the crowd favorite, because of her romance with me. How Ari would win over anyone else because of said romance. Sandra started the anti Ari crusade, and I don’t like that. I want to see Sandra knocked down a peg or two. I want to see Sandra knocked on her ass and kicked out of this game. I just need to get Rachel on it.

  I can’t ask Caleb to do it because he is too close with Ari, and they already suspect him. Which they are right to do. But Rachel, wasn’t seen being super close to me. Rachel is a great actor and can make them believe anything she wants them to. I want her to plant seeds of doubt in Zach, William, and Brad. I want her to make them doubt Sandra and her plan to out Ari. Tell them that she is working with me and Ari to get each of them out.

  I know Rachel can do it. I don’t want to have to scramble to make sure Ari stays safe. She didn’t tell me if she found the idol, in the woods, last night. I hope and pray she did, because it would mean that she has found a way to stay safe in this game. An idol. They are usually introduced once the merge happens. I can only assume that is what she was looking for. Just like I can only pray she found it, because I don’t want to see her go just yet. I want her to go on her terms. Not on the terms of some jacked up cop who wants the million dollars so she can get her a new fancy car.

  Yes, Sandra bragged about that. About how she would use the money to get a few fancy cars, because she loves her house and job. She wouldn’t trade up on those. But a car, is what has her money written on it. Sandra doesn’t deserve it. She doesn’t deserve the money. She even admitted that she doesn’t need it. Her daddy is rich and can buy her any car she desires. But the million-dollar prize will make her friends jealous and that is just the reaction she wants.

  “I found the idol.” Ari whispers to me. “You can stop worrying. If it’s me, I will be safe. Just don’t let them get to you.”

  I kiss her cheek, she is amazing. Keeping that from me all night, that scared me. Hearing those conversations worried me. I mean, who wouldn’t be worried when someone they are close to is being targeted? Anyone would feel the same way, at least I think they would anyways.

  I help her sit up and she gets out of the shelter. I follow closely behind her. I don’t want her too far away from me right now. I don’t know what will be said to her or around her. I don’t want her being questioned by the others if I can help it.

  I mean, they probably suspect that her story about being lost isn’t true. They probably suspect that she was out looking for the idol. That is, if they actually watched the show outside the game. And since they have all spoken about it, I believe that they all have.

  But I have this odd feeling. Like something isn’t going to go right. I have this pit in my stomach like something bad is going to happen. I wish I knew exactly what it is, because then I would do all I could to stop it.

  I didn’t come here for this type of thing. I came here to win. Though, I didn’t anticipate finding Ari here. That is just a perk. Strategy game play is why I came here. I came to play a strategic game. I came to weed out the jocks and win the game. But at this point, I don’t care if I win, I want Ari to be by my side at the end. I want to take Ari as far as the game lets me take her. I wan
t to take her with me every single step of the way.

  I place Ari at the fire and sit next to her. She holds my hand, in front of the others, with a smug look on her face. This isn’t the Ari I know, but something about this Ari is intriguing.

  She leans in, lips close to my ear, and whispers, “Go find Caleb and Rachel. Tell them what we heard and plan. Fill me in when you get back.”

  The sound of her voice and her breath in my ear, has my body reacting in ways it shouldn’t with four other people sitting in front of us. Watching us. But I carefully stand up and kiss her on the lips. I turn around with a smile and walk off.

  I walk into the woods, and spot Rachel and Caleb. They stop and look at me with a frown. I am sure that they are concerned because I don’t have Ari with me.

  “We need to talk plan. Sandra is forming a crusade to get one of you to flip on Ari. They want Ari out first, followed by Caleb or me next.” I say. “Rachel, I want you to work your devil magic on them and get them to doubt Sandra.”

  “Devil magic?” Caleb asks.

  “My ability to make people doubt themselves. I manipulate people. Well, not often, and mainly only Ryder, but I can do it.”

  With that I smile. “What’s that?”

  “Mail. There is a challenge today.” Rachel says.

  A challenge Ari won’t get to play in.



  “I will play for Ari. I will win for Ari. I will do what it takes to keep her safe and in this game with me. Come hell or high water.”

  Ryder Holt

  I hate to admit it, but I am worried. Not just because of my injury, but because I know that half of the people here want to see me gone. It’s hard to feel confident when you know four out of seven people want you gone. I don’t know what else to feel. I mean, I can’t feel upset by my circumstances, after all only one person can win. But I really want to make it further than just after the merge.

  I just wish I understood why they see me as a threat. I mean, other than the fact that I am aligned with Ryder, because he was my partner, and Caleb, doesn’t mean I am an actual threat. I am not good at sports, I am not good at strength challenges, and I certainly am not good with people. So, I don’t understand why they see me as someone they need to get rid of right now.

  It makes me feel stupid for coming on this show. I not only make out with the guy who was my partner for two weeks, I get injured the very same day as we all merge, putting a target on my back. I hear conversations about how to get Ryder or Caleb to turn on me and get me eliminated.

  Rachel doesn’t really talk to me anymore, not after yesterday. Caleb, he is acting super sketch. Like he doesn’t want to be seen with me. The only one who is acting normal is Ryder. I don’t know if that is a good thing or bad thing. I mean, he heard what Sandra and the others had to say this morning about getting me eliminated. I could tell he was getting upset at it. But the truth is, it’s just a game. If I am eliminated, or medically removed, it won’t matter, it’s just a game.

  But this morning, Ryder left me alone with the lions gunning for me. They didn’t really say anything to me, probably because they realize that I heard every single word they said. I can tell a few of them want to ask me questions, but they don’t. Which is fine with me. I don’t know if I could be nice and civil if I wanted to be.

  Movement catches my eye. I see Caleb, Ryder, and Rachel coming out of the trees. They walk directly toward the five of us left at camp. In Caleb’s hand is a piece of paper and a ball. I can only assume that it is for the challenge today.

  “Today your fate lies with the balls. Keep it going, make sure it doesn’t fall. Last one standing makes the call.” Caleb reads.

  I frown, could they be any more cryptic? What the hell kind of clue is that? I tell myself not to think about the clue, because I can’t participate today. So, I won’t get to win the reward. I won’t get the chance to prove to Sandra and her reverse harem that I am strong and a competitor in this game.

  “Sounds like maybe a ball in a free-floating maze or something like that.” I hear Sandra says.

  I roll my eyes. “I don’t think so. The clue said keep it going. So, it could be like balancing a ball on something.”

  She glares at me. I just grin. Gun for me and I will mess with you. Just ask Caleb. He learned the hard way not to mess with me. When Caleb was eight, and I was ten, he decided to put a dead snake and mouse in my sleeping bag while camping. Of course, it freaked me out, but I got even. That same night, while he was asleep, I pulled his air mattress, out into the pond and let him float. But It wasn’t just that. I covered him in bird seed, first. The next morning, he woke up with birds pecking at him and freaked out. I got grounded for that prank, but he learned not to mess with me like that. Because every single time he did, I got even.

  Our signal comes and we all form a line and walk through the woods to the challenge clearing. Its set up with eight platforms, about two feet off the ground. Each is painted a different color. I smile at that. On the platforms is a wooden ring and a ball. Just one ball. I was right, it is balancing a ball on something, at least it looks like it.

  We file past the platforms, and onto the larger mat set up for us. Chris is already waiting for us, with a smile on his face. He looks at me and his eyes grow wide. A production assistant comes out with a chair and places it next to Chris. I see her whisper in his ear and he nods before turning his attention back to us.

  “Welcome to today’s reward challenge.” He says with a smile. “Today you will each stand on a platform with a wooden ring in your hands. You will use this ring to keep your ball in motion. Meaning, you need to move your ring around to get the ball rolling and keep it rolling. Over and over. Go to slow and the ball will fall. Go to fast and the ball will fly out. The key here is to get the ball to go around the whole inside of that ring without falling out of your ring.” He smiles again. “Now this is the merge, I am sure you are all well aware of how this works. Only one person can win the reward. If it is a reward worth sharing, we will tell you.”

  Only one person can win the challenge. I wish I could play this challenge. I am good at things like this. I know I would have a chance at winning this game, if only I could actually play.

  “Today you are playing for your choice of these two items. You can choose, your comfort item, if you didn’t win that challenge, or you can choose a new outfit, soap, and a nice hot shower.” Chris says. “I have been informed that Ari cannot play this challenge due to an injury. Please make your way up here to watch.”

  I turn to leave, but Ryder stops me and kisses me, before releasing me to go sit beside Chris. I take my seat as Chris assigns spots to each of the seven people participating. I wish I hadn’t gotten hurt last night. I really do. I want that reward. Either one of them would work. But the nice hot shower sounds amazing right now. I could use a new set of clothes. It would be nice to have, but of course, I won’t get that chance. Whoever wins this challenge, will deserve it. We all deserve it. I just hope that either Ryder or Caleb win this reward.

  I watch as they all move to their stations and get set up. I watch as Chris gets filmed telling them that they need to get their ball going. They have ten seconds to get it going or they will be officially out of the challenge.

  I mentally count down from ten because I want to know who has trouble getting going. Caleb gets his going, Ryder does as well. Rachel fumbles for a second but gets hers going. Zach and William both drop their balls and have to grab them, but they finally get them going. Brad gets his going super quickly. The only one who still hasn’t gotten theirs going is Sandra. She keeps dropping hers.

  I have to admit, I am a bit smug watching her struggle, because she acts so big and bad and she can’t even get the ball to go around her ring.

  “Time. Sandra, you are officially out of this challenge. You did not get your ball going in time.” Chris calls out. “Take a seat on the edge of your platform.”

  Hearing those words leave Chris
’s mouth, I can’t help but smile. I really can’t help it. I mean, I don’t know why but the smile just comes. Sandra, big and bad Sandra, could not even get her ball rolling. This feels good. She is pissed. Her scowl is directed right at Chris. Like it’s his fault because she couldn’t get her ball going. I want to laugh, but I don’t. Smiling is just enough. Especially when she looks my way, and her scowl gets deeper. I can see her face redden from here.

  “Rachel wobbles, but recovers. Keep your concentration. You don’t want to miss out on this reward.” Chris says. “Zach wobbles, but recovers. Good recovery, Zach.”

  I turn my attention to Ryder, who is standing on the red platform, and Caleb, who is standing on the opposite end, on a white platform. They both are so concentrated on their task that they both wear frowns on their faces. It is funny, because I always knew that Caleb frowns when he concentrates, but it’s cute when Ryder does it. I chance a glance at Rachel, and she has a blank expression on her face. She is concentrated. As is everyone else. But I keep looking at Caleb and Ryder. But as I look past Zach, he fumbles his ball, and it falls to the ground.

  “Zach fumbles his ball and cannot recover. You are the second one out of this challenge. Take a seat on the edge of your platform.” Chris says. “We are now down to five.”

  I keep bouncing my eyes between Ryder and Caleb. They each wobble a few times but seem to recover. I watch as William falls out next. Closely followed by Rachel. She looks upset but doesn’t seem overly upset about it.

  “The last three in this challenge are, Brad, Ryder, and Caleb.” Chris says. “I wonder who is going to be the one to win this challenge.”

  I sit here beside Chris and watch as the three men continue to hold this challenge. It’s amazing that they are still going. Even though I think I could have won this challenge, now watching it, it looks hard. It needs your whole concentration and if you hesitate for just a second, your ball falls. I keep looking between all three men, but when my eyes lock on Caleb’s I know that his concentration was broken. His ball hits the ground at his feet and rolls off the edge of his platform.


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