To Chase A Wolf

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To Chase A Wolf Page 7

by Sara Kimball

  To the side was a second large building, the open garage doors revealing its function. Alex saw several rather expensive cars inside. She realized while she was staying here she wasn’t going to have an easy means of escape without a vehicle, but pushed the thought aside. She was going to be fine. She was teaching self-defense classes, nothing nefarious about it. Tyler wouldn’t have put her in danger without telling her about it first. He might exaggerate the danger like in the case of the floozy, but he wouldn’t fail to mention something she should be aware of…as long as he knew about it.

  There was a large parking area in front of the garage, but the driver headed towards the house, where the driveway terminated in a large circle. A fountain sat in the center with small rosemary bushes around it, and their clean, sharp scent filled her nose as she stepped out of the car and took in the impressive structure that was to be her home for the next month.

  Turning to the driver, she smiled. “This is some place. Have you worked here long?”

  The driver, smiling back, replied. “I haven’t been here before. The car was just hired for the day. But yeah, this place is something.”

  The front door opened as the driver was getting back in the car, Alex and her luggage now safely deposited at their destination. An older and younger woman exited. The older woman appeared to be about eighty, with fine, white hair arranged in a neat chignon. Her features were patrician, with light gray eyes under finely arched brows. She was dressed in a soft top and pressed jeans. The younger woman had thick auburn hair and was dressed in a silk blouse above a pencil skirt and heels. The clothes on both women were recognizable instantly as those of the best quality and rather expensive, and Alex felt grubby in her cheap department store slacks and button up shirt. Even her shoes were awful, as she had had to throw away her good ones. Thanks to Mitch and the girl that spewed perfume eau de vomit.

  Pretending not to be intimidated was hard, but Alex managed, stepping forward to greet them. Smiling, she scented both women as she approached them. Instantly, the smile fell from her face and she whirled to the car, wanting to call it back, only to see it retreating into the distance.

  The older woman laughed as she took in Alex’s expression. “It makes this easier since they sent us one of our own kind.” Alex was wary, and the older woman continued in an exasperated tone. “Don’t fuss, we won’t bite.” She smiled, but Alex’s wolf took the toothy grin as more of a threat than a re-assurance.

  “At least be brave enough to come inside and talk before you decide to leave, I can assure you it will be worth your time.” She raised her eyebrows, “Besides, the car already left—and it’s a long walk.”

  With the challenge issued, the older woman turned back and headed into the house. The younger woman, with a friendly and understanding smile on her face, grabbed Alex’s luggage and moved it inside, motioning Alex to follow. Alex remembered her wolf’s internal pep talk from the car and tried to push aside her nervousness. But not her alertness.

  She walked up the steps slowly, looking around at her surroundings in suspicion. Alex had been joking when she asked Tyler if he was sending her to some old lady that was going to eat her liver raw. But if the old lady was who Alex thought she was…well, then Alex was probably right to worry about her internal organs.


  The little toddler walked on unsteady legs, weaving through the room of passed out men, spilled drinks and bottles on tables and the floor haphazardly. The women had left a long time ago, to their chambers. All except one woman, who the toddler now crept toward. She was passed out in a chair, her dress pulled down and her legs splayed in sleep. Tracks of tears smeared down her cheeks, leaving faint salt trails.

  The toddler had learned to be silent long ago, so when he got to his mother he only gently called to her. “Mama.” His hands pushed against her leg softly, causing her satin skirts to rustle and slither under his chubby fingers.


  She groaned, opening her eyes and looking down at him. When her glassy eyes finally focused on the little form before her, she blinked and sneered. “Go away, you cretin. I hate you.” She leaned closer to him, the stench of alcohol wafting in his face as he stared up at her with large eyes. “You are the reason I’m stuck here. But not for much longer.”

  She stood, pulling her skirt out of his hands and leaving.

  The toddler stood still, his eyes filling with tears. And then there was a soft female voice behind him, a soft touch. “What are you doing here, little Johnny boy? Huh? Come now, I’ll take you to your room.”

  He was lifted into slim arms, and he buried his face in the curly blonde hair, smelling her perfume and feeling safe. She put him down in his room with a smile, then got him some food, coming back to play with him for a little bit before her name was called and she had to go.

  Chapter 6

  Both Alex and her wolf were vigilant as they followed the women through the foyer and down a hallway into a lavishly decorated office. She took her cue and sat delicately on one of the chairs in front of the desk. The younger woman took the partner chair, and the older woman sat behind the desk, her posture rigidly erect and proper.

  Alex had to work to meet the eyes of the older woman, but she managed it. “I understand you want some self-defense classes set up for those in your organization—I guess that would your Pack?” She nodded and Alex forged ahead, voicing her suspicions. “Although why werewolves need self-defense lessons is kind of confusing. I thought they were rather a danger just as they were.”

  The older woman smiled, a genuine smile this time. “Pretty and smart. You’ll do.” There was a considering look on her face as she continued. “To be frank, training to be prepared for something is a little different than just brute strength. Because your employer sent us one of our own, this makes matters simple.” Alex thought there was something off in her voice, but when she tried to determine if the old woman was lying she wasn’t able to pick anything up. Flicking her eyes between the older and younger woman revealed nothing as well.

  “You see, the problem that we have isn’t so much a how to protect ourselves, it is how to make it believable. For instance, when a fourteen year old girl punches her attacker and crushes his eye socket and cheekbone—when this attacker is an adult male and shouldn’t be that susceptible to a teenage girl’s punch—the authorities start asking questions. And though we can usually solve things ourselves, sometimes outside interference is unavoidable.”

  Alex processed this. “So you want me to teach your Pack how to defend themselves but make it so the injuries sustained by their attackers are believable.” Alex was scared inside at the thought of being this exposed to other wolves, but the challenge in front of her was something that she had struggled with herself, and her mind was already circling the possibilities. She remembered her assurance in the car that she could defend herself against Mitch, and extended that thought to include defending herself against any eventuality.

  “Exactly. I would like to hire your services for one month to start, with the option for two or more months. I believe Mr. Rypien mentioned another trainer that usually does these sorts of things, but unless the man is a werewolf, we won’t be needing him.” She grabbed a piece of paper. “This was forwarded by Mr. Rypien, an employment agreement and a non-disclosure agreement. In addition to the fee to the agency, there is a hefty payment for you during your time with us.” She indicated a portion of the contract and then handed it to Alex.

  The figure on the page made Alex stiffen her spine. It was too much money, which made Alex instantly suspicious. The woman before her was clearly Elizabeth Harcourt, Queen of the Werewolves according to all the stories. Alex knew her name thanks to the information her father had taught her when she was younger. He had made sure to educate her about all the Packs, their Alphas and Betas, and any other pertinent information. Having someone that high up take an interest in her made Alex’s spidey-senses quiver in alarm. She wanted to throw the contract back and demand to
know why she was worth so much money, but she didn’t want to offend the older, stately woman.

  Considering, she put the contract on the edge of the desk. “Do you have a place where I might make a phone call? I’d like to discuss this,” she indicated the papers before her, “with my employer.”

  Mrs. Harcourt smiled pleasantly, but Alex sensed the faintest edge of irritation and impatience in her demeanor. “Of course. Use this office. We will be down the hall, just open the door when you are done and we shall return.”

  Alex waited until the doors closed behind them, and then whipped out her phone, dialing Tyler. He picked up on her second phone call. “Thank fuck. Listen, Tyler. I need a ride, I can’t work at this place.”

  He had started protesting before she even finished her sentence. “Whoa. Slow down. What do you mean? I really need this, Alex.”

  Alex sighed, glanced at the closed door and realized that she should probably lower her voice. “I just…I can’t work here.” Of course, she couldn’t tell him the actual reason. Her mind revolved quickly, trying to come up with reasons he would accept. “This is place is like a fricking manor house. And this really isn’t my scene. I mean, teaching? Me? Just send a car, will you?”

  Tyler was groaning. “Please, Alex. I really need this.”

  She noted a slightly different tone and paused, tilting her head as she considered what he said. “What do you mean, you really need this? What’s going on?”

  The gusty sigh that came from him had her brow furrowing. “It’s…forget it. I don’t want to…it’s…” He trailed off, and Alex’s eyes squinted. She had known Tyler a long time, and she had never known him to prevaricate before.

  “Out with it.” She retorted in a stern tone.

  “I don’t want to make you feel bad.”

  Alex was even more confused now. “Spill the beans Tyler, or I’ll kick your ass.”

  He laughed. “That’s the girl I know. Okay, fine. After Bolivia…well, they didn’t pay us for that. So I covered everyone’s paychecks by taking the money out of the business. But now we are barely getting by, and I really need the influx of cash this job could bring. Not to mention, the referrals we could get from working for such a high value client.” He paused, she heard him opening his mouth like he was going to say more, then shut it with a click of his teeth. Finally, he continued. “I don’t want to pressure you, but I need this. The company needs this. If things don’t turn around quick, we could be looking at closing.”

  Alex took a deep breath, and even though she felt like she was watching the cage door shut on her, she tried not to let it show in her voice. Tyler was her Pack now. And you helped your Pack. “Okay. I’ll do it. But do you think someone could take my place soon?”

  There was some rustling of paper on the other end. “Yeah. I have some day jobs lined up, but I could be there in a week…ummm…at the max eight days? Then I could take your place.”

  Alex wavered. On the one hand, she wasn’t sure about being so exposed among a wolf pack…especially in an Alpha’s house. On the other hand, she owed Tyler. It had been Alex’s fault that they hadn’t gotten paid. Although no one really blamed her for it. Not even Tyler. And she was curious about why they wanted her here, and somewhat excited at the prospect of teaching wolves how to defend themselves so humans didn’t suspect anything was amiss.

  It’s only for eight days. I can avoid detection for eight days. And even if Mitch finds out I was here…because he probably will at some point…well, I’ve been wanting to quit and move somewhere wilder where I can roam around. She hadn’t been planning on ending her employment with Tyler so soon, but if she played it smart, then maybe she could work for him for another few years before moving on.

  “Okay. But I need you here as soon as you can. I just…” she sighed, frustrated at not being able to explain to him, or anyone really, her predicament. “I just can’t do this for the whole month or two until Able is free.”

  Tyler agreed to come as soon as he could, adding, “Just be good please. Don’t cause trouble. I need this.” She made a rude noise and he laughed, disconnecting. Alex took a moment to compose herself and then opened the door before moving to stand near her chair. Shortly after, Elizabeth Harcourt and the younger woman entered, sitting in their places from before.

  Alex took a breath and sat, not wanting to show how they intimidated her, and stiffened her spine as Elizabeth addressed her. “Do we have a deal, Ms.—oh, that’s terribly rude, I forgot the introductions. My assistant is Moira Derringer, and I’m—”

  “Elizabeth Harcourt. I know.” Daniel Williams’ daughter and Brendan Harcourt’s mate, in the flesh before Alex. The woman was impressive. The only female Alpha in werewolf history. She had been around for nearly four hundred years, and Alex felt a little in awe of her. She did her best to pretend like that didn’t matter though, endeavoring to treat the woman like any other.

  Alex took a moment to look over the employment contract and read through it, looking for anything unusual. Nothing seemed amiss. And it was a lot of money. Money Tyler needed. Guilt made her stomach clench. But Alex still had a feeling that not all was as it seemed. Most likely Mrs. Harcourt was hiding something. Unfortunately, she was determined to help Tyler after her actions in Bolivia put him in such dire straits, not to mention Alex was curious about why the Gold Pack wanted someone there to teach them defense…curious enough to want to stick around and find out. And don’t say curiosity killed the cat, because we chase cats, not the other way around, her wolf helpfully chimed in.

  It was hardly the first time a client had failed to disclose something…she couldn’t do anything more until she knew what it was the woman really wanted from her. I’ll deal with whatever it is when it comes up.

  “And your name?”

  Alex looked up, realizing she had gotten caught up in her thoughts and forgot to introduce herself. “Alex.” Elizabeth widened her eyes and looked her up and down, but then her expression went back to serene and neutral. Alex internally cursed at not thinking up a fake name, but gave a resigned sigh now that the cat was out of the bag. Setting the contract on the desk, Alex faced Elizabeth and looked her in the eye. “Unfortunately, I can’t stay for the full term, but I will be able to assist in the interim until my boss, Mr. Rypien, can come here himself. He says it should be no more than eight days.” She tried to be tactful. It was hard for her, but she pushed herself to do it. “I know you want a werewolf, so that way things don’t have to be hidden, but Mr. Rypien is a competent teacher and the soul of discretion. I believe that even without knowing what we are, he will be able to suit your needs.” She took the pen Ms. Derringer—Moira—offered her and signed the contract, blurring her last name into an illegible scrawl. “I’ll set up a class schedule and begin teaching those members who wish to learn.” Alex hesitated, but continued, “I know it is hard to keep secrets in a Pack house, but I would like to avoid any prying into my personal life or my past. I’ll only be here for eight days at the most, and would like to leave as quietly as I arrived.”

  The risk of staying so close to someone who might recognize her would be high. She suspected, based upon the look Elizabeth had just given her, that the woman had probably met her mother and knew Alex looked like her. That, her first name, and the fact that there was probably a rumor she had gone missing eight years ago, would have clued the woman in. The statuesque woman before Alex hadn’t gotten to where she was by being dumb, and Alex knew Elizabeth Harcourt would have known her mother and father, and probably knew her brother as well now that he was Alpha. So the risks were high.

  But the rewards…Alex’s dream of buying a little house somewhere, in the woods, away from other Packs flared to life in her imagination. If she got paid from this job, even for her partial time, she would be the closest she had been to achieving her goal. She had a long life ahead of her, and having to hide her inner self all the time was wearing on her wolf. In the past year she had started to feel itchy. Changing to wolf form to sleep
wasn’t going to cut it for much longer. And she didn’t think a vacation would work either, because she’d still have to be on alert for humans spotting her. She needed the freedom to run and play as her furry half, to be wild.

  In addition, she couldn’t be a bodyguard forever. The money offered meant that she could take her savings and buy a house on a little bit of land. After so many years running hither and yon for jobs, she wanted a quiet home. Her wolf chuffed at her, and internally Alex smiled. Well, I do like quiet. It just seems quiet doesn’t like me.

  The risk that someone might recognize her…it had to be slim. Pack members tended to stay in their areas, so no one should know what she looked like—except Mrs. Harcourt herself. However, Alex knew from her father that Elizabeth Harcourt rarely did things that didn’t suit her own ends, and if the woman wanted someone to teach her Pack, she wasn’t going to go tattling to Mitch and tell him where Alex could be located. At least not until Elizabeth was done with her. But Alex figured she could stay the month and leave without too much fuss, disappearing after. Mitch would find she had been here eventually, but by then Alex planned to be long gone. She would probably have to quit her job with Tyler, but it had only been a matter of time anyways.


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