To Chase A Wolf

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To Chase A Wolf Page 25

by Sara Kimball

  In addition to the four legged meal machines were plenty of birds, including ostriches. Lemurs and camels were also featured. Even the rhinos—safely behind a fence—were fun to look at. They passed into another section and Gareth snorted in laughter. “What’s that?”

  Turning from her side window to look ahead, Alex blinked as she took in the colorful, huge sign before her. “Oh my.” There was a picture of a zebra with its mouth open, blunt teeth looming large in the forefront. In bright lettering was the phrase ‘Zebras bite’ and a reminder to drop the feed on the ground beside the vehicle rather than hand it to the animals. All four occupants of the car were cheerful as they entered the zebra paddock.

  Lincoln, who was driving, quickly realized the zebras were smarter than the other animals they had encountered. “I swear they know to do that until they get food. Good thing we bought extra.” He gestured towards the zebras who had parked themselves in front of the vehicle, waiting until food was thrown out before moving to let the car pass. “This is the third time they’ve done it.”

  Alex and Trent were still chuckling about Lincoln’s griping when they pulled up behind another car, the male driver and female passenger feeding the zebras from their hands. Since the car was stopped in the middle of the road, Lincoln stopped the Jeep as well, and they threw out pieces of feed to those zebras that wandered over to them.

  The female in the car ahead of them rolled up her window, much to the disgruntlement of the zebra who had been conning her for food. Taking out a camera, she began taking photos of the animal her partner was luring near, getting the animal closer and closer to the car. Small bite of feed by small bite, the man managed to get the zebra to take the piece of food from his fingers right in the opening of the car window.

  The woman leaned across the center console, the camera clicking like mad. “I don’t know that I would be that brave with my fingers for a photo.”

  Just then, the zebra decided he had had enough with small bites of food and stuck his head into the car all the way to his shoulders, pressing past the now screaming driver and towards the hysterical passenger. His shoulders wouldn’t fit, and he leaned his body against the little sedan, rocking it sideways slightly and stretching his neck out to reach his goal. After a few short seconds its neck and head emerged, and clenched in its teeth was the paper sack bulging with feed. He chomped on the paper sack, consuming the bag and the feed all in one mouthful before sniffing interestedly at the driver’s window once more—which was now rolled up. The occupants of the car waving their hands and chittering excitedly to each other.

  There was dead silence in the Jeep as they watched the other car pull away as quickly as it could. Alex wasn’t sure who laughed first, but there was a soft chuckle behind her, and then Lincoln joined in. Before long they were all rolling in their seats.

  The four wolves were still laughing uproariously as they passed the giraffes near the exit and headed back towards San Antonio.


  Gareth sat in the back seat of the vehicle, the smile on his face feeling odd to him. Good, but odd. It had been so long since he had felt joy in something, and he envied Lincoln slightly for his mate and his happiness. Not that he would want one, not with his messed up history, but he was sure it was nice all the same.

  The specters of his past loomed large, but he shoved them away, like he always did. The tide of guilt and shame got tougher and tougher to fight each day, but there wasn’t anything he could do. And thinking about them just made it more real, the devastation of everything he had given up more painful.

  Alex chattered happily to Lincoln and Trent, and Gareth focused on the conversation, using it as the distraction he needed to live in the present.


  After their adventures of the morning they returned to the city and ventured to The Palm for steaks. Alex savored the last bite of her filet mignon, the tender morsel of meat practically falling apart in her mouth, before pushing the plate away and pulling the burger she had also ordered closer.

  The waiter had been surprised at the amount of food that she had requested just for her, but Alex didn’t care, as her light breakfast was long gone and she felt like she was starving. The men had satisfied themselves with ‘normal’ sized entrees—though had bought several extra sides to share—and were planning on ordering room service at the hotel as well.

  It was forty five minutes before she was stuffed to the gills, popping another French fry into her mouth for good measure. After a short ride in the air conditioned car they were back at the hotel, and by then Alex was ready for a nap.

  The bed at the hotel proved too tempting to resist after a quick shower, and Alex sleepily laid there contemplating their morning. Even though Gareth and Trent had come along to be her ‘guards’, she had had fun with them and Lincoln. Throughout the last month he had shown her every consideration, and taken extra steps to show he cared for her. Small, little things that added up, making her feel warm and…loved. As Alex began to fall asleep she realized that she wasn’t just falling in love with Lincoln, but had already tripped headlong into it. Determining to tell him tonight, she drifted off into a peaceful slumber.


  After waking several hours later, Alex dressed in jeans and a nice blouse, slipping on a new pair of sandals before joining the men in the sitting area of their suite. They planned to go down to the Riverwalk for dinner tonight. Tomorrow would be spent visiting the Alamo and then the Mission San Jose before joining the rest of the Pack in the afternoon to talk before going to the Conclave the next morning.

  She was just about to open the door when she heard them whispering to each other. Feeling guilty, Alex pressed her ear to the door. “What about if he tries to get to Alex instead of you?” She was pretty sure that was Trent.

  Lincoln replied in his distinctive rumble, “Then you two get her somewhere safe and wait while I tear him apart.”

  She listened for a few more seconds, enough to be sure she knew what they were plotting, and then threw open the door dramatically, a scowl on her face. “No way do you get to attack Johnny Dupree without me there to guard your back. Besides. I think he owes me at least a pound of flesh.” Alex considered her words. “Not that I’d eat it, but I want it just the same.”

  They all stared at her silently, and she could see a negative reply forming on Lincoln’s lips in relation to her being involved. Alex was opening her mouth to protest when help came from an unlikely source.

  “I say let her kill the bastard. Who is going to object? If he can’t defend himself against a small female like Alex then he deserves what he gets.” Lincoln was visibly upset at Gareth’s words, growling loudly. But Gareth continued before he could speak, his words making Alex feel a little disgruntled and pleased at the same time. “And if he manages to get in a hit on your virago, because I’ve seen her practice fight and I know she’s good, then you can put him down. As is your right.”

  Lincoln considered it slowly, and then shook his head. “No.”

  Alex tried to protest, with Trent and Gareth helping her cause, but Lincoln stood firm, growing more and more agitated with her. “No,” was all he would say.

  She was becoming increasingly more irritated at him and his resistance to such a good plan. “Why not? If you get to lure Johnny out then I don’t see why I can’t help. Or is it just because I’m a woman?” She felt like crying with anger and frustration, and was a little shocked at being so emotional about his refusal to allow her to help. She decided that since she realized she loved him, his lack of acceptance of her skills hurt her. She could accept all of him, and wanted the same in return.

  Gareth tried again. “Lincoln, be reasonable…”

  Lincoln grabbed the nearest item, which happened to be a television remote, and threw it at the wall near Gareth’s head. It embedded itself in the drywall, only sticking out about an inch. “Be reasonable?” He shouted at them. “I am being reasonable. I’m not going to have a fucking pregnant wolf—my mate—going
after a psychopath with a fixation on her. I haven’t even told the little fool I love her yet. Why would I risk losing her?”

  There was silence at the end of his rant, and Alex blinked at him, cocking her head to the side. Gareth and Trent froze, their postures tense, and their eyes looking for the fastest escape routes.

  Alex’s voice was strangled as she spoke, “I think I would know if I was…I mean…wouldn’t I?” Some things were hitting her…Lincoln kissing her tummy in bed more and more often. Giving her plain food in the morning and fucking her in the afternoon and then letting her nap. He was gentler when he fucked her too, not as aggressive. He had even begun feeding her snacks when she was hungry, which was more often.

  Lincoln swallowed and finally turned his gaze to her and Alex swallowed. “How could I not know that?”

  He rubbed his hand up and down his face before coming to her and kissing her soundly. “I realized earlier it was a possibility, and I’ve been watching you closely. I know it’s soon but I was going to talk to you about it after this trip. I wanted things to be settled between us before talking about a baby.”

  It was then that the rest of Lincoln’s speech seemed to register. “You love me too?”

  Lincoln nodded. “Yes. It’s been rather impossible not to fall in love with you. Granted I didn’t really try to resist.” He focused on her face. “Did you say too?”

  Alex smiled at him softly and nodded, taking his hand in hers. “You make me very happy. And I have been falling in love with you for a while, mate. It wasn’t until today that I realized it, and I figured I would tell you tonight when we were…alone.” Her gaze flicked over to where Gareth and Trent were still standing frozen, watching them both with wide eyes.

  Alex felt embarrassed at having an audience, but more importantly, she had a desire to know if she was actually pregnant. Turning to Lincoln, she asked softly, “Could we, or just me…I mean could I go and get a test, just to make sure if I really am…you know.”

  Gareth grabbed Trent’s arm and towed him towards the door quickly. “We’ll get it. You two stay here.”

  Alex and Lincoln watched them rush out of the door quickly. When the other men were gone they turned to each other and laughed. Lincoln’s soft chuckles faded quickly however, when he turned his gaze to hers, and he kissed her again. She got caught up in their passion, at least until he pulled his head back and looked at the damaged wall. “Damn. I’m going to have to pay to have that wall fixed.

  She giggled at his consternation.


  Johnny looked at his father, the pride on his face, and smiled in return. “I’m glad I found you again, boy. You’ve been a real help over the last few days. So I’ve decided you deserve a reward.” His father waved a hand over to the women gathered before him. “Pick one.”

  Johnny had been interested in the women from the first, but they didn’t give him the time of day. Not to mention, ever since his father found him and told him to come back home Johnny had been forbidden from touching them. The Alpha didn’t want Johnny to hurt the merchandise.

  So to be allowed to pick a woman as a reward for doing a good job on the task his Alpha had given him, that was a good feeling.

  He waved over a little blonde and she took his hands, leading him upstairs to her room. When she had him naked, she went to work. Nothing she did seemed to help, and he wasn’t getting excited. Sitting back on her haunches, she looked up at him. “It’s okay, sugar. It happens.”

  He narrowed his eyes, pissed. “It’s not my fault. It’s yours.” He threw her onto the bed and gripped her throat, and then he felt himself grow excited.

  Still squeezing her neck, he leaned close and whispered in her ear. “You belong to me now.”

  She nodded, gasping for breath.

  Chapter 18

  Gareth Rayne, all six feet seven inches and broad chest, had never looked more conspicuous than he did at the present moment. Trent had refused to come in to the store, instead staying in the driver’s seat of the car. Although, it may have made it worse to have two large men staring out of the corner of their eyes at feminine hygiene products—looking like spooked horses watching a crouched predator. Gareth tried to ignore the bright pink, green, and blue packages, instead focusing on the tests in front of him.

  He rubbed his forehead wondering how there could be so many.

  There was the creak of a rusty cart and a soft step, and an elderly woman came around the corner of the aisle. He quickly shuffled to the side to let her pass, noting how her eyes flicked from the items on the shelves to him and back quickly.

  She tsked softly under her breath and then stepped away from her cart and towards him, grabbing his hand in her soft, wrinkled fingers. “You look a little distraught dear, how about I help you out? Would you like that?”

  He looked into her rheumy gaze and saw only kindness, and nodded slightly. “Okay dear. My friends call me Mimi, what’s your name?”

  He cleared his throat and told her. “Gareth.”

  “Is this the first time you’ve had to buy one of these?” He nodded and she smiled up at him, revealing a lovely set of false teeth. “Well, I’ve had to buy several in my time. For my daughters and then even a couple of my granddaughters. Now, about how far along is your lady love?”

  Gareth’s mind blanked. “Err…”

  She patted his hand in a comforting gesture. “Not to worry now. If she’s not that far along then we’ll need one of these that tell us early.”

  The wrinkled Mimi walked him through the purchase efficiently, and then led Gareth over to the vitamin aisle, even putting the box containing the test in her cart when he was holding it awkwardly in his large palm. “Now, if she is expecting you’ll most likely want to get some prenatal vitamins, and from the virile look of you, I imagine she will be, so you better just pick some up now anyway.” She led him over to several different brands and pointed out the benefits of each, “This one is vegan dear, I have a vegan granddaughter, apparently that’s very hip now a days.” Gareth choked a little at the thought of a vegan werewolf.

  After the vitamin aisle, Mimi towed him over to the soda, and he loaded up on ginger ale. Then she took him to the snacks and he bought saltines. Afterwards he found himself facing down a cooler with flowers in it and was pressed to buy all of the roses. “Because, and excuse me if I’m presuming too much, but it seems like this wasn’t exactly planned, so you’ll want to make sure that she feels loved and appreciated or she’s liable to snap you right in half. Pregnant women alternate between crying and prancing around like Godzilla with a toothache. So be careful there. Make sure you tell her how much you love her and how attractive you think she is. No matter how big she gets.”

  Mimi dispensed this advice while placing the plastic wrapped bundles of flowers in his arms, and Gareth couldn’t help but blink at her in amazement. He let her lead him to the checkout, where she placed his items on the conveyor belt and then patted his arm. “Now lean down so I can give you the most important advice I have.” He did as he was bid. When he was close enough to her so she could whisper in his ear, she told him plainly. “Some good marriages have started this way. So you snap that girl up before she thinks you don’t appreciate her, and you put effort into it. And in forty or fifty years, when she dies or you die, you’ll know it’s been worth it, and you’ll have more happy memories for it.” Mimi leaned in quickly and kissed his cheek, smiling saucily up at him. “And now I have a happy memory that I can’t wait to tell my granddaughters about. I kissed a handsome man. They aren’t ever going to believe it. I haven’t done that since my husband was alive.” She grinned at him cheekily.

  He paid for the items with a tinge of pink in his cheeks and headed out to the parking lot. On his way to the car with Trent, he passed a little sedan with disabled tags that smelled like Mimi, and he took one of the bundles of roses and placed it on the hood, near the door, where she could reach it easily. He hoped she understood how much he appreciated her help.

>   ///

  When Gareth and Trent opened the door to the room, burdened with a bundle of flowers and several shopping bags worth of items, Lincoln looked at him in confusion. Gareth just shrugged and set the items down, handing Alex a pink box with a picture on it and a gruff, “Here.”

  She disappeared into the bedroom and Lincoln followed her, stopping outside the bathroom door, which she had shut behind her.

  He waited patiently, looking at the clock to make sure hours hadn’t ticked by, until she finally opened the door slowly.

  “Well? What does it say?”

  She shook her head and handed the capped stick over to him. Lincoln took in the lines and looked at her helplessly. “It says…?”

  She nodded and swallowed. “Pregnant.”

  Lincoln took a deep breath and set the stick down on the dresser. Then swept her up in his arms and whirled her around. “Let me show you how much I love you.” His gaze was heated, and he carried her to the bed.


  It was an hour later when Alex and Lincoln emerged from their room, freshly showered and dressed once again, and Gareth and Trent were conspicuously sitting on the couch. Alex had heard the television come on about twenty minutes before, the volume turned up higher than it needed to be for wolf hearing.

  She rolled her eyes when she saw them. “Oh please, you two aren’t fooling anybody.” She turned off the volume and sat on the table in front of them. “Look. Thank you for helping to support my decision earlier, but Lincoln is right. I shouldn’t try and incite Johnny right now. If I weren’t pregnant,” she had trouble saying the word, it still felt unreal to her, “then I would be all for it. But now that I know I am, there’s nothing for it but to stay on the sidelines.”

  The other men let out a sigh of relief, Trent joking that they had been worried she would still want to fight…and how they would hate to upset her, since now they didn’t want her to be involved. “It changes things. My cousin didn’t seem to understand that when she was pregnant. She’s a red-headed firebrand though…obstinate woman. And she got so hormonal when she was farther along. Cried at the drop of a hat, and then she’d be trying to bite your head off. Literally. This one time—” Trent cut off abruptly, Gareth making a swift motion with his hand near his neck.


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