To Chase A Wolf

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To Chase A Wolf Page 32

by Sara Kimball

  It took Alex a moment to realize who John must be, but Elaine was already calling him on the little phone behind the hostess station, asking him to come to the front. Once she hung up, she turned back to Alex, putting her palms on Alex’s cheeks and cupping her face. “We loved you like our own daughter, you know? It hurt him to send you away, but we just…we wanted you to be safe.” She moved, grabbing a tissue out of her pocket to wipe away her tears. “And here you are, brought to us by fate.”

  There were footsteps behind her, and Alex smiled as she turned around, facing John aka Lorenzo for the first time in six years.

  The man before her had aged considerably. His hair was now very gray, his skin sagged a little where he lost weight, and he had more wrinkles, and more frown lines, than when she knew him before. He stopped, pausing at the sight of her, and then his face lit up and he swept forward to give her a big hug, scooping her off the floor and twirling her around.

  “Alex! Little Alex. How grown up you look. And heavy for such a little thing. Oof.” He set her down and then hugged her again. “I’ve missed you.”

  Alex fought her own tears this time. “I missed you too.”

  The door opened and some customers came in, so John ushered them off to a table, asking another server to cover for his wife so they could catch up with old friends. Alex introduced Lincoln, and they enjoyed a quiet meal, talking about light-hearted things and telling each other how good it was to see the other.

  At one point Elaine told Lincoln about the night she had come in asking for a job. “And he comes home, and tells me, very seriously mind you,” Elaine deepened her voice to make it sound like John, “there’s this small thing, asking for a job. Looks like she’s in trouble and needs some help. Probably homeless. I’m gonna give her the apartment above the restaurant, okay?” Elaine laughed, resuming her normal tone and looking over to Alex. “And then he goes on to tell me about how you remind him of Cassandra, our daughter. How determined and strong you were.”

  Alex picked up the hint about their daughter’s name, and went with it, asking after her. Before long, a cell phone was pulled out, and Alex was seeing pictures of their grandchildren, and pictures of Cassandra graduating from college. At some point Lincoln stepped away from the table and she overheard him making a phone call to change their flight plans.

  When he came back Alex pulled out the picture of her sonogram, and the crying started all over again, as well as the congratulations.


  Lincoln looked to his mate, and he could practically feel her happiness at being reunited with her old Pack. Because he realized that’s what these two were to her. Her wolf had needed someone, and so had latched on to those people who had helped her, and been kind to her, and loved her. But who wouldn’t love her?

  He felt a pang of remorse that she had had to leave her Pack not once, when she ran away, but then again leaving these two, and the others that she worked with. And then again when she left Tyler’s employ to stay with him. It made his chest ache at the thought of losing people you cared about so often, and he resolved that from now on, that would change.

  At a good break in the conversation, he piped in. “You know, we have a home in northern California. If you guys ever wanted to come visit, you are more than welcome.”

  It wasn’t long before plans were being made, and numbers exchanged. The look on Alex’s face made joy slither through his soul, warming him.

  Before her, I didn’t know what I was missing, and I was okay. But now that I know, I’ll hold this at any cost.

  Lincoln suddenly thought of his grandmother, and what it must be for her to live without her mate, his grandfather. And without her children, and grandchildren, except for him. He understood her a little better, as well as the reasons for trying to manipulate him into mating. It wasn’t hard to realize she did have his best interests in mind. Lincoln decided he would make sure to thank her for interfering…just this once.


  It was the next day before they finally returned, and when Alex crossed the threshold to Harcourt House, she felt a weight drop from her shoulders. They were greeted by familiar faces, including Tyler and Jayce, who were still visiting each other periodically. When Tyler saw her face he laughed, and in front of everyone announced, “It can’t be all that bad. She looks better than she did after Bolivia.”

  Jax, Davin, Trent, and also Gareth—who was completely recovered now—all looked at Tyler, curious expressions on their faces. It was Lincoln standing next to her that asked, “And what happened in Bolivia?”

  Tyler couldn’t resist, and Alex saw the mischief in his face as he lured them into a sitting room. It was Elizabeth herself who ordered glasses of champagne for everyone, and then raised her glass in a toast. “To vanquished foes, and to family.” They all took a sip—including Alex, who had been served a glass of sparkling apple juice—and then Elizabeth sat down. “Now, tell me about Bolivia.” They all looked between Alex and Tyler speculatively.

  Caving to peer pressure, Alex raised her hands in surrender. “Okay, okay. I give.

  “We were hired to protect a government official that had been threatened by a Cartel. There were some indications of corruption, and the man was independently wealthy, so he hired Tyler’s company instead of getting police or military protection.”

  Tyler joined in, “Only when we get there, Alex discovers—through what I can only say are her werewolf powers—that the official was actually a member of the Cartel, and a high ranking one at that. They had had a falling out and the Cartel was after him now.”

  Alex nodded. “Right. Well, during a meeting, we were listening as the official tried to persuade other members of the government to use the military and eradicate the remaining Cartel leaders. I was really impressed, because not only does he cement himself in their minds as a ‘good guy’ but he also takes care of the Cartel members that are after him.”

  “Except she couldn’t stop laughing.” Tyler shook his head as he remembered, continuing on. “There we are, watching a historic deal go down, and this one is sitting there giggling. And finally the official turns to her and asks her what is so funny, and she just spits it all out, in front of the other two government members as well, and a junior aide.”

  “Then the jerk stood up and shot me, only I dodged. Luckily I managed to avoid most of the bullet, but it hit me right in the ass.”

  Tyler and several other wolves were laughing uproariously at her predicament, so Alex talked louder. “And I had to pretend for weeks to be injured because a human wouldn’t heal so fast. So they were putting pillows everywhere for me to sit on…”

  Jax was still laughing, but asked, “What happened to the official?”

  Tyler shrugged, “I’m not really sure, other than we saw him arrested. We were asked to leave—very quickly and politely—and so we did.” Alex was thankful he didn’t mention the part about not getting paid.

  They continued chatting, turning to more recent events and filling in those details that some people had missed.


  Moira smiled and listened to the conversation going on around her, but internally her wolf cried, howling sadly. She felt the sting of rejection and blinked away tears before the others noticed. Instead, she pasted a smile on her face.

  Fuck him. I don’t need him. I have me, and great people, and a good life.


  Elizabeth stared at her Pack around her and felt something shift inside, steadying and firming. Her wolf felt more tethered to reality, and she felt better. Smiling, she realized that she was healing inside, now that she had her family around her.

  From the Journal of Elizabeth Harcourt, 2018

  Today I am happy. And I see much happiness in my future. I am glad I stayed around this long—to see things turn around. It was bleak there for a while. But I don’t have plans to leave, as I don’t think my purpose is done just yet.

  Chapter 24

  Alex felt the smile stretching her cheeks as Linc
oln’s hands covered the upper part of her face, obscuring her sight. Elizabeth’s soft voice was coming from in front of her, “No put that there. Quick.”

  After a moment of rustling, Lincoln removed his hands and she blinked as her eyesight adjusted, voices around her shouting, “Surprise.” They were standing in a fully re-furnished ballroom—only it wasn’t a ballroom anymore. It was a very functional gym, with machines and weights on one side, and mats and mirrors everywhere else. New fans were placed where those working out could enjoy a cooling breeze, and there was even a desk with a computer, books about different forms of martial arts and defense styles in the corner.

  Alex took it all in for a moment before saying thank you to Elizabeth and Lincoln. They had managed to do a complete overhaul during the time away at the Conclave. Earlier, she and Lincoln had both been impressed when Elizabeth had revealed the former pearl suite renovated into a complete nursery.

  On the desk of the gym was a small zebra stuffed animal, and someone had made a tiny paper sack and sewed it so it looked like the zebra was eating it. When Alex spotted it both Trent and Davin began laughing, and then she had to tell everyone the story. They had just finished when there was a knock on the door and the butler, Ray Johnson, came in. “Excuse me ma’am, but there is someone here to see you.”

  A slim woman dressed neatly in a business suit stood behind the butler, a case in her hand. Alex smelled another werewolf, and wanted to know who the woman was. She saw Jax, standing near her, also looking at the woman in a curious manner, and an evil—a terrible, no good thought—passed through her brain.

  “Please allow her in.” Elizabeth said smoothly.

  The woman stepped forward and greeted Elizabeth, though her eyes took in everyone in the room. “Sorry to disturb. My name is Emma Henderson.” She opened a slim wallet that looked very familiar to Alex, and sure enough, its contents revealed an FBI badge and identification, just like the one Arthur Davis had shown her. “I’m FBI, but this isn’t part of an official investigation. Rather, I was sent by my Uncle, Miles Henderson, to follow up with you about recent events. In addition, I’m here to investigate any information you might have on Dr. Rundell, who has been using experimental drugs on werewolves.”

  There was silence for a moment while Elizabeth contemplated the other woman. “My grandson and his mate will have some information for you—” she cut off when Alex made a sound.

  Stepping forward, Alex did her best not to look at Jax. “Actually, Elizabeth, I think Lincoln and I are going to be really busy. Jax knows everything about this, why don’t you ask him to help out Agent Henderson?”

  Elizabeth looked at her curiously for a moment, but caught on to the mischievous twinkle in Alex’s eye and nodded slowly. “Right. Agent Henderson, meet Mr. Jackson Steele. We call him Jax for short.” She motioned to the man and the two shook hands quickly, pulling apart after the brief contact. Alex saw that Elizabeth’s face took on a cunning expression. “Right. Well if you two will follow me, I’ll show you someplace you can talk and go over the information we have.”

  Elizabeth walked out of the room, the other two following.


  Gareth packed his bag slowly, hating the thought of leaving the only real home he had ever known. But the message from the Canadian wolves had been clear, and he also knew that he was the only one that could help. Even though he felt he was a member of the Gold Pack, his birth Pack in Alaska needed him. And he felt he had a responsibility to make sure they were okay.


  Lincoln cradled Alex close to his chest as they lay in bed, sated after exploring the delights their bodies held for each other.

  “That was mean, by the way.” At her confused expression he elaborated. “To Jax. Setting him up with that Agent. We could have met with her.”

  Alex rolled over until she was settled across his chest, her chin resting on her hands. “Ah, but you know…I got to thinking the other day. Your friends did both of us a very good favor by spying on you for your grandmother. And I want to repay them…in kind.”

  Lincoln’s laughter gently shook her until he flipped their positions, moving on top of her and kissing her deeply. “I love the way your devious mind works, my love.”

  Alex wasn’t able to formulate a reply other than to gasp in pleasure as his hands and mouth went to work showing her exactly how much he appreciated her deviousness.

  Questions, comments, or concerns? (Or did you find a typo? I hate those!)

  Email me: [email protected]

  Stay tuned for more To Chase A Wolf Books! Jax’s story will be next, followed by Gareth.

  Please feel free to leave an honest review, and thank you for your support.






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