Storm- A Wings of Diablo MC Novel #8

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Storm- A Wings of Diablo MC Novel #8 Page 7

by Lake, Rae B.

  "Yeah?" Ink speaks, his voice gruff and unsure.

  My voice seizes, and I want to hang up. It's what I've been doing for ages now. Just hanging up before I even get to this part, but now I know there’s something more going on than what Vale has been telling me; there is no way I can do that. He's going to be pissed, but I'm just going to have to man up and take my licks like a man.

  "Ink. Brother." I say, trying to keep my voice even.

  There’s no sound on the other end for a second before he starts roaring in anger. "You piece of shit! Where the fuck are you? I swear on my life, when I fucking get my goddamn hands on you, I will fucking kill you! You piece of shit!"

  Mack was wrong. This wasn't going to do anything, and I’d get no help from home.

  "Ink, what the hell is that? Who is on the phone?" I hear Clean in the background.

  "It's fucking Vale." He yells.

  "No." I hear Mack say, "Storm." He corrects.

  Ink settles down a bit, "Storm?"

  "Yeah, man. Not my brother. Just me." I hope he believes me.

  "Why should I believe that shit? How do I know it’s you and not your brother?"

  "How the fuck should I know? I mean, you couldn't tell before when you cut the brake lines on my bike. I don't know how to prove it to you on the phone." There is nothing I can say that will get him to believe I am who I am. He has just to trust that.

  "It's him, Ink," Mack says.

  "Fine, what the fuck are you calling here for? You’re still a fucking traitor. I won't kill you as brutally as your brother, hope that makes you feel a little better." The words ooze through the receiver and into my ears.

  "I know." I have to acknowledge what he’s saying. It’s the end result, and it seems like nothing I can do now is going to change that. I don't even remember why I called anymore. Maybe it was just to hear someone else's voice or to know that even though I’d left them, they were still there in one piece. I hoped. Even though Vale is my blood, the Wings of Diablo are still my brothers.

  "What did you call now for? After all this time, why did you choose now to call?" Ink asks.

  I take a deep breath and steady myself for what I'm about to say. I'd have to admit that I was wrong. Something that I've never been real comfortable doing. "I thought I could get him back on the right road. That I could get him to show you how fucking sorry he was. He's my brother, Ink. My blood. I couldn't just sit back and let you kill him. I was trying to find another way."

  "Yeah, by betraying your other brothers. We are your fucking family, too, Storm. Did you forget about the oath you made to this club the day you joined? We are your fucking family."

  "I didn't forget. I still hold that shit dear to me. It's killing me, Ink. You have no fucking idea how much this shit is killing me." I don't need him to feel sorry for me. I just need him to know that I didn't leave because I had another choice.

  "Yeah, whatever. Can't be too bad." He dismisses my feelings.

  "Fuck you," I growl into the phone. "You don't know shit about what the fuck is going on over here."

  "Oh, boy, I know more than you think we know. Did you dumb shits really go after the fucking Croatian Mafia? Are you really that fucking stupid?"

  Shit, it’s true. They do know what’s going on. "I didn't know Vale was going to do that. I swear on everything, I had no fucking clue."

  "That doesn't mean you’re exempt." Ink says.

  "You think if I get her free, they will leave us alone?"

  "They might. Who knows? I'm not in their inner circle to know what the fuck they will do. I know you won't be able to do it, though. Vale has a hit out on your head."

  My world turns on its fucking head. Did Ink just say my fucking brother has a hit out on me? It's impossible. There’s no fucking way. No way.

  "The fuck he does. He's been with me the entire time. Why the fuck would he do that?" I ask. My head is pounding with tension.

  "He knows you might try to fuck up whatever he plans to do. Vale set up an exchange with the remaining Spawns to have you killed if you separate from him with the girl, from what I've heard. If they catch you, they are to shoot you on sight." Ink replies matter of factly. "They’ve already been here looking for you. We didn’t catch them, but the surveillance cameras picked them up. ”

  "What the hell do you mean they have already been there looking for me? Like they’re looking for me right now? He made it sound like they were down here on orders from you guys."

  "Yeah, we didn’t give them no such fucking order, but they are still on the hunt for you."

  "Wait, why the fuck would they be on the hunt for me? I thought they were crossed over with us? That doesn't make any sense." The Spawns of Chaos are a patched-over crew. They shouldn't be coming for me if they were supposed to be on the same side. Either they were all coming for me, or none of them were. Unless, of course, the Wings of Diablo were on their way down to look for me as well.

  "The Spawns ain’t shit to us. Not one of those fucking bastards." He barks into the phone.

  Oh yeah, shit really has gone backward. I don't know what the hell is happening over there, but I do know I’m in no position to ask.

  "Ok, so you think Vale is in contact with them?"

  "Yeah, without a doubt. At least Rooster for sure."

  Rooster is the president of the Spawns of Chaos MC. He is ruthless and doesn't give a shit about anyone but himself and whatever he has to do to make money. Definitely not someone I want to be messing around with. "Fuck, ok." It just seems like there is more shit being thrown on top of me. My brother is a fucking traitor, and he is willing to sacrifice me to get by. That has to be the worst part out of all of it. He is truly the fucking enemy, and I’ve been running around behind him like a fucking punk.

  "Look, I can't tell you what Clean will do. I know the fucking situation is worsening, but if you're able to get up here with the girl unharmed, I think maybe the Croats will be more willing to sit down with us. It doesn't mean we can allow you back, though. That’s not what I'm saying, you hear me?" His voice is calm and clear.

  Part of me is worried maybe he’s just trying to get me up there so that he could kill me himself. Maybe he thinks Vale would come with me, and he’d be able to kill him. Either way, I don't know if I can trust this information. There is no guarantee the second I arrive; Ink wouldn't just kill me. The only problem is I know for sure Vale will. He is going to kill Duo and me. It's the only move I can make.

  "Hey, why did you run from Pirate?" Ink's words cut into my thoughts.

  "I thought he was going to kill me," I reply quickly.

  "Probably, but he's an older dude. You didn't think you could take him?"

  "Of course, I could, but he's a brother. I'd run forever before I put a fucking hand on any of my brothers who don't deserve it. I know I fucked up, but you are all my family. Just the way I can't fucking kill Vale, I'd have a hard time killing any of you."

  There was a long silence, "Hmm, yeah. I hope you make it here. We'll be waiting." Ink hangs up the phone before I can say another word.

  The meet is in a few days, but Vale won't be taking Duo. I would be getting her out of here. Now I just need to find a way to do it without him figuring it out. I could only hope by the time he realizes the both of us are missing, we’d be long gone.

  Duo’s POV

  I look around the room for the millionth time, searching for something I can use as a way out. This isn't new for me. As the daughter of a well-known Croatian gangster, being kidnapped is like taking a fucking vacation. This is the second time something like this has happened to me. Unfortunately, these two don't seem to know what the fuck they’re doing, except trying to get themselves out of whatever shit they’ve dug themselves into. I can't help them with that. Sure, my father might agree to get them out of the country, but they will have an unfortunate accident the minute they are free. There is no way out for them at this point. All I can do is survive until my father has enough time to come for me.

>   I know my father loves me, but he loves the family more. When he had an affair with my mother, it was just a moment of passion between them. Nothing more. To add insult to injury, she was pregnant with a girl. A woman would never take over the family business, so he went on to the next warm bed, trying to get his heir. So far, it seemed he was only shooting women. I have five sisters, all of them have the very same relationship I do with my father. He loves us from afar.

  Still, I know he would never let anything happen to me if he could prevent it. It's why I always have a close protection officer with me no matter where I go and what I do for work. There was even one with me as I took my graduate classes for my psychology degree. The last one I had lasted seven years. Allen. That was until Vale killed him and stuck me in the trunk of his car to bring me to this godforsaken place.

  The other brother, Storm, seems to have gotten himself into this shit because he was loyal to his brother. I could understand that, but the longer he keeps me here, the more likely it is that my father would kill him too. Guilty by association and all that.

  The table I'm on is metal and unforgiving on my body. There’s no padding, nothing but the sheets Storm brought down for me the other day. I pull at the restraints on my ankles, but they don't budge. I need a key, and the only person I've seen with the key is either Vale or Storm. Maybe I could use the sheet to wrap around their necks and kill them that way. I'm not a fan of killing people, but it doesn't mean I wouldn't do it. If it means I’d get out of here in one piece, then fuck yeah, I would choke the hell out of someone. I knew the plan wouldn't work, though. Both of them are huge, and physically I’m no match for them.

  The door to the cell opens, and I pull the sheets further up on my body. There’s nothing else for me to wear after my bra and panties were cut off. If I want to stay covered, these sheets are going to have to do.

  "Would you look at what we have here." The sound of Vale’s voice making me cringe in disgust. I couldn't understand how Storm didn't see Vale wasn't all there. The man is always high, or he is out of his mind.

  "What do you want?" I ask, not liking the way his glassy eyes are tracking over my body. There is nothing I’d be able to do to fight him.

  "It's come to my attention maybe you're not as important as I thought you were. It's such a pity. I thought for sure I’d get top price for you. Josip made us believe you were a high commodity." He walks further into the room and drags his finger against the wall while slowly walking around me. The sound of his nail dragging across the cobblestone is enough to send chills up my spine.

  Josip? Josip is one of my father’s and uncle's right-hand men. There is no way he would have given me up. That’s not how the family operates. They all know it’s better to be on our side than to be on the outside. "Josip didn't tell you to kidnap me. We both know better than that, so you can stop lying right the fuck now about that." I keep my chin up and let my eyes follow him as he walks slowly around the little room.

  "No, of course not, he would never go against the house like that. It's just that when he spoke about you, he made it seem as if your father had a sweet spot for you. Maybe he was wrong. It doesn’t matter now. There is something I know for sure he wants and has yet been unable to get. I thought maybe I would help him out, and then he’d do his best to ensure I’m safely tucked away."

  I raise my eyebrow and snort at him, "Just you? I thought this was a team effort? What of your brother?"

  "Oh yes, Storm too. Of course, him too." He waves his hand in the air as if he were dismissing the idea. I roll my eyes at the gesture. There is nothing about this man that suggests if he doesn't get a deal for his brother, he will stay behind with him. He just isn't built like that. I've been in his presence for less than a few weeks, and already I know that about him. He is self-centered and egotistical. How fucking dumb could he be to think he could take on a whole crime family by himself?

  "Sure, and what do you think my father wants that’s more important than me? In case you've forgotten, he is one of the lead members of the entire crime family. I don't think there’s anything in the world he can't get if he really puts his mind to it. I'm quite interested in finding out what you think you can offer him." I lean back slightly, having to turn my head to the other side to keep him in my sights.

  "Well, it turns out the only thing he wants more than you safe is an heir."

  The gears in my head start to turn, and I know what he’s saying now. If my father couldn't get an heir the traditional way, a grandson would prove to be just as useful. It would be a male child, and he could groom him to be the next leader. My father is still pretty young, so there is still time.

  "Fuck you!" I sniff hard, trying to get as much mucus in my mouth as I can, and then spit directly into his face.

  He grumbles and wipes the spit from his face. "You shouldn't have done that, sweetness. I was going to take my time before, make it real sweet. Now I’m going to enjoy filling you up until your body can't take any more. You’re going to be here for a long fucking time." He reaches out and quickly grabs my neck, slamming me down onto the table.

  "No, no, get off of me! Get the fuck off!" I try to scream, but the words barely come out; his grip is so tight on my neck. He will fucking suffocate me before he even has a chance to do what he has planned. I try to kick, but my legs are still tied down.

  "Fuck yes, fight harder. I like that shit. You got me hard as a fucking rock." He hops onto the table, only briefly taking his hands off my neck, and he presses his dick to my core. "You feel that, baby? That's all for you. And my seed. Fuck yes, you'll be knocked up in no time." He laughs, and when I look into his eyes, I can see that he’s still high off whatever drugs he’s been taking. His pupils are huge.

  I can only hope that could work in my favor.

  He tries to lean his head down to kiss my neck, but instead, I raise my head and try to bite his neck. I latch on for only a second, and he roars in pain as he yanks his neck away from my face. "You stupid bitch." He punches me in the face. The blunt force and the fact my head has nowhere to go means my head is now spinning. I try to lift my arms to push him off, but I’m so close to passing out I have no fucking strength left in my arms. It feels like I have Novocain running through my veins instead of adrenaline. I’m almost completely numb.

  "Yeah, you through now? You ready to take this cock?" He grunts as he quickly tries to undo his pants.

  I fight with everything I have to keep my eyes open. Would passing out make it better or worse? I wouldn't know. I've never been raped before. "Get the hell off me." I slur and can taste the tears rolling down my face.

  "No, baby, I can't do that. It'll be good. I'll even let you come if you're a good girl." He bends down again and licks up the side of my face like a dog. I gag and want to throw up. I know I can't because there’s nowhere for it to go besides right next to me.

  "Please, don't do this. Please." I beg and hope there’s one ounce of humanity left in this man. His brother seems to think so. I know if he succeeds in raping me, I will never be the same. Worthless is the thought that pops into my mind.

  "Oh no, don't beg now. Save that for later. As I said, you’re going to be here for a long fucking time. When I fuck you raw, that’s when you need to be begging me to stop. I've quite a few tricks, and I can't wait to try some of them out on you."

  He pushes his pants down, and I can feel his hard dick bouncing against my thigh as he tries to untangle the sheets from my body.

  "Why the fuck do you have these? Motherfucker."

  The sheets are really wrapped around me, and he’s having a hard time getting them off. The delay allows my head to clear.

  “Get off me!" I scream this time, and he works harder at getting the sheets off. I raise my hand and start pushing against him. I slap him hard across the face and begin digging my hands into his gruesome facial injury. Whatever happened to him hadn't healed completely, so it’s easy for me to get my fingers in under the scar. I try to pull his face off his body. Th
e muscle under the thin skin squelches against my fingertips, and my nails dig into the slippery meat.

  "Ahhh!" He screams loud. Louder than me. "Fuck! Fuck you! You dumb cunt! He picks my head up by my hair and slams it down on the table over and over again until the world is spinning. He tears the sheets off and tries to open my legs wide enough to give himself access. All I can do is shift around so he can't find his mark. I’m good at it.

  "Stop fucking moving." He growls and doesn't even wait to make sure he’s lined up. He isn't. Instead of ramming into my pussy, he jams himself in my ass. Fire burns through my bottom at the intrusion and the lack of lubricant. I’m sure I tore.

  I scream, trying my best to push him out of my body.

  "Oh, fuck yes, that ass is nice and tight, but that's not what I'm here for. I need to get in that pussy. This cock wants those sweet walls clenching around me. You’re gonna suck all the cum out of me, I can tell." He pulls himself out of my ass and shifts himself up. I shift around so he won't be able to hit his mark, punching and screaming. I move my knees up and down, hoping to catch him in the balls.

  "Stop!" I scream. "No, stop!"

  "No!" A deep monstrous roar erupts from behind the both of us, and before I know what’s happening, Vale's body is being lifted in the air and thrown to the side of the room. Storm is standing over him, his long blond hair swinging freely, as he brings his fist down over and over into his brother’s face. Blood from the newly re-opened cut on his face splatters on his shirt and face.

  After a few seconds, he falls backward. His chest is heaving up and down from the exertion, and he looks at what he’s just done. From where I'm lying, I can see the anguish on his face. He just attacked his brother. Whether it was the right thing for him to do or not doesn't matter, but the fact he just hurt his brother is tearing him apart.

  “Oh fuck. Oh god. What did I do?" Storm crawls over to where his brother is laying on the floor, and he wipes at some of the blood on his face. A soft groan leaves Vale's mouth to signify he is still alive.


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