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Halloween Candy

Page 3

by Rose, Jenna

  “Come on, sis!”

  “I’m coming!” I shouted back.

  “You were,” Mr. Cox grinned. “And I’m going to make sure you do.”

  He kissed me, and I started to lose myself in his embrace, and although it was the hardest thing I’d ever had to do, I tore myself away from him and raced for the door.

  “I’ll be in touch, my little witch,” he said as I pulled it open. “Oh, and watch your dress.”

  I glanced down and realized my hem was still up and everything was showing. Quickly, I tugged it down and opened the door to reveal my sister standing there with a sly, knowing look on her face.

  “Well, well, well,” she said as I closed the door behind me. “What were you doing in there?”

  “Nothing!” I blurted out as I took the steps. “Come on. We’re going home.”

  Chapter Five

  Mr. Cox

  My phone rang for the third time and I silenced it again as I sat on the couch with the biggest hard-on I’d ever had.

  Not now, not now, I pleaded as I felt the rage threaten to take me over. Not only had Emily and I been interrupted at the exact wrong time, but now this?

  The phone rang again and I realized that she wasn’t going to stop, and not answering was probably just going to end up making things worse, so I answered.

  “What is it, Tammy?” I spat.

  “Watch your tone, Dylan!” Tammy snapped back, her voice as bitchy as it always was. I put the phone on mute and groaned, then unmuted it and tried to pretend like she wasn’t the last person on earth I wanted to talk to right now (or ever).

  “What is it, Tammy?” I repeated.

  “I wanted to know if you’ve thought about my proposal,” she said. I almost laughed at the audacity.

  “Proposal? Is that what you are calling it? Because I would call it blackmail, and so would a judge.”

  “Can you calm down, Dylan?” Tammy asked in that sweet, condescending voice she always used when things weren’t going her way. “I think you are letting yourself get angry again.”

  “Oh, why would I do that?” I asked as I got to my feet. “What possible reason would I have for getting angry?”

  “Did you get my flowers?” she asked. I glanced over to my trash can where the bouquet she’d sent over was lying beneath my leftover spaghetti from last night.

  “You need to give this up, Tammy,” I told her. “You and I are never going to happen.”

  “Oh, Dylan,” she laughed like a mother talking to her silly child. “You know that’s not true. Think about what happened before—”

  “Nothing happened before!” I roared. “That was you—that was you making something out of nothing.”

  I thought back to that day and felt my stomach turn.

  * * *

  It was after school and I’d been sitting in the teachers’ lounge with Mr. Brooks talking about the lacrosse team’s recent game when she had come in.

  Mrs. Arrington, the self-proclaimed queen of the school. She wasn’t bad-looking at all. In fact she could have been pretty if she’d taken it easy with the make-up and whatever crazy hairstyle she’d decided to go with that week, but she had had her eye on me since day one and would simply not take no for an answer.

  Mr. Brooks, thinking it was funny, beat a quick exit the minute he saw her, leaving me alone with her.

  “Hey, Mrs. Arrington,” I said as I got to my feet and started packing my bag.

  “Please, call me Tammy,” she’d said with a smile, coming right up to me like we were old friends or, worse, together. I simply smiled and put my bag over my shoulder, but when I tried to move past her to the door, she stood in my way.

  “Where are you going, hot stuff?” she asked, biting her lips.

  “Mrs. Arrington, this is inappropriate,” I tried telling her, but she shook her head and placed a finger over my lips.

  “There’s no one else here, Dylan. You don’t have to give me the party line. It’s okay. We both know you want this.”

  She leaned in and pressed her tits against me and opened her mouth for a kiss. I immediately backed away.

  “No, Mrs. Arrington. You are mistaken. I don’t want this. We are both risking our careers by even doing this here, the school has a strict policy—”

  “So, take me home!” she lusted as she reached forward and took me by the hand. Before I could pull back, she slid it beneath her dress and pressed my fingers against her moist mound. “You feel that?”

  “Tammy!” I snapped as I pulled away in disgust. “This is completely inappropriate and if you don’t back off, I’m going to the principal.”

  She glared at me like I’d just told her I’d killed her parents, but this time didn’t get in my way as I moved past her and made my way out of the lounge.

  “Shit,” I thought on the way to my car. “What happened to no means no?”

  Since then, Tammy had been badgering me with phone calls and even love letters she left on my seat, in my desk or under the wipers of my cars. A group of football guys had seen a pink envelope there once and I’d barely caught up with them and stopped them from opening it.

  I thought once the year was over that I’d be free of her, but once summer began, things had only gotten worse. Three times she’d shown up at my house, once wearing a trench coat with nothing on underneath it. She called it her Desperate Housewives moment.

  It took two months for her to realize that her “charms” weren’t going to work on me. Even if my mind hadn’t been filled with thoughts of Emily, I wouldn’t have been interested. She was a psycho!

  Finally, she decided that if she couldn’t win me over, she’d force me to give in to her.


  She called me at 1:15 a.m. I didn’t answer the first two calls, but it was obvious she wasn’t giving up.

  “Either you date me, or I go to the principal and tell them you put your hand under my dress in the teachers’ lounge,” she told me.

  “They won’t believe you,” I replied, trying to pretend like her threats didn’t concern me. “Paul knows me.”

  “Maybe,” she mused. “Maybe not. But what will happen when I post my story on social media? What will happen then?”

  * * *

  “Why can’t you just admit that you have feelings for me?” Tammy asked, her voice a strange combination of evil and innocence. “This would make things so much easier.”

  “You can’t make someone want you, Tammy.”

  “I know that, Dylan,” she replied. “I just need you to admit it.”

  “Listen to me, Tammy, and listen closely,” I said, clenching my fist so hard at my side that it hurt. “I do not, have not, and will never have feelings for you. Even if I gave in to your blackmail attempt, what good would it do? Our…relationship wouldn’t last. It wouldn’t work—not even for five seconds! Please, go about your life and let me go about mine!”

  Silence. I waited, and eventually had to check my screen to see if she had hung up, but she was still there. Finally, she spoke.

  “Fine. If you can’t be reasoned with, I guess I’ll have to do things my way!”



  “Fuck!” I bellowed, almost hurling my phone against the wall. I thought about calling her back, but what good would that do? Tammy was a certified psycho. But what was I going to do if she actually made good on her threats and posted lies about me online?

  What would Emily think? She’d cast a spell on me, and I knew that I had to have her.

  Chapter Six


  “Mr. Cox and Emily sitting in a tree!” Margie started to sing before I clamped my hand over her mouth.

  “Quiet, you!” I hissed, smiling and nodding to a couple with their little kids.

  Margie licked my hand to try and gross me out, but she’d done it to me so many times before that it really didn’t bother me, and I held her mouth shut until we passed. Only then did I pull it away, and made sure to wipe her spit all
over her face as I did so.

  “Ew, witch!”

  “What did you call me!?” I snapped, smacking her on the head.

  “Witch! Witch!” she laughed as she scampered away.

  “Oh, I thought you said something else.”

  “Uh huh!” she replied. “So, what were you doing in Mr. Cox’s house? Huh?”

  “He was just showing me one of my old math tests,” I lied. “I guess I had written a silly note to him on why I thought I got the last problem wrong, but it turned out I got it right. He thought it was funny so he kept it.”

  “Uh huh,” she replied again. “Suuuuuuuure! You two were kissin’!”

  “Shush!” I shouted as I leapt at her. She raced away and I chased her down the street, fighting to hold the hem of my dress down as I ran.

  A low-hanging spider web snatched my witch’s hat from my head but I kept running after my crazy little sister who was practically screaming.

  “Emily and Mr. Cox sittin’ in a tree!”

  “Shut up!” I hissed. I finally caught up with her and kicked her ankle, causing her to trip onto a lawn covered with fake gravestones. Giggling, she rolled around as I sat on her stomach and pinched her lips shut.

  “Quiet or I will kill you in your sleep!” I told her. “Do you want to die, Margie!?”

  Margie just giggled and stuck her finger in my side right where she knew I was the most ticklish, causing me to jump and giving her a chance to escape.

  “Ooooh, she’s mad!” she teased as she jumped around between the gravestones.

  “Seriously, Margie,” I pleaded. “Keep your voice down! What if someone hears you?”

  Her eyes went wide. “So it is true! You two were kissin’!”

  “HUSH!” I snapped, letting her know I really wasn’t playing around. “Seriously, Margie. Hush!”

  Margie kept smiling but I could see she understood. She jumped over one of the headstones and went over to where my hat had fallen, picked it up and brought it over to me.

  “You like him, don’t you?”

  “I—why would you even say that?” I asked her.

  “Oh, come on!” Margie laughed. “I may only be thirteen, but everybody knows Mr. Cox is the hottest guy in school. We all make jokes about it.”

  “Even you?”

  She shrugged and smiled. “He’s hot, Emily.”

  “Okay, no,” I said as I started to walk back to our house. “We are not having this conversation.”

  “We obviously are,” she said as she walked quickly beside me. A group of kids screamed as someone in a werewolf costume chased them down the sidewalk and I walked faster, hoping that Margie would get distracted and drop it.

  But if there was one thing you could say about my sister, it was that she was persistent, and she kept right up with me and poked me again in the side.

  “Ow, stop!”

  “Not until you tell me what happened!”

  “I told you, Margie,” I replied. “He was showing me an old test.”

  “He was showing you his dick!” she laughed.

  “Margie!” I exclaimed. “Who taught you to talk that way?”

  “You’re not denying it!”

  “He did not show me his dick, Margie,” I said firmly. Technically, I wasn’t lying.

  I turned back up another dirt path leading back towards our house and made room for a group of fourth graders dressed as the Avengers.

  “Where are you going?” Margie asked.

  “We’re going home,” I told her. “You’ve got enough candy.”

  “What? Oh, come on, sis!”

  “You can have mine if that makes you feel better,” I told her. “But I want dinner.”

  Truthfully, I wanted to get Margie and her big mouth off the streets. She had no qualms about raising her voice and trying to embarrass me to get information out of me, and I didn’t want her putting all my business out there, whether or not she was simply speculating.

  “So, why don’t you go back to Mr. Cox’s?” she asked. “I bet he would feed you.”

  “Margie!” I replied, trying not to let her see me laughing. “Would you stop?”

  “You stop!” she said. “Just admit that you like him and that’s why you were in his house!”


  “Fine,” she said, stepping in front of me and crossing her arms. “I guess I’ll just have to tell mom and dad then.”

  I glared. “You wouldn’t.”

  “I would.”

  I sighed heavily. Was there really any reason to hide it from her? It was probably actually a better idea to tell her and swear her to secrecy than to continue lying and have her constantly trying to pry the truth out of me.

  “Fine,” I said. “We…kissed.”

  Margie’s jaw dropped like the mouth on Ghost Face from the Scream movies.

  “Why do you look so shocked?” I asked her. “I thought you knew it?”

  “I didn’t actually think you did!” she replied. “I was just teasing you.”

  Great, I thought.

  “Ugh, Margie. You are such a pain in my butt!”

  “You kissed Mr. Cox?!” she hissed, getting closer to me. I guess now that she realized it was actually true, she knew she should keep her voice down.

  “Yes,” I replied simply. “Now can we drop it, please?”

  “Isn’t that like—illegal?” she asked as I kept moving towards home.

  “If I was still his student? Yes. But I’m an adult now and so is he, so…no,” I told her. “And besides, I don’t think it’s going to go any further.”

  “Why not?” Margie exclaimed. “He’s so hot!”

  “You need to calm down!” I scolded her. “You’re only thirteen.”

  “Did you forget what it’s like to be thirteen, sis?” she laughed. “I like—know things, ok? I have hormones too.”

  “Yeah, okay,” I sighed. “You’re right. He’s hot, he’s dreamy, he’s…manly—”

  “So, what’s the problem?”

  “Well, for one, he’s older than me—”

  “Which is hot!”

  “And he also used to be my teacher,” I replied. “What would mom and dad think?”

  “It doesn’t matter what others think when it comes to true love,” Margie joked, hanging from my shoulder.

  Our house came into view and we crossed the street as a few vampires on unicycles passed us throwing tiny bags of Skittles into the air. I caught one and stuffed it in Margie’s pumpkin basket.

  “Just don’t mention it to them yet, okay?” I asked as we came in the front door. “Let me handle this.”

  “Cross my heart,” she smiled.

  Of course, I didn’t mention it at dinner. What was I going to say anyway? I couldn’t tell my mom and dad that Mr. Cox had just gone down on me while I was supposed to be watching over Margie.

  Instead, we talked about college, freshman life, the dorms, the dining hall food and all that stuff. I ate quickly and excused myself to go to my room. My plan was to have some more alone time while I thought about Mr. Cox’s handsome face looking up at me from between my thighs, but just as I locked the door, dimmed the lights and lay back on my bed, my phone buzzed, alerting me that I had an e-mail.

  Check it later, I thought. But, like most phone-addicted people these days, I quickly opened my e-mail and froze when I saw who it was from.

  Dylan Cox.

  How does he have my e-mail address? I thought as I opened it.

  Emily, I’m sorry for e-mailing you like this out of the blue, but your address was still in the school database and I couldn’t help myself.

  I have to see you again. Tonight. We barely got started. You know where to find me. Say you will cum…

  -Dylan ;)

  My heart was pounding. I felt myself blush again and squirmed against my mattress, my mind instantly filled with the memory of his tongue pressed against my sweetest of places.

  It was wrong, wasn’t it? But then…why did it feel so right?
  He may not be my teacher any more, but there was still so much I wanted to learn from him, none of it relating to math.

  I started to reply but decided against it.

  No, I’ll surprise him, I thought. Give him a little Halloween surprise.

  I went into the bathroom and checked myself in the mirror, fixed my hair and my dress, and quietly opened my bedroom window. I may be an adult, but while I was back in my parents’ house, I was living by their rules. If I was going out after dinner, they’d want to know where, and I wasn’t ready to have that conversation yet.

  As I swung my legs out onto the porch roof, a thought occurred to me. I stood up, slid my panties down and kicked them into the closet. Then, I climbed out of my room, jumped off the porch roof and landed softly in the shadows of the side yard.

  It didn’t take long to make my way back to his house. The trick-or-treaters were mostly all gone home by now. Only a few straggling teenage boys out looking for trouble scampered across the streets wearing silly masks, or none at all. I kept out of their way and eventually found myself standing at the foot of Mr. Cox’s steps, dripping wet, but also on the verge of having an anxiety attack.

  This is crazy! I thought. I’d never even hooked up with anyone else before, and now I was sneaking over here to do what exactly? I didn’t even know. All I knew was that I wanted to see him—I needed to.

  Even still, I was so nervous that I started to turn back when the front door opened and I heard his strong voice call out to me.


  I turned back to see him there shirtless, the soft glow from inside illuminating the lines of his body.

  His physique was insane. Was he a math teacher or a gym teacher? Did he fitness model on the side? I tried not to let my jaw drop but could do nothing about the increasing wetness between my legs.

  He is gorgeous…

  “Hey there, little witch,” he smiled.

  “H—hey,” I stammered.


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