Ascension Discovery

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Ascension Discovery Page 22

by Amy Proebstel

  “The race pod will be impounded and investigated to find out why the scatter shield failed,” Bryon explained as the damaged pod moved on a transport vehicle in front of their seats. “The crystals aren’t supposed to explode onto the track.”

  Finally, the racing resumed, and the final four pairs of the Sportsman class were directed to start their crystal drives again. “Top Sportsman racers, please come to the staging lanes,” boomed the voice over the loudspeakers. Another cheer went through the crowd, and Amanda heard people begin to chant “Riccan! Riccan! Riccan!”

  People were craning their necks to see what order the Top Sportsman racers were going to race. Speculation was wild whether Riccan would race first or last. He was first.

  When he came to the line and revved his crystal drive, his pod blinked in and out of sight at least twenty times with breathtaking speed, causing the crowd to surge to their feet whistling, clapping, and yelling his name. There was pandemonium as every spectator surged toward the sideline of the track to watch the race.

  Amanda’s attention was riveted to Riccan’s pod; it was the brightest red she had ever seen, and the shape was oddly familiar. She had a nagging feeling in the back of her mind as she watched him stage his pod for the race that she had seen his telepod before. The idea was silly since this was her first show. The lights activated, turned green, and Riccan raced down to victory in an amazing display of noise and speed. He won this round and would be back for the next elimination round.

  She and Bryon exchanged grins as she clapped and cheered along with the most seasoned spectators. Bryon gestured for them to go down from the stand and Amanda raised an eyebrow in question. He winked and gestured again.

  Amanda shrugged but led the way off the grandstands. Amanda assumed they were going on another bathroom break, but when they got near the building he steered her in the opposite direction. They arrived in short order at Riccan’s tent and trailer.

  Riccan’s team had already pulled the pod into the stall and had the shell off to check over the crystal, supply lines, and connections. Riccan was talking with his crew chief and smiling.

  Amanda thought he was amazingly handsome with his beautiful brown eyes, his radiant smile, and his booming laugh. She appreciated his lean, muscular build and was glad they had come over. Bryon and Amanda edged closer, so they could get a better view of the racing pod design on the shell when Riccan glanced over at them and smiled at Amanda. She smiled back and blushed prettily.

  They did not stay long since the crowd was getting too much for Amanda. She was sorry she could not have met Riccan in person. Was I just flirting? I must be moving on with my life. As if he would be interested in a hugely pregnant woman! She chided herself for even thinking such foolishness.

  They visited the restrooms again and finished watching the races. Of course, Riccan was the Top Sportsman winner after five elimination rounds of racing. He gave his victory speech over the intercom. Amanda was strangely pleased because he had won and she had gotten to hear his voice again.

  Eventually, the time came to leave, and Amanda was thoroughly exhausted but happy at the same time. They walked slowly through the hordes of people who were also trying to get to the parking grounds. When they finally got to Bryon’s pod Amanda was grateful for the quiet, empty space inside the pod.

  “Thank you, Bryon, for the wonderful day,” she said, smiling with delight as she fastened her safety belt.

  “It was my pleasure.”

  Within moments of relaxing in the comfortable seat, Amanda fell deeply asleep. Deciding against teleporting directly home, Bryon levitated the pod and began the manual process of navigating home instead. For the duration of the ride home, Bryon glanced over at Amanda and caught her smiling in her sleep more than a couple of times. He was happy to have given her this day. His wife would be pleased, too, even though she was not a racing fan.

  What had taken three seconds to travel in getting there, took almost an hour via manual navigation. Bryon did not mind the change of pace, and he thought Amanda needed the rest more than she needed to be home quickly. He knew once they got home, she would again feel obligated to get the children and care for them instead of going to bed to rest.

  Chapter Sixteen

  BRYON, CONCERNED BECAUSE of the lack of any news regarding Nealan or The Golden Jesisca, watched Amanda lose hope and become depressed. He also worried over the idea of Amanda, now two weeks shy of delivering her baby, would need help with the imminent arrival, and he hoped it was not going to be himself who was called into action. They had not heard any word from Alena to know when to expect her arrival and Alena was the only healer within a reasonable distance from their home.

  Amanda, no longer sleeping through the night, worried continually about finding a way to get back to Earth before her baby was born. Each day which passed forced her to realize she would have her baby in Tuala. With the thought in mind, she desperately hoped Alena would complete her training in time to deliver the infant.

  The children helped out around the house as much as they could, given their ages. They cleaned the kitchen after their meals and helped Amanda carry groceries when they went to the market. Justan and Andera took over many of the household chores such as sweeping, cleaning the floors, and dusting.

  Justan shadowed Amanda everywhere because his mother had told him to take care of Amanda while she was gone. He was scared about how tired she was all the time. He also wondered why her belly was getting so big. She had told him it was because she was going to have a baby, but he compared her stomach with those of other pregnant women at the market, and she was way bigger. He wished his momma would come home and make sure Amanda was okay.

  Another week went by and then it happened. Everyone was settling down in the living room to read stories after dinner when there was a knock on the door. Amanda and Bryon looked at each other questioningly, each wondering if the other were expecting someone. Both shook their heads and Bryon stood up and walked over to investigate.

  He opened the door and immediately stepped outside and started whooping with delight. Suddenly turning around with a broad grin on his face, he announced, “Look who’s here, kids; your momma’s home!” He swiftly grabbed the bags out of Alena’s hands which had kept her from opening the door on her own. He realized then she must have used her foot to knock to get their attention.

  Alena could barely make it through the front door before being bombarded by three ecstatically happy children clambering all over her. She exclaimed with joy, “I’m so happy to be home again! I’ve missed you all so much.” She had tears in her eyes as she kissed each one of her children in turn.

  Bryon retrieved the remaining luggage from the telepod and was now standing behind Alena, waiting for the doorway to clear, to bring everything inside. When his arms began to tire, he finally cleared his throat and said, “Okay, kids, let your momma in the door so I can bring in her suitcases.”

  The children let go of their mother’s neck, but they each kept a hand fastened to a part of her clothing as if expecting her to try to leave again. They led her into the living room and had her sit on the couch, so they could climb on her lap and be really close to her. “We missed you, Momma,” Kyelon said quietly in her ear.

  “I missed you too, Kyelon,” she whispered back to him and gave him a hug and a kiss on the forehead.

  “Momma, I’m glad you’re home now,” Justan said when Alena was done kissing Kyelon, “I think Amanda needs your help; her belly’s awfully big.”

  Concern for Amanda immediately consumed her thoughts. In the crush of the family reunion, Alena had not seen or even thought of Amanda. She felt guilty about allowing her reunion to take precedence over the health and welfare of the woman who had cared for her family while she was gone. She looked around the living room and did not see Amanda anywhere. “Where is Amanda?”

  “I think she went into the kitchen,” Justan replied.

  “All right, children, I know you’re all very happy to hav
e me home, but remember why I went away? I’ve been certified as a wise-woman and part of my responsibility is to take care of pregnant women. I need to see Amanda and make sure she’s doing okay.”

  Bryon came over and picked Andera up out of Alena’s lap with one arm and Kyelon with the other. He stood and waited for Alena to stand in front of him. “Give your momma a kiss and we’ll do story time in your beds tonight. When your momma is done looking after Amanda, she’ll come and tuck you in. Okay?”

  Justan, standing beside his father, said, “May I pick the story tonight, Papa?”

  “You surely may, Justan. Lead the way.”

  Alena watched as her family walked away from her. She could hardly believe she was home again, it felt as though she had been gone forever. It brought tears to her eyes again as Kyelon and Andera waved at her over their papa’s shoulders as they rounded the corner into the hallway.

  Remembering her first patient she hurried into the kitchen. Her first sight of Amanda alarmed her. Justan had been right when he spoke of Amanda being too large. Amanda’s stomach was huge, and she looked exhausted as she rested against the kitchen counter in front of the sink. Alena immediately began cataloging Amanda’s conditions to evaluate her overall health. Her skin color was flushed; she looked weary; her ankles and fingers appeared swollen.

  “Amanda, how’re you doing?” She hastily crossed the room and stood in front of her.

  “Much better, since you’re here,” she replied with relief evident on her face and her hand resting on the top of her bulging belly. “I was afraid Bryon was going to have to deliver this baby and, frankly, it scared me!” Her attempt at a joke fell flat as the baby rolled across her belly causing intense pain in her back. She made a small squeaking sound and sat hastily in the kitchen chair.

  “What’s going on, Amanda?” Alena asked hurriedly.

  “She just moved across my kidney and spine,” she replied easily. “I’m okay. I haven’t had any contractions or anything else abnormal. Tell me about your training. Did you finish?”

  Concern still evident on her face, she decided to make small talk with Amanda regarding her schooling. “While I already knew a lot about healing, there was so much more I didn’t know, and it was utterly fascinating.”

  Alena sat down across from Amanda at the kitchen table and started talking. As she spoke of the different healing techniques with the ley lines and crystals which she had not known about, she was also evaluating Amanda’s pregnancy with the new awareness of a wise-woman.

  After speaking for about fifteen minutes, Alena was convinced Amanda had spoken the truth about her own health. “You should go to bed, Amanda.”

  “I’m not ready for bed yet,” Amanda replied. “I think I’ll go sit in the living room and relax in front of the fire.”

  “Okay,” Alena replied. “I’m going to go finish tucking in the children. I’ll see you in a bit.”

  “I’m glad you’re home,” Amanda smiled as she struggled to pull her bulk out of the kitchen chair. “The kids have missed you terribly.”

  “I’ve missed them, too. And you know, I’ll be relieved to sleep in my own bed tonight, I can tell you!” Alena laughed as she left the kitchen to go to the children’s bedrooms.

  The kids were all bright eyed when Alena entered the boys’ bedroom. Andera sat on the end of the bed as Bryon read with Kyelon on his lap and Justan beside him. Alena scooped Andera up and settled her on her own lap as she sat on the bed herself to listen to the end of the story.

  Andera cuddled into her momma’s lap breathing deeply of her scent she had almost forgotten in her absence. She reached up and touched her momma’s cheek and smiled sweetly as Alena looked down at her lovingly. She was content to stay silent and listen as her papa told the end of the story, even though she did not enjoy this particular book as much as some of the others. The family was reunited, and it was enough.

  Bryon finished the story, and Alena read them another and then announced bedtime. She tucked in the two boys, kissed them on their foreheads and said, “I’m glad to be back at home with you. I’ll see you in the morning.” She picked up Andera, walked to the bedroom door, turned out the light and as she shut the door she whispered, “Sleep tight.” Bryon walked with her as she carried Andera across the hall and repeated the same routine.

  Back in the hallway, Bryon pulled Alena into his arms and whispered in her ear, “I’m so glad to have you back.” He kissed her soundly on the lips and then pleaded, “Please promise me you’ll never be gone for so long again.”

  “I promise!”

  “I’m also glad you can be here for Amanda.”

  “How’s she been? Really?” She leaned back in his arms to look up into his face.

  “Big,” he answered immediately with a grin.

  “So I saw,” she quipped and raised an eyebrow for his real answer.

  “Pretty good actually, up until this last week. I don’t think she’s been sleeping very well, and she’s started to swell. I believe she’s been pretty depressed because we haven’t heard anything from Captain Ahn and Barla about her fiancé or their water craft,” he finished.

  “Oh! I forgot to tell Amanda what I learned from Kiya today!” She hastily kissed Bryon on the cheek and pulled out of his arms entirely. She grabbed his hand and pulled him along behind her as she returned hurriedly to the living room.

  Amanda looked up at the quick entrance of Alena leading Bryon, noting the excited expression on Alena’s face and asked, “What’s going on?”

  “I forgot to tell you, I’ve found The Golden Jesisca!”

  “What? When?” Amanda leaned forward eagerly. She would have stood up with excitement she suddenly felt, but her bulk prevented her from any more enthusiasm.

  “Just today! It was the most amazing coincidence. The telepod bringing me home had to drop off another student at the Old Soul Engineering Facility where her husband works. While we were waiting for her to get all of her luggage from the telepod, I was looking out the window, and I saw your water craft,” she replied with excitement.

  “Are you sure it was mine?” Amanda asked with increasing enthusiasm.

  “Oh, yes; the yellow and white paint is very unique. And when Kiya returned for her last bag I asked her if she knew anything about it. Luck was on our side again. She told me her husband was the one assigned to work on it,” she answered triumphantly.

  “So did she know anything about Nealand?” Amanda asked with renewed hope.

  “I’m sorry, Amanda, Kiya said it was turned in after a storm without any survivors on board,” she answered.

  “What did she mean by ‘no survivors’?” Amanda asked nervously.

  “I don’t know, Amanda. Kiya had to leave before I could ask her anything more. I’m sorry,” she said sadly.

  I’m on my own, Amanda despaired as she hugged herself and leaned back into the chair in disbelief. Neal either died or he never even made it here! I’ve wasted all these months in Tuala for nothing! If I don’t find a way home in the next few days, my baby will be born here and then I’ll never get back home!

  Amanda leaned forward and moaned in frustrated agony; this was not how she had ever envisioned having her first baby. She wanted Neal with her; she wanted her mother; she wanted to be surrounded by friends and family; she wanted to be on Earth! Angry at the stupidity of her situation, she propelled herself up from her sitting position and said, “Thank you, Alena, it’s good to have some closure. I think I’ll be going to bed now.”

  She walked as swiftly as she could from the room to keep her hosts from seeing the tears which threatened to spill from her eyes. Amanda rushed to the safety of her bedroom where she quietly closed the door behind her and then lay on the bed sideways in the fetal position and cried with uncontrolled sobs.

  Alena and Bryon exchanged worried looks as they watched Amanda try to make a graceful exit from the living room. “I wish I hadn’t said anything to her,” Alena said into the silence.

didn’t know how she’d react,” Bryon consoled.

  “I know, but I should’ve waited.” She thought about Amanda’s water craft again and then asked, “Do you suppose it means anything that her water craft is being studied at the Old Soul Engineering Facility?”

  “Well, it might explain the questions we’ve had about her,” Bryon conceded.

  “Do you believe in the old souls?” Alena asked incredulously.

  “Of course, don’t you?”

  “I don’t know; I heard stories about them when I was little, yet I never knew whether or not the tales I’d heard were true.” She thought about it for a second and then asked, “What makes you so sure they exist?”

  “Because I’ve been to Earth myself,” he announced unexpectedly with a mischievous smile.

  “What!?! You’ve never said anything about it before. You’d better start explaining!” She turned to look him straight in the face and crossed her arms to hear his story.

  Bryon had just opened his mouth to answer when they were interrupted by a yell of alarm coming from Amanda’s room.

  “Alena, help me!”

  Alena reacted first, followed immediately by Bryon. They both sprinted across the living room and down the hall. The children were popping their heads out of the bedroom doors, and Bryon was forced to stop and keep them from interfering with Alena and Amanda.

  “Let me know if you need my help,” Bryon yelled after Alena and then continued, “I’ll tuck the kids back into bed.”

  Alena, at Amanda’s door, nodded confirmation to Bryon and then rushed into the bedroom. Just as she had thought, Amanda was going into labor. She wished she had her healing kit with her, but knew it could wait until she had made her initial examination. “Tell me what’s happened,” Alena asked without preamble.

  “I started to get up off of the bed when I felt this horrible pain down low,” she indicated a spot at the base of her enormous belly, “and then I felt a gush of fluid come out.”


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