Ascension Discovery

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Ascension Discovery Page 67

by Amy Proebstel

  She threw her little arms around his neck and whispered into his ear, “I’ll take good care of Mommy.”

  “I know, sweetie,” Bryon conspiratorily replied as he set her down on the floor.

  Hearing a knock on the front door, Bryon grabbed his jacket from the chair and went to answer the door. As he had expected, his transport had arrived heralding his departure.

  “Thanks again, Bryon. I’ll let you know how the interview went.”

  “Can’t wait to hear about it! Remember, contact us if you need anything.” Bryon cheerfully spoke even as he shut the door behind himself.

  Amanda looked down at her daughter and said, “It’s just you and me, kid!”

  “Let’s play with blocks, Mommy.”

  Amanda smiled at her daughter’s resilience. Juila was the perfect distraction for her nerves; she could not think of anything she would rather do right at that moment than play blocks with her precious little girl.

  Chapter Twelve

  AT TIMES LIKE this Debbon wished the title of ‘First of the Elders’ on anyone other than himself. More than anything, he hated to leave his wife and children because of his obligation to train the next group of wise-women. Debbon was usually intrigued by the skills and questions posed by the eager women to learn their new trade, but this anon seemed more of an inconvenience.

  If he were being completely honest with himself, he just did not want to spare any time away from instructing Jena how to master her new skills. She was such an amazing, eager, and capable student. He was mesmerized by her ability to anticipate his questions. More than once he wondered if she had the ability to read minds as well since she was so astute in her learning.

  Once again, he had found a reason to think about Jena rather than his current task at hand. He really needed to focus solely on his newest students since he would be doing them a disservice to be distracted and rushed when they were pursuing their life’s work.

  He sent up a silent prayer for patience as he entered the auditorium full of women. Only two steps into the room and Debbon was surprised enough to stop before taking the third step. Jehoban’s favorite student was sitting in the back of the classroom. He nodded in Rasa’s direction and then forced himself to look around the room at the other ladies before he continued moving toward his desk.

  He rested a hip on the side of the table and grinned at all of the eager students awaiting his instruction, yet he could not help but wonder why Rasa was present. She was relatively skilled in the arts of healing nor had she ever expressed an interest in learning.

  “Welcome, ladies, to the first day of training to become wise-women. If anyone is here for any other type of training, please let me know right away so we can get you directed to the correct classroom.” Debbon stared directly at Rasa thinking she must just be at the wrong place, however she remained seated.

  “Okay, since we all seem to be here for the same reason, let’s begin. I’m hoping everyone was given a packet of paperwork and a stack of books when you first arrived on the island.” All the women nodded, so he continued, “Let’s open the Healer’s Teaching Guide to chapter one on page sixteen, and we will begin discussing the ethics with regard to healing…”

  Several hours and two breaks later the class was sufficiently prepped to be assessed on their individual skill levels, which was actually Elder Debbon’s favorite part of the class. The women were always nervous in front of the Elder and wanting to impress him without seeming to be showing off in front of the other students. He wished there was some way to convince them just to relax in their knowledge and be natural, but they never were comfortable enough.

  The women were all pretty average in their evaluation with only a couple of women standing out. Since this was the last part of instruction for the day, each woman would leave the room to privately study in her own dorm as soon as she finished. As he could have guessed, Rasa was the last student in line for assessment which gave him an opportunity to talk with her alone.

  “I was startled to see you in my class, Rasa.”

  “I was just as surprised when Jehoban asked me to attend this anon’s session. Healing hasn’t ever been a forte of mine, but Jehoban insisted I learn the basics to be able to complete my studies with Him.”

  “So this was a last-minute decision?” Debbon guiltily began to wonder if this had anything to do with keeping Jena to himself.

  “Nothing is last-minute for Jehoban,” Rasa smiled, “but He doesn’t always share His plans with His students.”

  “Certainly,” Debbon replied. “Shall we begin?”


  Amanda was thankful for the food Alena had thought to send with her. She had found and toured the marketplace the day before without worrying about buying anything for a few more days. Her breakfast has been the usual fare of scrambled eggs and fried foxl. Wanting to take up as much time as possible, Amanda had carefully prepared the two meals by hand rather than attempt anything using elemy.

  After the breakfast dishes had been taken care of, Amanda spent a couple of hours playing with Juila before it was time for her daughter’s nap. Amanda still needed to shower and get dressed for her interview which was now only a couple of hours away. Her outfit was already set out on the bed, and she would have at least an hour of uninterrupted time to get herself ready.

  As she washed her hair, she went over the types of questions they were likely to ask her during the interview. She did not have very much work experience, just with Captain Ahn, in all honesty. During high school she never needed a job, allowing her to concentrate solely on her studies. Now she was lamenting her lack, but decided Bryon was probably right about just being herself during the interview and let them decide if she were right for the job. Amanda wished she knew more about the work duties for which she was applying.

  She had plenty of time after her shower and opted to sit outside to let the sunshine dry her hair before getting dressed. Absently running her fingers through her hair, she wondered when Rasa would have time to meet with her. After Bryon had left, she had sent a message to Rasa letting her cousin know she was now in Durseni while also providing her own contact information. She had hoped to be able to connect before now, yet she struggled to remain patient even though she had agreed to work around Rasa’s busy schedule.

  Juila started to make some noise, so Amanda picked up her towel and headed inside. She dropped the cloth off in the bathroom on her way over to the bedroom. Standing in her crib, Juila was smiling when she saw her mom enter the room, arms raised and waiting to be picked up. Amanda could not resist kissing her rosy cheek as she cuddled her.

  “Mommy has an important meeting today, Juila.” She spoke as she sat on the bed beside her outfit.

  “Do I come, too?” Juila asked with a serious expression.

  “Sort of,” Amanda began and tried to think how to explain daycare to a two-year-old. “You and I will go to the building together, but then I will leave you to play with a bunch of other children while I meet with some people about getting a job.”

  “What’s a job?”

  “It’s like what Bryon does most days of the week. I need to get a job of my own because we aren’t going to be living with Bryon and Alena anymore.”

  “Why did we have to leave?”

  “We left so I could meet with a woman here on this island who can help me find your sister.”

  “Where’s Andera?”

  “No, Juila, not Andera. We need to find your birth sister, Jena.”

  “Oh, Jena is fine.”

  “What are you saying, Juila? Can you speak with Jena?” Amanda could hardly believe Juila might hold the answer to finding Jena after all. She wished she would have thought to have this conversation a long time ago; however, she probably would not have been able to articulate it this well even a few months before.

  “I speak with my other me all the time,” Juila said indignantly.

  “Is she called ‘my other me’ because you both look the same?”
  “Yes, we do look the same. Why is that, Mommy?”

  “It’s because you both are what people call identical twins. You both started from the same egg inside mommy, but then split apart and became two girls who look the same.”

  Juila looked up at Amanda with a funny expression and started to giggle when she said, “Mommy, you’re funny! We’re not chickens! Only chickens have eggs, not people.”

  “I’m being serious, Juila. People have eggs too, just not the same kind as chickens. Can you tell me where Jena is?” She had to smile at Juila’s thought.

  “She’s usually in a white room, but today she’s playing with a woman.”

  “Have you ever seen this woman with your own eyes?”


  “Who else is usually around Jena?”

  “There’s a man I see every day with her. He makes up fun games for her to play. I like to copy those games.”

  “Is there anyone else around her a lot?”

  “Yes, there’s a boy, but he’s jealous of her. He usually glares at her with his arms crossed. Why do you think he wouldn’t like her, Mommy?”

  “I don’t know, baby. Maybe you should ask Jena sometime. Also, ask her the names of the people around her. Wouldn’t it be nice to visit with Jena sometime? We could do it together if you can tell me where she is.” Amanda did not want to pressure Juila into getting information; however, at this point, it seemed Juila was her best hope for locating Jena.

  “Okay, Mommy, but I can’t right now because she’s sleeping.”

  “Does she seem happy when she’s awake?”

  Juila nodded her head seriously and said, “We make each other happy.”

  “That’s good, honey. Keep making her happy.” Amanda could feel tears forming in her eyes, so she hugged Juila to her chest and prayed for a breakthrough to come soon. She finally pulled away when Juila started to squirm and said, “Sit here while I get dressed for my meeting.”

  Juila crawled onto the middle of the bed and plunked her rear down to face her mommy. She intently watched as Amanda changed her clothes. “You look beautiful, Mommy.”

  “Thanks, sweetheart. I just hope the people in my meeting think so, too.”

  “One will, for sure!” Juila replied emphatically.

  Amanda wondered just what Juila meant by her remark, but then she looked at the time and noticed she was going to have to get going really soon if she were going to be early for the appointment. She had a recurring fear of being late or lost on the way so she was going to make sure neither thing would become an issue.

  Amanda picked Juila up from the bed and swiftly walked to the dining room to retrieve the letter of recommendation from Captain Ahn. More than ever she was grateful to have his endorsement for her qualifications since she did not feel as though she had anything else to share with her interviewers.

  Amanda began walking slowly up the street. More than ever she did not want to hurry to the point where it made her sweat through her clothing. She was nervous enough without having everyone be able to see evidence of it on her person. “I think you’re going to have fun playing with some new kids. What do you think?”

  “Okay.” Juila smiled up at her mother. She was never scared around other children because she knew her mother would take good care of her.

  Amanda smiled down at her daughter, wondering what she was actually thinking. Maybe her connection with Jena made it so she always had someone to comfort her in new settings. She was definitely going to have to find out more about her link with her sister to discover how much they really knew about one another.

  They arrived at the building with more than twenty minutes to spare. When she opened the door a gust of cold air washed over her heated body. She walked into the reception area and over to the main desk which had a young woman eagerly awaiting to assist.

  “Hello, my name is Amanda Covington, and I have a job interview at one o’clock. I was also told there was an on-site daycare for my daughter to attend while I’m being interviewed. Can you please direct me to the daycare?”

  “Absolutely, Amanda. Simply go through those double doors on the left of the main entrance. Sign your daughter in when you drop her off and then sign her out when you’re ready to leave. When you are done in there, come back to my desk, and I will have the details of your interview available.”

  “Thanks.” Amanda turned around and walked back toward the entrance and then turned toward the side door as directed. She was surprised to see how large the day care site was and how many children around Juila’s age were already playing. She had fervently hoped there would be others near Juila’s age to play with, however now she could see her worries were unfounded.

  A middle-aged woman greeted Juila immediately upon entering the room, “Well hello, young lady. Have you come to play with us?”

  Juila stared at the woman and nodded her head.

  “We’re going to have so much fun. What is your name?”


  “What a beautiful name, Juila. Why don’t we go this way while your mommy signs you in,” she gestured toward Juila to come through the Gate just the right size for Juila. Squirming to be set down, Amanda hastily complied and watched Juila toddle away with the stranger.

  A younger woman behind the desk spoke to Amanda for the first time, “If you’ll just sign right here, then you can be on your way.”

  Amanda had mixed emotions about relinquishing her daughter to the older woman. She shook her head to dismiss her momentary dismay at being left without a second glance but then had to smile at her daughter’s confidence. She stepped over to the check-in desk, signed her name on the appropriate line, and then simply wrote ‘interview’ in the spot designated for the department. “I guess this is what’s needed.”

  The woman looked at her entry and then smiled up at her. “Good luck on your interview. This is a great place to work. I hope to see you again soon.”

  Amanda glanced one more time to see how Juila was taking to this new area and could see she was busy being introduced to three other little girls who appeared to be similar in age. As she did not seem to be needed here anymore, she turned around and retraced her steps back to the receptionist.

  The girl looked up from her patil and said, “The interview is being held on the second floor in conference room three. Take the elevator behind me and turn to the right. There is a bank of seats outside the conference room where you can wait to be called into the interview. Good luck.”

  “Thanks again,” Amanda replied as she walked around the reception desk to the indicated elevators. She was actually surprised to hear the elevator was called the same as it was on Earth. The technology between the two worlds must have been shared more than she had previously believed. She pressed the button and waited a few moments before the doors opened. The ride to the second floor was as short as expected and she found the conference room easily. More nervous than ever, she sat in a chair, hoping her heart rate would slow.

  As she waited, several people came and went from the conference room. Without meaning to, she overheard several of the people talking about one more interviewer named Riccan who appeared to be missing. Amanda looked at her timepiece, which had been a gift from Alena, and realized the interview should have begun five minutes earlier and wondered if something had gone wrong.

  Finally, a man came rushing from the stairwell toward Amanda and the conference room. She was both pleased and slightly flustered to see the missing person was none other than Riccan Stel whom she had seen at the telepod races two anons before. Amanda suddenly felt quite bold as she spoke teasingly to Riccan, “I believe they’re looking for you.”

  “I’m sorry I’m late. Give me just a minute more, please.” He turned into the conference room and sat down at the head of the table. “Sorry, an emergency came up from the manufacturing department. This is our last interview for this position, right?”

  “Yes. The candidate’s name is Amanda Covington. Would you like me t
o bring her in?” a woman asked.

  “Please do. I’m sure we’ve made her wait long enough.”

  An older woman appeared in the doorway of the conference room and smiled at Amanda as she asked, “Amanda Covington?”

  Amanda nodded confirmation.

  “If you’re ready, we can begin the interview.”

  “Thanks.” Amanda stood up and followed the woman into the conference room. The space was rather small consisting of a table and six chairs, four of which were occupied with people conducting the interview. Amanda chose the seat directly across from Riccan.

  Clearing his throat, Riccan started the interview by introducing himself. “Hi, my name’s Riccan Stel. To my right is Gilora and Kendon and to my left is Gwenda. I am the Manager for this department, and each of these people is a member of my team and will be working directly with the person we hire for this position.”

  Amanda nodded at each person as they were introduced. Gilora had been the woman who brought her into the room. She repeated each name silently in her head several times to keep them firmly in place, instantly thankful to Alena for teaching her the memorization skill.

  “Let me share a little bit about this position, and then you can tell us how you are a good fit for the job. We are looking for a person who will be able to take vast amounts of information and compile them together to create various reports. This person will have to work well with diverse people both within and outside of the company. We expect this person to be able to operate a patil with ease, learn new programs, listen to customer needs, and deliver results promptly.

  “Does this sound like something you’d be interested in doing?”

  “Sure, it doesn’t sound too complicated. What types of documents are being processed?”

  “Mostly process change orders with various invoices, bills of lading, as well as a few other odds and ends.”

  “I’ve had a lot of experience with invoices and bills of lading with Captain Ahn.”


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