Ascension Discovery

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Ascension Discovery Page 85

by Amy Proebstel

  “I’m ready whenever you are. Tomorrow works for me.” Riccan felt distinctly uncomfortable in the face of Diane’s anger. He knew her fury was not directed at himself, however he could not help but feel she was being unreasonable. “I’m going to head to bed now. Have a good night.”

  Amanda watched Riccan leave the living room and felt as though he had abandoned her to deal with her mother’s anger alone. She could not blame him for wanting to get away. She had done the same thing by declaring the need to leave in the morning.

  Chapter Five

  RICCAN HAD THOUGHT they would go back to Tuala as soon as they left the Covington residence, but Amanda surprised him by asking for something else. She wanted to see where he lived in Florida. Without missing a beat, Riccan teleported them directly into the garage of his suburban house. One of the considerations for purchasing the house with the three-car garage was that it was a large enough space to accommodate his telepod.

  After setting the telepod down and powering off the controls, he turned and smiled at Amanda. “This is it. Home, sweet home!”

  Amanda returned his smile and gestured for him to lead the way out of the telepod.

  Riccan palmed open the passenger door and walked down the ramp into his garage. He turned in time to see Amanda’s expression as she realized they were in a modern garage. He wondered if she had expected something more exotic given his actual origins.

  “It’s just an ordinary garage, but wait until you see the rest of the house!” He eagerly led the way across the concrete expanse to a massive wooden door. Riccan turned the knob and walked through the opening, turning so he could see Amanda’s reaction to the home’s interior.

  Amanda could not help but drop her jaw at the beautifully decorated home which she could see from the garage entry. The dark colored hardwood floors appeared to be hand scraped. The walls had beautiful works of art as did the tables scattered throughout the rooms. They came to the kitchen which contained the highest end appliances, a huge island with an exotic granite top, the cherry cabinets extended up to the ceiling though even a tall person would have trouble gaining access to the highest shelves.

  They continued through to the living room which had a gigantic flat screen television and a state-of-the-art surround sound system. The furniture was all oversized and luxurious. Amanda turned in a circle to take it all in and then saw the view to the backyard through the wall of windows. Of course there was an Olympic-sized swimming pool as well as palm trees and a perfectly manicured lawn and sculpted shrubs. She could not see any other houses nearby and wondered how much property came with the house to allow that much privacy.

  Amanda kept whispering, “It’s so beautiful,” as they walked through the guest bedrooms, bathrooms, and the master suite. Somehow she had thought Riccan would have more rustic taste, but this house proved that idea to be completely inaccurate. Since they had arrived directly into the garage Amanda had a burning desire to see the house from the front exterior. She enthusiastically asked, “Can we go out front?”

  “Sure, the entrance is this way.” He led the way through a couple of rooms until they came to a gigantic foyer with a curving staircase. Amanda was not sure how they had missed that spectacle on the initial tour until Riccan said, “We took the back stairs when we went upstairs the first time.” He unbolted the massive double-door entry and pulled the elaborate door handle toward him. The door swung as though it weighed nothing which spoke well of the balance of the hinges.

  They walked side-by-side through the entry onto a massive front porch. Several chairs lined each side and looked out over a circular drive with a fountain with a jumping dolphin sculpture in the center. Amanda looked to see where the property ended at the front, yet failed to see that border either. Finally, curiosity got the better of her and she asked, “How much land do you own?”

  “Fifteen acres. I wanted to have privacy above anything else. It didn’t hurt that the house was perfect for my needs as well.” He smiled as they continued walking down the porch steps and out into the sunshine. He was seeing the house through Amanda’s eyes and could appreciate all over again the elegance and beauty of the property. They walked across the cobbled driveway until they were a sufficient distance from the house to get an accurate view of the entire residence.

  Amanda turned around and mouthed the word ‘wow’ as she saw the elegant structure standing proudly before her. Everything was symmetrical including the three-car garage on each side. Massive white columns extended up from the entry porch through the second story to support another balcony. It almost looked like a colonial, yet it had a more modern flare. No words could adequately describe how utterly perfect and picturesque the house appeared. “Where is this place? Are we still in Florida?”

  Riccan threw his head back and laughed before answering, “Yes, we’re still in Florida. Not even that far from your parents’ house actually. I’d say it’s probably a thirty-minute drive south down the interstate. If you’ve seen enough out here then we should get back inside out of the heat and get something to eat. I have a fully stocked pantry.”

  At the mere mention of food, Amanda found she was ravenously hungry. They had left her parents’ house rather abruptly after waking up. For some reason her mother could not be rational about Jena being betrothed and Amanda was done with the conversation. It was her decision, after all. She was grateful Riccan understood the customs of Tuala and did not have a problem with the arrangement. He seemed to think Elder Debbon’s family was a good match for Jena.

  “Do you think we could stay here for a couple of days without causing any trouble with getting back to Tuala ‘in time?’” Amanda suddenly felt exhausted from all of the adventures which had been driving her for the past two years.

  Riccan considered her question and looked over at Amanda. She did seem to be wilting into the couch now that they did not have any pressing concerns for finding her daughter. She must have been under more strain than she had been letting on. “Sure, I can make it work. What would you like for breakfast?”

  “I don’t care. I’ll have whatever you’re having. Thanks.”

  Riccan walked into the kitchen and stood facing the massive island. He concentrated for a few seconds before two plates appeared on the granite. He opened a drawer on the side of the island and grabbed silverware before picking up the full plates and returning to the living room. “Do you want to eat in here or in the dining room?”

  “Right here, if you don’t mind.”

  “No problem.” He handed the plate down to her and took a seat beside her. “I hope you like fried foxl and scrambled eggs.”

  “They’re my favorite, actually. Thank you.” She leaned over the plate and inhaled deeply of the richly scented food. She started to salivate as she closed her eyes to give thanks for her food. “Amen,” she said aloud as she set the plate on her knees and picked up the fork.

  She was just about to dig in to her meal when she realized part of this dish would not normally be found on Earth so she asked, “How is it that you come to have foxl here?”

  Riccan smiled shyly and replied simply, “As long as I own the food somewhere, I have access to it. The fact that it’s stored on Tuala is no barrier to the power of the crystal. It takes a little more concentration to achieve, but once you learn how, it gets easier.”

  “Can you do the same with things other than food?” Amanda recalled Rasa’s challenge in getting her message to Shemalla on Earth.

  “Sure, but it does take practice. It helps that I come to Earth often. Are you going to keep asking questions while your food gets cold?” Riccan smiled to take any sting out of his words.

  “Sorry,” Amanda mumbled as she turned her attention back to her plate of food. Practically inhaling the meal, she discovered the taste rivaled the delicious aroma. “Thank you, Riccan, it was wonderful. Who taught you how to cook?”

  “My grandmother, actually. She had a knack for seasonings. I’m glad you liked it. Let me take your dishes.” He to
ok her plate along with his own and imagined them clean and put away.

  “That never gets old!” Amanda stared at his empty hands. “Do you think I’ll ever be that proficient at using my crystal?”

  “I don’t see why not, after all, motivation is the best teacher.”

  “Tell me about your grandparents. What were they like?”

  “Okay, well you already know my grandmother was sent over to the Roswell museum right after it opened. Murisa was a very social woman who loved to be around people, so it was no wonder she excelled at her job. She didn’t believe there were any differences between the people from Tuala versus the ones from Earth; she treated everyone equally. Of course, she had to keep these opinions from Elder Vargen since he has always harbored a resentment for Earth’s people ever since his son created the Roswell mess.

  “Anyway, after only a few months she fell in love with her co-worker, Edwin. He was a talented engineer who was also a very skilled businessman. The first difficulty in their relationship came when she had to tell him about where she was really from. He, at first, thought she was kidding since they worked at the alien-inspired museum after all. After demonstrating her skills with her crystal she finally had him believing.

  “Grandad Ed eventually decided her nationality didn’t matter as much as his love for her did. He was naturally curious about her world and they decided to return to Tuala to be married. After several more months had passed they eventually discovered a way to get him to Tuala, but then they had to deal with the second difficulty in their relationship: Edwin lost his memory when he crossed the veil. Grandma Murisa took the challenge head on and made him fall in love with her all over again. Over time, Grandad Ed regained his memory and they were married.”

  “How did she get out of her contract with Elder Vargen?”

  “That was a bit tricky since she had contracted to be at the museum for five years and only ended up being there for just over one. She began by telling Elder Vargen she wasn’t suited for the position and she missed her family in Tuala. He ignored her pleas to go home and reminded her of their binding contract.

  “Murisa was not someone who could easily be sidetracked from something she had set her mind to do, so she did some research of her own. Eventually she discovered Elder Vargen’s involvement in the trafficking of Earth’s people into his research facility in Tuala. The program was in its infancy at that time and Murisa threatened to share her knowledge with the other Elders unless she were allowed to vacate her contract and go home.

  “Elder Vargen was less than pleased to be cornered and he never forgave my grandmother for what he considered a gross betrayal. She was released from her service at the museum and told she could find her own way home as Elder Vargen denied the use of his Ascension Gate for her return.

  “Luckily, Grandma Murisa still had access to her patil so she sent several petitions for help to her family and her local Elder. Her District’s Elder refused his Gate for her passage since he was afraid of retribution from Elder Vargen, but her family let her know of the cavern Gate located outside of Roswell. They gave her specific instructions for the passage, but nothing was mentioned about Earth people losing their memories if they went through an unsanctioned Gate.

  “But, like I said before, they worked through that hurdle. Her family never knew Edwin was from Earth, but they sometimes mentioned some of the odd things he would say. Eventually, Grandad Ed set up a business supplying construction companies and my Grandma Murisa worked as his assistant.

  “Within a year of being married they had my father and were very content with their busy lives until they sent my dad to school. Daven’s test scores caught the attention of Jehoban’s representatives and they all moved to Acaim so he could begin his extraordinary education as Jehoban’s special student.

  “My grandparents sold their supply business and started a consulting business once they settled into living on Acaim. Most transactions were accomplished using the patil with very little travel needed off the island. They lived a contented life. My Grandma Murisa spent many hours with her herb garden and invented new dishes to serve for meals.”

  “I assume she grew everything aquaponically?”

  “You’d assume correctly. They enjoyed a very pastoral life on Acaim.”

  “You had said before you would visit family on Earth. How did Jehoban make it so Edwin would keep his memory through the transfer?”

  “He gave him his own crystal.”

  “That must’ve been quite the ceremony!”

  “Actually, no. My grandparents had been discussing the problem about travel in their home when a crystal appeared next to my Grandad Ed. As soon as my Grandad touched the necklace, he knew it was meant for him. He put it on that very moment and never took it off. He knew he had received a special blessing and he never took it for granted.”

  “Wow! I guess Jehoban really does listen to His people!” Amanda reached up and touched the warm crystal hanging from her neck. She felt blessed to have received her own talisman from Jehoban directly as well.

  “Well, of course He does.” Riccan looked slightly annoyed at Amanda’s statement.

  “That came out wrong, Riccan. I meant they didn’t even have to ask for it in prayer or during a ceremony. Jehoban must have been very impressed with your family.”

  “He was. He also gave my grandparents access to His personal Ascension Gate so they could travel at their leisure. My dad got to experience both worlds as he was growing up which pleased Jehoban greatly. Like I told you before, my dad was eventually promoted to an Elder. My grandparents chose to stay living on Acaim until they both died about ten years ago.”

  “How come you say ‘years’ instead of ‘anons?’”

  Riccan smiled and replied, “It’s a trick I learned as I was growing up. Whenever I’m on Earth I only use Earth terms and vice versa when I’m on Tuala. There’s less chance of getting in trouble that way.”

  “That makes sense.” Amanda stifled a yawn and turned her head to look out the window. She did not want Riccan to think his story had bored her, but she was feeling exhausted.

  “It’s been a long few days, Amanda, why don’t you pick a bedroom upstairs and take a nap? There’re a few things I’d like to take care of while I’m here.”

  “Okay, I think I’ll take you up on the offer. I didn’t sleep well after the argument with my mother last night. Thanks for everything, Riccan.” She stood and headed toward the main staircase. She felt a little like Goldilocks as she tried to decide in which bed she would be sleeping. Eventually she opted for the room with the four-poster bed and the balcony facing out over the back yard. She climbed on top of the comforter, fully dressed, to try out the feel of the mattress and pillow. She did not remember falling asleep.


  Riccan spent some time going over the mechanicals of his telepod, making sure every fitting was secure and the parts did not have any wear. He had been so busy for the past few days he neglected the regular maintenance schedule. He thought he knew more than a small amount of paranoia played a role in his obsessive routine, he would rather err on the side of caution rather than have a mid-air incident.

  With the inspection complete, he decided to walk the grounds of his estate while he waited for Amanda to finish her nap. Because of his frequent absences from the residence, he had hired professional landscapers to care for his yard. His busy schedule prevented him from spending much time actually enjoying his property, so it seemed a good time to take a stroll.

  He exited the rear door of the garage to walk down the stamped concrete path toward the pool. The drastic difference in temperature from the shade to the sun caused Riccan to reevaluate his original plan; instead of remaining on the path, Riccan veered across the lawn to intersect the garden trail. He breathed a sigh of relief as soon as he entered the forested area of the grounds, luxuriating in the tropical coolness and the fresh scents of nature.

  As he walked along the shell-laden path, Riccan ponde
red Amanda’s unique situation. The more time he spent with the woman, the more he realized she might be the one for him. His wanderings brought him to a bench where he opted to relax and contemplate his intentions regarding this complicated woman. Did he want to get involved in her drama? He felt he was already complicit in bringing her to Earth. He understood her dilemma, yet he still wanted to be with her. Obviously, she had received approval from Jehoban by getting her own birth crystal so he doubted many issues would arise should he decide to pursue a relationship with her.

  Uncertain of how long he had sat in contemplative silence, Riccan realized he should probably head back to the house to check on Amanda. As his mother’s example of hospitality had always dictated, Riccan’s hosting skills required his attentiveness to his guest’s needs. Although he had not really come to any life-altering conclusions regarding Amanda, he did want to spend more time with her, so he hurried back to the house.


  “I still don’t know why we couldn’t have stayed over at Amanda’s house one night,” Alena complained for the second time since arriving home in Kirma. She puttered through her kitchen, not really doing anything important.

  “Look, Alena, there wasn’t any reason for us to remain in Durseni. It just didn’t make sense for us to sit around waiting for an indefinite amount of time to hear what happened. Amanda still knows how to use the patil when she’s ready to give us an update. Besides, we have plenty of other things to keep us busy here at home with the kids, my job, and your patients,” Bryon explained, holding up his fingers as he ticked off each item.

  Pursing her lips in consternation at his mention of their kids, Alena recalled going to Tana’s house the day before to retrieve the children and seeing their enthusiastic greeting when they spotted her. Overpowering guilt had her feeling as though she had neglected them over the course of the last few weeks in particular. The search for Amanda’s daughter had consumed almost all of the family’s time, even more so than it had for the previous two anons.


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