Curvy Delights: Billionaire Romance BBW Boxset

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Curvy Delights: Billionaire Romance BBW Boxset Page 41

by Tara Brent

  It makes it easier for me. I don't have an extra stop to make.

  Chapter 37: Amber

  The second we pulled up to the house I saw that Dustin and Grace were playing outside on the front lawn. Kicking a ball back and forth to each other, and Dustin laughing and slapping his knees when the ball got away from Grace.

  "He looks really happy," I say.

  “He is.” Logan glances over at me, excited to see his son.

  We get out of the car quickly and Grace rushes over to hug me. I know I'm the first one she hugs because she wants to see the ring that Logan put on my finger.

  “I just knew he didn't have good taste in flowers but he has good taste in jewelry.” Grace makes the remark loud enough so that Logan can hear her.

  “What's all the noise?” Dustin asks, seeing everyone getting loud.

  Logan picks him up and gives him a hug. Holding him on his hip so that he can join the conversation too.

  "You're going to see a lot more of Amber. I think that it's time that she and I get married." Logan explains it to him simply and shrugs.

  “Sounds good.” Dustin squishes Logan's cheeks together as tightly as he can until Logan's lips turn into fish lips and Dustin laughs, throwing his head back.

  Logan is so strong that he's not even worried about dropping him.

  “I like the ring too. It's beautiful.” I agree hugging Grace again.

  Not that we weren't family before but this will make us a binding family. I promise myself that this is the last time that Logan ever has to worry about finding the love of his life because he's found her. It's me.

  Logan puts Dustin down and goes inside to make a phone call. I don't care who he's talking to. I'm not even curious as he starts dialing numbers before he closes the door.

  "I have to call Rosie," I tell Grace.

  Picking up my own phone and dialing her number she answers on the first ring.

  “Hello?” Rosie asks in a whispered voice.

  "Hey, I wanted to talk to you about something," I tell her, happy that she picked up so quickly.

  “I know, congrats. Show me the ring tomorrow.” Rosie rushes me.

  “Did I catch you at a bad time?” I ask her, it's not like her to rush me off the phone.

  "Kind of, I'm in a middle of a date." Rosie's voice is soft but it's very low. She sounds happy but I can't really tell.

  “All right, good luck!” I cry out.

  So happy that she's dating again. So glad that she's gotten back on the horse to try again and praying that the man that she's seeing right now isn't a jerk.

  We get off the phone about the same time that Logan comes out of the house with a puzzled look on his face.

  “What's the matter?” I ask him, putting my phone away.

  "This is the second time that I've caught Brent on a date." He shakes his head, giving a big smile

  It's funny; it's so funny that I laugh. It has to be a coincidence. That's all there is to it.

  “What?” Logan asks seeing the strange look on my face.

  “Rosie's on a date too. She rushed me off the phone. I wanted to tell her about the ring and last night. She told me she will see it tomorrow at work.” I want it to be more than a coincidence for Rosie.

  I've heard bits and pieces about Brent and if he hangs out with Logan then he has to be a good man.

  “Yeah, it's a big coincidence.” Logan rolls his eyes at me.

  He comforts me with those kind eyes of his. All we can hope for is the best. What were the chances they were dating each other and them not telling at least one of us? Anyway, I’m sure if it’s anything important they will tell us in their own time.

  Everything is falling into place, taking a step back. Watching Logan as he plays with Dustin. Taking his turn kicking the ball back and forth, Grace tries to mess up Dustin the way he had done to her.

  I laugh when Dustin concentrates on the ball instead of on his grandma's feet to block him.

  “We may have a soccer player on our hands!” Logan cries out when Dustin kicks the ball passed him and Logan runs to get it before it goes into the street.

  For just a second I'm an outsider looking in. Strange, because I'm the one who’s always been on the inside. I still am. I just feel like a stranger walking by and smiling at the happiness that this family is enjoying.

  “Come on Amber!” Dustin shouts to me.

  Grace is already into the game, Logan kicks the ball towards me and I go up into it hard and tap it gently towards Dustin who shows no mercy on Grace and kicks it as hard as he can. The ball never leaves the grass though and Grace is fast enough to not let it get passed her.

  The sun is at my back, another day almost over. One that I don't want to end, it saddens me, but at the same time, I'm curious about what the future holds for us. I'm finally getting everything that I asked for.

  Including the man.

  Grace knew all along I would have this man, I did not. He left to find himself. To do whatever he had before coming back to Mayberry and I'm glad that he chose to come back. No matter the reasons he had and without him here I would be lost, not understanding where I belonged in this world.

  Chapter 38: Logan

  It's good to see that Amber doesn't have a care in the world. When she's not thinking a lot about issues she's beautiful and free. Almost like an angel who came down from heaven to save me.

  I think back on all the good times that we shared as kids and now as adults. We are just going to keep growing together and I can't wait to see where the paths take us with Dustin.

  He's happy that she's here, that's all I can ask for. Glad that the two of them get along and everything else will fall into place.

  I stare at her for so long that the ball gets past me and there's nothing I can do but turn and chase it again like I did the last time.

  “Stay focused Dad! You've gotta keep your eye on the ball!” Dustin shouts at me.

  Grace and Amber know why I missed the ball. Dustin is too little to understand, he thinks I just suck at the game.

  “I will try a little harder this time.” Tapping the ball to Amber I let the words roll off my tongue.

  I can't wait until we're living together, waking up every day together and sharing every waking moment that we can with each other.

  Work is heaven sent for us. That's the time that we have away from each other, personally, I wouldn't have it any other way.

  Soon Grace gather's Dustin in her arms and brings him into the house to wash his hands and face before dinner.

  I hold Amber in my arms and say nothing, resting my chin on top of her head as she holds me tightly.

  "I hope it's always like this," I tell her after a few minutes of silence.

  “Me too. If it's not we will always get through it.” She is the one assuring me that everything is going to turn out all right for a change and it feels good that she feels the need to do so.

  I know that we're going to make it. The happy ever after that we've wanted. She's the only one that was meant for me. Through all the pain and hard times, it all leads me back home. Back to her.

  “Are you guys coming in to eat?” Grace calls from the open living room window.

  "We're coming," I call back to her.

  I let go of Amber even though I don't want to. She takes my hand as we walk the short distance to the door and go inside.

  Closing the door behind me I can't think of a better way to end the night. With family.

  With the love of my life.

  It's the way it should be. The way it was meant to play out. My soul is hers just like her soul is mine.

  Eventually, we will add on to the family. Right now I know that Dustin and Amber are my priorities. There's no reason to rush anything. Neither of us is going anywhere. I know it. She knows it and that's all that matters.

  “What are you thinking about?” Grandma asks, seeing how quiet I am at the dinner table.

  “Family.” I give her a smile, I’ve been thinking about t
his for quite a while now.

  “No hesitation.” Grandma gives me a warm smile and is happy that I've got it right.

  “Family has always been right here waiting for you. You just needed to leave to realize it.” She continues to talk.

  “Can we eat now? I'm hungry.” Dustin interrupts rudely but we all laugh and Grandma gets up to take the pizza out of the oven.

  "It's not like you to buy something so easy, so cheesy," I state, showing her the pun that was in my sentence, though I didn't need to point it out to her.

  Grandma gets it and she does laugh.

  “I don't want to be cooking over a hot stove all night. The last few times that I did no one barely ate anything. I will do it on the weekends though.” Grandma explained, changing it up on me. Though I wasn't sure I liked the idea of it.

  She was right, we were all busy. Either going out, things coming up, situations that were out of our control.

  As long as we are all happy I don't care how we spend our time together. That's the point right? To live a happy life with the ones that you love?

  Looking around the table I focus on the ones that I love. The reason I'm here. All three of them are important to me and I plan on making them as happy as I can. To see them happy makes me happy.

  I'm a lucky man, to have so much love from these amazing people in my life. I'm lucky that they never gave up on me.

  Chapter 39: Amber

  My phone rings just as we are about to bite into the hot pizza that Grace had thrown into the oven.

  Picking it up only because I see that it's Rosie.

  "Hey," I answer quickly with a smile on my face.

  “Hey, there's something I need to talk to you about.” I can hear the urgency in her voice. How hurriedly her voice is.

  “Yeah, come over. I'm at Grace's house.” I tell her, feeling my body tense. Remembering the last time she had called me with such urgency.

  I close my eyes and pray that it's nothing horrible but by the sounds of it I don't hold out for much hope.

  Rosie hangs up the phone without even saying goodbye to me.

  “What's the matter?” Logan asks, he can see the worry in my eyes.

  "I don't know, Rosie is coming over as you've heard," I tell him, not sure I want to eat the pizza now.

  “You sound worried.” Grace gives me a concerned look.

  “Well, just the importance in her voice I'm hoping that she's all right. She's been through a rough patch.” I sigh.

  Though my eyes are on Grace when I explain this without going into detail. I see Logan's body tense. He knows exactly what I'm talking about.

  “Maybe you should wait outside for her?” Logan asks me.

  “No, I'm not going to do that. She's going to think that I'm only thinking the worst.” I point out to him.

  I wouldn't want someone doing that to me. Thinking only the worst when I call, but I bite down on my lip and go back through our two-second conversation. Thinking about how her tone of voice was.

  It sounded like an emergency. Her voice was so adamant to speak to me that I can't help but think the worst when it comes to Rosie's luck.

  There's a knock on the door.

  “Come in.” Grace calls out; she's not going to go to the door either.

  The door opens and there's Rosie. She doesn't look to be hurt. She even has a smile on her face.

  “What is going on?” I ask, seeing that she hasn't moved from the doorway.

  “Well, I have a surprise for you. Something that I've just been dying to tell you. But would much rather show you.” Rosie clasps her hands together in front of her; I can see that she's happy. That she's excited.

  I sit back in my chair and my body relaxes at the cheerful tone of her voice. Nothing is wrong it seems.

  She has a surprise for me.

  This is good news, right?

  What it is?

  I don't have the slightest idea.

  Rosie waits just a few more seconds before she unclasps her hands and looks behind her. She then turns to pull someone into our view.

  “Brent!” Logan calls out in surprise.

  “This is the date that I was on when you called me.” Rosie laughs, finally walking into the house with him while we clap and cheer for them.

  I'm so happy that she's finally found someone! Someone that will treat her right.

  Getting up out of my chair I go to her and hug her tightly, so tightly that I feel her gasp for air.

  “Why didn't you say anything!?” I swat at her playfully.

  “Well, when I found out who Brent was talking to on the phone,” Rosie looks over my shoulder at Logan.

  “I was surprised that we both knew Logan and the more we talked about our phone conversations the more we both thought it was time to let out our little secret.” She finishes her statement.

  Grace leaves the table to bring in a few more chairs into the kitchen. She gets more pizza and dishes it out to Brent and Rosie who take the empty chairs.

  Things can't be any better than they are right now. My best friend and Logan's assistant. I can see how happy she is. I haven't seen her happy like this....well in forever.

  Logan pats my leg under the table, letting me know that he was right. Sooner or later things would work out. They would fall into place.

  I put my hand under the table and cover his with mine. We are all talking at once; I can't keep my eyes off Rosie's happy face. The excitement in her eyes.

  She's finally gotten her happily ever after too.

  The End

  Other Books by Tara Brent


  Bad Best Man

  Games On: A Bad Boy Romance

  Private Interview

  Bad Boy Billionaire Romances - Box Set (4)

  Connect with the Author

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