Rise of the Whiteface Order

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Rise of the Whiteface Order Page 30

by M. A. Torres

  “No, Ms. Martinez, you don’t have to, I’ll tell her.”

  “No. She needs to hear it from me.” She grabbed her purse and reached inside. “Thanks for taking care of my children.” She handed her her payment.

  “Thank you, Ms. Martinez.” Gabby turned to Kevin. “Can you walk me outside?”

  Moments later, they were standing by Gabby’s car. “Kevin, what happened to me?”

  “Gabby, you can’t tell anyone! Please! I know you saw me fighting. I’m being hunted by monsters from another world. My friends and I have been fighting them for the past few months. They finally found where I live tonight. I’m sorry you had to be here.”

  The fear on Gabby’s face was still evident. “Kevin, those same four crashed my friend Kevin Berry’s party last week. They turned our friend Corey into twigs and sticks.”

  “You were there? At one of the home invasions Agent Law spoke about?”

  “Yes. It was horrible, just like tonight. There were so many people there; so much horror and panic.” She closed her eyes and took a deep, trembling breath. “I could have been the next Corey Shummer. I felt my life draining away. I felt my consciousness fading.” She opened her glossy eyes and stared up at the sky. “Thank goodness for that... woman. Wish she had been at Kevin Berry’s party...”

  KEVIN HAD BEEN SWINGING his sword non-stop for the past hour. His shoulder was sore and fatigued, but he pushed on.

  They know where I live!

  He slashed vertically then diagonally; the sword heavy in his hand.

  They can come back at any time!

  He twirled Flameclaw behind his back, then across his front.

  Who will protect Mom and Tara when I’m not here?

  He swung back down, then up and right, then across to the left. He slashed horizontally, then vertically, then across and away...

  CLANG, cling, clang, clang.

  Flameclaw hit the floor after slipping out of his fatigued hand. Kevin panted fiercely, his hands resting on his knees. Drops of sweat dripped off the tip of his nose.

  What can I do? There were four of them. What would have happened if the lady in black had not shown up? Who was she? Can I count on her showing up again?

  The thoughts ran frantically through his head like rush hour traffic. He grabbed Flameclaw and resumed his practice.

  CLANG, cling, cling, clang.

  His arm could wield no more. It had nothing left.

  KEVIN STOOD INSIDE his shower with his eyes shut, the hot water running down his back. His right shoulder throbbed, and his wrist felt dead. His fingers were stiff and painful, and his elbow felt swollen and achy. He’d overdone the late-night training, but he had felt helpless. Swinging Flameclaw was the only activity that eased those feelings.

  He shut off the water and looked down at his trembling hand. The side of his palm was bruised.

  There is no pain. You can’t be weak now, Kevin. Your foes certainly are not.

  It was well past 2 a.m. when he finally crawled beneath his blankets. He breathed deeply, attempting to calm his tense body. Flameclaw was within arm’s reach beneath his bed—just in case. Moments later, the thoughts speeding through his mind slowed, and he dozed. But before his mind succumbed, a rush of adrenaline shot through his heart like a burning knife. He sat up in bed, his heart pounding, and his mind wide awake.

  No need to worry. We’re safe now... I need to sleep.

  Kevin forced himself down. He took a deep breath and tried to calm his worried heart. Moments later, his mind eased, his heart slowed, and he dozed again... but the hot adrenaline knife was there once more. He sat up, heart pounding and his breaths fast and fleeting.

  C’mon Kevin... you need to rest. The danger is gone. Sleep now. You need to recuperate.

  Then, he noticed the short silhouette standing by his bed.

  “Tara!” he whispered. “What are you doing here?”

  “I can’t sleep. I’m scared,” she mumbled as she rubbed her eyes.

  Kevin scooted to the edge of his bed and held open his blanket. “Wanna sleep here?”

  Tara climbed in.

  Kevin covered her and laid his arm around her. “It’s okay, Tara, you’re safe now. I have my sword under the bed,” he whispered.

  “The fire sword?”

  “Yes, the fire sword.”


  Moments later, Tara was breathing deep and slow—fast asleep. Kevin, on the other hand, continued his struggle against the adrenaline knife. Hours later, it was clear the battle would be lost. The light of dawn made its first appearance, and Kevin had not slept yet.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight:

  Christmas Eve

  ‘Oh holy night, the stars are brightly shining...’

  The choir consisted of boys and girls and ranged from grade school children to high school teenagers. They stood upon the bleachers to the right of the marble altar, gowned in white and singing before the capacity crowd inside Wakefield Cathedral, the largest and oldest place of worship in Wakefield Falls.

  The snow fell thick and plenty—visible through the tall arched windows that spanned the length of the side walls. The wooden pews were crammed with parishioners, and those who had arrived too late to sit stood in the rear or alongside the cathedral walls.

  ‘A thrill of hope, the weary world rejoices’

  Kevin sat with his family on the left side pews, his eyes closed, enjoying the choir’s rendition of one of his favorite Christmas songs. It was Monday evening and his sleep had improved the last few nights. The adrenaline knife was not as powerful as before, but it was still a nuisance, waking him from sleep every night, just before dawn.

  Kevin was surprised to see some familiar faces in the choir. Alexa Donnelly stood upon the second row of the choir bleachers, her sister Megan behind her on the third. Alexa’s voice was discernible among the others. It was beautiful and haunting—its tone unique.

  ‘Fall on your knees,

  O hear the angels’ voices.

  O night divine

  O night when Christ was born.

  O night divine, o night,

  O night divine.’

  Kevin glanced about and recognized others from school. His new school nemesis, Jimmy Smith, stood with his father along the back wall. Olivia sat with her family on the front right pews. Her step-siblings, Sage, and Lorna, sat behind her. Kevin also spied Mario Gonzalez, his school’s cook, and part-time DJ, on the rear pews with his wife and two young daughters. His eyes were closed, his head swaying to the rhythm of the song.

  ‘He knows our need, to our weakness no stranger!’

  Kevin’s heart started pounding.

  Oh, no... what’s going on?

  He placed his hand over his chest and closed his eyes. The adrenaline knife had made a surprise assault. His heart raced, his forehead glistened with sweat, and he began to hyperventilate.

  “Mom, I need to go to the restroom,” he whispered before sidestepping out of the pew.

  ‘Behold your king, before him lowly bend’

  He walked briskly towards the rear of the cathedral, past the parishioners lined up along the side wall and through the crowd in the back. But he didn’t turn towards the restrooms; instead, he rushed out the front doors.

  The blast of cold winter air was a relief against his face. He made his way to a snow-covered pine tree and leaned against it.

  Breathe in, breathe out... breathe in, breathe out...

  The sight of the falling snow and empty foreground slowed his beating heart.

  Breathe in, breathe out... breathe in, breathe out... I’m okay. There’s no danger here...

  “You okay, Kevin?” asked a familiar voice.

  It was Matthew.

  “Oh, hey, Matt. Yeah, I’m good. Didn’t know you were here too.”

  “Yes, we’re sitting in the back. Saw you rush out, just came to check up on you.”

  Kevin was still breathing deeply. “I’m okay... I think I’m having panic attacks or somet

  “Panic attacks?”

  “Matt, you need to train with me at Mr. Chew’s. We need to get you Diamondpeak this weekend.” The desperation in his voice was evident.

  Matthew nodded.

  “They know where I live, Matt. They could come back at any time. We need to be ready for when they do. We need to defeat them before they hurt my family.”

  “For sure. Jake and I will go with you Thursday. I need to get better, too. I didn’t do too well out on the field. I was thinking; we need to go back to the library and get that book too.”

  “The book?”

  “The one that teaches how to fight with medieval weapons.”

  “Oh, yes. We can stop by soon!” Kevin closed his eyes and took another deep breath.

  Matthew perceived his tension. “I know you’re still scared about those masked freaks. You’re not the only one. I’m having nightmares about killer Santas.”

  Kevin smirked.

  Matthew smiled. “I’m afraid of Christmas stuff! I can’t walk by them without looking over my shoulder. The other day, my mom placed a batch of gingerbread men in front of me, and I flinched away.”

  Kevin chuckled.

  “I’m serious! I almost fell off my chair! It was embarrassing!”

  Kevin laughed.

  “C’mon Kev. Let’s go back inside.” Matthew put his arm around him and walked him back.

  Kevin re-joined his family for the remainder of the service. Father Derek spoke his gospel, and the choir continued their beautiful renditions of past Christmas songs.

  Alexa Donnelly had proved to be the choir star. She impressed with her beautiful voice, singing solo in many of the songs, and the parishioners had responded with ‘oohs and ahs’. Alexa’s tone was so haunting she had many wiping tears from their eyes. Kevin would have to compliment her on her voice next time he saw her.

  The service concluded soon afterward, and the crowd slowly spilled into the front courtyard. Ms. Martinez found some friends from work and was busy conversing with them.

  Kevin met up with Matthew, David, and Jenny just beyond the steps of the cathedral.

  “Hi, Kevin. Matthew told us what happened at your house. I’m so glad everyone’s okay,” she said.

  “Thanks, Jenny.”

  David lifted Kevin in a tight bear hug, then plopped him down.“You’re tougher than you look, wimp!”

  Kevin chuckled. “Thanks.”

  David leaned closer, his hands resting on Kevin’s shoulders. “But seriously, I’m glad you’re okay. I was there when they crashed my friend’s party. The things I saw those freaks do... it was the scariest thing I’ve ever seen. They got my friend Corey.”

  “I heard, David. So sorry it happened.”

  “Jenny says the cops don’t believe any of us. They think everyone at the party was out of their minds... if you know what I mean.”

  Kevin stared at him with uncertainty.

  David chuckled. “Never mind. You’re a good kid.” He patted his back and leaned in closer. “But good kids still die. Kevin, Matt told me what you guys are planning next. Keep my bro safe out there, man.”

  Kevin nodded. “I’ll do my best.”

  David returned the nod. “Jenny and I will do everything we can too. We’ll be here, helping Robby guard the mirror.”

  “Thanks, David. So happy you and Jenny are with us.”

  Across the courtyard, Olivia was giving Alexa a congratulatory hug.

  “Kevin, there’s Olivia. Let’s go see what’s up,” said Matthew.

  They walked towards the girls.

  “Hi, guys!” Olivia greeted. “Did you see Alexa up there?”

  “How could we not? You sing great!” said Kevin.

  “Yeah!” agreed Matthew.

  Alexa gave a shy smile. “Thanks. My voice lessons are paying off.”

  “Alexa, have you met Matthew?” asked Olivia.

  “No... well, we have each other for Math.”

  “Yeah, but we’ve never actually met,” agreed Matthew.

  “Well, Matthew, this is Alexa Donnelly and Alexa, this is Matthew McCall,” said Olivia.

  Matthew and Alexa exchanged hellos.

  Across the yard, Alexa’s sister Megan hugged her new boyfriend. He was a short teen, his cheeks red with acne. Megan was a goddess at his side, but she looked happy, nonetheless.

  Alexa sighed. “Don’t know what my sister sees in that new guy she’s dating. I really miss your brother, Olivia. He’s so nice and so much cuter. Hope they get back together soon.”

  Olivia forced out a smile, but the uneasiness was clear in her eyes. “She looks happy, Alexa. That’s all that matters.”

  Alexa was unconvinced. “She knows Sage is here. She’s trying to get him jealous.”

  Just then, Sage walked up, a smile stretched across his face. He gave Alexa a friendly embrace. “Alexa, you tore it up! Your voice is just amazing.”

  “Thank you, Sage. Well, you’ve seen how hard I’ve been working.”

  Sage looked at the others. “Yeah, she has been, believe me.” He nodded at Matthew and Kevin. “Hey boys!”

  “S’up, Sage?” said Matthew.

  “Hi, Sage,” said Kevin.

  Sage paused, as he caught sight of Megan with her new beau. An aura of awkwardness befell them. Alexa cringed, and Olivia cleared her throat.

  Sage noticed the sudden tension. “Oh, don’t get all weird about it.”

  “Sage, I don’t know what she’s doing with him. She should be with you,” argued Alexa.

  Sage smiled. “I know Kevin Parker. He’s a good guy. Your sister is happy, and that’s all that matters.”

  “It’s not gonna last!” added Alexa.

  “Alexa, it’s okay. Kevin is really cool; you’ll get to like him. Besides, rumor has it he’s been in love with your sister for years.” His words feigned indifference, but the sadness in his eyes told otherwise—he missed Megan.

  “I don’t care. You two were perfect together!” persisted Alexa.

  “By the way, where’s Lorna?” asked Olivia, trying to steer the subject to something less uncomfortable.

  Sage looked back at the crowd. “She’s back there somewhere, probably admiring the architecture. You know her! She’s always getting distracted.”

  A minute later, Lorna appeared, accompanied by an older woman. She waved at Sage.

  “There she is. Well, it was good to see you, sister. And you, Alexa. Merry Christmas.” He hugged them. “I’ll see you again soon.”

  ‘Merry Christmas, Sage,’ they responded.

  Sage walked off with his sister and the older woman.

  “Is that their mom?” asked Alexa.

  Olivia nodded. “Yes. She’s a nice lady, but very quiet...”

  They conversed for a few more minutes. After a while, Alexa’s parents waved her over.

  “Well, guys, I’m leaving too.” She hugged Olivia and turned to the boys. “Bye, Kevin. Bye, Matthew.”

  ‘Bye Alexa,’ they both answered.

  Alexa walked off.

  “Alexa Donnelly knows my name!” said a dreamy Matthew.

  Olivia chuckled. “You’re so silly!”

  “Matt, let’s go!” hollered David from afar.

  “Well, Merry Christmas guys,” he said.

  “Merry Christmas, Matthew,” answered Olivia.

  “Merry Christmas, Matt,” said Kevin.

  Matthew walked off with David, Jenny, and his parents.

  Olivia and Kevin remained behind.

  Kevin smirked. “Played any Fortnite lately?”

  Olivia smiled. “No. Feel like playing sometime?”

  Kevin nodded. “Same team for once?”

  “Can’t beat ’em, join ’em?” she said with a deviant smile.

  “Oh! You’re so cocky!” he chuckled. “Yeah, I guess so.”

  Olivia smiled again. “Sure. Can’t wait.”

  Just then, Tara came running from the crowd. “Kevin! Mom’s looking for you; w
e need to go!”

  Olivia’s eyes widened upon seeing Kevin’s sister for the first time. “Oh my! Are you Tara?”

  Tara frowned. “Yes, who are you?”

  “I’m Olivia, Kevin’s friend. I’ve heard so much about you.”

  Tara smiled.

  “I heard you like Barbies,” Olivia mentioned.

  Kevin rolled his eyes.

  “I do. I have forty of them. You like Barbies?”

  “I sure do! Still have some too!”

  “Well, you’re very pretty like a Barbie.”

  “Why thank you, Tara. You’re very pretty yourself.”

  Tara blushed. She grabbed Kevin’s arm and hid her face behind it.

  “Are you guys done?” asked Kevin.

  “No!” said Olivia. “Right, Tara?”

  “Right! What’s your favorite Barbie, Olivia?”

  And the conversation continued...

  “KEVIN LIKES OLIVIA! Kevin likes Olivia!” hollered Tara inside their car.

  “No, I don’t! Tara, stop lying!” he objected.

  Ms. Martinez was intrigued. “Why do you say that Tara?” “I’ve never seen Kevin smile so big!”

  “When was I smiling big, Tara?”

  “When you were talking to her! I saw, I saw!”

  Ms. Martinez smiled. “It’s okay to have a crush on a girl, Kevin. Nothing wrong with that.”

  “But I don’t...”

  “Don’t be ashamed, Kevin, it’s okay!” interrupted his mother.

  “But I...”

  “She’s real pretty mom,” interrupted Tara.

  “Oh, is she?” inquired Ms. Martinez.

  “Stop! I don’t...”

  “She has blue eyes!”

  His attempts at a rebuttal were futile. His mother and sister’s minds were set, and nothing he could say could prove them otherwise. He had been defeated, so he sat back and let them talk.

  The route back home took them through Oldtown Wakefield. It was picturesque, with its cobblestone roads, Bavarian architecture, and old-fashioned streetlamps. Most of the buildings were adorned with Christmas lighting, as were the trees throughout the grounds.

  As they waited for the stoplight to turn green, Kevin glanced down a side alley. He noticed someone climb out of a trash bin. He was wearing something familiar—Kevin’s old yellow-striped, blue hoodie. It was Zander. The surrounding ground was littered with crushed aluminum cans. Zander dusted himself and started to pick them up. He placed them in a trash bag, which he then swung over his shoulder like a recycling Santa Claus. The bag was filled to the brim, and its weight was evident. He had a hunched posture as he walked slowly down the sidewalk.


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