by Fran Striker
Chapter XIX
Tonto was visibly agitated by something that had happened while he layhidden in the darkness near the clearing. The Lone Ranger glanced overhis shoulder at Penelope, on guard in the house, then closed the door.
"Plenty happen," said Tonto.
The Lone Ranger interrupted, "Just a minute." He looked toward thebunkhouse, still brilliantly lighted, and then at his prisoner. Yuma wasregaining consciousness, and squirming about uneasily in hisuncomfortable position.
"Could you hear what was said inside, Tonto?"
The Indian nodded, and once more started to speak.
"Before you tell me what happened in the clearing, let me tell you abouta murder down here."
The Lone Ranger hurriedly sketched the recent grim events, making noeffort to soften his voice so that his prisoner couldn't hear. He didn'tmention the document taken from Penny, but he did tell about locking thekillers in the cellar.
"Now," he finished, "tell me, did that man who passed me find Rangoon?"
Tonto said, "That right. Him come to clearing. Rangoon call. Him stop."
The Lone Ranger noticed that Yuma had stopped squirming. He seemed to belistening intently to what the Indian said. Tonto explained how theunknown rider had dismounted and had talked for a few moments in anundertone to Rangoon. Their voices were too soft for the Indian to getthe gist of the conversation, and he dared not move closer for fear ofdetection. The unknown rider had then untethered Rangoon's horse. Amoment later a shot was fired and hoofbeats signified the fast departureof both horses, one ridden by the killer, the other led.
It had been too dark for Tonto to distinguish anything. He didn't evenknow which man had been shot until he struck matches and identifiedRangoon.
When Tonto finished his narration, Yuma broke in impatiently.
"Look here, stranger, how long d'yuh figger on leavin' me like this? Mybelly's fit tuh meet my spine."
The masked man, with Tonto's help, untied the big prisoner, and slid himfrom his horse.
"You all right?" he asked.
"My head's achin' fit tuh split. What in hell did yuh hit me with?"
"You tripped, and your head rapped the floor."
Yuma made no resistance as he was retied, his hands behind his back. Heobediently climbed into his saddle when ordered to do so.
"Who," he asked, "are you?"
"If I wanted you to know, I'd take this mask off."
"Would I know yuh then?"
"I doubt it--I don't remember ever having seen you before tonight. Nowlisten to me, I'm letting you sit in the saddle so that you'll be morecomfortable. I'm not going to gag you unless you start yelling. Thereare a few things I want to talk to you about, and you'll save yourself alot of trouble if you'll answer my questions." While he spoke, the LoneRanger connected Yuma's feet with a rope tied to each ankle and drawnbeneath the belly of his horse.
"If you try to run away, I'll lasso you and you'll find yourself in abad way, because you can't get out of the saddle."
"I ain't no damn fool," retorted Yuma in a sulky voice.
"Get going," said his captor.
Yuma heeled his horse obediently and started ahead. The Lone Ranger rodeabout ten feet behind, next to Tonto, whispering softly. Tonto frownedheavily at everything that was said, and tried several times to persuadethe white man to relax for at least an hour and rest. The day and nightthus far had been punishing for any man, and especially so for one whohad still a great deal of his strength and endurance to regain.
"I'm going to ride into Red Oak," the Lone Ranger told Tonto, "andthat's a good two hours in the saddle. I can doze on the way. Silverknows the trail back there."
Tonto countered with a comment, but the masked man explained that he wasquite used to spending days and nights on end in the saddle, sleepingthere quite easily. "And, anyway," he finished, "I think we're right onthe verge of discovering who the leader of those outlaws is. Lonergansaid it was the same man that Gimlet mentioned, but I don't think so."
"Tonto at door, then. Hear-um name, 'Yuma.'"
"That's what Lonergan said. I think he lied."
"Who you think leader?"
"I'm not sure yet, Tonto. I've been doing a little thinking while we'vebeen riding." The masked man slowed Silver, and Tonto followed suit.Yuma continued on at the same gait. When the distance had widened sothat it was unlikely that conversation would be heard by the capturedman, the Lone Ranger outlined what he wanted Tonto to do.
"Turn back," he whispered in a voice that was husky with fatigue. "I'lltake care of the prisoner. I'll leave him in the cave, and then ride onto Red Oak."
He spoke rapidly, and Tonto's head bobbed comprehension and approval ofthe plans. "--the man who rode uphill--" was one of the points themasked man emphasized, "--slimy ground on the mountain, different fromthat of the gravel-bottomed Gap--" As he talked, the Lone Ranger keptan eye on the big cowpuncher he had captured.
The level Basin ended in steep walls divided by Bryant's Gap. It washere that Tonto halted, lifted his right hand high in a parting gesture,and wheeled Scout about. The Lone Ranger watched his friend sweepingacross the Basin on a back trail toward the ranch house. Then he turned,and in the light of an ascending moon, three-quarters grown, he saw thatYuma too had halted and was waiting in the Gap.
It took but a moment for the Lone Ranger to join the prisoner, and thenthe two rode side by side. After a period of silence, Yuma spoke.
"Can't git it tuh save me," he growled.
"What's that?"
Yuma looked across the space between the horses. "What in hell's yorepart in things around here?"
"First yuh ride here like one of the killers. I figger you've murderedGimlet, yuh knock hell outen me. Then, yuh lock them skunks in thecellar!"
The Lone Ranger liked the outspoken manner of the man.
"I reckon, from what I heard, you ain't the gent that finished Gimlet."
"Yer huntin' the leader o' them outlaws. Ain't that so?"
The masked man said, "Stop here for a minute."
Yuma reined up.
"Take a look over there," the Lone Ranger said.
Yuma saw six mounds of stone and earth at the base of a sheer cliff. Acrude cross surmounted each of those piles. He nodded grimly.
"I know about 'em. Texas Rangers, ain't they? I heard about theshootin', then a couple of the boys said someone had buried 'em."
"Someone buried them," repeated the Lone Ranger.
"A redskin, or someone wearin' moccasins."
"An Indian," the masked man agreed softly.
After a thoughtful pause, Yuma said, "That pard of yores?"
"That's right."
"Um-h'm." Yuma pondered further while the Lone Ranger waited. "Yuhfigger I got somethin' more tuh say?"
"Have you?"
"Reckon so I have. As I size it up, yore out tuh do fer the ones thatambushed those men."
"That," said the other, "is the whole thing in a nutshell. Whatever elsemay happen, the most important thing to me is to avenge the men who fillthose graves."
"You wasn't especial interested in shootin' up some of the skunks thatdone it," reflected Yuma with regret in his voice.
"They can be picked up later."
"Not if the rest of the pack get back. They'll let 'em out an' then allhell is goin' tuh break loose till you an' that Injun are fillin' acouple more graves."
"I'm interested in the leader of this outfit."
"What about that purty girl?"
"What about her?"
"Holy smoke!" exploded Yuma, "Can't yuh see the spot the poor girl's in?Or maybe yuh don't savvy. She's got four cousins, an' not one of 'em hasthe guts tuh protect her. Every skunk in the Basin would like to make aplay fer Miss Penny, an' it ain't nothin' exceptin' Bryant Cavendishthat keeps 'em from it. Yuh figger Bryant's the leader, don't yuh? Wal,maybe so he is. But I'd a damn sight s
ooner he kept on orderin' themcrooks around in cattle-stealin' an' sellin' than tuh see him jailed an'Penelope left without him."
"I was told that the leader was a man called 'Yuma.'"
"I heard that. I heard what you told the redskin."
"Gimlet mentioned the same name just before he died."
"But that's a blasted--" Yuma broke off, leaving his speech suspended.
"We'll push ahead now," the Lone Ranger said.
When they were on their way again, the masked man noticed that hisprisoner was deep in thought. There were furrows across his forehead;his eyes were half-shut in heavy concentration.
"You haven't told me who you are yet," the Lone Ranger said finally.
"Tain't none of yer business," was the reply. Yuma went on as if simplyvoicing the thoughts that had been broken by the speech. "Don't makesense at all," he muttered. "Bryant wouldn't let Penny git hurt." Thevolume of his speech increased a bit. "Dammit all tuh hell an' gone, Inever seen a man like you. I bet by gosh, yuh _would_ drill Bryant ifyuh thought he bossed the murderin' o' them Rangers."
"Don't you think that would be justified?"
"Yuh wouldn't jest take him tuh the law. You'd deal with him personal,eh?"
"That would all depend. Unless I could find witnesses it would be prettyhard to prove a case against him. I understand that he fired at thisfellow called Yuma."
The clump of horses' hoofs was the only sound for several moments. TheLone Ranger saw the stream of water shimmering in silver light ahead.Just beyond, he knew, was the cave.
"Suppose," muttered Yuma, "Bryant wasn't the leader of the pack?"
"Who else could be? Certainly Cavendish wouldn't let those outsiders runhis ranch for him, and I don't think any of the nephews could pull suchthick wool over his eyes."
"Jest suppose that what Lonergan told yuh was the truth."
"What was that?"
"That Yuma was the boss an' that he had a hold on Bryant an' Bryant hadtuh do what he wanted? Suppose that was the case, what'd you do?"
"Naturally, I'd hunt for Yuma."
"Bryant went tuh town. Now he couldn't have got back in time tuh havekilled old Gimlet, then rid away up that mountain trail yuh mentioned,an' drilled Rangoon like yer Injun pardner told of. Now could he?"
"If he went to Red Oak, he couldn't have been there and back in time,but we don't know that he did go to Red Oak."
"But this gent called Yuma--didn't Miss Penny tell yuh he was stillaround after Bryant left?"
"So ain't it logical tuh think he might o' kilt Gimlet, jest like Gimletsaid, then rid up the mountain, an' killed Rangoon?"
The Lone Ranger could scarcely suppress a smile at the thoroughreasoning of his companion. He urged the blond man to continue. "Whatare you getting at?" he said.
"Me, I ain't nothin' but a cowhand an' ain't been in here long. I ain'thad much of anything tuh do yet. I ain't no way important tuh you. Now,if I was tuh tell yuh where you could locate this Yuma yer huntin',would yuh let me go free?"
"But it's Bryant I want."
Yuma became confidential. "Yer wrong."
The other nodded. "That's what I said. 'Tain't Bryant yuh want at all.It's Yuma is the leader of the bunch, just like Lonergan said."
The Lone Ranger took this announcement calmly. Yuma, having thought thething over from all angles, felt that it was vitally important forPenny's sake to keep this masked rider, whose resolute purpose was tocapture Bryant, from doing so, since Bryant was the only living man whocould protect the girl. He pressed arguments on the Lone Ranger, usingeverything that Penny had previously told him in her uncle's behalf.
"The old man don't know what's goin' on about the place no more," hesaid. "He can't walk around no more, can't ride much, can't even seegood. Yer barkin' up the wrong tree, stranger, an' I'm agoin' tuh putyuh right."
The irony of it. If only Yuma, in the misdirected chivalry of his gliblies, could have known that it was he, and not the uncle she felt hadproved faithless, that the girl wanted. But Yuma didn't know. He went onat great length.
"I'll tell yuh jest where you c'n find Yuma," he concluded, "if you'llpromise tuh turn me loose."
The Lone Ranger agreed.
"Then cut the ropes on my hands."
"Whoa, Silver."
"Whoa thar, you, hoss."
The ropes were cut. Yuma chafed his hands for several moments while hescrutinized the Gap in both directions, and weighed his chances. His ownhorse was fresh, the masked man's had already covered many miles. Hisrifle was still in its leather scabbard, his six-guns still in place.
"You," he said, kneeing his horse aside, "want tuh know whar Yuma is at,eh?"
The tall masked man nodded.
"Wal, yer lookin' right at him!" A gun leaped into Yuma's hand. "I'd assoon as not drill yuh clean," he barked in a harsh, loud voice, "but ifyuh leave me git away, you'll stay alive." He spurred his horse withsuch a force that the beast fairly leaped off all four feet at once.Another instant, and Yuma was clattering through the Gap away fromBryant's Basin.
"Should o' shot him," he thought, "I should o' shot him, but insteadI'll git away. Let him trail me, let him spend a lifetime huntin'me--it'll keep him off'n Bryant's trail." Heedless of the risk, he toreahead, wind whipping at his face, and neckerchief. He thought ofPenelope and something choked in his throat. At least, the girl wouldbe safe while Bryant lived.
It was a heedless, a crazy thing he'd done, but at the time it seemedthe only thing. There were half-formed hopes in his mind. Hopes that hecould circle back and reach Bryant. Tell him what he'd done and beg thepatriarch to provide for Penny's future happiness. Then he'd have atwo-gun showdown with those men like Sawtell and Lombard and theworthless cousins. Kill them, as many as he could, before he himself wasdropped. Wild plans, plans that only a foolhardy cowboy like Yuma couldconcoct. He didn't know why he hadn't shot the masked man; perhapsbecause he knew there would be others to investigate the Texas Rangermurders and the Basin gang.
No. Murder would not have helped. It would simply have delayed the endof Bryant. In making himself the confessed criminal, the leader of thewolf pack, he had done the only thing that his simple mind could thinkof.
"Git up," he bellowed, and the horse lunged on.