Possessed by the Alpha

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Possessed by the Alpha Page 34

by Nancy Corrigan

  It’s already too late. I can’t stop the words coming out of my mouth. I can’t prevent my hands from manipulating the air. I can’t change what I am. All I can do is finish this.

  Screaming the gibberish my soul understands, I wind the air hand over hand and wrench with every ounce of strength I have left.

  A duplicate of me steps out of Vince’s body, but this version isn’t pregnant. Or bleeding. But she—it—is hurting, fighting, wailing, and thrashing while Vince is running in the opposite direction, fleeing the hell he left behind.

  This alternate version of me takes a step closer, then another and another until I’m face-to-face with this demonic clone. She bares pointed blood-tipped teeth. Red flames burn in her eyes. And animalistic snarls roll off her tongue.

  “Kneel.” The command is spoken on my lips, but the power behind it is one I feel in my soul.

  She obeys—instantly—and drops to her knees, but then she’s snapping at my legs and clawing at my stomach, trying to finish what she’d started.

  I lift my knee, cracking her jaw. She jerks her head, and I wrench her chin higher until we’re staring into each other’s eyes. “You can’t have them. My baby, my brother—you can’t have them.”

  “And you can’t save them.” Her mouth twists into a sneer that promises pain. “Both are dying. And you can’t stop it.”

  “You can.” I wrench her ponytail, jerking her head. “You can save them.”

  Her leer softens into a grin. “For a price.”

  “What price?” Because she’s right. My baby’s not moving anymore. Josh isn’t moving either. They’re dying.

  “When the moon is high, you’ll release me, and allow me to walk among humans.”

  I shake my head, not understanding what she’s asking but knowing this creature has no place on earth.

  “Then they die, and I’ll collect on my botched deal with Vince before I return to Hell. His soul will strengthen me for my time there.” She looks down my body and focuses on the blood dripping from my belly. “And of course, I’ll snatch up any recently departed souls I can find. The more the merrier! Hell loves company.”

  Cradling my stomach, I step back. This demonic replica of me takes the opportunity I hadn’t meant to give and breaks my hold over her.

  Something strong and unseen hits me dead in the chest. I fall backward, landing on my bottom as waves of unbearable agony ripple over my stomach and lower back. The tightening tears a scream from my throat, and more blood flows from my stomach in a pulsing gush.

  I’m in labor, and I’m bleeding out.

  “And your baby’s heart just stopped.” The demonic version of me motions to Josh with a flick of her hand. “Josh’s heart isn’t far behind. Seconds, if he’s lucky.”


  “Not my problem.” Turning her back on me, this demonic clone walks away, waving behind her as she disappears into the woods. “See you later, Zoe Jane…on my way back to Hell.”


  Her body lurches. This demon creature stops and whips her head to me. There’s shock in her expression. I don’t know why, and I don’t care. I raise a trembling hand. “Anything. I’ll do anything. Promise anything. Don’t let my baby, my brother… Don’t let them die.”

  Rubbing her hands together, she smiles and makes her way back to me. “Vow it.”

  “What? Vow what?”

  “Come the full moon, you’ll release me to walk among humans.”

  “I vow it. I vow it. Come the full moon, I’ll release you to walk among humans.”

  The earth heaves, rolling my body to her. She digs pointy nails into my shoulders and pulls me close. Then her mouth is on mine. And the world around me darkens until there’s nothing left.



  At the sight of Vince running out of the barn, I act, closing the distance between us. The man I present to the world isn’t in charge. Neither is the beast I can become. In this moment, the soul of every alpha before me blends into my psyche. My father lends his strength to me. His father adds his cunning. My great-grandfather instills confidence. I take their gifts, and my pace quickens. My strides lengthen. My steps soften. The air lifts me up, propelling me forward with only one goal in mind.

  Save our future.

  The newborn in Vince’s arms screams, the ear-piercing screech shaking the world. The ground undulates. Trees sway. Thunder rolls. My steps falter, awed by her power. And the babe Vince carries is a girl. This is Mira’s daughter. The black streak in the blonde fuzz covering her head unmistakable, a trait Josh’s vision of the prophesized ones had revealed.

  And stealing her is a sin I can’t forgive.

  With my sword raised, I attack, my free hand reaching around Vince to pluck Mira’s daughter from his arms as I bring the blade down, whacking through Vince’s neck before he realizes a threat looms over him.

  Red droplets spray over the newborn’s face. Vince’s head falls. I drop the sword, and lift the bloody newborn into my arms as his lifeless body crumbles. Her dark blue eyes lock on to mine, the golden flecks in her orbs glowing. There’s no fear in her expression. No distress tenses her body. She lifts a chubby fist to her mouth and sucks, the horror of what happened moments ago forgotten. I brush my finger over her cheek, leaving a bloody streak, then snatch a section of Vince’s hair and make my way to the barn.

  With a hard push, I open the barn door, then step inside. Blood drips on the floor, draining from the severed head in my hand. My gaze zeroes in on where Asa is gripping Zoe’s biceps. My tiger pushes at my chest with a demand I release it, but the shifters from neighboring groups ushering the sobbing, hysterical humans out the back door stops me. The humans’ cries of denial and ignorance follow them out. They don’t know why they’re here. They couldn’t have been the ones who shot anyone. They didn’t mean to. They were sorry.

  I block them out and wait.

  Once the last human is gone, I fling Vince’s head across the floor to land at Asa’s feet and step into the barn, cradling Mira’s daughter close. Blood coats the newborn as it did when Vince rushed out of the barn with her, but the baby doesn’t struggle in my arms as she did in Vince’s. Her intelligent eyes study me. I hold her a little tighter, showing the babe the only way I can that she’s safe.

  A gasp carries over the sounds in the barn, and Asa takes a step to the side, revealing my true mate. With her hand at her throat, Zoe hunches over as she struggles to breathe, but manages to look my way, catching my gaze for the briefest of moments and letting me know she’s fine.

  Without taking my attention off Asa, I cross the room and kneel next to Mira and the two healthy and squirming newborns resting against her chest. Jarah takes the girl baby from me, and I stand and face the Yuran alpha, the man intent on hurting those under my protection and the man who’s sealed his fate.

  “You killed the next in line to be alpha of the Yuran pride.” Asa throws the accusation at me, assuming I was shamed by what I’d done. “You killed my nephew!”

  “I took the head of a male who intended to kidnap a child.” I wipe my hands on my slacks. “And I had every right to do so.”

  “My nephew was following my orders.”

  “To steal a baby?”

  “To save that child!” Asa points to some obscure spot, likely where the shooter had stood. “There were bullets flying everywhere.”

  “I had every right to take Vince’s head—as an alpha and a Shifter Affairs agent.” I jerk my chin to where Vince’s head rests. “Vince was no innocent. He had a history of—”

  “Saving innocents!” Asa roars. He points at Zoe. “And the not so innocent. He was a good male.”

  “Shifter law grants me—”

  “Shifter law grants me”—Asa booms over me—“vengeance. A life for a life. The future of a pride for the future of a pride.”

  Every instinct within me flares, but there’s no escaping the trap Asa’s sprung, not when alphas from across the country are watchi
ng and listening. I tilt my head, a condescending move that narrows Asa’s eyes. “Careful, Asa. Words are powerful.”

  “You’re right. They are.” Asa takes a slow survey of those hovering in the shadows and nods. “Which is why I’m challenging you. Let us settle this under the light of the full moon. Tonight.”

  “An alpha challenge?”

  Asa nods. “Your life for Vince’s. Your pride for the one he could’ve led.”

  Unheard of! Alphas don’t challenge alphas. Yet…there’s nothing stopping them. And there’s no ignoring the path Asa’s forced me to walk. We will fight. One of us will die. “I don’t have a circle cast on my pride lands at the moment.”

  “Any will do. Surely one of the honorable alphas who live close to you will offer his circle for such a historic battle.”

  Alpha against alpha. Winner takes all and becomes more powerful than anything this world has ever known.

  A king among alphas.

  An odd sense of calm settles over me. I incline my head. “Then we fight.”

  “Tonight.” Asa tips his head to me. “Name the place. I’ll be there.”

  “The Kagan pack lands.” It’s the closest to Riley’s Sanctuary, the only shifter hospital in hundreds of miles, and that’s where Megan, Seth, Peyton, and Rey have gone. All but one are expected to be fine. And if both Megan and I die tonight, I want to be the one to lead her to heaven.



  “Are you okay?”

  Kade’s question cuts through the shock that’s left me quiet and reflective on the car ride over to Riley’s Sanctuary, a veterinary-turned-shifter hospital not far from the Alexander pack lands. I glance from my true mate to the others in the large SUV with us: Jarah at the wheel, Zach in the passenger seat, and Ezra and Uri, two of Kade’s cousins, in the third row.

  Nope. There’s no way I’m bringing up anything that happened tonight.

  The mistake I made in allowing a demon into my soul has far greater implications that I’d ever imagined. Yet, I’m not remorseful. The Conway bloodline lives on. Josh didn’t die, and my baby is out there somewhere. Alive.

  I want to scream the truth to the world, start a search party, think about what my life is going to be like with a young child, but I can’t.

  Our time is almost upon us, my demon and I, and I’m not sure which one of us will win.

  Kade settles his hand on my leg, but doesn’t repeat his question. Doing so wouldn’t be good for his image. I’m expected to obey. It doesn’t matter if I’m his true mate or his queen or the lover he allows in charge of his pleasure. He’s alpha.

  I cover his hand and squeeze. “I remembered some things about my past. I’ll tell you when we’re alone. Okay?”

  “I’m not sure when that’ll be. The full moon is only a few hours away.”

  If the alpha meeting was still going on as planned, we’d be mingling with hors d’oeuvres, wine, and music while the catering staff worked on getting a six-course meal on the tables. Or maybe I’d be getting a lecture for bringing Molly to an adult party. I can imagine dozens of possibilities, but the reality we’re facing should never have been one of them. Yet, this is where we are.

  “We’ll have to find time.” I rub my thumb over Kade’s knuckles. “We might not have another chance.”

  “Zoe’s right. There’s a real possibility you’ll lose this challenge.” Jarah looks into the rearview mirror and catches Kade’s gaze. “I was wrong about Asa. He’s far more dangerous than I imagined, and if you think you’re going to face only a shifter in that circle tonight, you’re going to fail.”

  “I’ll be facing a shaman.”

  “A powerful shaman who’s been able to pull off all the little tricks he’s shown without the help of a demon.” Jarah’s voice hardens. “What we’ve seen is all him. He’s powerful, Kade. I don’t know how else to express that, and once you’re locked in the ceremonial circle with him, he’s not going to hold back. Everything he’s learned and every trick he’s honed and refined will be unleased on you. And not to mention the possibility he will summon a demon to help him. Remember, just because he hasn’t doesn’t mean he won’t.”

  “And I know next to nothing of what I’m capable of doing. I’m a shaman without training.”

  “Exactly.” Jarah flicks the turn signal with all the anger expressed in his voice but pulls into the darkened parking lot of Riley’s Sanctuary with all the care of someone who’s gotten one too many traffic tickets. “Asa’s going to fuck you over and walk away with the spirit of your pride without so much as breaking a sweat.”

  Kade studies where my hand is covering his, gently rubbing his knuckles. “What do you recommend?”

  Jarah slams the shifter into Park and grabs the top of the steering wheel. He hangs his head. “Your choices are certain death or disgrace. Which you choose isn’t up to me.”

  “You’re discrediting my alpha, assassin.” Ezra, Kade’s blind cousin, speaks up from the back of the SUV. “Power comes in many forms. Shamanism is only one.”

  “But it’s the one Kade’s going to be facing tonight.” Jarah twists in his seat, facing those behind him. “Alone.”

  “All challenges are faced alone,” Zach interjects.

  “Had I been feline or a pride mate, I might’ve been able to help him. Shared his mind while he faced Asa.”

  “That’s against the rules.” Ezra shakes his head. “If anyone found out, he’d lose respect.”

  “If he doesn’t get help—illegally or not—he’s going to lose his head.” Jarah opens the door, but before he climbs out, he leans over the seat and lowers his voice. “My goddess will welcome you and your mate into my clan. Remember that, Kade Alexander, and choose wisely.”

  Without responding, Kade climbs out of the SUV and rounds the vehicle as I get out, then takes my hand and walks side by side with me to the front of the ordinary-looking veterinary hospital. Advertisements and a sign listing business hours cover the windows. Inside, the appearance of an ordinary vet clinic continues with rows of dog, cat, and other animal food. There’s a play area for children, benches and chairs for owners and their pets, and even a memorial area where an unlit candle sits under a sign asking for respect and silence when lit while a beloved pet is saying goodbye to its owner.

  The single door at the back of the spacious building opens. Josh steps through, looking as stressed as I’d ever seen him with his hair on end and tension leaving his motions jerky. He runs his hand over his head, mussing the strands more, then looks our way. “Megan’s not going to make it.”

  “What?” I rush forward, pulling Kade with me. “She’s a shifter. She—”

  “She’s a child.” Josh takes my other hand. “She’s not immortal, and she’s just taken several gunshots to her chest and abdomen. We’re lucky she’s held on this long.”

  My brother’s face blurs, and wetness hits my lips. I lick them, my tears a familiar salty taste, but don’t bother wiping my face. The tears won’t stop that easily. “Will a real hospital be able to help her?”

  “Although Megan’s a child, she still a shifter, and her body is trying desperately to heal itself. A human child would not be hanging on like she is. The doctors and nurses will pick up on that. They’ll start to question why. It’s too dangerous.”

  “I don’t give a shit.” I turn away from my brother and glare at Kade. “If a real doctor can help Megan—”

  “I am a real doctor.” The heavily pregnant woman I saw at Mira’s baby shower steps around Josh. Still in scrubs, the woman holds out a hand. “My name’s Riley Kagan, alpha female of the Kagan pack.”

  I take her hand. “I’m sorry to offend you, but—”

  “No offense taken, and if I thought there was a chance another doctor would be able to help one of my patients, I’d make it happen, risks be damned, but another doctor won’t help in Megan’s case. And quite honestly, I’m surprised she’s still alive. Not even taking in the internal damage she’s sustained, sh
e’s lost so much blood, I can’t believe her heart didn’t stop beating. Yes, we’re giving her blood and fluids as quickly as we can, but…”

  “You don’t believe it’ll be soon enough,” Kade finishes Riley’s sentence.

  “Her organs are shutting down. We’re doing everything we can. I have my best nurses with her.”

  “I want to see her.” Kade turns to the door, drawing me with him.

  “Room one,” Riley calls out, but we’re already jogging down the stairs.

  A hallway with sophisticated security on the rooms leading off it greets us. Kade rushes us to the end without looking at the room numbers. He knows where we’re going, and with each step, I do too. Hairs stand up on my arms, and a tingling shiver races down my spine, but it’s the awareness of my demon that quickens my heart. Death hovers close.

  And my demon expects to break free of my hold tonight.

  Rafe opens the door, and Kade releases my hand, gripping his twin’s shoulder as he walks past him, and I’m left standing here, unable to take another step, the weight of my mistake crushing me. My demon will feast on Megan’s soul. It’ll feast on any and every soul it can find, and each one will make it stronger. Because of me and the deal I made.

  Dammit! I don’t know how to fix this. I’m not strong enough.

  Murmurs from inside the room spill into the hallway, and their talk of death urges me closer. I run the last few feet and hurry into the room, where a small blonde child with tubes in her arms, monitors surrounding her, and several large males kneeling on the floor around her bed is dying.

  “It’s only a matter of time. I can’t stay much longer.”

  The voice spoken inside my head isn’t mine. It’s not my demon’s either. It’s a man I’ve never heard before. I scan the room until I zero in on the ancient warrior standing as far from everyone else as possible, a male nobody else obviously sees.

  With strips of animal skin covering his groin, fur pelt boots, braided leather crisscrossing his chest and tattooed runes and symbols decorating his body, he resembles a walking killer, especially with the array weapons hanging from his belt and slung over his shoulders.


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