Blood's Oath (Legacies)

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Blood's Oath (Legacies) Page 10

by Erin Osborne

  “Here’s how this is gonna go,” I order, looking around the room to see who’s sober and who’s not. “Slammer ain’t goin’ with me. You’re sure as fuck not goin’ with me. I’m takin’ men of my choosin’ and we’re leavin’ when I say so. You have no fuckin’ say in this shit.”

  There’s dead silence in the room as everyone waits for my dad to make a decision one way or another. With a glare in my direction, my father nods his head without saying the words I want to hear. I walk away from him, making sure to back up because I don’t want to turn my back on the shady fuckers sitting before me. Especially Slammer, as he knows he’s about to get less money since he’s not going with me. He’ll kill a fucker in his sleep if he feels slighted by them. I don’t trust him as far as I can throw him.

  Pointing to three prospects and two newer full-patch members, I nod my head for them to follow me. We all walk outside so I can actually talk to them without being overheard by anyone not going on the run. I don’t want to be followed by anyone who shouldn’t be with us. It’s just another way to get killed or hurt because someone wants to be a dumb fuck.

  As we all walk away from the clubhouse toward the truck we’ll be using for transporting, I motion for them to pull in tight around me.

  “Here’s what’s gonna happen,” I begin to inform them. “I’m gonna look this load over. While I’m doin’ that, you’re all gonna go pack a bag for the run. You’re the ones goin’ with me this time. Once you’re back out here, I’ll let you all know what’s gonna happen. I’m not givin’ anythin’ away to any fucker in there. If I find out a single one of you are in contact them, you’ll eat a fuckin’ bullet. Is that understood?”

  They all nod their heads in understanding. Nodding my head at them, I watch them all scramble to get inside so they can get their bags packed. As they all practically run through the door of the clubhouse, I open the back doors of the truck and begin to inspect the crates we’re transporting. On the top of the crates are tools, parts for bikes, and other shit like that. There’s a drop panel in the crate which is where our actual shipment is resting. After checking all the crates with what I know we’re supposed to be carrying, everything is on point. Still, the feeling in my gut hasn’t gone away for some reason. It’s only intensified even more.

  I pull out my phone after closing and locking the door of the truck. I want to message my wife.

  Me: Getting ready to head out. Things are goin’ bad here once again. Be home earlier than I thought. Be careful. I love you.

  Tonya: I love you babe. Please be safe and come home to us. Call and message when you can.

  Me: I will.

  It doesn’t take the guys that long to pack their bags and meet me back outside. As the door shuts behind them, I see my father glaring at us from just inside the doorway. He’s not going to get a large cut of the profits from this run because he chose not to come along. Slammer was his ticket to more money. I swear they have something going on because they’re glued to one another more so than any of the other men I’ve ever seen before. It goes beyond the drugs, being best friends, or doing drugs together. Something else is at play behind the scenes or something. I have yet to figure it out, but I will. I’m not a fuck-up like they are.

  With my phone still out, I place a call to Andrews. He needs to know what’s going on with this run.

  “What’s going on?” he asks, answering his phone.

  “We’re leavin’ now. Some bullshit is goin’ down at the clubhouse, I’ve pissed several men off, includin’ my father. Somethin’ is goin’ down and I’m not sure what it is,” I inform him.

  “Everythin’ on the load?” he questions, his voice more alert.

  “Yeah. Just checked it over. Right now, everyone in the clubhouse is fucked. Got two rookies and three prospects with me. No other choice but to initiate them early on I guess,” I state.

  “Fuck! Okay. We’ll meet you there early. I’ll let the others know what’s going on. Make sure you watch your six,” Andrews says before hanging up.

  Turning to the guys going with me, I figure I need them to understand what’s going on.

  “This is the first time most of you have gone on a run. Paxton, you’re the only prospect who’s gone on more than one run with me. You know what’s goin’ on, so I need you in the truck. Brandon, you’ll be in the truck with him. Bear, you’re in front with me. The rest of you take the back and follow closely. Noah, you’re up ahead of all of us. Need you to make sure no cops are up ahead. Make sure the Bluetooth is connected to your helmet, so you let me know if you see anythin’. I’ve messaged you with the coordinates for the drop off. Do not go there by any means. You stay hidden until you see us pull out. Then, again take off ahead of us and report anythin’ back. Not just cops. Any other bikes, suspicious lookin’ cars or trucks. Anything. The rest of you, let’s go.”

  Everyone makes their way to their bikes. Once we’re all ready to go with our helmets on and bandanas covering our faces we head out. Noah takes off before the rest of us. They’ll get used to minimum stops when travelling with me. I want to get in and out before anything happens. This run is going to be hell and I just know that for some reason. Hopefully, no one else is having these feelings and it doesn’t have to do with the club at all but something else. Not that I want my family hurt. Ever. For now, though, the only thing I can do is get this run done as quick as possible and make sure none of us get hurt or worse.

  I’ve been running these guys hard as fuck for the last few days. We’ve made the bare minimum stops for gas and other necessities. This is the only way I’m going to learn if they’ll make it on future runs. My goal is to get back to the clubhouse as soon as possible with the least amount of trouble as possible. This time, my gut hasn’t let up from the bad feeling. My eyes are constantly looking around the area when we’re riding to make sure no one is going to ambush us. I’ve also been in constant contact with Noah to ensure he’s not seeing anything up ahead or anything else.

  When I have the chance, I’m checking in with Tonya to see if the kids and her are okay. She knows how I feel about this run so I’m sure my extra messages home to her are better than sitting and waiting to hear something from me. So far, nothing has happened while we’ve been on the road. Since we dropped the last load off and have been paid for everything, I had Noah come back to us and ride with us instead of being on his own.

  Pulling into the parking lot of the clubhouse, I notice a party going on. Again. It seems as if they’re reverting back to their partying ways with nothing more than concern about drugs, pussy, and being assholes to everyone who’s not in their inner circle. I let the rest of the guys with me know to hang back. I’m going in first to see what’s going on. Then we’ll worry about the money and the rest of the shit so I can get the fuck outta here and back home where I belong.

  As I walk inside, Grifter and Slammer are living it up. They’re in the middle of the common room, holding court as they laugh, yell, and make asses of themselves. My dad sees me first and immediately goes still. His entire body is rigid as the color drains from his old, wrinkled, weathered skin. I watch as he nudges Slammer in the side with his elbow. Slammer turns his attention toward me and has much the same reaction as his President about seeing me stand before them.

  “What’s wrong, Dad?” I question him, walking further in the room to confront him. “Were we not supposed to make it back from the run?”

  I’m just taking a wild guess here about them planning an ambush on us. That’s why he wanted Slammer to go on the run with us. To make sure whatever plan they had setup was put into effect. Unfortunately for them, it didn’t work.

  “How did you know?” Grifter asks, giving me the only answer I need.

  “You’re really a lot dumber than I give you credit for bein’. If I’m gone, you have no access to the runs bringin’ in your money to buy the drugs you’re doin’, the pussy you pay to fuck, or whatever else you do with your cut,” I inform him. “Without me, all that goes away
. So, two things are gonna happen . . ..”

  “Nothin’ is gonna fuckin’ happen!” Slammer yells. “You’re givin’ us all the money without your cut. You don’t fuckin’ need it. Then you’re gonna turn your pussy, bitch ass around and walk out of here. We’ll see you for the next run. Maybe you’ll get a cut of that one.”

  Everyone in the clubhouse begins to laugh their asses off. Personally, I don’t see anything funny about the situation. So, instead of just taking the money they all treasure, I’m going to fucking beat the shit out of my father and Slammer. Letting out a shrill whistle, the other guys who were with me walk through the door. They stand behind me.

  “Make sure no one else gets involved,” is all I say before charging Slammer.

  I nail him in the gut, taking him to the floor. Landing punch after punch, the room is silent other than my fists hitting his flesh. He’s not even trying to defend himself as I rain down one hit after another. Getting off him, I land a solid kick to his gut and ribs before turning on my father. My own flesh and blood was setting me the fuck up. He’s gonna know exactly how I feel about that.

  “So, you had to hide behind a bunch of other guys to take out your own son?” I question him, stopping when our chests are touching, and his rank breath is invading my senses. “You’re gonna leave my wife and kids without a father because you want to cut me out of shit? I’m done, you fuckin’ piece of shit. You get none of the fuckin’ money from this run. It wasn’t your ass on the line so the boys who went with me and me are gonna split it. Maybe you’ll think about that shit the next time you want to pull some shit like this.”

  Before he can say a word about it, I begin to land hits in his midsection and face. I’m a lot faster than he is so there’s no way for him to defend himself from my onslaught. He hits the floor like a ton of bricks as I stand over him. Just before I turn away from him, I spit on his chest, part of it hitting his dried up, dirty cut he should be respecting.

  “I’ll give you until the next run to make your mind up once and for all how this is gonna play out, Grifter. If you want to continue to pull this shit on me, I’m done. I’ll walk away and you’ll be the ones lookin’ over your shoulder for the rest of your pathetic, miserable, drug-filled lives. See, unlike you, I have friends who will watch my back and mean it when they tell me they do. You have nothin’ but enemies. Also remember, I leave, I’ll take the contacts with me and you won’t have a pot to piss in by the time I’m done with you,” I inform him, looking down at his pathetic ass.

  Nodding my head at the men who were with me, we turn and walk back outside. See, what they also don’t know is I split the money at the last drop off location. Having the feeling I did, I knew I’d have to make a big statement to possibly get through to these stupid fuckers. The guys with me didn’t even know what I was doing.

  “I have your money already counted out. While I’m takin’ the club money home with me, I’m not keepin’ it for myself. If I hear that from anyone not standin’ out here with me, I’ll know one of you is a rat. Until I figure out which one it is, I’ll beat the fuck out of every single one of you. Trust me, what Slammer and my dad just got is nothin’ compared to what I’ll do to all of you,” I state, looking at each man surrounding me. “Keep your mouths shut and your money close. Don’t let anyone in there know how much you made or get it from you. Keep it stashed somewhere away from the clubhouse. Do you all have places to do that?”

  They each nod their heads in response. Handing out their money to them, I watch as they each count what’s in the envelopes before I’m ready to head out. Yeah, I gave them a slightly larger cut than they should get, but they put their asses on the line, worked hard, and didn’t fuck around while we were on the road. They deserve this money. I let them know I’m heading home before straddling my bike, turning it on, and leaving the clubhouse behind. My time with this club is fast coming to an end. I’m not going to have to constantly watch over my shoulder for an attack coming.

  Chapter Ten


  BLOOD REMINDING ME of everything I would need to do if something happened to him, gutted me. I’ve not been able to breathe easy since he left. I’m constantly worried about him when he’s on a run. Now, hearing he has a bad feeling, is killing me. I have no clue what’s going on with him or if he’s even left yet. The only thing I can do is wait for him to call or message me.

  Hearing he was leaving early for the run because of shit at the clubhouse is another kick to the gut. If things are going downhill compared to what they have been, I know it’s not going to be good when Blood gets back. My fear is that he’ll revert back to the withdrawn asshole he’s been until confronting his dad and making his decision about what he truly wants out of his life. If he attempted to get out of the club again, it wouldn’t have turned out good. That much I know for sure. If his dad threatened him before, it will only be worse this time around. Fuck!

  The boys are playing in Colt’s room as I stand in the kitchen contemplating what to make them for dinner. I’m honestly standing here just staring at nothing. I don’t see a single piece of food in the refrigerator as I hold the door open. It’s not until I feel a hand on my shoulder that I come back to myself, while screaming.

  “Ahhhhhh!” I scream out as I turn around.

  My eyes are wide, breathing heavy and fast, while my heart feels as if it’s going to beat completely out of my chest. I see Martha standing there with her own hand pressed against her chest and her breathing coming out in heavy pants.

  “Are you okay?” she questions me finally when we’ve both calmed down.

  “Yeah. I’m sorry. I didn’t hear you come in,” I answer.

  “I gathered that. Are you okay?” she questions again.

  “Yeah. Just not feeling the best. Blood is on a run. He didn’t have a good feeling before he left so I’m a little worried about him right now,” I respond, pulling out leftover pizza for the boys.

  I honestly have no appetite and I know I won’t until Blood comes home. It’s the same every single time he’s out on a run. I’ll be jumpy and everything else until my man is home and back in my arms once more. The boys even know something is going on because they’ve left me alone since their father left earlier. Usually, they’d be up my ass wanting to just be with me. We’d watch movies and just veg out together. Not this time. This time, I’ve got my phone glued to me just waiting on that phone call telling me my husband has been hurt or worse.

  “Well, we’re going to keep you busy until then. For now, let’s get something better than leftover pizza for these babies to eat,” Martha says.

  Nodding my head, I let my friend take control of the kitchen as I look down at Emersyn in the car seat where she’s sleeping. I’m not sure what it is about her, but she just seems to get more precious every single time I see her. I pull the blanket up on her a little higher, so I know she’s warm enough. It’s a little drafty in my house for some reason.

  Martha pulls out all sorts of ingredients. I’m not sure what she has in mind to make, but I’ll go with it. For now, at any rate. My boys aren’t picky, so they won’t care what we put in front of them.

  “You brown the hamburger while I get to work on the rest of it. Then we’ll make brownies for them,” she states, pulling out everything I’ll need as we move seamlessly around the kitchen together.

  After almost an hour we have made tacos with a choice of chicken or hamburger. Maddox joined us after he got home from work. Now all we have to do is get the boys. I walk in their room to find them playing on the floor with motorcycles. Colt is talking a mile a minute while Logan nods his head as if he understands what’s going on. My eyes tear up as I watch them pretend to be in a club just like their daddy. Hopefully one day our boys will get to experience a club like their dad wants to make.

  “It’s time for dinner, boys,” I say, walking in the room with them. “Auntie Martha, Uncle Mad, and Emmy are here.”

  Colt jumps up and races from the room. I grab Logan’s ha
nd as I lead him from the bedroom. He’s got a smile on his little boy face as he tries to catch a glimpse of his family. When we get in the dining room, Maddox picks Logan up so he can see Emersyn. My boy bends down so he can place a gentle kiss on her cheek. I quickly snap a picture of the moment because I know Martha and I will want it later on in life.

  “You boys ready to eat?” Maddox asks, getting them both settled in at the table.

  “Yay!” they cheer as we bring their plates over.

  I’m so happy while Blood is gone that my boys have a man in their lives to step in and make them feel his loss even less. If not for Martha and Maddox, I don’t know what we’d do. I’d be a walking zombie while the boys were off doing whatever simply because I wouldn’t know what the hell they were doing. Instead, we have the Wilkes family here with us to help us make it through the time he’s away.

  “I can’t thank you both enough for being here for us right now,” I tell Martha, leaning against her as we make our plates.

  “Wouldn’t be anywhere else,” she replies. “You’re not just our friends, you’re family.”

  “Feel the same way.”

  We all sit down and enjoy our time together. The boys keep us occupied with talking, or trying to talk, to us all through dinner. When Emersyn wakes up, I grab her so Martha can finish eating. She doesn’t breast feed because she wasn’t producing enough milk. I grab her bottle of formula in my hand since Martha just made it, anticipating her daughter’s needs. As I sit down at the table, I feed my precious niece while everyone else eats. Looking down into her eyes, I watch her as she holds my finger while she sucks down the bottle.

  “Are you gonna be okay staying here alone?” Maddox asks me at the end of dinner.

  “Yeah. I’m always fine here alone,” I respond, a fake as fuck smile on my face.

  “Yeah, but we can stay if you want us to,” Martha states.

  “We’ll be fine.”

  Together the three of us clean up the kitchen. Once that’s done, my friends head over to their house while I get the boys ready for bed. First, I get them in their bath where they’re playing and splashing around for a few minutes before I wash them. As soon as they’re bathed, smelling fresh, and dry, I put their pajamas on. Instead of putting them in their own beds, I bring them into my room with me as they usually sleep with me when Blood isn’t home.


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