by Lee Wise
They stood there another minute and then a loud yelp came up from somewhere in the crowd and they started charging us. We started shooting, but there were just so many.
“Fall back!” Ben shouted. “Everyone inside!”
We all managed to make it inside and they started to surround the house. “What’s going on?” Bill asked coming into the kitchen.
“This is where they want us!” Jeremy said. “They are going to try to burn us alive.”
Jenny and Piper started crying. “What do we do?” Allison asked hugging Piper.
“We…” Ben began.
Suddenly, we heard gunfire from outside. “Get down!” Gary shouted. We all laid down on the floor. The gunfire went on for a little while longer, then we heard a loud “Woohoo”.
The front door opened. A lot of people pointed their guns in that direction. “Whoa now!” A man in military attire had come in.
“Well, I’ll be!” Gary said. He walked over and shook the guy’s hand. “Captain Jones!”
“Sergeant Reynolds. It's nice to see you again. We were heading to talk with some people near the Canadian border and Johnson remembered you had talked about this place. We figured we’d see if you guys were still here. I guess we got here just in time!”
“You definitely did Sir.” Ethan said.
“I remember you also, Private…”
“That’s right. Where’s your brother?” He noticed our faces. “Oh, I’m sorry.”
“Why are you heading to the border?” Jill asked.
“Well, a Canadian scientist has possibly figured out the reason for maniacs. So, we are going to see what they know so we can report back.”
“To who?” Ben asked.
“Well, There is still some infrastructure left in America, believe it or not!” He responded.
A man walked in. “Johnson!” Gary said.
“There he is.” Johnson responded. “I knew you would make it.” They shook hands. “Sir, all the maniacs are deceased.”
“Great job.” The captain said. “Have our guys guard the perimeter for a little while longer. I’d like to talk in here for a bit more.”
“Yes sir.” Johnson went back outside.
“You would think he was a real soldier before all this!” The captain said.
“He wasn’t?” I asked.
Captain Jones laughed. “Hell no! I wasn’t either. I was a police officer. I got put in my role because I was the only one with any training! Now tell me about what is going on here.”
Bill started coughing really bad.
“Well, that doesn’t sound good.” Captain Jones said.
“I think that’s my cue to go to bed. “ Bill said.
“I agree with that.” Jeremy said. Bill smiled, said good night and went upstairs.
“I think it’s also time for bed for three others!” Allison said.
“Aww!” Piper said.
“Good night kids!” Cathy said.
“I’m almost an adult.” Piper groaned and went upstairs with Caleb and Jenny. We could hear giggling upstairs.
“I haven’t heard that sound in so long!” Captain Jones said. “We…” His phone started ringing.
“You have a phone?” Rose asked.
“Satellite. Only for emergencies.” He answered and said a few okays, sighed and hung up. He sat on a chair. “Well, that was the border. They just got attacked. The scientist was attacked but will live. Unfortunately, the border is just the worst place to have the meeting.”
“What about having it here?” Jill suggested. We all looked at her. “What? We would have protection and it’s a secret spot.” She continued.
“That’s not a bad idea.” Captain Jones said. “But only if it’s okay with all of you.”
“Maybe we could actually get some sleep.” Robert laughed.
“We can make that happen. Okay, okay we’ll do it. The scientist will need a doctor to check her when she gets here so…”
“We have a doctor here.” Cathy said.
Captain Jones looked surprised. “Wow! Well, this definitely will be the perfect spot. I’ll be right back.” He hurried outside.
As soon as he was outside, Ben said “I really wish we could have discussed this first. How do we know all of this is true? Gary, are you sure we can trust him?”
“If he wanted to take over the place, he would have just done it without asking us first.” Gary said.
“Sorry, I don’t mean to be skeptical, I just want to protect us.” Ben said.
“Well, if it weren’t for them, we would already be dead.” Ethan said.
“That’s true.” Ben said.
Captain Jones came back inside. “Okay, so I have a team of 10 including myself and Johnson it’s, well a ragamuffin group, but I trust my life with all of them. In the morning, five of us will go meet and pick up the scientist and three of her guards an hour away from here so no one follows us back. The other five will make that shed outside into a lab for the scientist. If that’s okay with all of you.” We agreed.
“Would you like to come outside and meet my crew? I’d have them come in, but there’s usually two attacks in the night so they are prepared for that.”
“I don’t see how there’s any maniacs left in the country after all the ones out there!” Mike said.
“Oh, we have actually seen much bigger groups.” Captain Jones remarked. “The good thing is that the leaders are in charge of the maniacs, so we just have to get them first.”
“Leaders?” I asked.
“That’s what we are calling the people leading the maniacs. They’re called maniacs as a whole but the one in charge, we are calling the leader and the ones that are following are maniacs. We haven’t figured out why they are following the one person. A New York team captured one the other day and they’re trying to figure out what makes them tick. So far, they just think it’s one who’s a little smarter. I don’t know. Being a cop, they seem to be like a criminal mastermind to me. But anyways…”
“Let’s go outside.” John said. Dylan started crying upstairs.
“A baby?” Captain Jones said.
“And there’s my cue.” Allison went upstairs.
“I’m so glad we got here in time. If those maniacs would’ve gotten in here…” He shook his head. We all went outside.
“They don’t salute you?” Jacob asked.
Captain Jones just laughed. “They tried to at the beginning after seeing it on movies, I guess, but I put a stop to it. I might make the decisions, but they have saved my butt so many times… anyways...come on over everyone.”
Johnson and the other eight soldiers came over. “Well, you’ve met Johnson…”
“You guys can call me Connor.”
“A lot of times we just go by first names. Doing this mission though, we have to go by last names for the scientist and her guards. She thinks America sent their best and I guess in a way that’s true. We have taken out a lot of these maniacs, so for her sake we’ll go by last names and ranks.”
“I am First Sergeant Johnson then!” He smiled. The other soldiers laughed.
“This is Private Melanie Dubois.”
“You’re so young!” Mrs. Ford said.
Melanie smiled. “I’m 19. I was thinking of joining the National Guard before all of this started. My parents wanted me to go to UMA first though.”
“UMA! I went there. I love that school, I…” I began.
“Aleisha!” John said.
“Sorry. I’ll talk to her later!” I said.
“She could talk anyone’s ear off!” John laughed. I nodded. It was true!
Melanie laughed. “Sounds good!”
“Next is Private Jason Beaumont.”
“I’m not as young.” Jason joked. He looked to be in his late 40s, early 50s.
“And not as pretty.” A young man beside him laughed. The other soldiers laughed.
“My son, always the comedian.” Jason said.
“Come on dad. I outrank you. I could make you do pushups for that.”
“And how would you do that?” Jason pulled his son to him and gave him a big noogie.
Melanie laughed. “See what happens? Bunch of knuckleheads I’m here with.”
“I’m not a knucklehead!” The lady at the end of the line said.
“Sorry Maya!” Melanie laughed.
Captain Jones cleared his throat. Jason stopped giving his son a noogie and Brandon fixed his hair. “That’s Corporal Brandon Beaumont and at the end that is Sergeant Maya Jackson.”
“Hopefully we won’t be tested on all these names later!” Jeremy joked. “I’m good with faces, but not names!”
“I was thinking the same thing when your group came out!” Jason laughed.
“Beside Brandon are Private Emma Talbert and her brother Private Chase Talbert.”
“More young ones.” Mrs. Ford commented.
“Yes, we found them holed up at a gas station. They’re the newest to our group, but they’re fantastic. Emma is 16 and Chase is 18.”
“Oh no! They’re so young!” Jill said.
Captain Johnson nodded his head. “Last, but not least, Specialists Charlie and Julia Anderson.”
“Hi!” Julia said. Charlie smiled at us.
We heard howling in the woods. “And there’s our second wave!” Maya said. “Be ready!”
“Emma, get behind the adults.” Chase said.
“No Chase! I want to fight beside you.” Emma responded. Chase gave her a glare so she stomped behind us.
We had joined the line of soldiers. “Hi!” Melanie said. She whispered to me. “Emma’s not too good with a gun!”
“I heard that!” Emma said.
The howling happened again. “The yelping should come pretty soon.” Mike said.
“You’ve seen this before?” Captain Jones asked.
“Last night!” Cathy replied.
“Holy cow.” Chase said. “Is it animals or people?”
“People.” I responded.
“Be ready.” Captain Jones ordered.
The yelping began and a repeat of the previous time happened with the maniacs, except this time we had nine (Emma missed all of them but almost hit Connor) soldiers helping us.
“That was nuts!” Brenda said when it was over.
“Maybe we should rethink setting up the meeting here?” Mike said.
“No, this place is perfect. We just have to fortify it.” Captain Jones said.
“We had plans to do that.” Mike said. “It’s just been one issue after another that we had to address first.”
“Like the second rounds of maniacs!” I said.
“And my kids fighting and one storming off.” Mike sighed.
Jason whistled. “That’s scary!”
“It definitely was. I’m Mike. I was a fireman and paramedic before all this.” We all introduced ourselves.
“Wow a doctor, nurse and paramedic. That’s handy these days.” Melanie said.
The door opened and Piper came out. I noticed a big smile on Chase’s face. “Rose or Jeremy? Can you come upstairs? It’s my Pépère.”
Jeremy went in with Piper. “And that was my daughter Piper.” Luke said.
“How old is she?” Chase asked.
“Chase has a crush!” Emma teased.
“I do not!” His face turned red. We laughed.
“Are you guys hungry?” Mrs. Ford asked. “Jeremy made a delicious meal earlier and there was plenty left. I can warm it up.”
“Food sounds great.” Jason said rubbing his stomach. Mrs. Ford went inside to reheat the food.
Ben and Mike began to tell the soldiers about the mines at the end of the driveway. Emma yawned.
“Emma, why don’t I introduce you to Piper and Jenny.” Jill said. Emma looked at Chase.
“That’s a great idea.” Chase said. Jill went in with Emma.
Chase sighed. “Thank God!”
We looked at him. “Sorry, but she’s not a soldier.”
Captain Jones agreed. “We managed to keep her safe though, so I’m happy. Yeah, even with some lessons her head was elsewhere.”
“Sounds like someone else I know!” John said glancing at me.
“Hey, I’m definitely not a soldier. You don’t have to tell me that!” I laughed.
“And on that note, I think we should go check on the kids.” Cathy said. We got ready to go inside but then Jeremy came back outside.
“There’s really nothing I can do.” He said.
“How is he doing?” Jacob asked.
“To be honest,” Jeremy said quietly. “Not that good.”
Megan had walked out when he said that. “I… I…” She began to cry. I went over to hug her. “His asthma is bad mama?”
“Asthma?” Jeremy said.
“Piper said her Pépère has always had asthma.”
Jeremy looked at us and went inside followed by Rose.
“What’s going on mama?” Megan asked. I hushed her and hugged her to me.
“This is Megan, one of my daughters.”
“And daddy’s daughter too!” Megan said. Everyone laughed.
“What?” Megan asked. Everyone introduced themselves by first name to Megan, even Captain Jones who I found out was actually named Luis.
“I like your hair!” Megan said to Melanie.
“Thank you! I really want to wash it and then it will be all wavy.”
“Mama used to curl my hair before me and Sarah’s dance recital.”
“Ooh! I used to dance also!” Melanie said. “Also, Maya loves to dance. She has some sweet moves.”
“That I do!” Maya said.
“Can you teach me?”
“In the morning. You need to go to bed.” I said.
“But mama, I have to go to the bathroom and someone got the emergency night one all yucky.”
“I’ll take her.” John said and walked with Megan and Robert to the outhouse.
“She’s so stinkin’ cute!” Melanie said.
The door opened and Jeremy came back out. “Where is Megan?” He asked.
“At the outhouse.” I responded.
“Okay. I didn’t want her to hear. So, Bill does have asthma and get this, Allison said he used to smoke. Guess what Naomi found hidden?”
“No!” Cathy said.
“That’s right. So, he has been secretly sneaking out and smoking and making his cold worse. There was a lot he wasn’t telling us. He also has an inhaler, but refuses to use it.”
“Wow!” I said.
“Don’t worry. Allison and Naomi are searching the room right now and won’t let him get away with anything.”
Luke was rubbing the back of his neck. Ryan noticed him. “You knew your dad was doing that?”
“It calms him.” Luke replied.
Ryan shook his head. “You didn’t think that it was bad that he was smoking when he’s got that bad cold?”
Luke sighed. “I was just trying to cheer dad up…”
“Not that way. Not anymore.” Jeremy said.
“I definitely won’t.” Luke responded. He looked at us. “I promise.”
Mrs. Ford came out, “Who’s hungry?”
The soldiers went in and so did Cathy, Jill and I. “We have to get those kids to sleep or they will stay up all night!” I said. Mrs. Ford came out of the kitchen, “I’ll find some bedding for all of you.” She said to the soldiers.
“That won’t be necessary.” Captain Johnson said. “Actually, we have a truck full of weapons, food and even bedding. I think that the five of us who are leaving in the morning to get the scientist will get some rest and the other five can help keep watch tonight.”
“Sounds good to me!” Jason Beaumont said. “Who is going with you?”
“Well, I figured Maya, you, Brandon and Charlie. The rest can stay here and get things set up.”
“I’d like to stay with my husband.” Julia said.
“Okay, that’s fair. Maya, you
stay and Julia, you can come.”
“Thanks.” Julia said.
Megan came back from the outhouse and Cathy, Jill and I went upstairs to take care of our kids. We got them to sleep and quietly went into another room to talk.
“What do you think?” Jill whispered.
“I’m hoping that this is as good as it sounds.” Cathy responded. “I’m skeptical these days though.” I agreed the door opened. It was John.
“Why don’t you ladies get some sleep. We’ll need you in the morning. We have a lot of work to do.”
“Are you coming to bed?” I asked.
John shook his head. “No, we’re going to go over some plans for tomorrow and I have the first shift.”
“Okay. But shouldn’t we be in on the plans?” I asked.
“You can, but…”
“But what?” Cathy asked.
“They have cigars.” John said looking at me.
“And?” I said.
“I know that you hate the smell.” John replied shrugging his shoulders.
“I think I can handle it this time.” I said. Cathy laughed and we all went downstairs.
“The kids are already asleep?” Luis asked.
“Yep. They fell asleep almost right away.” Jill explained.
“Oh wow. My kids always took forever to sleep.” Luis said and had a pained expression then looked down. “A… A maniac attacked my family while I was at work.” He sighed. “Anyways…Tomorrow…” His phone rang.
“Hello? Tonight? Well… I suppose. Where would we meet? Okay. We’ll see you soon.” Luis hung up and looked at us. “So, change of plans. The convoy is headed about an hour from here. They’re already on their way and they want us to meet them. I guess the border is having a lot of problems and they just couldn’t risk it.”
“Damn. Traveling at night is so dangerous.” Jason commented.
“I agree.” Luis sighed and rubbed his head. “Okay, so we will need all… Most of us.” He said looking at Emma and Chase, “Can you two stay here and help get everything ready for when the scientist returns?” Chase made a face but he knew why they had to stay.
“Yes sir.” Chase replied.
“All right, I guess we are going to head out.”
“Do you need a hand?” Gary asked.
“Ah, no. I think we’re good. Can you guys get some things ready for our return? We’ll need to sleep and maybe you can also clear these bodies. I guess the scientist is very jumpy.”