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Maniacs Page 23

by Lee Wise

  “You didn’t know. None of us did.” Maya said.

  “Know what?” Jill asked.

  “Leah hurt her foot after she became a leader and her group wasn’t that strong.” Luis remarked. “By the time we got there, Leah and Jenny’s groups had fought the strong group together. They managed to kill a few of the bad group, but Jenny and Leah lost a lot of their group, including Leah.”

  “Leah is dead?” Anne asked.

  Angela nodded. “Jenny was injured also, but she’s getting patched up by Jeremy. We also…we also lost someone else. Gary was attacked by the guy who attacked Christian. For some reason he hadn’t left with his group.”

  “Ethan tried to pull the guy off of Gary but he got injured. The guy killed Gary and started attacking Ethan. Brandon actually killed the guy in the T-shirt and rescued Ethan.” Maya explained.

  “Where were you guys?” Anne asked.

  “We were looking at the injured.” Mason said. “It happened so fast!”

  “We think Jenny’s group and Leah’s did join forces, but the bad guys group is just too strong!” Luis explained.

  “Is Ethan okay?” I asked.

  Ethan limped into the room. “I am.” He sighed. Brandon was beside him.

  A few of the guys put their hands on their guns. Ethan stepped in front of Brandon. “Easy everyone, he just wants to talk!”

  “Oh wow!” Liz said excited. Then she said. “You’re the scientist.” She gasped. “Oh my God, he made me speak!” She said it so excited that a few of us laughed.

  “I’m sorry about your mother.” Brandon said speaking through Liz. “We trapped this group once, but they figured out our tricks and are very strong and very dangerous.”

  “What makes you guys different than them?” Steve asked.

  “We’re here to work with you.” Brandon said in our minds.

  “Why?” Anne asked.

  “The other group wants to get rid of anyone who’s not us.” Liz/Brandon said.

  “And why should we trust you?” Chase asked.

  “I, well I just don’t have any answer for that Chase. I don’t remember any of you from before, I can only answer for right now. We made our choice at the beginning. You can either go with your anger, or choose differently. Jenny, Leah and I chose differently. Others chose as they wanted. The other group is triple our size. With Leah gone, we’ve added six more to our group. That still only makes 20 of us on the good side. That’s why we need your help. We got them in the pit before, but…” Brandon stopped and stood still. “Quick! I hear something!” He said through Liz. “We need to get outside. I need Jenny also!”

  “I’m still patching her up!” Jeremy said from the den.

  “No time!” Brandon said through Liz.

  Jenny came out of the den with Jacob, Jeremy and Mike. She had a cut on her face and a bandage around her arm.

  “She needs stitches.” Jeremy said.

  “Quick outside. Now!” Liz and Cathy said together (Jenny and Brandon speaking through them).

  “Aleisha, and Allison upstairs!” Ben commanded. “The rest outside.”

  “We need Aleisha!” Liz and Cathy said together.

  “Me? Why?” I asked.

  “Stay by me!” John said to me.

  “Okay, Allison and Liz upstairs!”

  “No, we need Liz, Cathy and Aleisha.” Liz and Cathy said.

  “Allison and I have this!” Rose said and they went upstairs.

  I didn’t know what they could possibly need me for! I went outside anyways with our group. Jenny and Leah’s groups were there.

  “Stay behind us!” Jenny spoke in our mind. “Someone is coming!”

  A small group came up the driveway. Jenny’s group approached them. Soon, Jenny came back. “This group was just attacked. They lost many. They will be joining our group. Their leader has been killed. I will be their leader. I will work along your leader to destroy the dangerous group.” Jenny said through Cathy. Cathy smiled. She was speaking for her daughter.

  The small group approached. A girl stepped forward and looked at me. “I am Chloe. We have lost many, but we are willing to help. We want to live in this world beside all of you, not against you.” She said through me. I gasped. I couldn’t believe she just made me talk.

  “Now there are 26 of us. But Chloe knows where there are others. We can go get the others and plan the fight against the dangerous ones.” Jenny said through Cathy.

  “Can I study you?” Liz asked excitedly.

  They all looked at Liz. Jenny giggled. “We have work to be done first. Why do you want to study me?” Cathy/Jenny asked.

  “Is there any of my little Jenny left in there?” Cathy asked.

  Jenny looked at Cathy. “I realize you were my mother. I am not the Jenny you knew though. Yes, I have changed, but I have adapted to being better. You will see one day.” Liz/Jenny said.

  “What does that even mean?” Anne asked. Mason shrugged his shoulders.

  “We are going to get the other groups and then return. Then, we can work on a plan.” Cathy/Jenny announced.

  Luis shrugged his shoulders looking a little overwhelmed. “Okay.” He replied.

  “Okay?” Anne asked.

  We all agreed, but Anne shook her head and stomped off into the house with Mason behind her. The maniacs left, promising to return soon.

  We got ready to talk, but Anne and Mason came back outside with what few possessions they owned. “We’re leaving!” Anne said.

  Mason nodded his head. “You coming Steve?”

  Steve looked shocked. “I… no.”

  “What?” Anne asked.

  “I think it’s best for Brianna and I to stay here.” Steve sighed.

  “Seriously?” Anne snapped.

  “I get it man.” Mason shrugged.

  “You get it?” Anne asked.

  “He needs to take care of himself and Brianna. It’s all right. We’ll see you man. We’re headed back to Vermont. If you’re ever in the area…” Mason began.

  Steve nodded his head. “Safe travels you two.” He hugged Mason, Anne just walked off.

  “Bye guys.” Mason said and left also.

  When they were down the driveway, Steve let out a sigh.

  “I’m sorry they left.” Cathy said.

  Steve had a smile on his face. “Is it bad that I want to cheer? I’m sorry, but Anne just drives me up the wall!” He laughed.

  “She was a bit of a stick.” Liz agreed.

  “Stick?” Maya said.

  “Is that the saying? Maybe it’s she had a stick up her well, you know!” Liz said. We all laughed.

  “That’s exactly it.” Steve sighed. “I’ll miss Mason though. I’m sure Brianna will be sad. She probably won’t miss Anne, but definitely Mason.”

  “Back to business.” Luis continued. “Is everyone okay with joining forces with this group of maniacs.”

  “It seems so strange, but yes.” Angela said. All of us agreed.

  “We need to figure out how to defeat the other group though.” Maya resumed.

  “We can make a plan once they get back.” Robert said. “First, I want to know how they are able to make us talk. Do you feel them moving your mouth?”

  Cathy, Liz and I laughed. “I am not sure how it works, it’s really strange!” Cathy declared. “It’s strange talking for my daughter, well… I know she says she isn’t but she will always be. And now I get to see her again!”

  We noticed movement in the driveway. It was Brandon. He came up to us. “Jenny had me come back to help you guys communicate with her if you needed to.” He said through Liz.

  “Have you gotten any more people?” I asked.

  “We found a small group, only they’re mostly kids under the age of 10. Jenny is going to bring them back. They can’t help us fight, but right now we want to get them here so they don’t join with the dangerous group and learn bad things there.”

  “Under the age of 10!” I gasped.

right.” He commented.

  “Oh my God!” Jill sighed.

  A girl walked up the driveway with young kids. “Here they come.” Brandon/Liz announced.

  “Jenny asked me to bring them here.” The girl said through me. I covered my mouth. It still felt so weird for them to talk through me.

  “Why have you chosen Cathy, Aleisha and Liz to speak through?” Angela asked.

  “You’d have to ask Jenny that, but I believe it has something to do with their acceptance of all this and possibly their nonviolent nature.” Brandon said.

  “Acceptance?” I asked.

  Brandon shrugged and looked at the girl. “This is Stephanie. Stephanie, who do you have with you?”

  “This is Willow, Stella, Hannah and Xander.” She said through me. Weird!

  “They’re so young!” Jill said. We all nodded. One of them had to be only four or five.

  “Stella and Stephanie have been taking care of them. Stephanie is twelve. Stella is nine. Xander and Hannah are seven and Willow is five.” She/I said.

  “Are you guys hungry?” Jeremy asked.

  “We’ve just been eating whatever.” Liz/Brandon said.

  “I can make a big meal, or a sandwich, ice cream?” Jeremy said.

  “Food doesn’t interest us much. We eat what we need, when we get hungry. No need to use your food on us.” Liz/Brandon said.

  “Can I give some ice cream to the little ones?” Jeremy asked. Brandon looked at Stephanie and they both shrugged their shoulders so Jeremy went inside to get some.

  He came back out and was trying to hand some cones to the younger one (Willow) but she growled. Brandon pulled her back right before she swung at Jeremy.

  “I didn’t know she would act like that. I apologize.” Liz/Brandon said.

  “Interesting.” Liz observed. “Brandon, can you try giving her the ice cream?”

  Brandon shrugged his shoulders. Jeremy gave him an ice cream cone. Brandon tried handing it to Hannah, but she smacked it out of his hand and knocked him over. Stella and Stephanie got the kids before they could hurt anyone. Xander stood back from the group watching with a smile on his face.

  “They most likely would have been with the dangerous group!” Mike said.

  “They don’t think like the rest of us do.” Liz/Brandon said. Brandon had a fat lip. “They can be easily changed Jenny thinks. She thinks we just need to work with them. They don’t do much talking through their minds and even through people isn’t as easy as all that. They’re still learning. Jenny figures if they come here, they’ll be able to learn some good.”

  “From us or you?” Cathy asked.

  “Both.” Liz/Brandon said.

  “Jenny is coming back. She’s bringing others.” Stephanie/I said. We all faced the driveway. Soon, we could see them coming up the driveway.

  Jenny came up to us. A man who appeared to be in his 30s stood next to her. “This is Richard and his group. We also have another group with us who recently lost their leader to the dangerous ones.” Jenny/Cathy said.

  “Welcome!” Liz announced.

  The man smiled. He looked around. He spotted Miles. “My name is Richard.” He had Miles say. “Our group was attacked yesterday by the dangerous ones. We have agreed to help Jenny as well as all of you to retaliate.”

  “There are now 47 of us and with your group, I believe we can defeat them.” Jenny/Cathy said.

  Luis nodded. “So what’s the plan?”

  “Habba de ba!” Willow had jumped onto one of the maniacs who had just arrived. Jenny shook her head. Stephanie, Stella and Chloe pulled her off the boy. He had a bad cut on his cheek.

  “I can take care of his cheek and yours too after we talk Jenny.” Jeremy said.

  Jenny smiled. “Thank you.” Jenny/Cathy said. “It doesn’t hurt though. We don’t feel pain as you guys feel it. I would like to go on with the planning, but first we have to take care of the three kids. Xander, Willow and Hannah! Please advance to us.” The three kids walked over with Stella holding Hannah and Willow’s hands.

  “You’re all set Stella!” Jenny/Cathy said. Stella went back to stand with Stephanie. “I… I haven’t had to deal with kids yet.”

  “I’m sure you have some instinct left from when you used to babysit your cousins!” Robert proclaimed.

  Jenny smiled. “These kids are different. They have the potential to be very dangerous.” Jenny/Cathy explained.

  “Why did you say manure to me?” Cathy asked suddenly.

  “Manure?” Jenny/Cathy asked.

  “Yes.” Cathy said.

  “Why would I say manure?” Jenny/Cathy asked.

  “You were looking in the window and you said it to me in my mind and when I repeated it back you nodded your head.” Cathy said.

  Jenny looked confused. “Are you sure it was me?”

  “I… I thought so.” Cathy said.

  “I didn’t say manure. I don’t remember thinking anything to you besides when I asked for your help.” Jenny said. “I did however wonder why it smells so badly of manure. I wonder if you heard my thoughts? I’m not sure how though. Usually I have to work hard to get people to hear thoughts. It’s actually a lot harder than getting people to say what I want them to.”

  “Strange.” Cathy said. Jenny nodded her head.

  “So, what’s our plan? What are we going to do with the kids and dangerous ones?” Jill asked.

  “Those were really nice cells you made. I wish that the dangerous ones wouldn’t have burnt the shed down. Do you have any rope for temporary use?” Jenny/Cathy asked.

  Suddenly, a maniac standing near Richard was getting attacked by Hannah. The other two kids joined in. Richard and Jenny tried pulling them off. The maniac fought back and flung Willow. Willow hit her head on the side of the house.

  “Oh no!” Jeremy gasped and went to check on Willow. Xanderthen stood up and stepped back. Only Hannah was left fighting the maniac. Richard and Jenny pulled her off finally. She was still kicking and screaming. The maniac was clearly hurt.

  “She didn’t make it.” Jeremy said walking back over from checking on Willow. He noticed the maniac laying down. He started to walk over to the maniac.

  “Hold on!” Luis commanded. “Wait until they have the kids under control.”

  Mike had went inside to get rope during this commotion. “Okay, I have three pretty good lengths of rope here.”

  “We only need two now.” Jill said quietly. “Poor baby.”

  “Poor baby? She seemed stronger than me!” Angela remarked.

  “That’s true.” Jill agreed.

  Ben and Jenny tied up Xander and Hannah. “This brings back memories!” Ben said.

  “If they get too dangerous, we’ll just have to exterminate them.” Jenny/Cathy said.

  “But they are just kids!” Cathy gasped.

  “We’ll do what we have to do to keep us all safe.” Jenny/Cathy explained.

  “They’re safe now.” Luis said. “Now, what’s our plan?”

  “There’s going to be another change tomorrow. We’ll wait on that. Meanwhile, we need all your people on their highest alert. You must all go to sleep now. We will guard the house.” Richard/Miles announced.

  Luis looked at Ben and all of us. It was clear that none of us were comfortable with the idea.

  “Look,” Jenny/Cathy said. “If we wanted to hurt you, we would have already. If you want to do sleep in shifts, that’s fine. We just need you guys rested.”

  “What about you? Do you all sleep?” I asked.

  Jenny smiled. “We don’t really sleep like you do. It’s kind of a rest for four hours. We do it in shifts and while we’re resting, we’re still aware of what is going on around us.”

  Luis sighed. “We do need sleep. I agree. We can do it in shifts.”

  Ben said, “Our group needs to talk for a minute.”

  “I understand.” Jenny/Cathy nodded. “We’ll give you your space.” They walked to the edge of the woods and spanned out facing
away from us.

  “So what do you think?” Ben asked all of us.

  “This is crazy!” Steve announced. “We need to get rid of that dangerous group and with mind control and all of that, I think it’s best to fight fire with fire. I think they are our best hope unfortunately.” We all agreed.

  “So, we sleep in shifts?” We agreed once again. I was sent on the first shift to sleep. John was sent on the second. I made sure I gave him a hug.

  Before our group broke up, I said, “They said that tomorrow more people will change.”

  Everyone sighed. “I forgot about that.” Jill sighed.

  “I wonder if they know who will change.” Cathy commented. “Like if they can sense it or something.”

  “I don’t know, but I hope it’s not any of us!” John said. We all agreed.

  “Or any of the children.” Jill added. We all agreed with that also.

  “So, I guess I’ll head up to sleep now.” I said. “I’m not sure how much sleep I will get though.”

  I headed upstairs and tucked in my girls. I had them sleep on both sides of me. I just wanted to be close to them. I missed our morning cuddles and just hearing them giggle. Lately there had been less giggling and it was hard on me.

  “Mama, were there kids down there?” Sarah asked.

  Mrs. Ford looked over. “We could hear some young voices.”

  “There are.” I said.

  “Are they maniacs?” Megan asked.

  “Yes.” I said.

  “Am I going to change into a maniac?” Sarah asked.

  “No baby. You are not!” I cried. Soon the kids fell asleep. It took me a while longer. Never before had I thought of my little ones changing, but now I knew that it was as possible as John or I changing. I held the girls a little closer to me and finally I fell asleep.

  I woke up to the sound of Sarah and Megan bickering. “Why are you girls up so early?” I asked getting ready to roll over.

  “But mama! It’s already 7 o’clock!” Sarah said.

  “What?” I looked at my watch. “Why didn’t anyone wake me?”

  “What’s the commotion?” I looked over and Liz and Cathy were getting up. “Is it morning?” Cathy gasped. “What happened to shifts?”

  We all went downstairs. I was cautious about the kids coming down, but they couldn’t stay in that room forever. Jenny was sitting at the table. Sarah gasped. Jenny smiled at Sarah and gave her a little wave. Sarah got ready to go back upstairs.


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