by Lee Wise
“Okay… Wait! Walkie-talkies! Let’s try to reach them!” Cathy said.
We looked around for a walkie-talkie, but for some reason they were all missing. “Where the heck are all the walkie-talkies!” I exclaimed, a little too loudly.
“I know where there’s one!” Mary stated.
“We looked everywhere!” I proclaimed.
“But Mrs. Ford kept one hidden just in case.” Nate replied. “She showed us where it was and a gun too if we ever needed those.”
“Show us.” Jill demanded.
The kids brought us upstairs into the room. They went to a little corner where there was a hidden spot. Inside, there was a walkie-talkie and a gun. Cathy took both.
“Mama, what’s going on?” Sarah asked. I looked at the others, unsure if they should be told what was going on.
“Please tell us. We might be able to help.” Nate said. Piper nodded.
“Everyone is missing.” Cathy said quietly.
“Even Dylan and Alyssa?” Piper asked.
“Yes.” Liz said.
“Did you check the tree house and the safety shed?” Mary asked.
“No… I just looked around here.” Jill began. “Do you think…” She looked at Cathy, Liz and I.
“Jill, let’s go check those places out. Aleisha, Liz and Piper, please keep the kids safe.” Cathy handed me the gun.
“Shouldn’t you have this?” I asked.
“Jill has one. You need to keep the kids protected also.” Cathy announced.
I took the gun from her. “Okay.” I said.
“Remember that the safety’s on.” Cathy said to me. I turned over the gun.
“Maybe I should have handed the gun to Piper!” Cathy joked.
“Hardy har har.” I said. “We’ve got this. Be careful okay?” I asked them and we hugged. Jill and Cathy left.
“Why don’t we clean this room up a bit, then we can play games.” Piper said to the kids.
“Can we just skip the cleaning and play games?” Nate begged. We all laughed.
“I second that.” Sarah agreed.
Piper laughed. “Okay.” They went to play in the corner away from the windows and door.
I went to look out the windows and saw Jill and Cathy heading towards the area where the tree house was. I had a pit in my stomach. What the hell was going on? Why would they go to the tree house or shed instead of just staying in the room?
Time seemed to be going by so slowly. I knew that Jill and Cathy had hurried to the two spots, but it was just such a long wait! I soon saw Cathy and Jill coming around the house to the front door. They were alone.
“They’re back!” I said.
“Everyone?” Liz asked.
I shook my head. “No. Just Cathy and Jill.” I said. “Wait!” I noticed movement in the driveway the same time as Cathy and Jill came into the house. I met the two in the hallway.
“Someone’s coming up the driveway!” I exclaimed.
“Get in with the kids!” Cathy said. She hustled downstairs with Jill. I hurried back in with the kids and looked out the window. John, Robert and Ben were outside talking. Cathy and Jill cautiously approached them. They started talking. Cathy looked up at the window and motioned for me to come down.
“Liz.” I said. “Piper, can you watch the kids while Liz and I go downstairs? Some of our group is out there.”
Piper smiled. “Thank God! Yes I can!”
Liz and I went outside. “What’s going on?” I ran over to hug John.
“Well, you guys missed a lot.” John said.
“Where are the maniacs?” I asked.
“They are out scouting.” John said.
“And Mrs. Ford, Allison, Alyssa, Naomi and Caleb?” Liz said.
“Slow down. You missed a lot.” John sighed. “Mrs. Ford went to help out the maniacs as their voice. You weren’t awake yet so she volunteered. Allison also went. Naomi is with the guys getting supplies that are needed for the baby. Dylan and Caleb are there with them.”
“They brought Dylan out there?” I gasped.
John laughed. “Brandon and Stephanie and some maniacs went along also. They can sense if anyone is coming.” John sighed and looked at Robert.
“We have to tell them.” Robert said.
“Tell us what?” I asked.
“Alyssa ran away last night.” Robert responded.
“What?” I gasped.
“She left a little note saying something but her handwriting is that of a four-year-olds.” John said.
“Oh no!” I said.
“We think that’s why Mrs. Ford volunteered to go with the maniacs. She wants to search for Alyssa at the same time and the maniacs said that they would help.” Ben sighed.
“Why didn’t you wake us?” Cathy asked.
“Jenny needed you guys to sleep. She said it’s exhausting for you guys to talk for them and you helped with building and cleaning. She wanted to make sure you have the energy to deal with everything.” Ben explained.
I just shook my head. “Wait… Where are Jacob and Emma?”
“Oh, they are much better. They went to help.” John said.
“And Jeremy and Rose?” Cathy asked.
“They went to get medical supplies.” John answered.
“What if the dangerous maniacs would have come to attack while you were all gone?” Jill asked. I nodded my head in agreement.
“Jenny sensed that they were away from here.” Ben said.
“Where’s Ethan and the kid maniacs?” Cathy asked.
The guys looked at each other. “Oh come on! Just tell us!” Liz demanded.
“Xander strangled and killed them with his ropes that were on his hands. Jenny’s group decided to dispose of him.” Ben stated.
“Dispose? You mean kill?” Cathy gasped. “Oh my God!”
“How did Stella take it? She was kind of in charge of the kids.” Jill asked.
“I really don’t think it bothered her too much.” Ben shrugged his shoulders.
“That’s sad.” I said. “So, we are still going to build a shed with cells in it even though they are gone?”
“Well, more will change.” John stated.
“That’s true. I hate that. I hate thinking about it.” I said.
“We all do, but we now know that it will happen. We just need to be prepared for it when it does.” Ben said.
Ben’s walkie-talkie crackled. It was Piper. “The kids want to know if they can come outside now and help with the animals.”
“They sure can!” Ben said back.
“The cow hasn’t been milked yet.” Cathy said to the men.
“Miles said that that the kids, especially Nate, were begging to milk her so he would let her wait until the kids woke up.” John explained.
“Where’s Miles now?” Jill asked.
“He went with Jenny and Richard. They needed to speak through him and he was excited to be of use.” Robert said.
We heard some vehicles coming up the driveway. The front door opened, but Piper must’ve heard the vehicles also so she kept the kids inside until we told her if the vehicles were safe or not.
It turned out to be a truck full of lumber and all kinds of building material. Luis was driving and he honked his horn on the way in. Behind that truck were two cars.
Christian got out of the second car. He had his hands behind his back. “Pick a hand.” He said to Liz.
Liz smiled. “What do you have?”
“You have to pick a hand to find out.” Christian laughed.
The kids came over to us. “Did you pick up anything for us?” Megan asked.
“I did!” Caleb said coming around the side of the car with a plastic bag.
“I pick this one!” Liz said and pointed at Christian’s left hand.
“Wrong!” Christian laughed opening up his hand. “You always pick my left hand first!”
“Then, that hand!” Liz exclaimed.
Christian opened up his right hand. Inside was a beau
tiful necklace with a red ruby.
Liz’s eyes teared up. “Where did you find this?” She cried.
“At a jewelry store down the road.” Christian shrugged his shoulders like it was nothing.
Looking at Liz though, it was clear that it meant a lot. “My mom gave me a necklace like this the day before she turned into a maniac. I think that she knew something was happening to her. The next day, if it wasn’t for the necklace, she would’ve killed me. She went to grab me or something and got caught on the necklace. I undid the clasp and was able to get away. I wanted to go back and get it but Christian said that it wasn’t worth the risk.” She turned to Christian. “Thank you so much!” She hugged
“They have jewelry store in this small area?” I asked.
“I know! I was shocked when I saw it and I had to go inside!” Christian remarked.
“Please tell me you didn’t get us all necklaces.” Nate groaned to Caleb. We all laughed.
“Definitely not!” Caleb said. “Look!” He held open the bag and all the kids gathered around.
“Yay!” The kids hollered. They went to put their hands in the bag.
“Wait!” Caleb said holding the bag up high. “Christian said that he’ll help us make another piñata and we can put the candy inside. Then, we can break it open and split the candy evenly. Is… is Alyssa back yet?”
“I’m afraid not.” Ben said.
“I was hoping she would be. She was telling me how much she loves chocolate.” Caleb said quietly.
“Let’s go make a piñata!” Mary exclaimed.
“Wait! There’s a cow that needs to be milked and some eggs needed to be collected.” Robert said.
“I’ll hold the candy!” I teased.
“No way!” Megan giggled.
“We can put it up for now.” Christian said. “Let’s go tend to the animals.” They all left.
“I’ll help!” Liz volunteered and walked off with him.
I looked around at those who were helping to unload everything. Jenny and Richard’s group were still gone (except for a few that were with this group including Brandon and Stephanie). Mrs. Ford, Allison and Miles were still with that group. I noticed a few more people were missing. “I’m not seeing Rose, Jeremy, Chase, Emma and Alex.” I said. “You said that just Mrs. Ford, Allison and Miles went with Jenny’s group right?”
“They’ll be here soon. Emma insisted on stopping at a clothing store!” Luis said.
“Rose liked the idea also!” Maya said.
“I could go for some fresh clothes.” Jill said. Cathy and I agreed.
“I’m sure that they will bring back plenty.” John said.
“Can someone watch Dylan? I have to go to the bathroom so bad!” Naomi asked.
I gently grabbed him from her. John looked at me surprised. I hadn’t held him since before my miscarriage. It had been hard after the miscarriage and then after that I just had not found the time. I’m not sure if that was just an excuse or what, but I was finally ready. Dylan had a big smile on his face. Then he made a scrunched-up face and spit up all over me. John laughed.
“Well!” I commented while laughing. “I bet you feel better now!”
“Now you really could use some fresh clothes!” John joked.
“Hey John!” Angela hollered over to him. “Are you just going to stay over there and giggle, or do you think you could help us with the lumber?” We all laughed at that.
“I’d prefer to giggle!” John laughed, but walked over to help.
“I think I will go change.” I announced. “This spit up reeks.”
Another car pulled up into the driveway. Alex was driving. He honked the horn and got out. “Sorry it took so long! The girls went on a shopping spree!”
“Boy did we!” Emma laughed. “Can you open the trunk please Alex?”
“You just press the button in the back. Most SUVs have that button.” Chase said. Emma stuck her tongue out at him. Meanwhile, Naomi (who had taken back Dylan), Cathy, Jill and I walked over. Piper had also heard that there were some clothes so she had joined us.
“Ooh! I think Aleisha needs the first shirt!” Rose joked.
“Oh wow!” I exclaimed looking in the trunk. It was packed with clothes.
“Yeah, they got so much clothes that we had to hold the medical supplies that we found on our laps!” Jeremy laughed.
“I’ll help you unload the medical supplies Jeremy.” Chase said. “We did pick up some clothes for the boys and men, we just didn’t go as crazy as the ladies did.”
Rose held up a shirt. “Ooh! I love that shirt!” I proclaimed.
“It’s yours!” Rose offered. We carried the piles of bags into the house. I quickly changed into the shirt. It was a simple V–neck, crimson colored shirt, but it felt so good having on a brand-new shirt on. The other ladies changed their outfits too. Emma showed Jill and I the clothes she found for Mary, Sarah, Megan and Brianna. She also pulled out a bunch of baby clothes for Dylan. The guys came in after unloading the lumber and supplies to hearing us oohing and ahhing at the clothes.
“I hate to interrupt you ladies, but do you think that someone can make lunch?” Ben asked.
The ladies and I laughed. “I can.” Rose volunteered said.
“I’ll help you!” Emma said. It was clear that Rose had taken on a motherly role to Emma and it seemed just what she needed. I noticed a smile on Ben’s face. I think he was thinking the same thing.
“Mama!” Megan came in crying.
“What happened.?” I plugged my nose. She reeked like manure.
“Stop right there!” John commanded from the door stopping Megan before she could get to the living room where we were sorting clothes. I walked out to see her.
“Oh no!” I gasped. The other ladies came to see what was up.
“I was trying to catch one of the cats and I fell!” Megan cried.
“Wow! Let’s go clean you up!” I said. The smell was horrible!
“You can toss her clothes.” Cathy suggested. “This outfit will look so cute on her!”
“No! This is my favorite shirt! I used to wear it all the time at school!” Megan started to cry.
“Oh honey!” Angela said from behind John. “We can easily clean that shirt right up. Leave it to Aunt Angela. But for now, I think you should put on the clothes that your Aunt Cathy has.”
Megan went to grab the outfit, but Cathy pulled it back. “I’ll follow you guys with it. You will need to wash up first!”
Megan crinkled her nose. “I smell so bad!” She laughed.
“Yes you do!” I agreed.
“Want a hug, daddy?” Megan joked.
“No way!” John ran from her outside and she chased him for a bit. Finally, I had her go with me to the tub. Cathy had boiled some water and we filled it up. We had had a shower rigged up, but it was broken so now we were all just bathing. Someday we would fix it, when we had time.
Sarah came over to us. “Mama, look!” She had a new outfit on. “Piper said that I look a lot older!”
“You do honey! I almost didn’t recognize you. I thought you were a 30-year-old. ” I joked.
“Mama!” Sarah giggled. “Wow! Look at the water!” We had hosed off all the manure from Megan, but she still had managed to get the tub water brown.
“I was dirty!” Megan laughed.
“And stinky!” Sarah teased.
“Stop making fun of me!” Megan whined.
“I wasn’t. It’s true. You were covered in poop!” Sarah replied.
“Mama!” Megan whined again.
“Sarah, can you go show daddy and Aunt Cathy your beautiful outfit? I bet they would love it.” I asked, trying to break up the fighting.
“Okay!” Sarah ran off.
“Now, let’s get you dried off.” I said getting the towel ready.
“Can I play in here a little longer?” Megan pleaded.
“Okay, for a few more minutes, but the water is getting cold.” I warned.
“Yay!” Megan cheered.
She played for a little bit longer and then I made her get out. I helped her dry off and get dressed. I told her to go play while I scrubbed out the tub. It was nasty! About the time I finished, lunch was ready. Although I hadn’t done much that morning, I was starving. It seemed everyone was. We finished off all the food. “I’ll have to make more for when Allison, Miles and Mrs. Ford get back!” Rose announced.
An hour later, their group returned. “That was a lot of walking!” Miles announced. “I need to go put my feet up. Did anyone take care of the animals?”
“They are all set.” Angela replied. “They’ve been fed, milked and all that.”
“Thank you!” Miles said. He went inside.
“So,” Jenny/Cathy began. “We went everywhere and we couldn’t find the dangerous ones. I’m not sure if they figured out how to make it so we can’t sense them or if they just moved on, but we looked everywhere!”
“We definitely did!” Mrs. Ford agreed. “I’m exhausted.”
“Thank you for your assistance.” Jenny/Cathy said to Mrs. Ford and Allison.
“No problem.” Mrs. Ford replied. “I’m going to see the kids. I missed them like crazy.” She walked off to the garden where the kids were picking vegetables. The kids ran over to hug her. I smiled. Her and Naomi were the closest thing that the kids had to grandparents right now.
“And I’m going to see my baby!” Allison announced.
“He’s asleep in the crib.” Naomi warned.
“I won’t wake him.” Allison laughed and went inside.
“The next scouting will have to be with… different people.” Jenny/Cathy said. “They weren’t really… suitable.”
“Makes sense.” Luis agreed. “Now what happens if they moved on? How will you know?”
“Well, we need to get rid of them. If they’ve moved on, we will need to follow.” Jenny/Cathy replied.
“Oh no!” Cathy exclaimed. “You would leave?”
“You could come also.” Jenny/Cathy replied. “We need a voice.”
“I… I…” Cathy looked at Robert.
“When will you leave?” Robert asked.
“Not for a while.” Jenny/Cathy said. “We will make extra sure they aren’t hiding out and then if they don’t return after a while, we will go hunt them.”