Taken By Surprise

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Taken By Surprise Page 80

by Jessica Frances


  Dear Mom and Dad,

  I’ve found myself in a bit of trouble. I know, Dad, you’ll want me to come home so you can fix it, but it won’t work that way. I’m not safe at home. There are people who want to hurt me and, if I come home, they might hurt you. I’m safe and hidden now and for me to stay that way I need for you to not look for me. I hope to one day sort this all out, but until then, you’ll simply have to trust me. Please just know how much I love you both. I appreciate everything you’ve given me and I promise to keep myself safe. I hope to see you again soon. Say hi to Nick and Doug and tell them that I miss them a lot.

  Lots of love,



  Dear Melanie,

  You don’t know me, but my name is Will. I knew your husband, Gavin, really well. I’m sixteen now, but when I first met Gavin, I was only fourteen. We both lived on the streets, but he took care of me. He got me food and made sure I was okay. It was more than anyone has ever done for me. He spoke about you and your kids all the time. He told me how sorry he was at what he had put you through and that he wished he could make things right. He was happy you had been able to move on and found someone to take care of you. I’m sorry to have lost such a great friend. He truly was a good guy. I hope that you can find it in your hearts to be able to forgive him.

  Yours sincerely,

  Will Parker.


  Dear Drew,

  I’m sorry it has taken so long for me to get in contact with you. Trust me, if I could have done it sooner, I would have. I’ve found myself in a lot of trouble. I can’t come home and I don’t know if I will be able to anytime soon. I’m sorry I’m not there with you right now, I’m so sorry Dana is dead. It’s my fault. It was my birthday and I should have been able to protect her. I will never be able to forgive myself for what happened. I don’t expect you to be able to, either. I have thought about you every day and I can only hope that you’re doing okay. I know Dana wouldn’t want to see you sad, so please try to think about something positive. A friend I’ve made told me about his Mom passing away and that he thought of a good memory every night before bed to try and not focus so much on his grief. I’ve been trying to do that and it helps. I keep remembering her smile and her laugh. Between us, we have so many great memories of her and it’s up to us to keep them alive. I want you to remember how much she loved you. You meant the world to her and I’m so sorry you’ve been robbed of your future together. I miss her more and more every day. You made her unbelievably happy. I know she would want you to try to be happy, so please try, Drew. Please look after yourself.

  I’ve included a letter in here for Mom. I hope you don’t mind passing it along to her. I know I have no right to ask anything of you, but if you can check on her, I would appreciate it. I’m not sure when I’ll be home, but when I am able you can bet yours will be the first door I knock on. I hope one day I can explain this all to you.

  Love Zoe xoxo


  I wouldn’t have been able to publish this book without the love and support of my parents, the helpful pointers and feedback from my sister-in-law Amy, my great friend and first fan Amara, and the years of continued words of support and love from Meg. I also want to give my sincerest thank you to Kristin and Alizon from C&D Editing who have been incredibly helpful and welcoming. Thank you to you all!

  And thank you to everyone that gives an unknown author a chance and buys this book.

  Ways to connect with Jessica Frances for updates on the next book in the Taken Series:

  Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Jessica-Frances-Author/

  Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/7236316.Jessica_Frances

  And look for book two: Taken by Force

  Available now.


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