The Truce

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The Truce Page 12

by Becca Steele

  “Morning, again,” I said hoarsely when we drew apart.

  She smiled happily at me. “Hi. And what a perfect morning it is. What are we doing for breakfast?”

  Moving over to the sink, she filled the kettle for tea, pouring us two large mugs and helping herself to milk from the fridge while I fried bacon and eggs. Depositing the food onto two plates along with slices of hot, buttery toast, I carried them over to my wooden dining table where she’d placed our mugs. We ate and drank in companionable silence until everything was gone. I was struck by how right she looked, sitting there, in my flat. I could get used to seeing that sight every morning.

  No. Don’t even think it.

  The silence stretched. Olivia fidgeted in her seat, playing with her cutlery.

  “So,” I began, casting around for something to break the tension and saying the first thing that came to mind. “You sucking my magical dick first thing this morning was the best wake-up call I’ve ever had.”

  I smacked my forehead internally. What the fuck, brain?

  Olivia let out a surprised laugh.

  “Glad to hear it,” she said, giggling. “I think we both enjoyed it, though, right? I mean, your dick is pretty magical.”

  “Sure is.” I smirked, the tension gone. I leaned forward, meeting her eyes. “Listen. Let me be serious for a minute. I need to explain what happened yesterday.”

  She sat back, a brow raised, but made no comment.

  “I almost didn’t go to the party last night. I wanted to stay away, to let you make your decision about whether you wanted to be just friends or…” My voice trailed off.

  “Fuck buddies?” she supplied.

  “Well, yeah. I wanted to give you space, but I kept thinking about you, and before I knew it, I was in a taxi. I saw you on the dance floor, and you looked so sexy. I couldn’t focus on anything but you.”

  She stared at me, her gaze searching. “So where does that leave us?” Her voice was quiet, unsure. “Have you changed your mind about wanting more? Because, if you want the truth, I really like you, Luke.”

  My throat constricted at her words.

  I had to be honest with her.

  “Liv. I like you, too. Last night was fucking incredible. This morning, too. It’s not even just the sex, though. It’s you.”

  Her big blue eyes widened, and a smile spread across her face. She let out a tiny whimper and jumped up, rounding the table and throwing herself into my lap. I encircled her in my arms, stroking her soft hair. She hugged me back, tightening her arms around me.

  “I want to be with you,” she said, her voice sure. “Let’s do it, or try it out, at least. Friends with benefits. I have one condition, though.” Our eyes met, hers huge and serious. “I couldn’t handle you being with someone else at the same time. So I want you to promise me that if you meet someone else, or want to sleep with anyone else, you’ll do me the courtesy of telling me. And our arrangement will end. I’ll do the same, if it comes to that. Or…if either of us change our mind and want to go back to friends only.”

  Something inside me twisted uncomfortably. “Okay. It’s a deal. We’ll try being friends with benefits, and if either of us want to end the arrangement at any point, we’ll tell the other.”

  She pulled my face down to hers, and our mouths met in a hungry, desperate kiss.

  “Liv,” I breathed, my dick already hard and ready.

  She wriggled, sliding against me. “Luke.” She moaned. “I need you, now.”

  I wasn’t about to say no, not when I was starting to need her just as badly.

  When we emerged again, sated, I hunted for my phone while Olivia was in the shower, plugging it in to charge since the battery was almost dead. I messaged Ethan to give him a heads-up about Olivia. We’d arranged to go to the rugby together, and he was coming over beforehand. I wasn’t about to kick Liv out, but at least I could prewarn everyone to make it less awkward.

  Me: Eth, you around mate?

  Ethan: Yep, what’s up?

  Me: Liv’s here. Act normal when you get to mine OK?

  Ethan: I guessed that. Avery said you went home together.

  Me: Whatever. Just don’t be weird about it.

  Ethan: Ha, I’m the epitome of discretion. There will be questions though. What’s going on with you guys?

  Me: Not now mate.

  Ethan: OK chill out. Be there soon. Avery wants to come too since Liv’s there.

  Me: *thumbs up emoji*

  That done, I loaded the dishwasher and went to tell Olivia that Ethan and Avery would be over soon.

  “Ooh, great. I’ll message Aves and see if she can bring me anything to wear.” In the meantime, she’d helped herself to one of my hoodies and a pair of navy pyjama bottoms that were far too big for her. I smirked as she shuffled over to the sofa, holding them up at the waist and almost tripping over the bottom of the material that was trailing down past her feet. She looked so cute, but hilarious at the same time.

  “I’m gonna jump in the shower quickly before Eth and Avery get here. Make yourself at home.” I paused, smiling down at her. “Although you look at home to me.” Curled up on my sofa, TV remote in hand, legs tucked under a fleecy blanket, she glanced up at me, eyes shining.

  “I feel at home,” she told me, her full mouth curving upwards, wet hair falling across her face.

  I couldn’t resist. I strode over to her and bent down, tucking her hair behind her ears before placing my lips on hers. She sighed against me, one hand coming up to caress my cheek.

  Reluctantly, I pulled away.

  “Hold that thought. I’ll be back.” I turned towards the bathroom, then remembered the text I’d received the day before.

  “Actually, Liv. Can I ask you something?”

  I sank into a crouch so we were at eye level.

  She stared at me, her gaze curious. “Course you can. Always. What is it?”

  “It’s Martha’s funeral on Wednesday. Would you come with me?” I asked. “I mean, don’t feel obliged,” I hurried to add. “You don’t have to. I—well, I’d like to have a friend there for support, if I’m honest.”

  “Luke,” she said, her tone firm. “Of course I will. I want to be there for you. If Ethan doesn’t mind us both taking time off work at once. I’m assuming it’s during the day?”

  I nodded. “Yeah. Liv, if you’re sure, it would mean a lot to me.”

  “I’ll be there,” she promised, leaning forward and kissing me sweetly.

  “Thank you. I appreciate it. More than you know.” I straightened up, planting one last kiss on her head before I walked away.

  Alone in the bathroom, I slumped against the tiled wall, the reality of the last twelve hours or so hitting me. Was this what I wanted? This whole friends-with-benefits thing had the potential to go horribly wrong.

  I sighed heavily, turning the shower on. I guess we owed it to each other to give it a go. Despite everything. Despite my fears.

  I just had to hope I didn’t bugger it up.

  Going by my track record, though, I didn’t hold out much hope.

  I heard voices as I was towelling my hair dry. Quickly pulling on a pair of faded jeans and a bottle-green T-shirt, I padded out to greet Ethan and Avery.

  “Alright, mate?” Nodding to Ethan, I gave Avery a quick hug hello, and she disappeared into my bedroom with Olivia, closing the door behind them.

  “Want a drink?”

  “Coffee, please, mate,” Ethan said, following me into the kitchen area and leaning against the sink.

  “What?” I asked irritably, conscious of his probing gaze. I grabbed a mug out of the cupboard and placed it under the spout of my coffee machine.

  “I guess I’m wondering what you’re doing with Olivia,” he said finally, folding his arms. “Last time we spoke, you brushed off the kiss and said you weren’t interested in taking things further. Next thing I know, Avery tells me you came storming into the party last night like a man on a mission and dragged Liv out of there, caveman
-style. Avery’s words, not mine, by the way.”

  “Look, we’re just trying it out. Friends with benefits or whatever. Keeping it low-key.” I stumbled over my words, barely able to articulate it in my own head, let alone out loud.

  “Is that really a good idea?” Ethan raised a brow at me.

  I reached into the fridge and pulled out the bottle of milk, adding a generous splash to Ethan’s mug.

  “Here you go.” I passed him the mug of steaming hot coffee. “Look, you know I can’t do relationships. We’ve agreed to try this out and see what happens. No pressure.” I met his gaze sternly.

  “I never thought I’d see the day,” he muttered to himself, shaking his head, and I rolled my eyes.

  “Yeah, thanks for that, mate.”

  “I didn’t mean it like that.” Ethan’s tone was contrite.

  He sipped his coffee, brow furrowed in thought.

  “Luke, I’m proud of you taking this step. I know you. For most people, being friends with benefits is a cop-out, but for you? This is good news. I’m not going to interfere.”

  I raised an eyebrow.

  “Okay, I’ll try not to interfere,” he amended, his expression sheepish. “I know you and Alex always say I act like the dad in our trio, but you guys are my best mates and I’m only trying to look out for you.”

  “I know,” I assured him. “But you don’t need to feel responsible for us.”

  “I do, though.” He shrugged. “I know it’s my issue.”

  “You like to be in control. Don’t worry, we’re used to it.” I gave him a wry smile, and he smirked at me.

  Olivia and Avery piled into the room, giggling about something or other. My attention went straight to Olivia. She’d changed into the clothes Avery had brought, her body encased in tight jeans and a simple white T-shirt that clung to her curves like a second skin, highlighting her sexy figure. Her damp hair was thrown up into its usual messy bun, strands escaping and framing her face. My dick stirred in my jeans, and I turned away with an effort, busying myself with the coffee machine and scrambling to think of the most unsexy things that came to mind. I grabbed a mug out of the cupboard, one Alex had bought me as a joke.

  Against a white background, huge block print proclaimed “It’s okay, unicorns don’t believe in you either.” Underneath the lettering was a garish image of a rainbow-coloured unicorn with a massive smile on its smug, glittering face.

  I groaned aloud. Alex’s mind was a scary place sometimes.

  Still, it did the trick.

  I smirked as I passed the mug of coffee to Avery. She glanced at it and rolled her eyes.


  “You guessed it,” I laughed.

  Olivia peered at the image. “Oh, that’s so cute,” she exclaimed, tracing the unicorn horn with a finger and immediately snatching her hand back, pouting. “Ouch, that’s hot.”

  “C’mere.” I gently tugged her wrist so she was pressed up against me. Sliding one arm around her, holding her around the waist, I used my free hand to turn on the tap. When the water was nice and cold, I gripped her wrist and held her hand under the running tap.


  Olivia turned her head to face me and nodded. “I think you should kiss it better, though, just to be on the safe side.” The corners of her mouth tipped up, and I grinned back at her.

  “It’d be my pleasure.” I turned off the tap and lifted her finger to my lips, kissing it gently. She smiled and raised up on her tiptoes, capturing my mouth with hers.

  Bloody hell, I could get addicted to her kisses.

  I drew away after a few seconds, conscious of our company. I glanced over to Ethan and Avery. Ethan stared at us, an inscrutable look on his face. Avery’s jaw was almost hitting the floor.

  “You two—” she began before Ethan shook his head at her. She closed her mouth but continued to stare between us, her eyes mischievous.

  Olivia cleared her throat, blushing. “What’s everyone up to today, anyway?”

  I exchanged glances with Ethan and Avery.

  “Well…Eth and I had plans to go and watch Alex play rugby later. We’re in the hospitality box.” I scratched the back of my neck, shuffling my feet. “I guess I could see if there’s space if you wanted to come…”

  Olivia narrowed her eyes, her expression knowing. “Thanks for the offer, but I don’t want to interfere with your boys’ day. Avery, fancy a trip to the National Gallery? There’s a new exhibition I wouldn’t mind seeing.”

  “Sure, sounds good to me. I need to be at work at four, but I’m all yours until then. Shall we head over there now?” Avery smiled, slipping her bag over her shoulder, and turned to Ethan. “See you at home tonight?”

  Ethan embraced her. “See you later, baby. Have fun. I love you.”

  “Love you, too.”

  Olivia and I were left standing awkwardly, and then I sighed and pulled her into a hug. “I’ll message you later, okay?”

  She nodded against my chest, then stepped away from me, a small smile playing across her lips. “Thanks for, well, all of the stuff. You know.”

  “I know.”

  Lying in bed that night, I grabbed my phone and opened the messaging app. Scrolling down to Olivia’s name, I began typing.

  Me: How was the gallery?

  Olivia: Good. How was rugby?

  Me: Good. The Hawks won 27-16 so Alex was happy.

  Olivia: *thumbs up emoji*

  Me: What you up to tomorrow?

  Olivia: Nothing important. Why?

  Me: If you’re bored I’m playing rugby with the boys. Think Avery’s coming if you want to join us?

  Olivia: Avery’s playing?!

  Me: Ha, no. Watching. It’ll only be a few of us throwing the ball around, not a proper game or anything. Could go for lunch after?

  Olivia: OK sure. I’ll come and watch. Where and when?

  Me: 10am Regents Park. Meet by The Hub.

  Olivia: OK.

  Me: Hey, guess what?

  I sent her a screenshot of our conversation, with “Olivia” circled.

  Olivia: I’ve been upgraded from Payne to Olivia? I feel very privileged. LOL.

  Olivia: Guess what?

  Me: What?

  Olivia: Check out my phone wallpaper.

  A picture appeared in our conversation. A picture of me.

  Olivia: Don’t start getting worried. Just thought it was a nice photo. You’ve got a sexy smile.

  I inhaled sharply as I studied the image. I was sitting at the desk in the meeting room at work, grinning at the camera—well, at Olivia, in fact. It was the picture she’d taken on the day we’d started working on the Delny project, the picture she’d said was her evidence of me smiling at her. My expression was unguarded; I looked…happy? Lustful? Was I into Olivia even then, before I’d realised?

  Me: If you’ve got me as your wallpaper, it’s only fair I have a pic of you as mine. Send one over.

  Olivia: No. You can take a photo of me tomorrow.

  Me: Deal. Night, Liv.

  Olivia: Night x



  Gripping my takeaway coffee cup, I flopped down on the grass beside Avery. I’d arrived at Regent’s Park later than planned, thanks to delays on the Tube, but I couldn’t be annoyed. It was the perfect spring morning, hints of summer in the air.

  “Morning, doll.” Avery smiled, leaning over to hug me.

  “What a gorgeous day.” I leaned back on my elbows, adjusting my sunglasses and basking in the warm sun. Inhaling the scent of freshly mown grass, I sighed in appreciation.

  My attention was caught by the incredible view. Four shirtless men—Luke, Ethan, Alex, and another guy—tossing around a rugby ball, their muscles flexing in the sun, a thin sheen of sweat on their toned, athletic bodies.

  Avery grinned, following my gaze. “I love my life. Great weather, great company, amazing view.” We stared at the men in admiration.

  Luke noticed my presence. Staring over at wher
e I was sitting with Avery, his eyes raked over me from head to toe. My breath hitched as I recognised the look in his eyes—the same one he’d given me at the party. He raised his gaze to meet mine, biting his bottom lip, and my stomach flipped. Jogging over, he bent down to give me a quick kiss and a breathless “hi,” then ran back over to the others. I tracked his movements all the way, unable to tear my eyes away from him.

  “Look at you, with that dreamy smile on your face. You’re so smitten.” Avery eyed me.

  “Yeah, I think I am.” I sighed. “I’m not so sure about Luke, though.”

  “Really? What makes you say that?”

  I bit my lip, deep in thought. “Well, he was one hundred percent against having a relationship. He made that very clear. Then we slept together and agreed to be friends with benefits. And…I get the impression he wants to be more than that, but I feel like he’s holding himself back.”

  I threw up my hands. “I just feel confused. I’m trying not to worry about it and see what happens, but I can’t help thinking it’s going to end up with one, or both of us, being hurt. There’s no way we’d be able to go back to just being friends if everything goes wrong.”

  Avery turned to face me fully, pushing her sunglasses on top of her head so I could see her eyes.

  “Okay, let’s be clear. Luke is one of the most stubborn men I know, and he knows his own mind. There’s no way he’d even suggest being friends with benefits or anything along those lines if that wasn’t what he wanted. And can I point out, I’ve never seen him act the way he does around you with any other woman, ever, and neither has Ethan.” She patted my hand reassuringly. “If I were you, I’d enjoy it, no pressure—let it happen naturally. What will be, will be. Remember, this is all new for him.”

  I plucked at the blades of grass next to me, my thoughts churning.

  “Yeah, I guess so. I’ll let him dictate the pace, and see what happens.”

  “Good. It’ll all work out, babe.” Avery smiled, then leaned closer, lowering her voice. “Okay, I wanted to ask you this yesterday, but I couldn’t since we were in the gallery—how was the sex?”


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