The Truce

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The Truce Page 14

by Becca Steele

  “Here you go.” She placed the coffee on my desk, leaning over to press a quick kiss to my cheek before racing back to the kitchen to grab her own drink. I picked up the mug, noticing her standing in the kitchen doorway next to Eddie, both sets of eyes trained on me.

  I shrugged and took a large gulp.

  Fucking hell.

  I choked, spraying coffee all over my computer keyboard.

  “Olivia!” I roared. “What the fuck?”

  She high-fived Eddie, both of them with smug smiles on their faces, and sauntered over to me. Bending down, she whispered in my ear.

  “Payback’s a bitch, isn’t it?”

  I gripped her wrist and tugged her down into my lap.

  “That wasn’t very nice, Olivia,” I growled, grabbing a tissue and wiping the coffee from around my mouth. “What did you put in it?”

  “Just a few sachets of salt.” She shrugged, looking far too pleased with herself. “You deserved it.”

  “I deserved it, huh?” I murmured, losing my train of thought as Olivia stared into my eyes, her vanilla scent surrounding me.

  She leaned forward, brushing her lips against mine.

  “Feel less angry now?” She smirked.

  “No, not yet. You’d better kiss me again.”

  She obliged, kissing me briefly. “I wish we could kiss the way I want to kiss you, but it’s not appropriate in the office,” she whispered against my lips.

  Climbing off my lap she turned to walk away, but I held on to her wrist.

  May as well ask her now.

  “Hey, wait a minute, Liv. Since you’re here, I wanted to ask you something.”


  “Are you free on Saturday?”

  “Yeah, why?”

  “I know this isn’t part of our arrangement, but I thought we should go on a date, if you’re up for it. I’ll message you with the time and place once I’ve worked out the details, okay?”

  “Okay.” She smiled shyly, studying me from beneath her long lashes, her eyes sparkling with excitement and happiness. Idiot. I should have asked her sooner. How long had she been waiting for me to ask?

  I’d make it a date she’d never forget.

  As I watched her walk back to her desk, a bounce in her step, I couldn’t help the grin that was forming on my lips. This woman was a walking contradiction. All fire and tease one minute, and innocent shyness the next. There was no one else on this earth like Olivia Payne.

  I got up and made myself a fresh coffee, smiling to myself. And I may have whistled—under my breath so Olivia wouldn’t hear me.

  Back at my desk, I became engrossed in my tasks once again. I’d just picked up my phone to call a client, when Ethan came striding in. He clapped his hands, the sound echoing around the room.

  “Can I have everyone’s attention, please?”

  Heads shot up from behind computer screens, everyone focusing on Ethan.

  “Okay, I’m going to make this quick. I’ve been informed that Barrett London has been nominated for Best Ad Campaign at this year’s prestigious Digital Marketing Awards.” A huge grin spread across his face, and the office erupted into cheers at the news.

  “Calm down, calm down.” He laughed, clapping his hands again for silence. “There will be an awards dinner, which every member of Barrett London is invited to attend. Delia will email the details to everyone.” Glancing around the room, he smiled. “Back to work, everyone. I’m proud of you all for playing a part in making this happen.”

  After that moment of excitement, the day dragged on. Engrossed in setting up an account for a new client, I realised I hadn’t heard from Olivia for a little while. We’d normally message each other throughout the day via the office messenger app, but she hadn’t responded to the last message I’d sent her two hours earlier. I saved my work, then stood, walking over to her bank of desks.

  “Ed? Where’s Liv?”

  “I think she’s making a drink.”

  I headed into the kitchen. No sign of her. Confused, I returned to my desk, and as I sat down, I saw her enter the office door and slip into her own seat, her face downcast, her eyes rimmed with red.

  A weird, protective instinct took over me, and I was rising to my feet and rushing over to her desk before I was even aware of what I was doing.

  “Liv? What’s the matter?” I sank into a crouch next to her chair, laying my hand on her arm. She stared down at her desk, her hands trembling.

  “It’s my fault,” she said, her voice small. “I messed up.” She turned to me. “I spent all day setting up my client’s social media account, making it perfect. Then my stupid computer crashed. I lost everything.”

  “Oh, bugger.”

  “Yeah, that was my reaction. Before I started crying.” She rolled her eyes, her expression dejected. “Idiot.”

  “Can I do anything to help?” I asked, stroking her arm.

  “No, but thank you.” She smiled tremulously.

  “Did you ask Jamie if he could recover any of it?”

  “Yeah, but stupid me didn’t save as I went, and it was all lost.” Her bottom lip trembled.

  “Liv, you’re not stupid.” I stood up, grabbing her hand. “Come with me.” Glancing around to make sure no one was paying attention, I pulled her through the office door, into the corridor, then opened the door to the stairwell. No one ever used the stairs, so I knew we’d have privacy.

  Wrapping my arms around her body, I slanted my mouth across hers, and she melted against me with a breathy sigh. I kissed her deeply, sliding my hand up to cup the back of her neck. When we pulled apart, she rested her head on my chest, hugging me tightly.

  “Better?” I kissed the top of her head, running my hands up and down her back.

  “Much,” she murmured. “Thank you.” She sighed. “I’m going to have to stay late to redo all my work.”

  “Want some company? I’ve got some things I’ve been putting off. It’ll be a good opportunity to get them done while the office is quiet.”

  She drew back, a brow raised. “Are we actually going to work, though? Because I need to get this done today, and you’re a bit of a distraction. A very sexy distraction,” she said, licking her lips, her eyes darkening, “but a distraction nonetheless.”

  “I promise I’ll behave.” I winked. “I’ll even get us some dinner to eat while we’re working, so you can work without interruption. Fancy shawarma?”

  “What’s sha—whatever you just said?”

  “Oh, baby, don’t tell me you’ve never had shawarma.” I shook my head in mock-despair.

  “You can keep saying that word, but I still have no idea what it is.” She laughed.

  “You’re in for a treat. It’s kind of like a gyro. You’ll love it.”

  She shrugged. “Sounds good to me. I’ll eat anything.”


  “I know where your mind just went.” She eyed me, smirking. “Maybe later, hey?”

  “Later. You can come back to my flat after and we’ll make up for lost time.”




  Exiting Waterloo station, I slid my huge sunglasses over my eyes, blinking at the sudden brightness. The fresh breeze and sunlight were so welcome on my skin after being crammed in like a sardine on the hot Tube train. I still couldn’t quite believe Luke had asked me out on an actual date. He’d been so adamant that we were only friends with the added benefit of sex, but the lines had become more and more blurred as time went on.

  I checked my phone, rereading his message for what had to be the hundredth time, even though I knew every single word.

  Luke: First date. You and me. Meet me by the London Eye at 2pm. I’ll be on your left if you’re coming from Waterloo.

  I’d bet anything Avery had told Luke how much I loved this part of London. It was easy for me to get to from my flat, but for Luke it was a much longer journey across central London, and I appreciated the effort he’d made. I had no idea what h
is plans were for the actual date, but I was excited to find out.

  As I approached the London Eye, my steps slowed. Crowds of tourists queued for the large observation wheel, and I wasn’t sure that I’d be able to spot Luke, but I needn’t have worried. My gaze was drawn to him through the throngs of people. He stood to the left of the London Eye, leaning casually against the wall in front of the river with his hands in his pockets, Big Ben standing tall behind him. With his battered leather jacket, dark hair messily styled, and eyes hidden behind mirrored aviators, combined with his brooding sexiness, I noticed more than one woman checking him out. Their longing looks, directed at him, sent a shot of possessiveness through me.

  I wanted to tell everyone that he was mine.

  “Hi.” I reached him, going up on my toes and kissing him squarely on the mouth, publicly staking my claim.

  The corners of his mouth turned up as he smiled against my lips. “Hi, yourself. Come on, let’s go and find somewhere to sit.” He held out his hand, and I slid my palm into his. Linking our fingers together, he stroked his thumb leisurely over mine. I squeezed his hand, stepping closer to him.

  We walked over to Jubilee Gardens, a large grassy area of parkland filled with people basking in the sun, and Luke led me under the shade of a tree, tugging me down next to him. I played with the blades of grass next to me, running my fingers through them. It was silly to be nervous, but it was our first official date and I had no idea what to expect.

  Luke pushed his sunglasses on top of his head, leaning closer and brushing a strand of hair out of my face. He gently pulled my sunglasses off, placing them on top of my messenger bag, and stared into my eyes.

  “Liv?” His soft tone, full of concern, combined with the feel of his touch on my skin, sent shivers through me. “You okay?”

  “Yeah.” I sighed. “I guess I’m just a bit nervous, what with it being our first date.” I laughed self-consciously. “Silly, right?”

  “No, it’s not silly.”

  He leaned forwards and dropped a kiss on the end of my nose, then sat with a half-smile playing across his full lips. “You want the honest truth? I have no fucking clue what I’m doing. Let’s just take it as it comes, see what happens. No expectations, no pressure.”

  I nodded, reassured, and a satisfied expression flickered across his face.

  “Good. Now that’s sorted, here’s the plan for today. We’re going to people-watch for a bit, then walk along the river, and then we’ll look around the Tate gallery.” His voice grew more confident as my lips curved into a beaming smile. “When you’re tired out, we’ll get the Tube or bus back to mine, depending on where we are at that point, and I’ll cook you the best meal you’ve ever eaten.”

  My stomach flipped. He’d planned all my favourite things. For me. I couldn’t get over this sweet, considerate side of Luke. I could never have imagined it existed four short weeks ago. Was he finally starting to let me in? This date seemed a pretty good indication that he was at least open to the idea of us becoming closer. Regardless, whether I was reading too much into the situation or whatever, I was excited to spend a whole day with him, having fun. Without putting him under any pressure.

  Leaning forward, I captured his lips with mine. When we drew apart, we were both smiling.

  “You’re pretty good at this date thing, you know.”

  “Thanks, but it’s nothing. Avery might have given me a few ideas.” He shrugged, playing it down. Leaning back against the tree, he pulled me into the crook of his arm and glanced around him. “Tell me, what do we do when we’re people-watching?”

  Trailing up the stairs to Luke’s apartment, I smiled to myself. The afternoon had been perfect. We’d meandered along the Thames in the sunshine, holding hands, watching the sunlight shimmering on the water, street performers entertaining the crowds, skaters doing tricks in Southbank skate park. Afterwards we’d walked down to the Tate Modern, where we’d discovered a shared appreciation for art. Finishing up with ice creams on the riverbank, we’d then caught the Tube back to his flat. All in all, it couldn’t have gone better. Some people wanted to be wined and dined, but for me, today had been my ideal date.

  Luke let us in to his flat and directed me to the sofa.

  “Want a drink? I’ve got pink gin.” He grinned.

  “You drink gin?” I raised a sceptical brow.

  “Uh, no.” He screwed up his face in disgust. “I got it for you.”

  I melted.

  “Well, thanks,” I mumbled. “I’ll have some of that, then.”

  I settled back on the sofa, sipping my gin and tonic, listening to the smooth voice of George Ezra playing through the sound system while Luke cooked dinner. He refused to let me help, so I stayed where I was, admiring how he seemed so at home in the kitchen.

  Curiosity got the better of me as I watched him expertly preparing ingredients. “What are you making, anyway?”

  “Paella. Is that okay?”

  “Yum, sounds great,” I enthused.

  Suddenly overcome with gratitude for the effort he’d gone to for me for our date, I put my drink down and raced over to where he stood at the counter.

  “Thank you for today. It’s been the best date I’ve ever had,” I murmured, sliding my arms around him from behind.

  “The pleasure was all mine. Really.” I heard the smile in his voice, and I stood on my toes, dropping a kiss on the back of his neck, making him shiver.

  “Hey, no distracting the chef. This is a delicate operation. My hands are covered in uncooked food.”

  “Sorry. Well, not really.” Running my hands up and down his torso, I felt his muscles flex under my touch.

  “You’re so sexy.” I sighed into his back.

  “Is that so?” he asked, amusement in his voice. “Now, while I fucking love you touching my body, I can’t return the favour at the moment, even though I really, really want to get my hands on you.” I let one of my hands drift lower, over the obvious bulge. His dick twitched against my palm, and I licked my lips.

  “Baby.” His voice was a pained groan. “Feel what you did to me? You want to hold that thought for later when we can make the most of it? Let’s get this dinner out of the way, and you’re all mine for the rest of the night.”

  “I’m holding you to that promise. Hurry up.”

  “Dinner’s ready,” Luke announced, carrying our plates to the table.

  I sat down, sniffing appreciatively. “Luke, this is amazing.” I eyed my full plate, my stomach rumbling. Fragrant saffron, paprika, and chorizo wafted through the air, tantalising my taste buds.

  “Dig in.”

  I needed no encouragement, taking a huge forkful of the steaming rice.

  “Mmm, this is so good.” I groaned in appreciation when I’d finished chewing.

  “I told you it’d be the best meal you’d ever eaten.” He smirked, clearly pleased with himself.

  “So modest.” I laughed. “I can’t wait to see what we have for dessert.”

  “I’m serving dessert in the bedroom.” His grin was devious.

  “Oh, I see. Well, you won’t get any complaints from me.” Batting my lashes at him, I bit my lip, my tone sultry.

  He shifted in his seat, eyes darkening, and I knew I’d got to him.

  “Stop talking and keep eating, otherwise we won’t finish the meal I slaved over,” he commanded in a low voice.

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Sir, hmm?” His tone held a teasing note. “Want to do a bit of role play later?”

  “Maybe.” I gave a casual shrug, pretending to think about it. “Let’s see where the night takes us.”

  “You’re killing me, baby.” He groaned. “Hurry up and finish your food so I can take you to bed.”

  I wasn’t going to say no to that.



  The next few weeks passed in a blissful haze of dates, sex, and hours of talking, getting to know everything about each other. Luke hadn’t mentioned anything about making ou
r relationship official, and I would never, ever, have put that kind of pressure on him, but I could admit to myself that I’d completely fallen for him. The thought of either of us with anyone else was unbearable, but I didn’t say anything out loud, knowing how he found commitment difficult, and he still insisted we were friends with benefits. At this point, though? It was obvious to everyone that we were more than that, but he would still have denied it.

  “Have you told your mum and dad about Luke, yet?” Avery turned to me. We were sitting in a small beauty salon, reclining while two therapists painted our toenails—mine a hot coral colour, and Avery’s a bright turquoise.

  “No, but my brother let it slip, and I got a bit of an upset phone call from my mum. I wasn’t planning to tell them unless we actually became boyfriend and girlfriend, but Sam had to open his big mouth.”

  Avery made a sympathetic face. “I hope it wasn’t too awkward.”

  “No, she was okay in the end. I just told her that we were ‘casually’ dating, and I hadn’t wanted to say anything in case it fizzled out. To be honest, it’s not like I tell her when I’m seeing people. My parents live too far away to be that up to date with my life, and I doubt they want to hear the details of all my casual relationships.” I shrugged, idly flicking through the magazine that the therapist had given to me.

  “Ooh, look. ‘How to double your days off work.’” I pointed at the headline. Pulling out my phone, I snapped a picture of the article and sent it to Eddie. “Sorry, going back to Luke. He’s been clear that we’re keeping things casual—friends—” I moved my head closer to Avery’s and lowered my voice. “—with the sex part, but we’ve shared so much with each other. I’ve spoken to him about stuff that I’ve only ever told you. I’m closer to him than I’ve been to any of my past boyfriends. To anyone, in fact. Other than you.”


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