Hunted by the Fallen: A Fallen Angel Reverse Harem Novel (The Fallen Harem Book 2)

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Hunted by the Fallen: A Fallen Angel Reverse Harem Novel (The Fallen Harem Book 2) Page 6

by Samantha Britt

  Charles shivers. I don’t know if it’s due to his fever or Lukas’ affection.

  Lukas rotates his neck and pegs me with an equally intense and pleading stare. “Veronica, please try to heal my friend.”

  I swallow back my emotion. I move to sit on the other side of the bed, taking Charles’ free hand. I close my eyes. I think about my mom and dad. I think about Annie and Joey. I imagine how I would feel if it was one of them lying ill on the bed. Heaven knows I would not simply stand by and allow them to die without at least trying to stop it.

  Pouring all of my energy into my efforts, I try to bring my dormant power to life and push it into Charles’ weak form. I feel sparks lighting my skin, illuminating the depths within. The fire wants to be unleashed. I can sense its longing to be free. But nothing ignites. Nothing happens. I’ve failed.

  I part my eyelids. Lukas is holding his breath, his eyes wide. Seeing mine open, he erases the hopeful expression.

  “I’m s-sorry,” I whisper, breaking on the last word.

  “No.” Darkness swirls in Lukas’ gaze. “Try again.”

  Charles tries to pull his hands away and sit up. I release him. Lukas doesn’t.

  “Don’t move,” Lukas orders. Dutifully, Charles obeys.

  Lukas leans forward until his face is in line with mine. “Try. Again.”

  I feel awful. I know the pain Lukas is feeling must be great. He, obviously, cares for Charles. But I did my best. I’d warned him that I hadn’t yet mastered my healing abilities. Given the progress of my training with Adrian, I doubt I ever will.

  But Lukas will have none of that. He growls and reaches forward, grabbing my wrist, and forcing it to rest on top of Charles’ leg.

  “Try again. NOW!” He shouts, and my body jolts.

  “I can’t—” The rest of my rebuttal dies off when Lukas snaps his fingers, and a searing pain travels from the bottom of my spine, up through my back, pressing into my head. I cry out and I double over. Agony like I’ve never experienced douses flames into embers, and I am helpless.


  The pulsating pain doesn’t abate. It comes in fresh waves every two seconds. It takes me a few seconds to realize Lukas’ snap is what initiated the dreadful sensations.

  “W-what are you doing?” I gasp, digging my nails into Charles’ leg. I think about turning my head to look at Lukas, but even the slightest movement feels like I’m cracking my skull open.

  “Motivating you.” A fresh rhythm of agony emanates from my wrist, traveling up the arm he holds against Charles.

  “Stop.” Tears prick my eyes, blurring my vision. “Please.”

  “I will stop once you heal Charles.” Another stab hits me. This time, it strikes me between the eyes. Lukas shows no mercy.

  I want to scream, but I’m unable to catch my breath. I’m still holding onto Charles. I try to pull away, but Lukas’ grip holds me still.

  “I… can’t.” I grit out. I twist my head slightly, wincing as the move makes my head throb. I glare at Lukas through a watery gaze. “I’ve told… you.”

  “Wrong answer.” With his free hand, Lukas touches my back.

  “AHH!” It feels like one thousand bees are stinging me at the same time. Lukas’ fingers are knives against my sensitive skin. “STOP!”

  “Use your anger,” Lukas commands. “Allow your power to grow within you. Channel it to heal Charles. Only then will I stop.”

  My body jerks beneath his touch, but I am unable to free myself of Lukas’ attack. He’s crazy. I should have listened to Adrian and the others about how dangerous he is. I should’ve made a scene at The Pier. Lukas may be able to manipulate time, but I could have tried to run away… break the magic… something.

  But no. I just sat there at let Lukas run the show. Now, he’s torturing me, and I can’t fight against it. I’m defenseless. In the world of angels, I am no threat. Any Fallen can make me do what he or she wants, and I can’t stop it. I’m weak… I’m nothing but a burden to the four angels determined to protect me. Not to mention, I am a monster who enjoyed killing a demon. I’m not worth anyone’s concern.

  Stop it, my stubborn subconscious orders. End this.

  I whimper. I can’t.

  You can!

  Indignation rises in my chest, telling me that I’m not weak. My stubbornness reminds me I have the power to make demons disintegrate and bring people back from the dead. Inside me, there is an unknown reserve of power yet to be tapped.

  I’m. Not. Weak.

  Lukas pulses another current of pain into my back.

  I scream and throw my head back, hoping to make contact with my attacker’s chin.

  Lukas shifts out of the way. I grit my teeth.

  He shouts, “Use your anger to harness your power and this will end!”

  A guttural growl rumbles from deep within my chest. I feel heat gathering in my palms. I swing my hand back and shoot a stream of light from my fingertips, aiming for Lukas’ heart.

  The light never touches him. It comes within an inch of the precious organ before it hits an invisible barrier. The barrier ripples as it absorbs the light. My ego is damaged, but not my determination.

  I release more Angel Fire. This time, Lukas stops it by snapping his fingers. I gape at the show of power. I put enough strength behind that attack to kill five demons, yet Lukas managed to neutralize it with barely any effort.

  “I am stronger than you, Veronica,” he states the obvious. “You cannot harm me. The only way to end this is to heal Charles.” He snaps again, and more pain enters my body, making my vision go white for several seconds as I adjust to the newest torture.

  When my vision returns to normal, I glare at Lukas. The hatred I feel rivals that of what I felt for the demon who killed my mom.

  Lukas’ face is void of all emotion. I don’t get the sense he is enjoying my suffering, but I know he has no qualms about keeping it going until he gets what he wants. I’m caught between despair and frustration. I’ve tried to use my Resurrection power dozens of times since the warehouse, and I’ve never succeeded.

  I groan and look down at my hand, still gripping Charles’ leg. I don’t exactly have a choice at the moment. If I want the pain to end, I have to do this.

  Again, I close my eyes, releasing a long measured breath. I feel power licking my palms and fingers. I tug on it, gently prodding it back to my core. At first, the Angel Fire resists.

  Come on, I coax it. I need you to do this for me.

  It’s the strangest thing, but I swear I feel my power’s reluctant acceptance. It crawls up my extremities and presses into my chest. My muscles twitch and shift, adjusting to the intrusion. Then, everything settles. The Angel Fire rests patiently, waiting for my next instruction—waiting to be transformed into something new.

  Taking a breath, I open my eyes and gaze at the angel on the bed. “This may hurt.” I don’t recognize my voice. It’s cool and robotic. It doesn’t convey the pain which still assaults my body.

  Charles licks his lips and nods. His hands fist in the sheets as he closes his eyes. “Do what you must.”

  I don’t hesitate. Or, rather, my power doesn’t hesitate. The Angel Fire breaks free of its momentary quarantine, bursting out of my skin without any direction from me. I cry out as it escapes me, feeling like my blood vessels and muscles have been ripped at the seam. It travels into Charles, and it is his turn to scream. His back arches and his wings snap wide. Lukas leaps forward, hands outstretched to try and help his friend. The loss of his grip and my weakened body make me lose balance. I fall off the bed.

  My back hits the floor, knocking the wind out of me. Staring up, I see Lukas frantically grasping onto Charles, trying to keep him from flinging himself off the bed as well. I want to sit up, but the effects of Lukas’ assault linger. My muscles are frozen. I can only watch and listen as the injured angel reacts to my influx of power.

  I intended to heal Charles, but whatever is happening to him isn’t healing. Maybe my power backfired. J
ust now, my power seemed to have some mind of their own. Perhaps it misinterpreted my orders, or perhaps it knew I was being attacked and incorrectly targeted Charles as retribution.

  I strive to try and minimize the damage. “Come back,” I croak. I don’t bother trying to command the power with my mind. I don’t have the strength. Verbal commands are all I can manage right now.

  Charles continues to buck and scream.

  I clear my throat. “Come. Back.”

  Nothing happens.

  Lukas turns toward me, and the glare he gives me is bone chilling. Too bad I am beyond feeling thanks to his unsuccessful motivational tactic. “Stop this assault, or I will stop it by ending you.”

  I am about to tell him I tried when, suddenly, Charles stops moving. Lukas’ head whips back. He sucks in a breath. I don’t know what he sees, but I imagine it’s his friend’s dead body. My eyelids shutter closed, and I braced myself for the impending wrath.

  I think about my parents, and how much I regret the pain my actions will cause them. My only hope is the Fallen can offer some comfort when they learn about my death. Perhaps they can use their Concealment abilities and find a way to minimize their mourning.

  And I hope the Fallen forgive me for how this all went down. If I hadn’t been determined to go on a date with Preston, I never would have been so far from my protectors and allowed Lukas the chance to get me alone. Whatever my fate is, I’ve brought it on myself. I must suffer the consequences.

  I’m so caught up in my regrets and last wishes, that I almost don’t hear Lukas mutter in a voice filled with awe, “Charles… Your wings. They’re healed.”


  My eyes fly open. I’m still lying on my back, but I see Charles is sitting up in the bed. His face is no longer gaunt and pale. A healthy glow illuminates his features as he stares, wondrously, down at me.

  Charles’ lips pull into a wide smile, and I blink, unsure if I am imagining what’s happening. The Charles I remember is stoic and distant. He looks at me with disdain. He’s not one to smile.

  “You healed me.”

  My mouth opens and closes. I probably look like a gaping fish. Did my powers really work? It can’t be. I realize the pain coursing through my body has disappeared. Tenderness lingers where the pain entered my body, but I can already feel it fading with each passing second.

  Lukas steps away from the bed and bends down. Strong arms curl under my back and legs as he lifts me. I cringe, waiting for his touch to cause me more pain, but the attack never comes.

  Lukas places me on the foot of the bed. He steps away, and Charles reaches forward to grab my hand in between his own. “Thank you.” He kisses my hand fervently. “Thank you.”

  I want to pull away, but his grip is too strong. My muscles are too weak.

  “You’re welcome,” I mutter.

  “I am in your debt,” Charles tells me. “If you should ever have need of me, I am at your service.”

  My gaze flickers between his eyes, and I can tell he is being sincere. I don’t know what to say. So, I just nod.

  Lukas shifts his stance, and I tense on instinct. “You succeeded.”

  I don’t look at him. I don’t think I could bear it. Again, I just nod.

  The room is quiet for a moment. Lukas clears his throat, then declares, “I shall return you to your home.” He snaps his fingers and the world twists and falls away. This time, the onslaught of nausea doesn’t alarm me.

  The Pier and its surrounds come into focus seconds later. I am standing behind the chair I’d abandoned when we left, and Lukas is standing on the other side of the table, staring at me with a triumphant grin. I look away, trying to push away the memory of the debilitating pain he caused not five minutes ago.

  The restaurant is still stuck in time. A waitress’ pen hovers over an order pad, and another’s arm is extended as she passes out a customer’s meal. None of them know what has happened, nor will they. This is the world I live in now. Magic and Fallen can control anything they want. Including me.

  I feel like I’m close to breaking, and I don’t want to do it in front of Lukas. “If there is nothing else…” I gesture to the unmoving life around us.

  I feel, more than see, Lukas pause. I imagine his eyes examining me from head to toe, taking in my avoidance of his gaze and my rigid posture. If he feels bad for causing me harm to get his way, he does not say so.

  “Of course.” He snaps his fingers, and the sound is nearly overwhelming as reality returns to its normal volume. Silverware clanks against plates, and people laugh at one another’s jokes.

  I sigh, relieved that Lukas did not keep me caught in his web forever. I can only pray he leaves me alone now that I’ve healed his friend.

  My hopes are dashed with Lukas’ next words. “Thank you for your help today, Veronica. I shall be calling on you for assistance in the future.”

  I gasp and swing my eyes to him. He plans to torture me again?

  Before I can make a sound, Lukas adds, “If you do not wish to find out the truth regarding your parents, you best think on what it is you want as repayment for your services. Otherwise, I will be forced to improvise.” The words, themselves, aren’t threatening. But his tone definitely brooks no argument. He disappears the next second, and it is impeccable timing.

  Preston returns from washing his hands. My eyes flit over his face, looking for any sign he’s aware he was just caught in a time freeze. He looks normal, and that shakes me to the core. How has this become my life? Secret meetings with angels? Being tortured? Forced to use my powers? Things just keep getting worse and worse, and I’m about to break.

  Seeing my expression, Preston smile fades away, replaced by concern. “Veronica? Is everything alright?”

  I swallow back the knot in my throat, and my hands shake as I rest them against the back of the chair. “I-I don’t feel well.” Not a complete lie, but it’s not the truth either.

  The truth is, I want to go home and hide inside the safety of my warded house. And, if I’m being honest, I want the comfort of knowing four Fallen Angels are looking out for me. I don’t doubt I’m being watched right now, but whichever angel is monitoring me does not know about Lukas’ surprise visit. Otherwise, I would’ve been swept away in sturdy wings already.

  Preston furrows his brow. “Do you need to go home?” Not even a hint of disappointment or frustration sneaks into his tone. Preston’s only emotion is sincere concern for my wellbeing.

  I nod, knowing there is no way I can pretend everything is fine for the remainder of our date. “I think that might be a good idea.”

  Preston begins to back away. “Let me go tell the waitress to cancel our order and I’ll take you home.”

  I offer him a wobbly smile. “Sounds good.”

  While Preston is gone, I work to compartmentalize my thoughts and urge my nerves to forget how painful Lukas’ attack had been. Dwelling on the memories will do nothing but prolong the trauma. And I can’t break down on the restaurant’s patio. I just can’t.

  Before long, Preston returns, folding a receipt into his wallet.

  Guilt hits me. “They made you pay?”

  Preston reaches out and takes my hand, guiding me to the parking lot. I resist the urge to pull away. I wouldn’t be able to explain why I don’t want skin contact at the moment and pulling away would only serve to hurt Preston’s feelings, no doubt driving another wedge between us.

  “Our food was almost ready by the time I found our waitress,” Preston reveals. “Don’t worry about it. It’s not a big deal.”

  It feels like a big deal to me. I’m the reason our date is ending before we can eat. “I’ll pay you back.”

  We exit the restaurant and walk to Preston’s truck. “Pay me back by feeling better. Then, go on another date with me.” He shoots me a kind smile, and I’m struck by how good of a person Preston is. With his popularity and good looks, I know it would’ve been easy for him to act like your typical entitled jerk.

I manage to return his smile despite the fact I’m still unsettled.

  Preston opens the door for me and helps me inside. “What about your boat?” I ask once he’s in the front seat and turning the key in the ignition. I’d forgotten we’d left the speedboat tied up on the dock. I don’t want Preston to drive me home only to have to come back out to the lake to retrieve his boat.

  “My parents are heading out to the lake for a late afternoon boat ride,” he tells me. “I texted them where I left the boat.”

  Satisfied, I lean back in the seat and stare at the scenery outside the window, listening to the country music on the radio.

  The drive to my house passes quickly. More than once, I think I catch a glimpse of dark wings in the side mirror. But when I look closer, the sight is gone. I’m wondering which of the Dark Fallen may be trailing the vehicle when Preston pulls into my driveway.

  “I hope you feel better soon,” Preston tells me as he helps me out of the tall truck.

  I wobble for a second when my feet hit the pavement. Preston steadies me with a hand on my elbow.

  “Thanks, me too.” I fidget. “I had a great time on the lake.” I can’t lie and say the same about The Pier.

  “I’m glad.” He showcases his bright teeth. “We will have to do it again.”

  I nod. “Absolutely.”

  We linger for another moment. If I wasn’t feeling unwell, I bet Preston would try to kiss me goodbye. As it is, I’m glad he doesn’t. Not only do I want to run into the house and avoid human contact for as long as I can manage, but the thought of any of the Fallen seeing my first kiss makes my stomach twist uncomfortably.

  I wait on the porch and wave as Preston drives away. Once he’s out of sight, I release a deep sigh, dropping the false smile I’d painted on my face. A chill rushes through me, and I rub my arms as I turn and unlock the front door. I barely make it two steps into the house before my path is obstructed by a set of broad shoulders and dark wings.

  “What happened?” Adrian growls the question. I yelp and jump an inch into the air, pressing a hand to my chest.


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