I Am the Storm

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I Am the Storm Page 14

by Trisha Lynn Halaas

  “You know, I’ve always loved you, Lyvia,” he speaks this in a low tone against my ear.

  “What about Levi?” I ask. “I’m sure he wouldn’t like that too much.”

  “Levi’s busy.”

  “With what?”

  “Big plans, Lyvia. Big plans.”

  “I still don’t think he would like this. Any of this.”

  “That’s where you’re wrong, Lyvia. He says we’ll be able to do whatever we want.”


  “When we get there.”


  “‘New Heaven,’ of course, Lyv,” he says with a wink. “Now, I think you and I are going to be very happy.” He traces a line up my bare leg.

  “I said, don’t call me that,” I spit, reaching up to stick my thumbs in his eye sockets. He breaks my hold swiftly and clocks me in the head a second time.

  Black. Gritty soil is in my mouth muddied with blood. Cool spongy ground presses against my cheek. The picture is worse this time. Focus—impossible. I see a shadowy Damien rubbing his eyes before stooping down to grab my shoulders again. He pins me up against the tree.

  “Come on, Lyv, your face is too pretty for all this,” he says, touching it gingerly where he just smashed it a second time. The other hand pins my neck against the rough bark. I try to snap to full consciousness. His hand travels again to my thigh.

  Help. Someone. Anyone. Please.

  His finger continues its upward path along my leg. It’s now past the hem of my cutoff shorts. I squeeze my eyes shut waiting for this to be over.

  All of it.


  Suddenly, there’s a hushed whipping sound to my left. Squinting, I see a silver blur on the ground. It’s spinning. Then, a swish.

  Two gigantic spikes take refuge in my hands. My head clears instantly. I knock Damien out in one fell swoosh. The gigantic nail makes an audible thud against his head, but I can tell he’s not gravely injured. Bryce comes running at me, raygun at the ready. I mentally urge the other nail. Movement in palm. Shaky at first, it shoots out knocking Gustav on his wide ass, returning to my palm in seconds. I do the same to Sam.

  Chad, however, has taken cover in the thicket. I search the area. The trees are thick and vary in shape and size. I spot movement to my left. Suddenly a nail, with a mind of its own, shoots out, darts around trees, and disappears in a swoosh. I hear a faint thud and look around.

  The nail lazily makes its way back to my palm, swirling around tree trunks. It’s an inner tube floating down a twisty lazy river. Settling into my grasp, I clutch them both. They transform back to sandals. I put them on and motion for Connor and Scarlett to join me. They set their respective children on the ground. We run over to Reese and Connor cuts the zip ties with his tomahawk. She’s starting to come to.

  The four guys lie motionless around us. I think they’ll be out for a while, but we have to get moving. Reese, a little dazed, stands up, rubbing her head. Axel hugs her legs. Connor looks around assessing the situation. I can’t spot Anika.

  “Where’s Anika?” I ask. We all spin around in our spots but see nothing.

  “Anika,” Scarlett says in a fierce whisper.

  Suddenly, I spot her tiny form squatting down next to her destroyed crown. “Mom, they ruined it,” she says quietly. Dejected.

  “It’s okay, honey, we can make another one. Now, come on, let’s go,” Scarlett whispers, waving her over.

  She trudges to us holding the damp, crushed paper. We scoop them up and head to the car. Reese still rubs her head; although, with further examination, we see that she is fine.

  “What the hell was that about?” Connor asks, once we are all buckled in and backing out of the forest.

  “Oh yeah, I used to know those guys,” I reply.

  “We’ve gathered that. What the heck was with those giant spikes?”

  “Oh yeah, those. That’s a new development for me. Don’t even know where to begin…”

  “Sheesh,” he says, looking at the whir of scenery out the window.

  “My thoughts exactly,” I add, watching the world fly by.

  We make it to the house. Scarlett prepares a snack for the kids as if this was a daily occurrence. Nothing fazes this girl. Once the kids are settled with their cheese, crackers, and various cut vegetables, the adults reconvene in the kitchen.

  “Lighters, right?” Connor asks.

  “Yep, Inner-circle,” I reply.

  “You know, you look kind of familiar,” he says, as if noticing for the first time.

  “Yeah, I get that a lot.” My most over-used phrase.

  “No, there’s something else,” he says thoughtfully. The Price Is Right wheel is back in action. Its final descent. Ding. Ding. Ding. Ding… DING—

  “I’ve seen you on Realmcast.” Realmcast is the Realm’s modern-day entertainment source. Like all Framework, it’s virtual reality.

  “With the Gold guy, what’s his name? Levee? Guy thinks he’s a mixture of Steve Jobs and Elvis. More like Lex Luther and Meatloaf,” he says.

  Scarlett and I just stare at him.

  “Okay, okay, a tiny bit better looking than Meatloaf,” he acquiesces. He studies me for a second.

  “You dyed your hair. It really suits you,” he says sincerely. He has sarcastic humor topped with boyish charm. I can definitely tell they are siblings.

  “Actually, those were wigs. I like to stay under the radar,” I reply sheepishly.

  “It’s Levi,” Scarlett corrects. “I recognized you this morning. I prefer the blonde.”

  “Thanks, me too,” I say. “How come you didn’t say anything?”

  “Oh, I don’t pry. I figured you’d talk about it if and when you were ready.”

  “Thanks. I appreciate that,” I say sincerely. “I really loathe talking about the absolute worst mistake of my life.”

  “Don’t we all,” Scarlett replies, pulling out sweet tea and crumpets. Yes. Crumpets. Connor devours three quickly.

  “Okay. Time to regroup. Lyvia, what exactly did those guys want?” Scarlett asks.

  “I really don’t know. Obviously, they wanted to take me to Levi. I don’t know if they know where he is though, because I don’t know how they think they can get there.”

  “Where?” Connor asks with his mouth full.

  “Hell,” I reply, casually. His eyes shoot wide open. He nearly chokes on his crumpet.

  “How do you know that?” he asks, regaining his composure.

  “I have my sources,” I say, thinking of Shane.

  “Why is he in Hell?”

  “Because he’s the Devil,” I answer, taking a bite of buttery crumpet. It melts in my mouth.

  “What?” Connor and Scarlett ask, simultaneously.

  “Yes, the Lucifer, in all his glory,” I reply, rolling my eyes.

  “I knew the guy was bad, but come on, the Devil?” Connor asks.

  “Yes, the Devil. His Great Reveal was supposed to be a vortex like Dark’s, but his not only communicates with Hell, it works like a portal. Transportation, but it only goes one-way. Down. His ‘New Heaven’ is actually Hell. And, he is the King.”

  “That’s horrifying,” Connor says, taking a gulp of his tea.

  “Well, I’m helping,” Scarlett says, throwing a dishtowel on the counter.

  “No, you’re not,” Connor says.

  “Oh yes, I am,” Scarlett replies. “You do not mess with my cubs.”

  We all look into the adjoining dining room. Reese is eating her snack simultaneously reading a thick book. I think it’s Edgar Allen Poe. Wow, she’s a smart one. I spot Axel eating his snack under the table, a toy bulldozer rolling up and down the table legs. In the other hand, squished cheese and crushed crackers are held tightly.

  “I just need a spa day,” Anika says. “A cushy robe and slippers. I need to get pampered.” I follow the voice with my eyes landing on Anika in her chair. She’s leaning back with a cucumber slice covering each eye.

  “Like mother,
like daughter,” Connor says, observing the display.

  She and I laugh.

  “So, what’s next?” Scarlett asks.

  “I don’t really know. We have no clue where Dagan is, but those guys were looking for him. I was just a bonus find. I still need to research at the library. I’m sure those guys woke up by now. I don’t think they would stay there. I imagine they’ll need to report to their leader, however they do that.”

  “Well, I’m coming with you,” Scarlett says. “Connor, can you watch the kids?”

  “Um, no,” he replies. “That’s not what we are gonna do. Obviously, this girl has secret weapons, but I think either just she and I go, or we take the kids to Mom’s and all go together.”

  “Mom’s it is, then. I’ll send a note and tell her you’re on your way to drop them off. Hey guys, get ready. Uncle Connor is taking you to grandma’s.”

  “Okay Mom,” the three answer in unison. Anika pops a cucumber in her mouth. Reese leads the way. Anika follows. Axel falls in behind, a trail of cracker crumbs in his wake.

  “Okay, Mom wrote back: ‘Sounds good.’ So you’re good to go. Hurry up, guys. Bus is leaving,” Scarlett calls up the stairs.

  Scuffling at the top of the stairs. Small feet begin to scurry down the steps. The kids come running into the foyer, but they lose Anika along the way.

  “Anika, let’s go,” Scarlett hollers from the doorway.

  “Coming,” she responds. She appears holding her crushed crown. The flimsy paper is completely unfolded and nearly dry.

  “Hey Anika, can I see your crown paper?” I ask.

  “Sure,” she says. “You can have it.”

  I take the paper from her and realize it’s a hastily hand-written note:


  I waited as long as I could, but got word some not-so-good people… lookin’ for me. Whatever you… NOT… my house… not safe… to Cush… by the… statue… don’t… find me… look for you… Perseph… Directio… See you…


  The words are nearly indecipherable. The ink is smeared all over the crumpled damp sheet.

  “Where was this, Anika?”

  “It was sitting on this gigantic book,” she says. “In one of the smaller rooms.” Most likely The Complete History of Technology in the room he ‘dropped’ the book in.

  “I’m gonna hold on to this. That okay with you?”

  “It’s my pleasure,” she motions me to her. I stoop down. She puts her tiny hand against my ear again. “Secret werewolves have to stick together. I made it for you. I just had to try it out first,” she whispers between a sweet smile.

  “All right, let’s go guys,” Connor says, keys dangling in hand.

  “Okay, Uncle Connor.” Axel begins to march out; Anika follows behind.

  “Following the leader, the leader, the leader, following the leader… wherever he may go,” they sing from Peter Pan marching in their little line of two.

  Reesy motions me over to her. She takes my hand and places a tiny object in it. “This will help keep you safe and brave. Don’t look until I’m gone, okay?” She looks at me earnestly.

  “I promise,” I whisper. She closes my hand with small slender fingers tipped with frosty blue nail polish.

  “Thank you, Reesy,” I say. She jumps in the Range Rover and they head off. In my hand lies a miniature Shopkins figurine. It’s shaped as a sleeping bag, the cover is folded down—yellow with pink hearts. Two painted eyes are closed and adorned with curly eyelashes. A tiny mouth is stretched wide in a yawn. Two tiny stub arms stick out on each side.

  I tuck my new companion in my pocket and follow Scarlett to a lamp on the long hall table. The end of which opens into the foyer. I hadn’t noticed before, but there’s a tall platform stiletto chaise lounge across from the table. It’s black and modern with a red sole. The lamp is shaped as a lipstick bottle. Black with a slanted red tipped lampshade. We gain nothing with the extra light. The ink is too runny.

  “I gotta go back to the library,” I say, looking up.

  “You think it’ll be safe?” she asks.

  “As safe as anywhere,” I reply. “I need information on vortexes and crossing transcendental planes. Really, I need the oldest books that are in there.”

  “Well, I know right where those are. Here, put out your hand.” She squirts ‘Lotion’ on my hand. It smells of freshly baked confetti cupcakes with homemade buttercream frosting. Silky ribbon laced ballet-pink, pointy stilettos. Loud music. Flashing lights. Scent of black licorice.

  “Do you smoke?” she asks, snapping me out of my reverie.

  “I do, in fact,” I reply.

  “Let’s have one really quick. We have time,” Scarlett says, walking outside. On her porch, we settle into vintage iron chairs equipped with black-and-white polka-dot cushions, very comfortable. We both light our cigarettes.

  “Those shoes are pretty awesome,” she says, looking at my sandals. “They saved our lives.” She exhales.

  “I know. The problem is I don’t know how they work. They have a mind of their own, otherwise I wouldn’t have let this happen.” I point to my bruised face. While it’s still tender, it’s healing very quickly. No pain. Suspicious.

  “Well, they saved us. Thank you,” she says.

  “Anytime,” I laugh.

  “So… You and Levi...” She trails off… “What was that like?” She taps her cigarette against the glass ashtray.


  “Sleeping with the Devil…”

  “Ugh,” I roll my eyes. “Stupid. That’s what it was. Blind and stupid.”

  “Well, we all make mistakes.”

  “This is true,” I reply, stubbing out the butt.

  Connor pulls up in the Range Rover. We meet him at the car and get in. “Where to, ladies?” he asks.

  “Back to the library,” Scarlett responds.

  “Really? Is it safe?”

  “Doesn’t matter. I’ve got to go there. And if I know anything about those Inner-circles, it’s that they’re already back in Gold Shire by now.”

  “Sounds good. Let’s hit it,” he replies.


  When we reach the library, it’s beginning to get dark. Scarlett takes us to the antiquated books section. It’s walled-off. She pulls out an ancient-looking skeleton key.

  “All Crystal Shire residents eighteen and up get a key,” she explains. We go through the door into a narrow tunnel and emerge into a circular room. The books are stacked with such care. Flat, not upright. They’re very old, primordial. The smell of old hardcovers fills the room. The whole castle, really, but this room especially emits the scent of aged paper. Still, the books’ condition is nearly immaculate. This is spiritual preservation at work.

  “Okay, vortexes and transcendental planes.”

  Expertly navigating the room, Scarlett points out where to look. She obviously spends a lot of time here. “I work here in-kind sometimes,” she answers my unspoken thought.

  We split up and scan the shelves. Scarlett looks for vortexes and Connor looks for transcendental planes. I look for a Bible. I know there has to be a copy here. I’m hoping it’s an old one. Finally, I spot it. It’s the oldest book in the room. It even has its own shelf. The cover is preserved and written in Latin. I scoop it up, carefully.

  “I’ve got something,” Connor says from across the room. He carries a thick book. Leather bound with thin pages. “Just says Vortex. Super old, like all of ‘em, but this one is really aged.”

  “Looks good,” I say, inspecting the fragile spine.

  “Transcendental Planes,” Scarlett exclaims, emerging with an equally archaic book, similar cover.

  “Perfect. It’s a place to start. Thank you, guys.” With that, we lock up the room and head back to Regina’s. I’ve got some studying to do.

  “Thank you so much, guys,” I say through the open car window.

  “Well, just keep me posted,” Scarlett replies. “I need to help in any way I can.”

  “Me too,” Connor adds.

  “Will do. I’ll send notes with updates.” I wave them off and head straight to the kitchen. I grab a Honeycrisp apple and some cucumber water and climb the stairs. I don’t have much of an appetite, but I need to eat.

  In the room, I change for bed. Donning one of Shane’s old oversized t-shirts, it’s blue and features his hockey team—The Wolves. I brush my teeth and wash my face. Then, I walk over to the coffee table where the books lie. I pick up Vortex and settle into the downy fluff. I tuck my feet beneath me.

  “Hey Lyv,” Persephone speaks with a tone of seriousness. She appears on the loveseat cross-legged. She’s in a cotton-candy-pink t-shirt and flamingo colored fitted jeans. Tennis shoe-d feet peek beneath her bent legs. Splashes of color spray the white canvas shoes. A hardcover balances between her knees.

  “What’s up?”

  “I did some digging and found some pertinent intel on Dagan,” she says, looking up to meet my eyes. “Really pertinent…”

  “Okay, lay it on me,” I reply.

  “It’s kind of huge, Lyv. You might want to hug a pillow.” I set the book to the side and grab the nearest one.

  “The day your parents went to the Cush,” she starts.

  I’m gravely familiar with the trip. My dad, quite the gambler, had won a sizable bet. Problem was, the man he bet against wasn’t good for the money. Instead of cash, he offered a vehicle. Not just any vehicle. Shaped like the Batmobile, this novel automobile could fly at light speed, enter other dimensions, and time travel.

  “Winner, winner, chicken dinner!” Pops exclaimed when he received the keys to his new toy. He decided to take my mom to one of the most legendary places in the Realm. A place no man had gone before.

  In the Cush there’s an archaic statue placed above a waterfall. The sculpture is carved out of ivory and shaped as a giant tree. A nude woman and man are featured beneath the limbs. An apple hangs from the branch between them. A massive snake wraps itself around the tree trunk. Also, around the tree are animals, plants, flowers, and even a unicorn in the mix. The Garden of Eden.


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