Hector’s Reward

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by K. L. Fast

  Hector’s Reward

  The Valladares Family Saga Book 4

  KL Fast

  Flirty Filth Publishing

  Hector’s Reward (The Valladares Family Saga, Book 4)

  By KL Fast

  © KL Fast 2019 Flirty Filth Publishing.

  All Rights Reserved

  By the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, the scanning, uploading, and electronic sharing of any part of this book without permission of the publisher is unlawful piracy and theft of the author’s intellectual property. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the author except for brief quotations used in a book review.

  This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the writer’s imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, locales, or organizations is entirely coincidental.

  The use of actors, artists, movies, TV shows and song titles/lyrics throughout this book are done so for storytelling purposes and should in no way be seen as an advertisement. Trademark names are used editorially with no intention of infringement of the respective owner’s trademark.

  This book is intended for adults only. Contains sexual content and language that may offend some. The suggested reading audience is 18 years or older. I consider this book as Erotic Adult Romance.

  Created with Vellum



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8




  About the Author

  Other Books By KL Fast


  Hector Valladares

  Carmen Abrantes was my obsession.

  I will do anything to make her mine.

  Carmen Abrantes

  Hector Valladares was a means to an end.

  Now I am his and I can't wait to see how this plays out.

  This is book four of the La Familia Valladares saga. The Valladare and Abrantes families are merging in a way that was previously unheard of.

  Caution: This novella may contain situations of violence and too hot for your Kindle scenes, though not together.

  For my best bitch, MK… Thank you for everything…


  Hector “Junior” Valladares

  I have been up since six-thirty this morning, though to be honest sleep never really came. Last night, I killed two men. Two brothers actually, then I called my brother to clean up my mess. No one and I mean no one embezzles money from the Valladares family and gets away with it. After the kills, I was way too amped up to sleep. Sure, the men deserved it and it doesn’t weigh heavy on me, so I am not sure why sleep eluded me. My father texted me at seven-fifty to advise me of a meeting in the dining room at eight. A hot shower, a suit, and some toast later, I am the first to arrive.

  I haven't had a lot of time to wonder what this meeting could possibly be about, but I take the time now. He never needs all three of us at once. Normally, he and I meet daily at around ten. He tells me what needs to be done and I give orders to the capos who then carry those orders out, usually using soldiers to make it happen. I take a seat at the table, coffee in hand.

  I don’t have to wait long. A few minutes later, once my brothers, Eco and Benny are seated, my dad walks in with a stack of folders tucked under his arm. My sister, Ivy, is off doing her own thing as usual.

  “Boys, inside these folders are your future. I have met with four of the other heads of families. We have no choice but to unite forces against the Popov family. They are systematically killing our men. Each family has lost at least one enforcer in the last couple of weeks. They want to take over East Coast Operations and we can’t let that happen. Marriage is the most sure-fire way to unite. I have decided who is best suited to you based on these dossiers,” he says in a no-nonsense voice. That doesn’t stop Benny from questioning him though. I keep my laughter at bay as Dad puts him in his place.

  This is just about the craziest idea I have ever heard, but once Dad leaves, I stand and stare at the pile. “How should we do this?” I ask, laughing.

  “Just pass the damn things out,” Benny says, grabbing the first folder in the pile. Eco and I grab one, opening them. I look over at him to find him looking at me. We each shrug and swap folders. Opening this one, I get an entirely different feeling than when I opened the first one.

  Carmen Yazmina Abrantes’ picture is staring back at me and I begin to feel something. Something that I have never felt before. Desire to bed a woman, but it’s more than that. She looks like my wife. My soulmate. Her long chocolate brown hair is slightly curled at the ends. My hand involuntary twitch at the thought of running my fingers through what is sure to be silky strands. Her green eyes are staring up to me. I can imagine her looking up at me, begging me to take her. Own her. Breed her. When I look up from the folder again, both Benny and Eco are long gone. Taking my phone out of my pocket, I call Levi, our tech master.

  “Levi, it’s Junior. I need you to run a name and get me everything you can on her,” I say.

  “Sure thing, Boss. Her name?” he asks. I love being the fucking boss. My orders are obeyed like second nature. No one wants to be on the receiving end of either my wrath or my blade.

  “Carmen Abrantes, age twenty-two. I mean everything Levi, starting with where she’ll be this afternoon.”

  “Give me ten,” he says ending the call.

  I head into the kitchen for another cup of coffee while I wait. I am an impatient man and I hate to wait. I scroll through my phone to get a feel for Carmen’s social media presence. On her Facebook, her profile picture is set to one of her with a man. I growl under my breath. She better not have a man, because I won’t hesitate to kill him. I am irrationally pissed by the mere fact that this picture exists. Fuming, I keep scrolling. Thankfully, nothing else I see sets me off. I see that she recently received her red belt in karate. She also is into kickboxing and pilates. She also posts a lot of memes. A lot. Mostly involving cats. She also posts a lot of self-defense tips. I would not have expected that from the picture of my girl in the folder. Both sides of her appeals to my nature.

  Levi calls me less than ten minutes later.

  “Boss. Hey, she’ll be Enrico’s Gym around six. She is currently at work. She is a paralegal at Graham, Feinstein, and Polling in Newark. She takes her lunch at noon every day and shares an office with another paralegal James Tallmound, twenty-five. Her mother, Jocelyn was murdered in front of her in 2005. She was injured, but not critically. The assailant was never caught. Her cell phone number is 908-989-1869. She’s a parishioner at St. Rita’s in Plainfield. I have other less important information I can email you,” he says.

  “Email is fine. Thank you, Levi. I’ll let you know if I need anything else.” We hang up and a few seconds later, the email comes in. It’s only nine-thirty. What the fuck am I going to do until six?

  I make a fresh cup of coffee and head out the back door. Across the lawn is my private quarters. It’s a smaller version of the big house. As soon as I walk in, I take notice of my surroundings. It severely lacks a woman’s touch, but I’ve never really thought about things like that. Will she even like this house when I get her here?

  I’ve got a few hours to ponder that, though.

  Chapter One


  Carmen Abrantes

  “Hijo de puta,” I mumble under my breath. I fucking hate him. My father Luis Abrantes is the head of the Abrantes C
rime Family. He’s the shadiest motherfucker to ever walk the earth. He thinks that I don't know what is going on, but I do. I’ve known for the last three months that I was basically being sold for protection. Not my own though, oh no. It is so he can keep his place as the head of the family. So that he won't have to worry about the Valladares coming after him or the fucked up, shady shit he has going on behind everyone's backs. He's not just giving me to any family though. He is giving me to the Valladares. They are one of the most well-known Cuban mafia families in New Jersey.

  What he doesn't know is that I have been biding my time until I can strike. The motherfucker doesn’t give me the credit I deserve. I know every little thing he does behind the scenes. I fucking know everything about his business, his associates, even the revolving door of the whores he dates. I made a deal with myself that I would never be caught unawares again. When I was nine, I witnessed my mother being murdered by "bad men."

  As I grew older and started looking into my father's business. I started to get the feeling that it was no accident that my mother died. I wholeheartedly believe that Luis Abrantes had his wife killed because she found out about his business dealings with the Popov's and was planning on leaving him and taking me with her.

  That was the day my childhood was ripped away from me by a single bullet to the back of my mother's head. I wipe away an angry tear off of my cheek and march up to my bedroom. Ever since that day I have been secretly training alongside my father’s men. I take self-defense classes, boxing, and two forms of martial arts. I practice with blades. My favorite being the butterfly knife. I spent years training to be the best that I could be with any weapons, but the knife is my go-to. I’ve learned that I must protect myself in this life because my father never will do so properly. I have no one else in my corner to count on.

  When I found out what he was planning, I set my own plan into motion. I am going to get all the information I can on my father about his shady dealings, tie it with a pretty pink bow and give it to my “future husband” and have him help me take my father out, once and for all.

  I’d worry about getting rid of the “husband” problem after my father is finally gone. I make it to my bedroom and shut the door. I look around my little room and sigh. I may not have a lot in here but what I do have in here is irreplaceable. I rub my sore arm from where my father had grabbed me when he found out I had been sneaking out of the house for my classes. If he had his way, I would never leave the house he had tutors come in to help homeschool me until I graduated a couple of months ago. He might hate me, but he couldn’t very well have a dumbass for a daughter, not if he wanted to save face with the other families. In fact, that is the only time I am allowed to leave the house is to go to work at the law office or when there is a ball or some shit. On days when he leaves bruises on my face, I have to call in sick. When he grabbed me today, I almost let it slip that I was not this little puta that he can beat on, but I need more information before I can show him just what kind of monster, he has made me become.

  I lock my door and make my way to my bed and sit on the floor next to it. I reach under it for the loose floorboard. Once it is open, I pull out the few precious things I have left in my life. One is a gold necklace my mom gave to me on my eighth birthday. She told me it was from my great-grandmother on her side and how her husband had saved up for a year before he could afford to get it for her. Then I have two pictures of me and her. They are the only ones to still exist. Right after my mom died, my father had every picture of her taken out of the house and burned. I have some other small knick-knacks that I have collected over the years. I also have two flash drives full of shit to try and take my father down.

  This is where I have everything hidden from him. Hell, he would probably give me to his men if he found out that I plan on betraying him then he’d kill me himself. I kiss the picture of my mom then put everything back in its place. I have to be at my Krav Maga class in thirty minutes and refuse to miss it.

  Luckily, I know his schedule like the back of my hand and planned all of my stuff for when he leaves, and I know he will be gone for a while. Sure enough, fifteen minutes later he is in his car heading to God knows where, to see God knows who, but I don't care. I finally get a break from him and his men. I get to go to the one place in the world where I don't feel like the daughter of a mob boss or the lonely girl that is stuck in her room wishing for a life, she while most likely die trying to get. When I am out of the house, I can be the girl I want to be the one that isn't afraid of anything.

  While I am out, I can at least pretend to be the woman I know I can be and will be once I dig my way out of the hell my father has put me in.

  Chapter Two


  I have done nothing but pace the floor as I debated whether or not to storm my girl’s office and claim her there or wait until I could get her alone. The hardest thing I ever had to do was wait until that happened. At five-forty-five I pulled into Enrico’s Gym parking lot and waited for her to arrive. Given her family’s wealth, I didn’t expect her to pull up in a teeny tiny black Smart Car. Her windows are down, and Tupac is blaring from her speakers. She is belting out California Love like a boss bitch and it causes me to chuckle. Dios, she is glorious.

  At first glance, I can tell her picture didn’t do her any justice. When she gets out of the car, I suck in a sharp breath. Her long hair is up in a long, sleek ponytail, the kind that would be perfect to wrap around my fist as I fuck her from behind. Moving down her body, her tits are encased in an entirely too tight black tank top and while I hate that other man can see her, I’ll be the first to admit she is fucking gorgeous. Then I get to her tight yoga pants. Fuck, I can tell she isn’t wearing any panties and I can make out the outline of her pussy lips. Fuck. You have got to be kidding me. There is no motherfucking way she can go in there dressed like that without me. Dressed for the gym, I quickly get out of the car and move to intercept her. Thankfully, at that moment, she drops one of her sparring gloves.

  “Excuse me, miss,” I call out, desperate to hear her voice. She stops and turns to look in my direction.

  “Yes?” she asks. Her husky voice different from her singing voice is laced with a New Jersey accent. It hits my ears and every nerve in my body comes alive.

  “You dropped your glove,” I say handing it back to her.

  “Oh, um, thanks,” she says letting her fingertips linger on mine. The air seemingly sizzles between us. I am about two seconds away from leaning in and tasting her plump lips, but I refrain. Now is not the time.

  “I’m Junior. Junior Valladares,” I say with pride. My family is everything to me. Familia, honor, y poder is our motto for a reason.

  “Valladares? As in Valladares, Valladares?”


  “Are you stalking me?” she asks, quirking her perfectly arched eyebrow at me.

  “Not anymore,” I answer honestly.

  “Well, that’s alarming.”

  “I am not here to scare you.”

  “What are you here for?” she says breathlessly.

  “To meet a beautiful woman.”

  “So, what you are saying is that any beautiful woman would do?”

  “Not at all. Only you.”

  “Okay, well this was surreal. I have to get to class,” she says trying to walk away from me. I am not this guy, normally, but I can’t let her go. Not now. Not when I just found her.

  “What kind of class?”

  “You mean you don’t know. As my stalker, I’d expect you to know,” she says smiling at me.

  “I am new at this. This is my one and only stalking.”

  “I find that hard to believe.”

  “Alright, my first stalking of a woman. I’ve clearly stalked my prey before.”

  “I have heard of your family, but I am not sure which brother you are,” she admits.

  “Hector Junior,” I answer.

  “Oh,” she breathes.

  “So, you know who I am and why I am

  “Where the hell have you been?” she asks accusingly

  “Excuse me?” what the hell is she talking about?

  “I have been waiting for you for three fucking months,” she states matter of factly raising her brow


  “My father told me about “the plan” three months ago.”

  “Mine told me about six hours ago. Had I known you were waiting for me, you better fucking believe that I’d have been here sooner.” I tell her taking a step closer.

  “Uh-huh. I figured you were out there sowing your wild oats or something.”

  “Nope. No oats here.” she nods her head but the look in her eyes tells me she doesn't believe what I am saying. Which irritates the fuck out of me.

  “Well, it was nice meeting you. I don’t want to be late.” Hell, if she knows I am to be her husband why does she keep trying to push me away

  “What are you working on?” I ask not wanting this to end.

  “Krav Maga. I am a brown belt.” She tells me proudly and it's the first glimpse of real sass from her I've seen.

  “Really? I am a level 1 black belt.”

  “Really?” I nod. “Spar with me? There is no one else at this gym at my level.” she looks so fucking excited there is no way I could ever tell her no, but I want something too

  “Go out to dinner with me after?” I counter.


  * * *

  I am sweating, my cock is hard, and I never want to leave her side again. Her skill level is impressive and watching her move made me think of the way she must move in bed. Then I got pissed thinking of the other assholes she’s fucked along the way, but once I get done with her, she’ll never think of another man again.


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