Perfect Love

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Perfect Love Page 13

by Trina Lane

  The attraction between them was undeniable. He’d seen the erection pushing against Ethan’s trousers despite the man’s attempt at discretion. The column had twitched as if reaching out to Ryan when he’d closed the distance between their bodies before leaving the office.

  As he pulled into the garage at the office, he smiled. Wrapping up this case would be enjoyable for multiple reasons. Not only would he see Yeung brought to justice, but now, he got to look forward to working with Ethan. Working very closely if he got his way, which he usually did.

  Chapter Two

  He was going to be late, but there was no help for it.

  It was Sunday, and Ethan had only intended to spin by the office for a few minutes to pick up some notes, but the first assistant attorney had called him into his office to find out how the initial interview with the FBI on the Yeung case had gone. Why the man couldn’t have done it two days ago when Ethan had had the appointment, instead of today of all days, he didn’t know. But that was Murphy’s Law for you.

  Now, Ethan was in a race for time. He had to shower, change, and make it to Mission Hill in an hour. It was a good thing his loft was in the South End, not too terribly far from Rick, Conor and Calleigh’s, but try as he might he was going to be late.

  Two days ago when Rick had called and asked for his advice on a legal matter, he hadn’t anticipated seeing his old friends so soon. However, yesterday, Conor had called and said they had an extra ticket to the Patriots versus the Jets game, and did Ethan want to come in appreciation for his help? He’d jumped at the chance. He was always open to any excuse to see a good game and spend time with friends.

  He pushed repeatedly on the button for the elevator in his building. Subconsciously, he knew that didn’t make it move any faster, but it made him feel better. When it finally arrived, he jumped in and hit the button for the fourth floor.

  It took only a few moments before he was at the door of his apartment. He unlocked the door and pushed his way inside. His bedroom was immediately off the entrance hallway. He stripped on the way, dropping his clothes in a trail leading to the en suite bathroom. He reached into the glass-walled shower to turn on the spray.

  As the water heated, he wrapped a towel around his waist and went in search of a pair of jeans and shirt to wear to the game. He triumphantly cheered when he found his favourite pair clean. Opening his closet doors, he found a green, long-sleeved crew top. He knew the colour made his eyes pop and he wasn’t averse to attracting the attention of any handsome guys. Granted a professional football game wasn’t the best cruising spot, but it never hurt to appear your best when single and looking.

  He padded back into the bathroom and stepped into the shower. The hot water beating on his skin made him sigh. He knew he didn’t have time to dally, but he’d already resigned himself to being late. If a man wasn’t getting any sex, he might as well enjoy his shower time. He lifted the bottle of gel and rubbed across his chest, giving his nipples a little twist. The spike in sensation caused his cock to jump from where it rested between his legs. He squirted more gel in the palm of his hand and reached down to grasp the hardening flesh. Leaning back against the large tiles of the enclosure, he closed his eyes to further savour the arousal building inside him.

  Ryan’s tall athletic physique was the first image that came into focus behind Ethan’s eyelids. His hand encircled his now fully engorged cock and stroked up and down. He gave a little twist over the head at the top of each movement. His other hand manipulated his nipples, tweaking the tight nubs. The slight pinch morphed into pleasure as he sped up his hand.

  He pictured Ryan’s blue-grey eyes watching him as he jacked-off. The light orbs burning with desire, Ryan’s lips open as he panted. Ethan had never been one for exhibitionism but whatever worked. He stripped Ryan in his mind, the stylish black suit instantly evaporated. Ethan was greeted with a defined chest and ripped abdominals. Arms delineated with muscle. The chiselled calves and thighs of his long legs rose to lean hips with a perfectly cut ‘v’ guiding one’s gaze to a long thick cock. He imagined taking it deep in his throat. Swallowing around the head and tasting the spurts of pre-cum on his tongue. His hand would cup and roll the heavy balls as Ryan held his head and fucked his mouth in driving thrusts.

  Ethan felt his orgasm racing down his spine and pooling low in his balls. His mind reached out for Ryan once more, asking him for help.

  Imaginary Ryan walked up to him as he had in the office, his body now wet from the shower they shared. The drops of water made rivulets down the sculpted planes of his body. Ryan placed his hands on the wall beside Ethan’s head, and this time, their bodies touched. Chest to chest, stomach to stomach, cock to cock. Ethan wrapped his arms around the larger man and heard his deep voice in his ear. “Come.”

  Ethan yelled Ryan’s name. Ropes of cum shot up onto his stomach and chest, only to be washed away by the spray from the shower. He milked his cock until the last aftershock trembled through his body. After he caught his breath, he quickly finished washing and dried off.

  Rushing through the last of his preparations, he dressed and attempted to tame his thick hair with some mousse and the blow dryer. Snatching his keys from where he’d dropped them on the table by the door, he left to meet the guys. Maybe he should call them and see if they could meet at the stadium instead of their house?

  * * * *

  They were in line at the concession stand during halftime when Ethan felt someone come up behind him and stand extremely close. Talk about invading my personal space. He was getting ready to turn around and confront the guy, when a pair of large hands settled on his hips and a dark voice rumbled in his ear.

  “Your ass looks incredible in these jeans. I’ve been watching you for the last ten minutes.”

  He knew that deep voice. The owner had acted out the starring role in his fantasy earlier. Ethan looked over his shoulder and smiled. He let his weight sag against the larger man, and Ryan gave a little grind of his hips into the object of his professed obsession. The line moved forward, and Ethan stepped out of the embrace, instantly missing the feel of those wonderful hands on his body. He turned sideways and sucked in a harsh breath at the sight of Ryan’s tall, muscular body draped in a pair of dark, form-fitting jeans and a Patriots jersey stretched across his broad shoulders and chest.

  God, he looks amazing.

  “Thank you. You do, too.”

  “Damn, did I say that out loud?”

  Ethan took another step forward in line. Rick looked back at him with his eyebrow raised in question but then faced front again. Ethan saw him poke Conor and jerk his head back in their direction with a smile on his face. He rolled his eyes at his best friends and gave Rick a little shove on the back.

  “Friends of yours?” Ryan asked, chuckling at the men’s antics.

  “Yeah.” He turned his head and raised his voice enough for it to carry to the two men in front of him. “Although for the life of me I can’t remember why.”

  Rick turned and faced Ethan. “I think you shamelessly use us for free baseball and football tickets.”

  Conor looked over his shoulder. “Nah, remember Rick, we blackmailed him ten years ago. Said, if he didn’t hang out with us, we would tell everyone about his secret stash of—”

  “Order your beer, clowns.” Ethan turned his back on Rick and Conor and looked into Ryan’s eyes. “Ignore them. They’re like little kids on the playground, taunting and teasing just to get a rise out of you.” He tilted his head to whisper in Ryan’s ear “They are really good friends though. I can’t imagine my life without them.”

  “Your turn, grape-nuts.”

  Ethan growled at the sound of his despised nick-name coming from Rick’s mouth. “Then again.”

  He turned around and placed his order with the concession clerk. When he went to grab his wallet, Ryan stopped him.

  “Allow me.” He looked at the attendant. “Can you add another beer and a pretzel on to that, please?”

  Ethan smiled
and accepted his drink. When Ryan was finished paying, they stepped away from the counter, and he looked around to see where Rick and Conor had wandered off to. He spotted them by the entrance to the section where they were sitting and headed that direction with Ryan.

  “Rick, Conor, I’d like you to meet Ryan Ashton.” He placed his hand low on Ryan’s back. He used his other hand, holding the beer, to gesture to his friends. “Ryan, these reprobates are Rick Connor and Conor McGuire. We all played soccer and roomed together at Boston College.”

  Ryan held out his hand to each man. “It’s nice to meet you.” He gestured to the entrance. “Is this your section?”

  Rick turned his head as the crowd cheered for the players returning to the field. “Yes, there’re plenty of open seats around if you want to join us.”

  “That would be great.”

  When they got back to their seats, Rick stepped past Ethan and winked. The whistle sounded, and they all cheered as the kick was returned to the Jets forty yard line. Several plays later, the stadium erupted as Tom Brady threw for a touchdown. Ethan turned, and Ryan’s arms wrapped around him, lifting him into a crushing hug. It lasted only a few seconds, but the sensation of their bodies pressed together burned through Ethan’s clothes despite the cold temperature outside.

  When a time out was called, Ryan leaned over to see Rick and Conor talking to each other. He raised his voice to be heard over the roar of the stadium. “So tell me the story behind ‘grape-nuts’.”

  He laughed when Ethan put his head in his hands and shrank down into his seat. He placed a hand on Ethan’s thigh, giving a little squeeze.

  Conor smiled. “Oh, this is great. So we were in our second year at B.C., and as Ethan mentioned, we all played football. Sorry, soccer to ye yanks. We were in the middle of a murder of a game against Duke. Ethan here was our midfielder and went in fer a steal, but slipped on the grass. He ended up getting a kick in the bollocks by their forward as he went to shoot. As you can imagine, he curled up like a little babby and turned an impressive shade of green, rivalling the fields of Shannon. The next day, we were getting dressed for practice and we all noticed that one of the family jewels had travelled north—I imagine seeking a safer neighbourhood. His sac contracted, adopting a bright purple coloration. Hence the name ‘grape-nuts’.”

  “Oh fuck!” Ryan cupped a hand over his cock, wincing. He noticed several similar reactions from guys sitting near them. He looked at Ethan who appeared to be trying to disappear into the plastic of the seat at that point. “Didn’t you guys wear cups?”

  Ethan sat up and gave Conor an evil glare for telling his tale of misery with such enthusiasm. The man just laughed then Ethan turned his head to look at Ryan. “No, they hampered the movement when we ran so I always just wore compression shorts. After that day though, I found a pair that I could slip a shield into the pouch so I had some protection.”

  Ryan desperately wanted to pull Ethan into his arms and hold the man. It was obvious he was embarrassed about the story, but then Ryan saw a smile and Ethan started laughing with his buddies. That laugh sank deep inside and warmed Ryan in the cold, early evening air. The game continued, and he exploited every opportunity to touch Ethan. By the end of the game, his body was so tense he nearly vibrated with lust.

  As they shuffled out of the stadium, he was bumped from behind and ended up running into Ethan who was in front of him. Ethan started to fall, and Ryan latched an arm around his trim waist and hauled him back against his body. That perfect ass landed directly on top of his cock, and he thrust against it. There were so many people surrounding them that he knew nobody could see what he did. He thought he heard a moan from Ethan, but couldn’t be sure with all the raucous. Rick and Conor stood on either side of them. He saw Conor laugh, and Rick gave him a hard pat on the shoulder. They finally walked out of the gates several feet away. Once their small group cleared the mob, they paused.

  “Did you all drive together?” Ryan asked.

  “Yes, saves on the outrageous parking fees,” Rick answered then he turned to Ethan. “Although someone almost made us miss kickoff.”

  Ethan crossed his arms, glaring at Rick. “It wasn’t my fault, and I said I would meet you here.” He looked at Ryan. “Did you drive?”

  “No, I took the train. I hate having to deal with parking at these things.”

  “Would you like a ride?” Conor asked.

  “Where do you live? I’d hate to make you go out of your way.”

  “We’re in Mission Hill, and Ethan’s car is there. He lives in the South End. What about you?”

  “I’ve got a loft in the Piano Craft Guild building on Tremont,” he said.

  Ethan smiled. “That’s only ten minutes from me!”

  The bright orbs of Ryan’s blue-grey eyes pulled Ethan in like a tractor beam. He took a step towards him and lifted his hand a few inches.

  “Perfect. You can ride with us then Ethan will drive you home.” He saw that neither man had moved. “Or wherever.”

  Ryan took Ethan’s hand and held it between their bodies. “Would you mind?”

  Ethan visualised sparks arching between him and Ryan and slid his hands up Ryan’s rock-hard chest eager to complete the circuit. His thumbs rubbed over pebbled nipples, and the trance he’d been in broke as lids covered Ryan’s eyes. He wanted to kiss him so bad but figured outside a stadium with a thousand revellers milling around them wasn’t an ideal location for the first time.

  As if he’d read Ethan’s mind, Ryan’s low voice said, “Wait. I want you too bad to stop before things get out of hand in public.”

  Ethan was pushed forward as Rick directed them to where they’d parked the car. Looking over his shoulder, Ethan saw that Conor was doing the same to Ryan. He really did have good friends.

  Chapter Three

  Ryan settled in the seat of Ethan’s Toyota Camry coup and latched his seatbelt. The interior was spacious and well appointed. It even had one of those nifty navigation screens with all the bells and whistles. When Ethan started the ignition, loud classic rock blared through the speakers.

  He jerked his hand up to the volume control. “Sorry about that. I tend to like loud music when I drive.”

  “No problem. Generally, I do, too.”

  Ryan saw the bright whites of Ethan’s smile, and it made him feel all mushy inside that he caused the man joy.

  “Calleigh seems really nice, and those little boys are a riot.”

  “Yeah, I’d only met her tonight before the game. Rick and Conor have talked about her non-stop for the past three years, but they only solidified their union a couple of months ago.”

  “Why is that?”

  “Mostly it was because she was grieving for her husband who was killed on active duty in Iraq. He was the boys’ father, but they never knew him. As far as they’re concerned, Rick and Conor are their dads.”

  “Did she never tell them, or are they just too young to understand?”

  “I think they know superficially. Calleigh always takes them to visit his memorial on the anniversary of his death, but being only three years old I doubt it’s held much meaning for them.”

  “So this might be a little bit of a personal question, but are Rick and Conor bi-sexual?”

  “No, they only want Calleigh. Don’t get me wrong. They love each other, but it’s more like brothers. They’ve shared women since our college days and have been looking for someone to complete their triangle for several years. Their love for her has been obvious, and I was thrilled when they finally made their move.”

  Rick watched as Ethan expertly manoeuvred through the traffic, heading into the South End. Was Ethan going to take him home and leave, or would they have the opportunity to take their desire further? He really didn’t care whose house they ended up at, as long as Ethan ended up in his arms. He grinned as they passed the turn to his place.

  “You missed the turn to my loft.”


  He placed his hand on Ethan’s thig
h and slid it between his legs. The legs parted slightly giving him more room to play. “You’re kidnapping me?”

  “I like to think of it as pressing into service.”

  “And who am I going to serve?”

  “Well, if I play my cards right, me.”

  Ethan’s eyes left the road for a few seconds, but that was all Ryan needed to see the arousal burning in their golden depths. Oh yes, he was going to have this man. He couldn’t wait to feel that toned, lean body press against him. There was nothing better than the hard body of a lover arching into him as they both hurtled towards climax.

  “I live to satisfy your every need.” He knew the line was cheesy, but he was having fun with the sexual banter. It helped keep his arousal in check until they reached their destination.

  The promise in Ryan’s deep voice caused Ethan’s foot to press harder on the accelerator. His cock was so hard it pushed into the zipper of his jeans painfully. By the end of the night, he wouldn’t be surprised to see little ridge impressions from the teeth. He squirmed in the seat, trying to find a position that eased some of the pressure.

  Finally, they were at his apartment, and he pulled into his designated spot. He got out of the car then looked over his shoulder to see Ryan right behind him. Tensing every muscle in his body so he didn’t take off for the doors at a sprint, he held out his hand to his soon-to-be lover.

  They were fortunate that the elevator opened right way. They stepped inside, and once he pushed the button for the fourth floor, he found himself up against the wall with Ryan’s mouth latched onto his. He opened, welcoming the thrust of Ryan’s slick tongue, and moaned when Ryan cupped his ass to grind their cocks together.

  He wrapped his arms around Ryan’s neck, kissing him back. His tongue duelled for supremacy. He changed the angle of his head to deepen the kiss, licking into the sweet recesses of the hot mouth. He pushed against the larger man’s body, and they ended up in reverse position on the opposite wall.


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